Transact SQL :: How To Check For Existence Of Environment Variable

Oct 8, 2015

I'm trying to figure out the best way to write a script to deploy environment variables to different servers. To create the variable I'm currently using  catalog. create_environment_variable. I want to wrap that in an if not exist statement.I had thought about just blowing away all the variables and recreating them but I thought that wouldn't go over well in prod. I wasn't sure if by deleting the variable, references to the variable would be lost.

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Transact SQL :: Check For Existence Before Inserting

Nov 3, 2015

I have a webpage where users can connect with other users by sending them a request. Sending the request just puts a row in a connect table that contains the users id, the targetusers id, a requesteddate, an accepted date and a disconnectdate (for the original requester to end the connection and a reject bit the the target can reject the request. Hoever I need to check to assure that the connect does nt already exist either as pending (requestdate is not null and accept date is null) or both dates are not null (connection already complete.).

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[requestConnect]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@requestor int,
@requested int
-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from interfering with SELECT statements.

[Code] ....

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How To Check The Existence Of A Column In A Table

Jun 23, 2007

Dear All,

I wanted to know how do I know or check that whether a column exists in a table. What function or method should I use to find out that a column has already exists in a table.

When I run a T-SQL script which i have written does not work. Here is how I have written:

IF Object_ID('ColumnA') IS NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Table1] DROP COLUMN [ColumnA]

I badly need some help.

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How To Check For Table Existence Before Dropping It?

May 8, 2006

Apologies if this has been answered before, but the "Search" function doesn't seem to be working on these forums the last couple of days.

I'd just like to check if a table already exists before dropping it so that I can avoid an error if it doesn't exist. Doing a web search, I've tried along the lines of
"If (object_id(sensor_stream) is not null) drop table sensor_stream"
"If exists (select * from sensor_stream) drop table sensor_stream"

In both of these cases I get the error: "There was an error parsing the query. [ Token line number = 1,Token line offset = 1,Token in error = if ]"

Sooooo... what is the standard way to check for existence of a table before dropping it? Someone help? This seems like it should be simple, but I can't figure it out.

Thanks in advance!

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Check The Field Existence Of A Database Table

Jun 5, 2007

Check the field existence of a database table, if exist get the type, size, decimal ..etc attributes
I need SP
@Tablename varchar(30),
@Fieldname varchar(30),
@existance char(1) OUTPUT,
@field_type varchar(30) OUTPUT,
@field_size int OUTPUT,
@field_decimal int OUTPUT
/* Below check the existance of a @Fieldname in given @Tablename */
/* And set the OUTPUT variables */

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Query Analyser Does Not Check For Object Existence

Nov 27, 2000

we tried out the following code in query analyser -

create procedure TrialProc


select * from sakjdhf

when we executed this piece of TSQL in query analyser, we expected it to give an error or warning that no object by the name of sakjdhf exists ( as actually there is no such table or view in the database ). however to our surprise we got "command completed successfully " !!

does this mean the SQL server does not check for necessary objects when creating a stored procedure ? or is there some setting that we missed out whihch is causing SQL server to overlook the error in the code ?

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Function To Check The Existence Of A Temp Table

Jun 13, 2006

This function, F_TEMP_TABLE_EXISTS, checks for the existence of a temp table (## name or # name), and returns a 1 if it exists, and returns a 0 if it doesn't exist.

The script creates the function and tests it. The expected test results are also included.

This was tested with SQL 2000 only.

if objectproperty(object_id('dbo.F_TEMP_TABLE_EXISTS'),'IsScalarFunction') = 1
begin drop function dbo.F_TEMP_TABLE_EXISTS end
create function dbo.F_TEMP_TABLE_EXISTS
( @temp_table_name sysname )
returns int

Checks for the existence of a temp table
(## name or # name), and returns a 1 if
it exists, and returns a 0 if it doesn't exist.


if exists (
select *
tempdb.dbo.sysobjects o
o.xtype in ('U')and = object_id( N'tempdb..'+@temp_table_name )
begin return 1 end

return 0

print 'Create temp tables for testing'
create table #temp (x int)
create table ##temp2 (x int)
print 'Test if temp tables exist'

