Assign Values To Repeated Radio Buttons

I am bringing in a repeated field from a database and I would like to assign values to radio buttons to be associated with each record. The number of repeated fields will be different for each person, so I cannot enter values for each repeated record. I need a way to assign a variable as well as a value to each record that is being brought in from the database. For instance:

Radio Button Value 3 4 5

Repeated Record 1 O O O
Repeated Record 2 O O O
Repeated Record 3 O O O

I had received some great code from Memnoch, but it created one group for the entire Repeated field, so I was only able to select one radio button for all of the repeated fields. I need to select them seperately and I then need to Request the variable so that i can add, multiply and divide that variable with other repeated variables.

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Multiple Values For Radio Buttons

I have a form on a web page with a number of radio buttons bound to
the same field. Is it possible to set up the form so that users can
select more than one radio button to submit multiple values to a field
in the way that you can, for example, in a drop down field?

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How To Validate One Radio Button Against Another Group Of Radio Buttons?

I have a group of radio buttons with the same name (which are in turn generated by the database). Since they share the same name, I can select only one of them.

Now I have another radio button which is not a part of the above group, but this radio button opens up a report which has different set of parameters to open a crystal report.

Now I want to know how to select only one radio button. Either from the group or this single radio button. User can select only 1 radio button at a time. Code:

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Select All Radio Buttons When Clicked On A Certain Radio Button

what coding used to select all the radio buttons when clicked on a certain radio button? example is the delete of the mail of radio buttons?

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Repeated Text Box Values

I'm entereing values into repeated textboxes in a form that are associated with repeated fields in a database. I am able to request the values, but the associated questions and values are seperated by commas.

The repeat field on the page that I am confirming the selections is repeating but showing the same results on each line. In other words, all of the values are showing up on each line. Is there a way to break these up?

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3 Radio Buttons

i have 3 radio buttons on the form plain simple form

<input type="radio" name="Cars" id="Cars" value="vehicles_Cars">Cars
<input type="radio" name="Trucks" id="Trucks" value="vehicles_Trucks">Trucks
<input type="radio" name="Bicyles" id="Bicyles" value="vehicles_Bicyles">Bicyles

what i want to do is when the user clicks on one of them show a different form
if the user selects cars show cars forms this form will have different fields and different validation
if the user clicks on trucks show trucks form and that will have different fields and so on

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2 Radio Buttons

i have 2 radio buttons i want to fire a alert if the first one is selected here is my code

<input type="radio" name="vehicles" value="Cars"/>Cars
<input type="radio" name="vehicles" value="Bikes"/>Bikes

and here is the javascript

alert("Cars was selected");
return false;

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How To Repopulate My Radio Buttons

I have a form for editing data and it has a set of radio buttons, what I need to know is how I make the correct radio button be ticked when I load the form. Code:

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Dynamic Radio Buttons

I am stuck trying to validate a group of dynamicly created radio buttons.

i need help in calling the groups that are being generated since the number of groups depends on the first page, where the selections are made I am using a for loop to generate each group of radio buttons. each group holds three radios I am not good with javascript.

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Difference Between Radio Buttons

What is the difference between radiobuttons in html vs. asp? What kind of reasons would I use to choose one over the other?

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Radio Buttons And Addition

I have 2 radio buttons, Yes and No. I have a text box with a value entered by the user. If the user selects the Yes radio button, I need to add 339 to the value they entered. They will submit the form to add the value...but the problem I am getting is, it keeps adding 339 more than once. If there is also a way...where they select yes and submit and go back to set the value back to the value they entered.

How can I add 339 to a value the user entered without continuing to add 339 if the form is submitted multiple times?

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Genarate Radio Buttons

I want to genarate radio buttons using array variables and for loop .what is wrong with what i have done ,help me with the correct syntax for it. I hope I,ll be able to convey you what i want to achive by the below code


Dim famname(6),i
famname(1) = "Jan Egil"
famname(2) = "Tove"
famname(3) = "Hege"
famname(4) = "Stale"
famname(5) = "Kai Jim"
famname(6) = "Borge"

For i = 1 to 6

response.write("<input type=radio name=test value=famname(i) > famname(i)<br>")

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How Do I Use Radio Buttons With ASP Code

I have the following line of HTML code in one of my pages.

