NT IIS4.0 To 2003IIS6.0 Upgrade Will Not Work

I have upgraded my website from IIS4.0 on an NT Server to IIS6.0 on a 2003
Server now when my asp pages try to load they get a error 500 - Internal
Server Error Any Idea?

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I migrated a VID6 application from Windows NT 4 to Windows 2003 Server (IIS4
to IIS6) which was developed using ASP and VBScript and I now I am getting an
error message as follows:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Visual FoxPro error '80004005'
There is not enough memory to complete this operation.
/hinojosa-web/iPD2.asp, line 377
The line mentioned above refers to the execution of a query to generate a
recordset which will be displayed to the user who is requesting data. This
issue does not always happens, it does only after accesing the web site
several times.

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ASP+IIS4+MSSQL: Unicode Problem

I need to make an ASP page which needs to insert and display multilingual contents like Korean, Chinese, Japanese from a MSSQL DB.

After googling, I know that by the using server-side directive
"Session.Codepage=65001" and charset UTF-8 in HTML,I can do it in IIS 5.0.

But IIS 4.0 seems doesnt support this Codepage.

Is there any solution for IIS 4.0?

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Inconsistent Cookie Issue - IIS4

I'm having an inconsistent problem involving cookies. I have attempted to
duplicate the OS/browser settings for the remote users in question but I
cannot seem to duplicate the problem in any OS (Mac, Linux, Windows). I've
gone over and visited one problem site and I couldn't get it to work by
playing with security and privacy settings in MSIE. Obviously there is a
setting somewhere but I can't find it.

I can duplicate the problem by commenting out the ASP code that sets a
particular cookie. I also didn't see the cookie get set on the problem
system when I was trouble-shooting. I can't have the problem system with me
when I code though. :(

I won't post the entire project, but here are the parts that seem to be
central to the problem...

Response.AddHeader "Pragma", "no-cache"

response.cookies("epeid") = value '40 characters
response.cookies("epeid").Expires = dateadd("n", 7, date() & " " &
response.redirect redirectURL

It works fine on my systems. It redirects on the problem systems, only they
act like the cookie doesn't exist. When I asked the computer to prompt me
for each cookie I never saw epeid. On my system when I ask for a prompt it
just stalls on that particular cookie.

The above code is executed before any headers are written.

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Error When Migrating From IIS4 To IIS5

Let me first apologize for anything that makes me sound stupid. I'm really not a ASP programmer, but i am the one fixing our glitch.

First, let me explain whats going on. We have a company intranet signout board. And under our IIS4 server, it works just fine, but under IIS 5 its works except for one glitch. The board lets the user choose their name from a databse, and enter a date and time of leaving a arriving.

On the old server, if the user just entered a time, it automatically added the current date followed by the time. Now, if the user just enters a time, that all that is displayed, and for some reason the board will only allow one name to be displayed like that.

So if person A signs out with just a time, he is listed, until person B signsout and overwrites person A

I think i have narrowed the problem down to this

If FormatDateTime(Request("txtReturn" & intIndividualPerson),2) <> "12/30/99" Then

rsUDPerson("OutReturning") = Request("txtReturn" & intIndividualPerson)
rsUDPerson("OutReturning") = Date & " " & Request("txtReturn" & intIndividualPerson)
End If

The idea is, if there is a date, it wil be different then 12/30/99 so nothing is changed, but if no date if there it adds the current one. It almost acts like there is no Else statement.

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IIS4 Application Variable Removal

Any way to do this from asp page in IIS4? Application.Contents.Remove is IIS 5+. Setting variable to empty string does not remove variable.

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APS3 / IIS4 Session Wont Persist

Having trouble getting Session to persist. Have checked properties of the Virtual Directory in IIS4 manager and "Enable Session State" is checked, with time out set to 20 Mins. Have also checked the Project Properties in Interdev 6.0 and confirmed that
"Sensionless ASP Pages" is NOT checked.

When moving from one page to another within the application it starts a new session for each page : I've confirmed this both by Writing the SessionID and by adding a Variable into the On_Start of the Global.asa. Only trying to store a single digit in a Session variable.

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Upgrade SP2

I am running Win XP Pro with SP2.When trying to run a page with a .asp extension, both IE and FireFox display a box asking if i would like to download the file, it doesn't seem to recognise it as a page, but rather a document.

I must admit the last time I played with asp was over a year ago but both myself and others cannot see what could be wrong with the way it has been set up.My first reaction is that the problem has something to do with the upgrade in SP2,however I doubt this would effect FireFox?

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Problem With ASP After Upgrade To IIS 6

I recently upgraded my server from win2k to win2k3.

