Import Data To Table With Foreign Key Triggers

Oct 3, 2007

I've imported data from an Excel spreadsheet to a table that has fields to match the destination table I'm trying to populate. The destination table has an Insert trigger with several checks on certain fields to make sure they have corresponding records in other tables.

If I do a statement like
"INSERT INTO destinationTable
etc etc
SELECT * FROM oldtable"
it runs for a while then gives me error messages from the trigger and rolls back the Insert.

The trigger has code such as
"IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM inserted WHERE ((inserted.Product Is Not Null))) != (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblInProduct, inserted WHERE (tblInProduct.Product = inserted.Product))
(Error message code goes here)

So, do I need to do an INNER JOIN to each of the related files?
When I try that, I get this error:
"Msg 121, Level 15, State 1, Line 2
The select list for the INSERT statement contains more items than the insert list. The number of SELECT values must match the number of INSERT columns."
Is SQL counting the foreign key fields as separate fields, or what?

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How To Import CSV Data Into Table With Foreign Key Conversion

Nov 17, 2013

Our SQL 2008 R2 relational database has tables with foreign key relationships for part numbers. We receive production data from a separate program and we need to import the CSV data into our database application.

The problem is our separate program creates a CSV file with the actual part number "362S162-33". In our database we have a separate parts table (example: 362S162-33 has identity "15").

We need to import data into a production table that has a "part number" (FK) column.

How can we, when importing, cross-reference the "parts table" to convert the part number to the identity number. We have thousands of parts, so we need this change of part number column to the FK identity automatically on import.

Production Table:
idComponent (PK), [1000]
ComponentName, [Assembly108]
idPartNumber (FK), [15]
ComponentLength, [230.5]
UserMessage, [Assembly is 230.5 inches using 362S162-33]
Qty; [1]

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Import Csv Data To Dbo.Tables Via CREATE TABLE && BUKL INSERT:How To Designate The Primary-Foreign Keys && Set Up Relationship?

Jan 28, 2008

Hi all,

I use the following 3 sets of sql code in SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE) to import the csv data/files to 3 dbo.Tables via CREATE TABLE & BUKL INSERT operations:

-- ImportCSVprojects.sql --

USE ChemDatabase




ProjectID int,

ProjectName nvarchar(25),

LabName nvarchar(25)


BULK INSERT dbo.Projects

FROM 'c:myfileProjects.csv'






-- ImportCSVsamples.sql --

USE ChemDatabase




SampleID int,

SampleName nvarchar(25),

Matrix nvarchar(25),

SampleType nvarchar(25),

ChemGroup nvarchar(25),

ProjectID int


BULK INSERT dbo.Samples

FROM 'c:myfileSamples.csv'






-- ImportCSVtestResult.sql --

USE ChemDatabase




AnalyteID int,

AnalyteName nvarchar(25),

Result decimal(9,3),

UnitForConc nvarchar(25),

SampleID int


BULK INSERT dbo.TestResults

FROM 'c:myfileLabTests.csv'







The 3 csv files were successfully imported into the ChemDatabase of my SSMSE.

2 questions to ask:
(1) How can I designate the Primary and Foreign Keys to these 3 dbo Tables?
Should I do this "designate" thing after the 3 dbo Tables are done or during the "Importing" period?
(2) How can I set up the relationships among these 3 dbo Tables?

Please help and advise.

Thanks in advance,
Scott Chang

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Data Import - Foreign Key Question

