Expand UserControl

if I stick a DropDownList in a TableCell (all server-side) and click it, it drops down
over the grid without enlarging the cell and distorting the table. How do I get a user control to do the same? I've tried using Code:

<div style="z-index : 400">

my UserControl.ascx and in the main page layout but without success.

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I manage to create UserControls (.ascx pages) and i call them at the html coding, but I did not manage to display those UserControls from my vb sub
This is how I crate the UserContorls:
<%@ register tagprefix="aspx4devs" tagname="myheader" src="header.ascx" %>
this is how I Call it
<aspx4devs:myheader id="Myheader1" runat="server" NAME="Myheader1"></aspx4devs:myheader>
But I nead to Call it From a sub becaouse I use Code behind and ASP.NET with Visual Basic.NEt

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From Web Usercontrol Back To Parent

How can I access a web.asp code behind class-on from a code behind calss-function in a loaded web usercontrol. A.aspx loads control B.ascx . A's classA.function A displays info to a label on A.aspx .

I want to call classA.functionA from control B's class B.function B so that when I click on a button located on control B, the on click event fires class B function B which then calls class A function A which displays the info.

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Button To Expand And Collapse A Table

Would any one perhaps know how I would go about creating a button that can
expand and collapse a table?

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I have a usercontrol that consists of a dropdownlist that is databound to a sqldatasource. It gets populated with a staff list.

I've setup properties that can be set for the usercontrol when it's accessed from an aspx page.

I then have an aspx page that has a formview on it that is databound to a sqldatasource.

On the edititemtemplate I bind to the dropdownlist usercontrol's SelectedValue property that I setup.

The bind works, but it seems only works for writing to the control. When I bring up the edit item template, it shows the properly selected value from the dropdownlist, but when I change that value and then hit save, the item I changed to on the usercontrol dropdownlist isn't grabbed and sent back to my server it seems.

On the ORIGINAL version of my page that consists of about 30 other bound controls, it would give me an error of "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'blahblahblah', table 'Blah.dbo.Blah_tbl'; column does not allow nulls. UPDATE fails.
The statement has been terminated."

But when I rip almost everything out and just leave the company name textbox and the dropdownlist it doesn't return that error, but it still doesn't save my value. It posts back the page as if it had saved it, but no data is updated. Code:

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Giving The User Option To Expand Sections

I would like to set up the following:

The web user does a search of a database and the results are returned in an
HTML table. I want to present the user with a table that just shows the
salient facts (brief item description, stock value, etc).

However, I'd like to give the user the opportunity to expand (and if they
wish to contract again) any one row of the table to display things like a
picture and an extended description of the row item, rather than have them
go to a separate page for this.

I'd also like to give them the option to expand all rows in the table (and
contract them again) if they wished.

What's the best way to achieve this? I'm not sure of the target audience,
so may have to support browsers using HTML4 (may even be Netscape...)

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How To Make A Hierarchial Tree Of Option Buttons Expand Without Refreshing Asp Page?

I have a list of broad categories. For example:


Each of them are preceded by an option button. After the text, there is a plus sign. (this means that I can click on the + sign and then drill down further). For instance:


Similarly, if I want I can drill down California, if I want to.

Now my question is:

How can I drill down each of them without refreshing the page ? Every time I click on the + sign, the whole page refreshes and then I have to scroll down to see the break down list of the hierarchial tree.

Please suggest ways of doing this dynamically. How can I expand my hierarchial list without having to lose the focus on my hierarchial option tree?

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