<input type="radio" name="MOTM" value="Alan" onclick='DisableRunnerUpButton()';/>Alan Purton</br>

Is it possible to change the values MOTM and Alan to variables that are stored in my asp page so that I can refer to them in code? If so, can you someone give me a pointer as to how to do this or where to find the documentation to read up on this please?

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Using Images Instead Of Radio Buttons?

I've made a content managment system that uses icons to represent page
layouts. To choose a different layout, the user clicks on a radio button
associated with each layout icon. On click of one of the radio buttons, the
form submits and a new layout is chosen.

I would prefer if people can click on the icons themselves , rather than
using the radio buttons.The border or background associated with the
selected icon can highlight conditionally, based on a DB lookup. The
highlighting will indicate the selection.

I know how I could do this "by hand", associating each image with code that
would initate an insert to a database.

I would prefer it if I just bolt the image onto the existing structures in
HTML that manage radio buttons, and sub an image for the

I seem to recall there is a way to do sub an image for the button. Can
anyone show me the syntax? Code:

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Radio Buttons For Voting System

I have a number of names in a database and I need to connect these names to radio buttons.
Basically a voting system. Users need to choose one of the options and the option they choose gets added to the total number of votes for that person.

I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. Anyway, I'm using Dreamweaver MX 2004.

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Retrieve Radio Buttons' Info

I got 2 radio buttons which has common name of division and value of --> yes and no.
How to retrieve information from radio buttons from the form.

like if my radio button --> yes is checked , I want it to show yes on my page when i have submitted my form. what do i have to use ... --> request.????? Do i need to use arrays to retrieve info?

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Simple Survey W Radio Buttons

I am in the process of building a Simple Survey, and I am having trouble getting started. I have put together my html form, and now I need to build my "survey.asp" page to communicate with my Access database. I have designed my database to have 3 tables: Department, Contract, Survey.

Basically from each question the Survey Table will be populated. The survey table is in this format [SurvID (prim key), ques1, ques2, ...contractID.]

So if a user on question 1 clicked radio button "1radio1" then the number one should populate "ques1" field etc. Same goes for question 5, if the user chooses "5radioN" then "N" would populate the "ques5" field.

Also on there will be a drop down menu on the top of the page where the employee can choose the contractID. How would I incorporate that as well? Code:

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Radio Buttons And VBscript Variables

I'm hoping there is a way to do what I am trying. I have an asp page with 3 radio button choices. Depending on which radio button the user selects, I want to populate some drop down menus with different choices.
I have the case statement for the drop down boxes. Problem is, the html value from the radio button isn't actually used until you submit the form, so the case statement isn't finding any information to use to populate the menus.
Does that make sense?
So is there a way to make the radio button selection an immediately usable variable on the same page?

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Radio Buttons Group Names

I am working in ASP.NET and I do have groupname of TrainReport for all of my radiobuttons. I have found lots of documentation of how to put groupnames in radiobuttons. What I have not found is how programmically I can use the radiobutton groupname in the code to distiguish between the radiobuttons.

In VB 6.0 the group of radiobuttons would have the same name and would be refered to in an index by the order of the buttons. TrainReport(0), TrainReport(1), TrainReport(2), etc. I could use case statement on the index.

Case 0 would be if TrainReport(0) was selected and I would have code I want to do if this was selected, Case 1 would be if TrainReport(1) was selected and I would have code I want to do if this was selected, etc.

I have not found in documentation in Visual Studio, google searches, etc. a useful purpose of radiobutton group names.

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Validation Of Radio Buttons And Checkboxes

how can i validate against check boxes and radio buttons?

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Radio Buttons & Combo Boxes

I have 2 radio buttons & 2 combo can i change the combo box to enabled state only when the radio button associated to it is checked? I want this to happen at once (without having any submit buttons).

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Forum To Email Script Using Radio Buttons?

I need a script that will allow users to select various answers using radio buttons and text fields and then able to submit to my email address. Any ideas?

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Multiple Radio Buttons/textboxes – Inserting Into The SQL DB?