[Table Exists] = dbo.F_TEMP_TABLE_EXISTS ( NM ),
[Table Name] = NM
select nm = '#temp' union all
select nm = '##temp2' union all
select nm = '##temp' union all
select nm = '#temp2'
) a

print 'Check if table #temp exists'

if dbo.F_TEMP_TABLE_EXISTS ( '#temp' ) = 1
print '#temp exists'
print '#temp does not exist'

print 'Check if table ##temp4 exists'
if dbo.F_TEMP_TABLE_EXISTS ( '##temp4' ) = 1
print '##temp4 exists'
print '##temp4 does not exist'

-- Drop temp tables used for testing,
-- after using function F_TEMP_TABLE_EXISTS
-- to check if they exist.

if dbo.F_TEMP_TABLE_EXISTS ( '#temp' ) = 1
print 'drop table #temp'
drop table #temp

if dbo.F_TEMP_TABLE_EXISTS ( '##temp2' ) = 1
print 'drop table ##temp2'
drop table ##temp2

Test Results:

Create temp tables for testing
Test if temp tables exist
Table Exists Table Name
------------ ----------
1 #temp
1 ##temp2
0 ##temp
0 #temp2

(4 row(s) affected)

Check if table #temp exists
#temp exists
Check if table ##temp4 exists
##temp4 does not exist
drop table #temp
drop table ##temp2


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How To Check For A File Existence In A Folder In SSIS

Oct 26, 2007

I have a data flow task inside a foreach loop container which will take multiple excel files and load into a sql table. Once all the excel files are loaded into the table, then at the end one of the column gets updated using execute sql task. Now I am trying to check for a file existence, if the file is not present in the folder then the data flow task should not be executed. Any help is greatly appreciated, I am thinking of using file system task for this, but not exactly sure. Thanks in advance.

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Checking For Existence Of Parent Variable In Child Package

Oct 16, 2007

I have a parent package that calls a child package, when I run the parent package the child package picks up a variable value from the parent in a script task and runs fine, the problem I'm facing is when I run just the child package, the script task fails because it doesn't know about the parent variable. The dilemma I'm facing is in my child script task, if I add the parent variable to the ReadOnlyVariables list then the task fails because the parent variable doesn't exist when I just run the child. If I don't add the parent variable to the ReadOnlyVariabls list then if I try to use it then the task fails saying that the variable doesn't exist in the variables collection.

Is there a way to check for the existence of the parent variable, so when I just run the child package I don't get an error and I don't have to change my task every time I choose to run the child package only vs running the parent/child?


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Passing Variable Value Through Environment Variable

Feb 15, 2008

Hi All!

I have a parent package that contains two children... The second child depends on the succes of the first child.

THe first child generates a variable value and stores it in an Environment variable ( Visibility - All ) ...After the first succeeds, the second will start executing and will pick up the variable value from environment variable( through package configuration setting )...

Unfortunately, this doesn't work...As the second child picks the stale value of the environment variables...Essentially it assigns variable value not after the first child is finished, but right at the beginning of parent execution...

I tried to execute coth children as Out Of Proc as well as In Proc...The same

Would anybody have an idea how to resolve this problem?

Thanks in advance for any help!


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Environment Variable

Jul 17, 2006


can you show me how to get the value of an environment variable from a script task?

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Package Configuration With Environment Variable

Aug 9, 2007


I have issues with the Connection Manager in the SSIS package when using package configs thru environment variable.

Here goes..

SSIS package1:

Connections used: devcon1, devcon2 - Dev Env and testcon1,testcon2 - Test Env. Now using all four. Ideally either devcons or testcons should reside at a time.

Environment variable:

Pckg_config = <location of config file which has testcon1 and testcon2>

I need to use only devcon1 and devcon2 in Dev env. In test i need to use only testcon1 and testcon2
Hence i set the values of devcons in devEnv.dtsconfig and testcons in testEnv.dtsconfig

Now i remove both testcons from ssis package. If i try to run the Test Env and my testcons which are marked in testenv.dtsconfig are not found as connections in ssis package then the ssis gives error wanting for those connections.

SSIS maintains the connections in the Connection Manager per package. Although internally it is a pool of connections.