Jul 23, 2005

This is a rather abstract question about data design, but I ask it herebecause a) the database is SQL Server, and b) you're such a learnedbunch!Let's assume the classic relation of Customers and Orders, where anOrder may reference a single Customer. If I was designing such arelation from scratch, I would create the Customer table with anIdentity column and call it CustomerID. The Order table would containa column called CustomerID, a foreign key to the Customer table.So far, so unexceptional. However, in my current project I have towork with legacy data that comes from a number of old Access systemswhere the data was not normalised. I wish to normalise it.The main table in this new system contains reports on parts. Eachreport may reference a single part. However, the old data which I haveto import allowed the user to type in the part number. This has led todirty data (for example, '40-7889-9098' appears, as does '40-7889-9098') so I will clean this data up. In the application, the partnumber will be selected from a drop down list, though the administratorwill have access to a builder to add, amend or delete part numbers.So, my report table needs to store a reference to a part. When Iimport the data into my SQL Report table, I will initially bring acrossthe part number. I will then populate the Part Numbers table with alldiscrete, distinct part numbers from the Report table. My question isshould I then create a PartNumberID column in both tables, and "backpopulate" the Report table with the PartNumberID which corresponds withthe matching PartNumber - e.g.UPDATERSETR.fldPartNumberID = PN.fldPartNumberIDFROMtblReports RINNER JOIN tblPartNumbers RNON R.fldPartNumber = RN.fldPartNumberI could then drop the fldPartNumber from the tblReports table.My question is - should I bother? Or can I just leave the actualPartNumber in the Reports table, and leave the tblPartNumbers tablewith a single column which is both Primary key and Foreign key?Sorry if this is poorly expressed - I had a tough weekend!Edward--The reading group's reading group:

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SSIS Import Of Membership Table Foreign Key Issue

Mar 12, 2008

I recently learned to use SSIS to import a database from a SQL 2005 server to a local SQL 2005 development server. It was working fine for a custom database, but now I'm trying to use it on the membership tables that ASP.NET creates to manage login, profile, and so on.

I created the package, specifying that I wanted to delete data in the destination, and turning on identity insert. I only need the data in a few of the tables, so I am not copying empty tables. When I run it, I get the error:

[Execute SQL Task] Error: Executing the query "TRUNCATE TABLE [aspnetdb].[dbo].[aspnet_Roles] " failed with the following error: "Cannot truncate table 'aspnetdb.dbo.aspnet_Roles' because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint.". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the query, "ResultSet" property not set correctly, parameters not set correctly, or connection not established correctly.

How can I safely allow it to overwrite the foreign key constraints? Is there a special procedure I need to use with membership (aspnetdb) data? I am just beginning with this, so this is probably an elementary question. Thanks for any links or explanations you might know of.

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SQL Server Import And Export Wizard Fails To Import Data From A View To A Table

Feb 25, 2008

A view named "Viw_Labour_Cost_By_Service_Order_No" has been created and can be run successfully on the server.
I want to import the data which draws from the view to a table using SQL Server Import and Export Wizard.
However, when I run the wizard on the server, it gives me the following error message and stop on the step Setting Source Connection

Operation stopped...

- Initializing Data Flow Task (Success)

- Initializing Connections (Success)

- Setting SQL Command (Success)
- Setting Source Connection (Error)
Error 0xc020801c: Source - Viw_Labour_Cost_By_Service_Order_No [1]: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "SourceConnectionOLEDB" failed with error code 0xC0014019. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.
(SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

Exception from HRESULT: 0xC020801C (Microsoft.SqlServer.DTSPipelineWrap)

- Setting Destination Connection (Stopped)

- Validating (Stopped)

- Prepare for Execute (Stopped)

- Pre-execute (Stopped)

- Executing (Stopped)

- Copying to [NAV_CSG].[dbo].[Report_Labour_Cost_By_Service_Order_No] (Stopped)

- Post-execute (Stopped)

Does anyone encounter this problem before and know what is happening?

Thanks for kindly reply.

Best regards,
Calvin Lam

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Triggers And Foreign Keys

Aug 25, 1998

Does anybody know why after applying both triggers and foreign keys to a table (standard relational database procedure!!!), when I try to perform, say a simple delete, I am not allowed to do so and get this error message:

Msg 547, Level 16, State 2
DELETE statement conflicted with COLUMN REFERENCE constraint `FK_contract_1__14`. The conflict occurred in database `tmp`, table `contract`, column `employee_id`
Command has been aborted.

