800a01f5 Illegal Assignment

I'm fighting a bit of code which I simply don't understand why it won't work. originalurl is the referring page from which someone clicked a form submit. I grab originalurl using Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")

What I need to do is to grab the value following idcategory=. Sometimes there are other querystring values following that, and my code works fine. But in the instances where it is the last querystring value, it fails on this error:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01f5'
Illegal assignment: 'gbdgCatQSwork'

originalurl = http://www.mydomain.com/store/pc/vie...p?idcategory=4

gbdgURLlen = 84 (this is the length of the entire URL)
gbdgURLlen2 = 1 (this is the length of the string that follows "idcategory=")

gbdgCatQSwork = mid(originalurl,gbdgURLlen-gbdgURLlen2,gbdgURLlen2)

What I want is that gbdgCatQSwork would contain the value (in this case "4") so that I can continue my process. Could someone please shed light upon what I am missing here?

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Illegal Assignment

declaring an variable for incrementing called "I" as shown below:

I = 0

Gives this error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01f5'

Illegal assignment: 'I'

/thx.com.au/includes/cart.funcs.asp, line 20

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Microsoft VBScript Runtime (0x800A01F5), Illegal Assignment

<% hour = Request("controlname") %> will yield the following error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A01F5)
Illegal assignment: 'hour'

However, if I declare hour, then it is fine.
Dim hour
hour = Request("controlname")

But I think in VBScript,declaration of a variable is optional?That means we can use the variable without writing "Dim hour" ??

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Inserting Illegal Chars To Sql Db?

We try to insert some illegal chars such as "I don't know how to do it" from notes textarea to the DB.

When I insert, it said that "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E14) Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 't'." which is "Don't" .

I have tried this: notes= replace(replace(Request.Form("notes"),chr(13),"&nbsp;"),chr(10),"<BR>") But, NO LUCK. How can we make it works?

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ORA-01036: Illegal Variable Name/number

I'm trying to call a package/procedure in oracle (from an ASP page) which
requires a number of parameters. I have got this working using OO40 but
unfortunately the transaction rollback function doesnt seem to do much.

So I'm now trying to use ADO instead (in the hope that ADO transactions will
work), however I'm getting the above error. My initial searches havent
turned up any suitable suggestions - there appear to be many reasons why
this error might occur - none of which I have found so far fit my situation.

Can anyone suggest where I am going wrong? Better still, can anyone post a
working code snippet that I can use as a model? I already have another [very
similar] function which calls a different package/procedure which works
fine. Code:

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ASP Assignment

I have almost finished this assignment just stuck on one page I keep getting:
Error: Access is Denied.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '.'.
/iwsd/iwsd029/assignment2/calculate.asp, line 17

Here is my code I been stuck on this for hours and I cannot seem to figure it out

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Var Assignment

I have a var in a javascript like so:
<script language="javascript">

var timerID = null;
var timerRunning = false;
var timeIncrement = 0;
LATER in the code I need to assign a session var to the local var like

timeIncrement = session("incTime")

How do I do this?

I keep getting errors like "an exception of type MS jscript runtime...
Object expected was not handled"

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Class Assignment

I'm having problems with getting numbers to add in asp. I cannot find anything in my book on adding numbers together. All it says "you cannot add values from a textbox". I guess I'm having a brain-fart in a major way.

I working on a program to calculate the totals of rainfall for a year. Give the month that has the max and min and show amount, and show average for the year. Can some please tell me where to start or a code snippet to get me back on track. Code:

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Assignment Doesnt Assign

My ASP page contains the following VBScript code:

zipCode = Request.Form("zip")
%> <br>zip: <%= zipCode %>, rf: <%= Request.Form("zip") %>

When I enter "abc" into the "zip" field on the form, I get the
following output:

zip: , rf: abc

Why doesn't the first statement assign the "abc" string to the
variable "zipCode"? What am I not seeing?

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VBScript/ASP Related: Ampersand Assignment

Is this a "legal" assignment in VBScript? strSearchChar5 = "&"

Once I do this in script tags, it throws the rest of my page off, as far as the colors in Dreamweaver. Would the lack of colors mean anything?

The code that uses this variable works beautifully, yet when I use request.form on the following page, nothing shows when I use Response.Write.

This is what shows when I use Response.Write:

UPDATE jobs SET [SubmitDate]='',[category]='',[type]=''' ,[job_title]='',[job_number]='',[openings]=' ',[address]=' ',[city]=' ',[zip]=' '

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Wrong Number Of Arguments Or Invalid Property Assignment

I've just installed ASPXMLRPC library and testing their main function:

xmlRPC ("URL", "command_name", params)

The function converts all parameters to XML, sends a request to third-
party server and receives XML response. It seems to be getting
response fine. But when I call the function like this:

myresp = xmlRPC ("http://someurl.com", "get", paramList)

I get error on this line:

"Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment"

All code details are: Code:

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Wrong Number Of Arguments Or Invalid Property Assignment: 'Open'


Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: 'Open'
/job_modifyConfirmed.asp, line 26

Still gettign this this is my db connection included: ...

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Wrong Number Of Arguments Or Invalid Property Assignment: 'Open'


Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: 'Open'

Still gettign this this is my db connection included: Code:

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