Ideally i should be able to play around with the connection at run time. My package now works, if it is deployed with all the devcons and testcons together. However, ideally it should be either devcons or testcons. I am trying to be more explicable to reach to the masses here.

Am i doing something wrong? All your efforts in solving this puzzle will be greatly appreciated. Please participate.


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.dtsConfig ConfiguredValue Contains Environment Variable?

Mar 7, 2006

is this possible?

<Configuration ConfiguredType="Property" Path="Package.Variables[User::varFolderName].Properties[Value]" ValueType="String">
<ConfiguredValue>%enviroment variable%</ConfiguredValue>

it would be really useful. it looks like the .dtsconfig file needs to be maintained on each install independently. This makes maintenance a nightmare. it would be a lot nicer if the .dtsconfig files were more like templates rather than hard coded values to specific system resources.

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Package Configuration Using Environment Variable

Jun 28, 2007

I am doing SSIS package configuration using environment variable.

I have created a system environment variable that points to the dtsConfig file.

I opened the package and choosen the configuration type as environment variable and specified the environment variable

When I click the next button , it doesn't allow me to choose the configurable property.

Please suggest

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Package Configuration + Environment Variable

Jul 17, 2006

We are using Package configuration with environment variables. The problem we are having that if we try to open project from other PC (PC 2) it gives the error:

Error 1 Error loading F0005.dtsx: Failed to decrypt protected XML node "DTS:Password" with error 0x8009000B "Key not valid for use in specified state.". You may not be authorized to access this information. This error occurs when there is a cryptographic error. Verify that the correct key is available. z:visual studio 2005projectssales data martextract to staging areaF0005.dtsx 1 1

We are using environment variable named DWConfig and have configured correct path in each PC. If we edit package configuration in PC 2 and go thru the same procedures without any amendments the errors is removed for that PC and if, again we OPEN that project in PC 1 it gives same error and if we go thru package configuration wizard again error is removed.

Can any one tell me is there any solution of that problem?

Note: Our project is saved on server (neither PC 1 nor PC 2)



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Environment Variable Package Configuration

Dec 17, 2007

Okay - this one is driving me batty.

I have a package that uses an environment variable package configuration of value X for a connection string. I close BIDS. I change the value of the environment variable to value Y. I open BIDS and the package, and the value of my connection string is Y. I save my package with the new configuration. if I look at the dtsx file, I see connection string with value Y. All as expected.

I move the package to my server (I've tried Import package from SSMS, using the deployment manifest, and save copy as). On the server, the environment variable is set to value Y. If I run the package or export it; however, the value of my connection string is X!

Does anyone have any suggestions of things to try or some reason that this is not working?


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Package Configuration Type - Environment Variable

Feb 19, 2008

Hello All -

Have you ever seen the error message below?

Description: The package path referenced an object that cannot be found: "Package.Variables[User::<variable_name>].Properties[Value]". This occurs when an attempt is made to resolve a package path to an object that cannot be found. End Warning Could not load package "<package_name>" because of error 0xC0010014.

Basically, I create a package variable under my User Namespace and this variable will tell what server the SSIS is running at. We first create a system variable locally and the SQL Server will have a variable with exactly the same name so that the server name will be evaluated through the package variable/package configurations when the SSIS is executing from a SQL Server job.

This way we do not hard code the server name... We always succeeded on doing that with DTS as well as SSIS packages but just now my package is running into this issue...

Since I did not change ANYTHING in the package, I am guessing this is not programming related and that something was changed in the server. However, the DBA was helpless over here and I have no clue of what this error means.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Gabriel.

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Package Ignores Environment Variable For ConnectionString

Mar 19, 2008

We're attempting set the ConnectionString for our configuration database connection manager from an environment variable, but SSIS seems to ignore the environment variable value. Deployment process:

Create the Connection Manager

Create an Environment Variable type configuration with the Target Property: Package.Connections[acConfigDBManager].Properties[ConnectionString]

Build the package

Copy the package and the manifest from the project's inDeployment folder to a folder on the server

From the SSIS server's console, Import the package from the File System.