Cheers, Marc

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Update Foreign Keys Using Triggers

May 18, 2008


I would like to update foreign keys using triggers. At least thats what I think is the solution when having multiple references to a table in order to avoid the "cycles or multiple cascade paths" error message.

Anyway, here are three tables
Dentist table
dentist_id int identity (auto increment)

Patient table:
patient_id int identity (auto increment)

apointment_id int identity (auto increment)
id_dentist int FK to dentist_id
id_patient int FK to patient_id

I am gooling but cant find a way to make a trigger run only when the dentist_id from dentist table is updated. Also, is there a way to get the new id and old id somehow? I saw some posts with new.dentist_id and old.dentist_id but apparently is not for sql server.

Thank you.

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Using Triggers To Add Foreign Keys To Child Tables

Apr 29, 2004

I have a situation that I must resolve. I have a program being used by many but I had to create a new table to provide a new feature. The problem I have is this table must use the primary key from the parent table as its primary key, meaning when a user adds a new record to parent table, I need to instantly add the primary key to the child table. Now this was done in the program using sql statements, but I need to implement a trigger or such as to keep me from having to reinstall application on many computers.

basically person inserts new record, then I need to get the new primary ket and add insert it into the child tables. how can I do this with a trigger. I have tried to use an insert into statment with my trigger, but I can't seem to pass the parameters correctly.

CREATE Trigger dbo.Table_Borrower_Insert_Keys
ON Table_Borrower
declare @bid as int

@bid = select MAX(BorrowerID)
FROM Table_SoldProgression

INSERT Table_SoldProgression(BorrowerID)
values (@bid)

another attempt

CREATE Trigger dbo.Table_Borrower_Insert_Keys
ON Table_Borrower

INSERT Table_SoldProgression(BorrowerID)
values (select MAX(BorrowerID)FROM Table_Borrower)


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How To Retrieve Data From A Second Table With No Foreign Key

Oct 5, 2007

I have 4 tables I am pulling data from. Table A and B can be joined and Table C and D can be joined via foreign keys but A and/or B can not be Joined to C and/or D via foreign Key.

My statement basically looks like this to start

FROM H8summ S join tenant t on s.htenant = t.hmyperson

And returns this :

29226 128 20577 Almukhtar, Khadijah M 4242.00
26574 128 17980 Archie, Mary 20218.00

The last number is the key it is the income.

In another table we have an income limit table setup that would have the low, medium and high settings for the range.

For instance it may have 11400 as the elimit attribute and say 22000 as the vlimit attribute.

Then in the fourth table we the description that can be linked back to the income limit table via the hinclimit attribute. In this case the desc attribute would be ELI for elimit and VLI for vlimit.

So I want to take the income compare it to the income limit table and then return the description

The output would look like this :
29226 128 20577 Almukhtar, Khadijah M 4242.00 eli
26574 128 17980 Archie, Mary 20218.00 vli

I just not sure how to reference the income limit table without the foreign key in the from statement. When I just add it it returns 6 rows for each person (number of rows on the income limit table)

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Triggers - Insert Data To Another Table

May 3, 2006

How do I set up an insert trigger to copy all of the inserted data to another table? In other words, when someone adds a new paramater in the params table, I want to automatically create a matching set of data in the goals table. Thanks,Krista

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Data Access :: Cannot Truncate Table Because It Is Being Referenced By FOREIGN KEY Constraint

Nov 11, 2015

Am working on sql database table shifting to new database tables. Am getting the following error while truncating the tables:-

Cannot truncate table 'orderItem' because it is being referenced by a FOREIGN KEY constraint.How can i remove all the items in the table if i found this error.

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Multiple Triggers On A Table Or Encapsulated Triggers

May 12, 2008

This isn€™t an problem as such, it€™s more of a debate.

