CDO Vs. ASPMail?

Can CDO authenticate or will you need to use another mail transport like ASPMail?
I am trying to use ASP to send an email programmatically.

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i have some old code on my page that didn't work for emailing a order to me in HTML format. but now it don't work as it just sends the email to me in ASPMAIl but i can't figure out in 3 lines how to make this ASPMAIL friendly?? can someone help me as i'm dumb with this stuff

Here is my code that sends my email to me. BUt i need help on the 3 lines that I REM out.. as i don't know how to make them in aspmail CODE:

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I have created a signup page that sends a randomly created password to the user when they sign up.

To send the email I am using ASPmail which is installed on my server, I have also set it so if an error occurs it says what it is. But it says that the mail is being sent but then it is never received by the user. Does anybody know why this is? Code:

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Since 2000, I have built a web site for a client in ASP, using CDO mail. All has been well, and I have getting extension projects from them <g>. But while I was away on the holiday over Christmas, the "IT dept." has decided to rationalise all the web servers (ok)... and standardise on one mail component (ok)... and they have chosen and bought ASPmail without consultation with me.

This will break a lot of my code (syntax is very different)... and a junior in-house developer has been assigned the task of making my site work with the changes. he is struggling, not knowing my application very well, and it will take him a lot of time. Is this a bid for *control* by the pointy-heads.. or does ASPmail really have some good stuff going for it?

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We have a client with a site hosted on Verio which is running ASPMail

I need to send an email to the client with an attachment, however, I'd
prefer not to create the attachment on the local drive first. I rather
create it in memory and then attach the memory images as a file to the

Is that possible in ASPMail? The online docs are pretty sparse.

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I am trying to create a confirmation email that is sent out when the client places an order, I have looked into ASPMail as recommended by my ISP and downloaded an eval version to test locally (IIS WIN2000pro) but when I run it it comes back saying this evaluation version has expired.

Which as you can imagine is not really helping my frustration levels. Anyways, would anyone happen to know where I can find a recent usable download of Evaluation ASPMail?If so please list it here.

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ASPMail Error 503

I am converting my cdonts mailler to aspmail since we precured a mail server for bulk mailing and am having an issue.

the code is this..

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ASPMail With Forms

I've got 4 forms that I'm working on. For some reason 1 is working and the other 3 are not and I cannot figure out why. I have a lot of code and it would not all fit on here, so if anyone knows anything about ASPMail, and thinks they can help me, I can email you the code to the forms.

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Emailing Form Using AspMail

I am trying to email form contents using ASpmail. I have gotten the form to email the contents, however, when the email is received the contents are in a very random order. Is there a way to get the information in the email to appear in the same order in which the form fields appear on the form page?

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Converting From ASPMail To ASPEmail

Has anyone converted from ASPMail to ASPEmail...?

1) I get the following error. Can you offer some insight?

2) Is there an equivalent to this line: Mail.ContentType = "text/html" ...? Code:

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ASPMail Or JMail Script

I need a script that will send the form submitted data to an email address using PGP to ecrypt the data. I can find a lot of forms that are just sending a basic form but I can't find anything that has the encryption. Is the asp using JMail or the ASPMail a separate page from the actual encryption page or is everything done within the same page?

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Is ASPMail Good For Mass Email?

I am trying to send out a mass email newsletter. I have 600+ subscribers in our SQL Server Database. Well, is ASPMail (Server Object's product) good for this? If so I have some concerns about the error handling and assuring people don't continue to recieve the same email. Does anyone have expierence with this? If so, what is your advice?

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