Run the package, after first inspecting the ConnectionString in the Connection Managers collection
In all cases, the ConnectionString variable for our configuration database is the value in the package at build time.

So far we've tried the following variations:

confirmed that the spelling and case of the environment variable is identical on the XP development computer and the Win2003 server.

restarted SQL Server and SSIS

rebooted the Win2003 server.

built the package with a blank ConnectionString value in the connection manager

re-imported the package, overwriting the old one

deleted the old package before reimporting

renamed the package and imported

run imports from SQL Management Studio from the server console

assign the connection string from an arbitrary system environment variable

assign the ServerName and use an expression to build ConnectionString
What now? Has anyone been able to set a Connection Manager property from an environment variable?

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Integration Services :: Environment Variable In SSIS Not Being Recognized In JOB

Jun 16, 2015

I've created a SSIS Package and it's connection is based on Environment Variable(please seeprocedure).

Now, I'm trying to create a job that calls this package and it seems that when you view Data Sources, it still pointing to the old server.

But when you open-up the package through BIDS in the same server, it's using the new reference that I have specified in the environment variable (please refer to the first image).

I came across this blog with the same issues as mine. He suggested to re-start the SSIS Service which I already did  but nothing happens. I even re-started the SQL Agent but still no luck.

I'm not sure what else is missing except for re-starting the machine which is the last thing I want to do as this is PRODUCTION server.

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Integration Services :: The Configuration Environment Variable Was Not Found

Jul 28, 2008

I have a Master Package that executes a number a child packages.
In my SSIS Package Configuration:
1.  I have an SSIS Configuation table that holds the connection string.
2.  An XML Configuration File with a setting of configuration location stored in an enviornmental variable.
3. And finally, an Eveniornmental variable with the setting of ProjectFolderAbsolutePath value, where it is the full path of the project folder.
The project functions normally but everytime I open it I get the following error.

" Warning loading MasterPackage.dtsx: The configuration environment variable was not found.  The environment variable was: "EnviorVariable". This occurs when a package specifies an environment variable for a configuration setting but it cannot be found. Check the configurations collection in the package and verify that the specified environment variable is available and valid."

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SSIS Dynamic Configuration - Environment Variable Problem

Aug 24, 2007

Dear all,

I have a problem with SSIS reading an environment variable after deploying the packages to a server. I explain.

I have an Parent Packages ETL_MAIN_PACKAGE.dtsx that reads the child packages from a record set and loops on it to execute them with the Execute Package Task task. The first child package to be executed is called DIM_PERIODIC.dtsx.

On my local machine, the Parent Package is configured to read its database connections from an XML file SSIS_configfile.config located on my C: drive. The path (C:SSIS_configfile.config) to this file is stored in the environment variable BI_ETL.

When I run the Parent Package inside SSIS only machine, the connections are read and the package executes perfectly. Now, I want to deploy the packages on our server.

I copied the XML configuration file to the server C drive, I created the same environment variable BI_ETL and set its value to C:SSIS_configfile.config and I rebooted the machine (in case).

The execution of the Parent package is managed by a stored procedure. I use xp_cmdshell command. The command line generated is :

cmd.exe /c dtexec /file "C:ETL_DeploymentETL_MAIN_PACKAGE.dtsx" /CHECKPOINTING OFF /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /SET Package.Variables["P_PACKAGE_PATH"].Value;"C:ETL_Deployment" /SET Package.Variables["P_LOOKUP_PATH"].Value;"C:ETL_DeploymentETL_LOGS" /SET Package.Variables["P_SCHOOL_CODE"].Value;"007"

This command generates an error telling that the Environment variable is not found and it throws this error:

Error : 2007-08-23 18:59:10.25
Code : 0x80019003
Sourse : The configuration environment variable was not found. The environment variable was: BI_ETL. This occurs when a package specifies an environment variable for a configuration setting but it cannot be found. Check the configurations collection in the package and verify that the specified environment variable is available and valid.
End Error

Error: 2007-08-23 18:59:10.25

Code: 0xC001401E

Source: ETL_MAIN_PACKAGE Connection manager "Package Path Execute"

Description: The file name "C:ETL_Deployment" /SET Package.Variables[P_LOOKUP_PATH].Value;C:ETL_DeploymentETL_LOGSDIM_PERIODIC.dtsx" specified in the connection was not valid.