If a table needs a number of update triggers which do differing tasks, should these triggers be separated out or encapsulated into one all encompassing trigger. Speaking in terms of performance, it doesn€™t make much of an improvement doing either depending upon the tasks performed. I was wondering in terms of maintenance and best practice etc. My view is that if the triggers do totally differing tasks they should be a trigger each on their own.

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How To Populate Foreign Key In Normalizing Import?

Jun 21, 2006

I am copying data from one denormalized table to a COUPLE of normalized ones.
I am using multicast, following advices from the forum.

The problem I have is that the two destination tables (A and B) are sharing a foreign key relationship.Filling in A is no problem, but when I want to fill in B, I don't know how to populate its foreign key, since the multicast doesn't know the corresponding primary key in table A.

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Exported Flat File Data Will Not Import To Same Table Without Extensive Data-type Manipulation

Jul 13, 2007

I'm moving data between identical tables and have to use a flat file as an intermediary. I thought: "No problem, SSIS can do a quick export to a file, then move the file to another server, then use SSIS to import the data to the new server."

Seems simple, right?

I'm hitting all sorts of surprising data conversion errors. I used the export wizard to create the export package. This works fine. However using the same flat file definition, the import package fails -- even when I have no destination. That is I have just one data flow task that contains only one control: the Flat File source. When I run the package the flat file definition fails with data type conversion and truncation errors. One of the obvious errors is for boolean types. The SQL field is a bit, SSIS defined the column as DT_BOOL, the output of the data are literal text values "TRUE" and "FALSE". So SSIS converts a sql datatype of bit to "TRUE" and "FALSE" on export, but can't make the reverse conversion on import?

Does anyone else find this surprising? I would expect that what SSIS exports, it can import given all the same table and flat file definitions. Is SSIS the wrong tool to do such simple bulk copies? I'd like to avoid using BCP because this process will need to run automatically within SQL Agent so we can leverage all the error tracking and system monitoring.

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DTS Import Wizard Does Not Fire Triggers

Aug 16, 2005

Hi to all Gurus,I am working with two tables, where in if a record is inserted in onetable an insert trigger fires and inserts relevant information for thatrecord in the second table. This works well within my applications.But it failed (or the trigger never fired)when we used the DTS Importwizard to insert new data into the table from an excel file.How can I overcome this situation? Any help is greatly appreciated.--Part-time BE

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Does A DTS Import Of Text File Bypass Triggers

Aug 8, 2001

If I use DTS to import a text file, will insert triggers fire on this table?

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Import Data From Another Table

Sep 20, 2006

HelloI have created a table in mssql.2000 which holds details of names etc.  I have also included categories of interest. However the table is growing very big and unmanageable as the list of interest expand.Instead I would like to create seperate tables for each category of interest within the same database and populate the table with names taken from the Names_Table I could then indicated yes or no if any name is interested in this category.for example:  Art_category.  However, I am unsure how I can import the column of names from the Names_Table to polulate the NameID column in the Art_category table.I would appreciate advice and possibly a link to  step by step tutorial.Thanks.Lynn

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Import And Convert Table Data

Feb 15, 2006

Hi everyone,I have some data in a CSV file, and I have to import it into a table. For some reason, I am supposed to import this data into a temp table and then move it to the original table and I have to convert it to the right data types while I do this. Is there a better way to do this and how can I give custom error messages saying, for e.g., the data type cannot be converted, the right number of records are not present etc.
Thanks for the help.

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Easiest Way To Import CSV Data Into A Table?

Apr 30, 2006

Hi, I'm new to SQL Server, and would appreciate some advice on the quickest way to import data from a CSV file.

I've created a database using Visual Web Developer Express, and added a couple of tables. The Help file in SQL Server Express (which is installed on the same PC) indicates that I should use BULK INSERT to populate the table. Only snag is, I could find anywhere to enter the commands! Eventually, I found out about the SQLCMD command which I entered in a Windows Command Window. I successfully connected to the default (SQLEXPRESS) server instance this way, but when I typed USE <my database name> I got an error back saying it couldn't find the database. I know that Visual Web Developer Express by default creates user-specific instances of the database, but I've turned that off (I think!) via the connection string. So, please could someone tell me how I can connect to my database via the SQLCMD command, or alternativley please let me know how else I can bulk inmport data from a CSV file. Many thanks in advance.

