Can Asp Use Valueless QueryStrings?

Can ASP use valueless or variable less QueryStrings like this: (Not a real link).
I would also like to know if it can use addresses like this: (Not a real link either.)
I would like to know for some work I am doing.

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Querystrings In Asp

I need to read a querystring from a frameset, actually its the parent of the frameset. The page that will do the reading is not actually one of the pages on the frameset but a pop-up window spawned by a frame in the frameset.
Using javascript I would use the property but how do I do this with asp? is there an equivalent of this?

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I've been building an Intranet app; and have used hidden fields exclusively to pass one or two things from one page to another.

However, now I have reached a point where I may have an email sent to a co-worker, and they want to be able to click on a link in the email to take them directly to the info about that item. While previously, I had been able to get to that item by typing an identifying number in a text box and clicking a submit button, that won't be possible with a link in an email. I guess I will have to use a querystring.

I am not sure how the querystring thing works, but it looks pretty easy on first glance. Is there a tutorial, a really basic one, showing how to use the querystring? Do I have to use the post method now?

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Error While Using Querystrings

i made a page in asp using querystrings for get some data and when i put in one of the variables in blank in the address bar i get this error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: '[string: ""]'

/history.asp, line 82

i don't know how to fix my code i have sth like this:

If Request.QueryString("var1")="sth" AND Request.QueryString("var2")>0 Then
'make some process
End If

so in the "var2" when it's empty i get an error :/ should i do another if for when is it empty just for in some way "handle" it and don't let occure problems while some user does sth like that??

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Querystrings And Cookies

I've noticed a strange problem with setting cookies in ASP when the
cookie name you're setting exists in the querystring. The company I
work for has many partner sites who link to our site like this: The partner.asp page then
sets a cookie called PartnerID containing the value from the

We have noticed, however, that if the partner calls the partner.asp
page and alters the capitalization of 'PartnerID' then another cookie
gets set which takes the capitalization of 'PartnerID' from the
querystring. All of the other asp pages in the site then seem to read
the first cookie set and thus it appears that the 'wrong' partner
settings are being used.

Has anyone experienced this problem before? Unfortunately altering the
cookie or querystring names would be a non-trivial task so this is not
an option at the moment.

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Querystrings And Redirects

I currently have been using something like this:

It worked fine because I didn't need to pass on any other values from the querystrings. But now, I need something that will redirect the page and pass all querystring values. I tried this:

response.redirect(request.querystring("page") & "&" & request.querystring)
But it brings me to something like this:
instead of what I would like for it to say:

Now.... I know that I could have written:

response.redirect(request.querystring("page") & "&id=" & request.querystring("id"))
But that won't work because I actually have many querystrings and I won't know which ones are used, etc. I want it to just transfer all the querystring data.

Oh, and if the redirect could take out the "page" querystring.. that would be great. Because I don't need it.. it is only used to know what page to go to. I just need to keep all the other querystrings.

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Hiding Querystrings

I want to hide all my querystrings variables and filename when they executed how can i do this.

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Hiding Querystrings

I want to hide all my querystrings variables and filename when they executed how can i do this?

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Parsing QueryStrings

I can parse my querystring just fine. But one thing that I can't seem to get working is displaying some of the data in a select box. Example:


I can populate the id and type values in my form fields just fine but equip_id and mac_addr will never be consistent. Certain case will have only one equip_id and one mac_addr value and in other case I will have equip_id0 thru equip_id20 and same with mac_addr. I simply want to parse whatever response I get and display those equip_id and mac_addr values dynamically in a select box. Is that possible?

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Problem With QueryStrings

I am creating an "Update Record" form and I ran into a problem with QueryStrings! Please help!!!

This is my code that gets the query string and I highlighted the line that causes the error: Code:

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Pop Up Utilizing Querystrings

I need to find out how to incorporate a popup window that passes a querystring, after some quick research I found that by using JavaScript that you can pop up a window Code:

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Blank Querystrings

I want to know how I can check if a querystring exists, whether it has a value or not.

Basically I would like to use test.asp?login without having to use ?Login=blah.

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Creating Cookies From Querystrings

I am able to create and read cookies, however, I have to *create cookies from querystrings* (I cannot do this from form values, because the response page *redirects to the page I am working on, so there is no direct way to use Request.Form("var")*

Anyway, when I create the cookie, and remove the querystrings, of course, the cookie no longer works.

How do I take querystring values and turn them into cookies, such as page.asp?name=dave

to create a cookie 'username' with value 'dave'

and when they visit just plain page.asp, it remembers the value 'dave'

What can I do to get it to work?

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Querystrings And Anchor Links

Whenever I click on a link (on the shoppingcart site I'm developing) that contains a querystring with the category name and an anchor name (whatever the name of the '#' bit in the URL is), SQL retrieves the category name from the querystring, filters out the appropriate information on the products and the page jumps down to the anchor link.

Once the customer clicks on a product, the processing page is meant to redirect, via the server.redirect command, back to the products page with a querystring identical to the initial filtering one (with the anchor name attached), thus teh customer is back to the same product that he clicked on, without having to scroll down every few seconds to add more of the same product.

However, even though the querystring sent by the response.redirect command is identical, the ASP code can't seperate it again properly and thus the SQL statement shows nothing, as the ASP coding thinks that the info following (and including) the # is apart of the 'category' part of the querystring.

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Using Querystrings In Response.redirect?

how can i use querystrings in response.redirect?

i want to use the variables CHOSENDATE and PERIOD, like


but of course that won't work!

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Why Are "bookmarks" Appearing In My Querystrings?

I started noticing some page errors in my web application. All
of the erroring clients where using Windows XP - MSIE 6.0. It seems these
clients were passing the bookmark (fragment identifier) portion of the URL
to the server.

For example, with the following URL:

The browser *should* send a request for:

However, these clients were sending the entire URL as the request. Thus, my
querystring parameter "myquery" had the unexpected value of "test#bookmark".

Has anyone else noticed this behavior? Perhaps it is related to the
download.ject patch (released July 2). I have yet to recieve a response to
this message, which was posted one week ago in two other newsgroups.

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