End Error

I run the package on the same server with a command line directly in a DOS window:

C:>cmd.exe /c dtexec /file "C:ETL_DeploymentETL_MAIN_PACKAGE.dtsx" /CHECKPOINTING OFF /MAXCONCURRENT " -1 " /SET Package.Variables["P_PACKAGE_PATH"].Value;"
C:ETL_Deployment" /SET Package.Variables["P_LOOKUP_PATH"].Value;"C:ETL_Deplo
ymentETL_LOGS" /SET Package.Variables["P_SCHOOL_CODE"].Value;"007"

I don't have anymore the error saying that the Environment variable is not found, but I still have the same second error :

Error: 2007-08-23 18:59:10.25

Code: 0xC001401E

Source: ETL_MAIN_PACKAGE Connection manager "Package Path Execute"

Description: The file name "C:ETL_Deployment" /SET Package.Variables[P_LOOKUP_PATH].Value;C:ETL_DeploymentETL_LOGSDIM_PERIODIC.dtsx" specified in the connection was not valid.

End Error

I conclude that the environment variable is not read at all.

Does anybody have an idea on how to solve this problem ?

Many thanks.


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Transact SQL :: Get Windows Environment Variables

Aug 31, 2015

I am migrating the BE of an Access app. to SQL server 2012. I need to get the user's login name (Windows Authentication login). This can be done using xp_cmdshell, but, xp_cmdshell is considered dangerous and I wouldn't be able to run it once I deploy the app. to the company servers (currently I have SQL server on my computer and as an admin I can enable xp_cmdshell to run, but IT doesn't allow it in company servers for security reasons).

Another question, is it possible to send data from the logged in user from Access to SQL server? What I need to do is let SQL know the username of the logged in user, then, use it to filter the data on SQL. Idea is that user can only run queries for his data (he can't view other user's data unless he is a manager or an admin (currently the app. in Access logs the user in automatically if his Windows Domain username is found in the user's table, and set's his role found in the Roles table). It is this functionality that is giving me some problems to migrate to SQL.

I created a function that uses the System_User SQL built-in function, this retrieves the SQL login username, but, the app. uses 1 SQL local account to connect to the server, so in essence it doesn't work as I need the Windows Domain account username.

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Accessing Environment Variable In Flat File Connection Manager

Apr 11, 2008

I'm doing a simple ETL that reads a database table and dumps the content to a text file. The text file will be named Employee.txt. This file name will remain the same across my environments, but I may want to vary the directory location to where I want this file dumped.

So, I defined an environment variable called "DataTargetDir" in all my environments. Now, I want to utilize this variable in the "File name:" box within the Flat File Connection Manager Editor. How do I do this? I'm thinking I can write something like "%DataTargetDir%Employee.txt" in the "File name:" box, but it's not working.

Am I approaching this the right way?

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Transact SQL :: Insert Values From Variable Into Table Variable

Nov 4, 2015

CREATE TABLE #T(branchnumber VARCHAR(4000))

insert into #t(branchnumber) values (005)
insert into #t(branchnumber) values (090)
insert into #t(branchnumber) values (115)
insert into #t(branchnumber) values (210)
insert into #t(branchnumber) values (216)


I have a parameter which should take multiple values into it and pass that to the code that i use. For, this i created a parameter and temporarily for testing i am passing some values into it.Using a dynamic SQL i am converting multiple values into multiple records as rows into another variable (called @QUERY). My question is, how to insert the values from variable into a table (table variable or temp table or CTE).OR Is there any way to parse the multiple values into a table. like if we pass multiple values into a parameter. those should go into a table as rows.

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How Can I Check And Create The Variable File Name?

May 15, 2008


Everyday they are sending to our servers a file named like CC_20080501 . it is CC_YYYYMMDD
So I have to check it and move into the database table.
I am thinking to create standard database connection and name like CC_std
And When the file arrives to create something like CC_std (actually copying my daily file CC_YYYYMMDD to CC_std ?
BUT how can I do it?
any other way to do it?


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How To Deploy Updated Database From Development Environment To Live Environment?