I’ve a few radio buttons; few of them have input textboxes and dropdown list.
I use Select case to insert values (depend on which radio button that you've selected) into the sql db but it doesn’t work. Then I use if, elseif and else…the value of radio still doesn’t insert into the DB. In this case how can we insert the value(s) into the DB? Code:

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Text Box And Radio Buttons Doesn't Work Together

I try to change "checked" property of the radio buttons when I click on the text box.
Here is my code:

<form name="form1" method="post" action="response.asp">
<input type="radio" name="radiosample" checked>Sample #1<br>
<input type="radio" name="radiosample">Sample #2<br>
<input type="radio" name="radiosample" >Sample #3<br>
<input type="text" size="20" name="text_box" onClick="Check_radio()">

<script language="vbScript">
Sub Check_radio()
form1.radiosample.checked(2)= True
End Sub

I am getting an error: "Object doesn't support this property or method "form1.radiosample.checked'.

What is wrong?

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Radio Buttons To Add/change/delete Feature

I have a simple add/change/delete feature going on. I have a products table that I'm selling mock products from. I have a column named category, which users either select baseball or basketball from the radio buttons on a form. I can't figure out how to make this work. I'm implying that the code is working, the record is adding to the database, just not the category field, and when I display all the fields out of my database onto a html page the category field is blank. Below is the code I have.

<td>Baseball<input type="radio" name="category" value="baseball">
Basketball<input type="radio" name="category" value="basketball"></td>

Then I dim out a strCategory variable and set it equal to the request object "category"

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How To Pull Data For Radio Buttons From Database?

It s very basic question..but stil i am getting a bit confused.I want to have two radio buttons which can be selected as well be deselected. The value shud be inserted in the DB.

How should i go on doing this. Also if i want to see my selection when i return back to the order should i pull it from DB and display the radio button with the dot in it(checked )?

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Using Radio Buttons To Determine The Value Of A Field In A Form

not sure the best way to achieve this but basically i would like to have two sets of radio buttons. The first set determines whether the field DateFrom is todays date or a date entered

and the second set determines whether the field DateTo is todays date or an entered date
So far this is what i have got and its not working Code:

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Dynamic Linking Of Menu/lists/radio Buttons?

Basically, I have 2 separate drop-down lists, we'll call them List1 and List2.

Say List1 contains:


Now, I would like all 2 lists to be on the same page. A user would proceed to select something from List1, say "Fruits". Upon clicking on the drop down list for List2, the list items should automatically be updated to predefined items, say "Apples", "Oranges" and "Pears".

if the user changes his mind and goes back to select "Months" from List1, List2 should immediately display stuff pertaining to List1 items, say "January", "February", "March" etc etc....

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Carry Two Values From Radio Value...

I have an ASP page with a form and the following code:

..... type=Radio Checked name=selectserial value=" &

Tis will carry over the value of RS("PSL_F_Serial"), but I also have
another value which needs to be carried (2 values per radio button),

Can I send two sets of data this way, if so, how?

If this is possible, on the next page, how can I retrieve both values
into seperate variables ?

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Buttons To Determine Variable Values

I have a page with 10 buttons. I want to control the content of two variables (say vari1 and vari2) based on which button a user clicks. So if I click button1, vari1="1" and vari2="2"; If I click button2, vari1="3" and vari2="4", etc.

The variable contents are actually going to be text strings, not numeric values, I was just trying to keep the example simple. I've only ever used buttons to submit, reset, or call a javascript, so I'm just not familiar with how I would do this.

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Checking Radio Button Values

I'm using a radio button in a form and I'm requesting it in the processing page. The name of the radio button is box and I want to say something like..

if box (the value I gave the request.form("box") = checked then

what's the correct term for checked? Because that's the part not working.

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Radio Button, Check Box, Text Area Values In Sessi

I have a radio button, a check box and a text box in a web page. From this page, I go to a series of other pages. In one of the following webpages I am providing an option to come back to the first page which has the radio button, check box and the text box.

When doing so, I need to retain the values I originally checked in teh radio button and the text box, and also the text in the text box. I understand that I need to carry it through a session variable, but I dont know how I can do it.

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Repeated Recordsets (nested)

I am trying to produce a results page where the results come from three seperate tables.

e.g. The main query gets a list of results, for each one of those results I need to display data from another table. I have a list of bars, restaurants, hotels etc.

I want to display the details of those in sections (a bar section showing all the bars etc) each one of the bars is ranked by members. When I do this I get a "type mismatch" which I guess comes from the fact I am trying to equate an array to a single value. How do I get round this? Code:

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