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Import Excel Data To --&> SQL Db Table

Oct 8, 2007

Hey folks,
My first post and I hope not my last!!

I am very new to the entire world SQL Server databases. I am starting from scratch.

Currently I have a little Website I am doing for myself that is .asp based and will allow users to query some sports boxscores. I hope to create a user interface that will allow folks to seperate team results based on certain criteria...

It is just a hobby of mine that I have been doing for year with excel and now hope to let others like me do it aswell.

here is what I got.

MSSQL 2005 Server with a database.
Iam using SQL 2005 Server Express Studio. Therefore, do not have access to SSIS or DTS or anything like that.

However, I want to import several hundred records into a db I created (hosted by Crystal tech). Since, I don't have access to the Server root directory, I can't use the BULK INSERT statement.

I am looking for a method to query an excel file (or .csv something..) that is stored on my local drive and upload it to the Server db tables.

I would like to do this either through SQL with a query. Or I would to add this VB code to the current VB that I use in my Excel file.

any ideas..??

Thank you for supporting me in advance.

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Table Data Import/export

Oct 17, 2007

How to refresh table data on sqlserver without dts or backup/restore whole database.
In sqlserver, is there a way to import table(s) data (like import export in oracle) in a file and export to another unconnected server/db.

Please advice.

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Import Cell Data From XLS Into SQL Table

Oct 6, 2005

I'm trying to use DTS to import data from an XLS into a SQL table.It works fine in that it INSERT's the data. However, I need it toUPDATE the table, based upon a ProjectID. Can this be done?Can a DTS package be fired from a SP using parameters?Eg UPDATE tProjects SET MyField1=XLS.Sheet1.CellA1,MyField2=XLS.Sheet2.CellA1 WHERE ProjectID = @ProjectID.Also, it must handle dynamic XLS file names, eg 981-Budget.xls,513-Budget.xls, xyz-Budget.xlsIs this the best way to go? Other suggestions most welcome?Thanks everyone in advance!

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Import Excel Data Into Sql Table

Aug 20, 2007

I have to develop an application for transfering data from an excel file into a sql table.The excel file is uploaded to a server.The database(and the table) is on another server.At first,I used openrowset for transferring data to the table.My sql command looked like this(in my asp page):

SQLstr = "SELECT * INTO dbo.shopping_TSR FROM OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Excel 8.0;Database="+Server.MapPath("upload/tmb2.xls")+";hdr=yes', 'SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]')"

I kept getting this error:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0'IDBInitialize::Initialize returned 0x80004005: The provider did not give any information about the error.]

After reading a few articles,I think the cause of my error is that the excel file is uploaded into the folder where the asp script is located.I have 2 servers : one running the asp scripts and one containing the database.
Is my error generated by the fact that the excel file is on a different server than the sql server?How could I make this work?

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Trying To Get New Row ID On A Data Import And Insert Into Another Table

Aug 3, 2006

I am new to SSIS, and was only a novice to intermediate skill level with SQL 2000 DTS, so please excuse me if this is an easy question. I am trying to import data from a table in one DB into a table in another. After insertion, I need to store the newly created ID (an identity seed) in a separate table that maps to the original DB's row id. My eventual goal is to import a bunch of related tables from the old DB into the new DB, and maintain relationships, so the mapping of newly created IDs is necessary to make sure data is imported with the correct relationships. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

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Data Import From Excel To Sql 2000 Db Table

Feb 26, 2008

i have a table in sql 2000 db and want to import data from excel sheet in to the table.
my table = Table1
excel file = data.xls
is there a simple method where i can import data from the sheet into the existing table?

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Faster Way To Import/append Data To Table...

Dec 13, 1999


I was wondering if there was a different approach I should take in appending data to a table...