Nov 16, 2005

I have finished a change request from our client. I need to update clients' database with the one in developments.Here is the changes i made to database:Added/Changed some tablesAdded/Changed some stored proceduresAdded data to some dictionary tableThe data in clients' current database MUST be kept. So how can I merge the changed information to clients' database?

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How To Check If Querystring Variable Exists In Database

Feb 18, 2006

hi. i'm building a news section for some friends of mine. i list all the news items on the main page in a gridview. i've made a custom edit linkbutton that sends the user to an edit page, passing the news id as a quarystring variable. on the edit page i first check if the querystring variable contains an id at all. if not, i redirect the user to the main page. if an id is passed with the querystring, i fetch the matching news item from the database and place it in a formview control for far, so good. but what if someone types a random id in the querystring? then the formview won't show up and i'd look like a fool. :) therefore, i need some kind of check to see if the id exists in the database. if not redirect the user back to the main page... so i started thinking: i could check the databsae in a page_load procedure. if all is well, then display the news item. since the formview is automatically filled with the correct data, does that mean that i call the database two times? i mean, one for checking if the news item exists, and one for filling the formview. logically, this would be a waste of is appreciated.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Check If Variable Is Empty Or Null?

Sep 9, 2014

declare @user varchar(30) = ''
if(@user is not null or @user <> '')
print 'I am not empty'
print 'I am empty'

The output should be 'i am empty' but when i execute this i am getting ' i am not empty'. even i did browse through but i don't find the difference in my logic.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Check Variable Values Dynamically

Nov 9, 2014

I have created dynamic sql to declare variables based on columns from the table and i set values to those variable now here is the issue . i want to check the variable values how do i do that dynamically

drop table test
create table test
id varchar(10) not null,
col1 varchar(10) ,
col2 varchar(10)

[Code] .....

Now my next step is verify if the variable is blank or not how do i do that ?

How do i verify all of the columns one after the other .

I am after the statement like this dynamically

-- IF NOT (@col1 = '') THEN set @SQL = @SQL + '[col1] = ' + @col1 + ' '
--IF NOT (@col2 = '') THEN set @SQL = @SQL + '[col2] = ' + @col2 + ' '

I need to check if the columns are blank or not dynamically as i do not want to hard code the column names there.

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Check For Null Values In Transact Sql

Aug 20, 2006

I am using Visual Web Developer Express 2005 and SQL Server Express 2005.
I have set up a trigger that fires when an update has been performed on a specific table.  The trigger checks to see if specific columns have been updated.  If they have, then the trigger code is executed.  This part works fine.
I am now trying to find a way to check if null values exist in either one of two field from the same table.  If either field contains a null value, then I don't want the trigger code to be executed.
How can I check for null values and skip a block of code within my Transact Sql trigger.

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Transact SQL :: How To Check If All Complaints Are Closed

Jul 24, 2015

I have included in the attached SQL:

Declare @table1 table
cnsmr_id int,
complainid int,
complaintstat varchar(10)
Insert into @table1

[Code] ...

The query should return only cnsmr_id=2 since all the complaints is closed (blank/NULL) i have achieved this using having but is there is more performance way of doing this?

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Transact SQL :: Check Overlapping In Table

Sep 29, 2015

How can I check the overlapping in a simple table like:

Create table forum (cid int, bfrom date, tfrom date, fval int)
Insert into forum values (1, '2014-01-01', '2014-01-31',10),(2, '2014-01-01', '2014-01-31',12),(1, '2014-02-01', '2014-02-28',8),(2, '2014-02-01', '2014-02-28',6),(1, '2014-03-01', '2014-03-31',11),(2, '2014-03-01', '2014-03-31',5),(1, '2014-04-01',
'2014-04-30',14), (2, '2014-03-01', '2014-04-30',12)

In the example above there is an overlapping for the cid 2 in March. How can I check, which select should I apply?

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Transact SQL :: Check If There Are Files In Folder

Jul 20, 2015

I'm wondering if its possible to return the number of files in a folder suing something like DIR command.I'm wanting to do something like, If count(DIR) >0 then do something

else End
exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell
'dir C:Test'

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