My destination table has about 94+ million records in it, and I have been taking two approaches to getting new files into this table:

1) I do a data pump task in a DTS to import the file to a trans (temp) table, which is truncated every time, and then do an INSERT INTO statement from the temp table to my destination table.

The import to the trans table only takes a few minutes (about 1 - 2 million records per file, but have short record lenghts,) but when I do the INSERT INTO statement, it takes upwards of 6 hrs to append.

2) I have tried doing a bulk insert task, going directly to the destination table (which defeats the purpose of my trans table to check out the data prior, but I feel the data is clean at this point.)

I am running the bulk insert right now, and it's been running for over 3 I'm going to assume this will take just as long as the INSERT INTO statement does like I did before.

My destination table does not have any indexes in it at all, and I don't need to do any transformations to the data when bringing it into SQL since the data is clean. Also, I have a default value constraint on one of my fields on the destination table.

Plus there are other ppl and applications hitting the server which could impact the overall processing, but nothing out of the ordinary is going on the server today. I know there are only so many ways to get a file into a table...but maybe someone knows a different way I should try this.

Thanks for anyone's suggestions!


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Reset IDENTITY After Table Data Import?

Jul 9, 2004

I have a remote DB I am wokring with at present. The DBA has provided me with a non owner LOGIN so I can't copy tables from the live to the staged DB as objects I can only copy tables and data.

The PKEY and IDENTITY COLUMNS get reset to just regular columns on each table. I can restore the PKEY constraint and have come across the DBCC CHECKIDENT to get the new ident value. I just can't figure out how to set a column to be an identity. The ALTER TABLE command isn't having any of it.

I am obviously missing the right bit on Books online

any suggestions?

many thanks


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Import Data From Excel Spreadsheet Into A Table

Jul 17, 2013

I am using the import wizard in SQL Server 2008 R to import data from an Excel spreadsheet into a table I have created.

The spreadsheet contains 3 columns that SQL recognises as DOUBLE and they contain a 1 or 0. What data type do the corresponding fields in SQL table need to be? I have tried BIT, INT and FLOAT but keep getting an error (can't view details of the error because I get chucked out every time the error pops up). I know the problem is with the DOUBLE data because when I 'ignore' those columns the import works fine.

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Import Certain CSV Columns Data Into Database Table

Jan 3, 2014

I am looking solutions to import csv data into my SQL database table. BUT we want to collect the data from specific columns in the csv file, (NOT the whole csv file) into SQL Database Table.

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Import Excel Data Sheet To SQL Table - How To ??

Mar 18, 2006

I need to make a script in SQL 2005 to import data from an Excel sheet into a SQL table.
I am using the wizard to import now.
Import from Excel 2000. First row of the excel sheet has column names.
Excel file name is: EXL.xls, sheet name is: Sheet1
Destination sql database name is: NM, table name is: Sht1
I use SQL Server Authentication to access the database.
User name: ABC and password: DEF
Database name is: DB
I am using the following setting when importing now:
- Delete rows in destination table
- Enable identity insert

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Import Excel Data To A Sql Server Table

Sep 11, 2007


I need to import data from more than 10 excels having the same format in to a single sql server table.

I tried to use

'Excel 11.0;Database=C:Book1.xls', [Sheet1$])

but got the below error
Ad hoc access to OLE DB provider 'Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0' has been denied. You must access this provider through a linked server.

If DTS package is used then I am not sure how I can place 10 excels at a time so that they can be picked one by one and data is imported in to table.

Please help.


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Import Data From Excel Into Existing Table....

Nov 27, 2007

Hi guys, I need to import all data from Excel spreadsheet to a Sharepoint Content Database (SQL Server).Please suggest the
best way to do this.
For this when i run the Import wizard under Tasks--> Import in Management Studio 2005 asks me to choose the database
name etc....but How to use the Import/Export Wizard to Export Data from a .xls source to an existing table in a database....that is i need to append/insert my excel data into an existing table.


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