I cannot run asp pages now. If the asp page is configured
as part of an application i get "The requested resource is
in use" If I remove the application i get the
error "HTTP/1.1 New Application Failed" . I made sure ASP
was enabled but I still can't seem to figure out what the
problem is.

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Upgrade From MS Access?

Just wondering if there is a drag&Drop solution for migrating MS Access
forms to VB.NET? Anyone had any experiences?

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IIS Is Really Slow After IE6 Upgrade

I have a development box running Windows NT Server 4 SP6a with all the
latest hot fixes and patches. Up until a couple of days ago, it was
running IE5.0 without problems. I upgraded to IE6 SP1 and ever since,
whenever I access the default ASP web site, it takes ages for the first
page to appear. After that subsequent pages load fine. Code:

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BinaryRead Error After Upgrade

I had an ASP page which implemented a file upload feature. However, after moving this application from NT4 to Windows 2003 I receive an error which is caused by the Request.BinaryRead read. The error says this operation in not allowed. I presume it will be an IIS setting, but not sure what.

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Upgrade To Server 2003

When I upgraded to Server 2003, I get this error now in my asp script which
is saving a form to an asp database. Do I need to do something different
now? I have used FP to design my forms, and to do my data results pages. I
am now using sharepoint services also which I was not using previously.

The Include file '../_fpclass/fpdbform.inc' cannot contain '..' to indicate
the parent directory.

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ASP Appl With Client Certificate After OS Upgrade

I've upgraded my web server (W2K, IIS5) to W2K3, IIS6.0 with the web application (ASP, not ASP:NET) that uses client certificates.

Basically, when the user provides the client certificate, the asp page takes the public key and checks in the database for that public key. If it finds the key, it then maps the user to the firm's id.

The code that takes the client cert looks like this: Code:

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Index Server Upgrade From NT4 To 2000

I've not used Index Server since I set it up about 4 years ago on a Windows NT 4 machine.

I now have to move the site to a Windows 2000 machine. I've hunted high and low and have yet to find anything on the subject. Anyone point me in the right direction?

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Classic ASP Problem On 2005 Upgrade

I'm seeing a VERY odd issue after moving my data from a SQL2000 DB to
a SQL2005 DB. About half the time, when I request a value (using
ors.fields("pagedata") for instance), I get nothing returned. I know
there's data in the field, and I'm on the correct RS object.

Sometimes, when I move the call to another portion of the page, I get
the data (while on the same RS object). I need to move to a new server
running 2005, and folks are starting to chomp at me.

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Problems With Script After Upgrade To 2003 Server

I am currently using the following script on Window 2000 and it works fine. However i am trying migarte the site to Windows 2003 server. I have just about got everything else to work but this one page stops working.

I have checked the obvious, the database is there and that all works as the previous page requires info from it and it works fine. Code:

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ASP Error After Server03 Upgrade Http500 Internal Error

I have a data base feeding a course catalog thta works
just fine off my Win2k webserver but I upgraded my server
to 03 and now I can't get the asp page to load. I have
gone through TID after TID's on how the errors and I gave
IUSR specific rights to the files and folders to make sure
it wasn't a rights issue. Once I did that the error
changed a bit to

Provider error '80004005'

Unspecified error

/curriculum/courses.asp, line 22

Prior to adding the IUSR_SERVERNAME account I got

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] The Microsoft
Jet database engine cannot open the file '(unknown)'. It
is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need
permission to view its data. Code:

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Asp Does Not Work

i use a IIS 5.1 with win XP with the newest updates etc.
its possible to start aspx and html files but not asp files
what could it be ? what can i check ?

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Can It Work Like A CGI?

Can a ASP work like a CGI.(Email Scripts) ? Can a ASP script for email will work, if a Script is on 1 server and form(html.form) is on another server and a thank you page is on 3rd server. Like if u don't know about a CGI there are many websites who give you permission to use their script by editing little bit in yours form and place them on yours server website, there are number of site.

And 1 more thing I want to ask is if some one use a windows server he have a form html on that server, can he run asp script which is on Linux server to get form result on his desired email id.

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OnAfterPrint Cannot Work

cannot using onAfterPrint in IE 6.0, the page can print but cannot close.

my code like as below

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

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I Cannot Get This Inner Join To Work In Asp

<!--#Include Virtual="/bug/adovbs.inc"-->

<title>Bug Status Board</title>

Dim conn
Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source = (local); Initial Catalog =
techsupportBT; User Id = sa; Password="
Set rs = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sSQL="SELECT T.BugIndex, T.[Date Entered], T.DESCRIPTION,"
sSQL= ssql &" T.Company, T.Technician, T.Developer, T.PROGRAM, "
sSQL= ssql &" T.Status, T.PRIORITY, T.[Version Fix], n.noc"
n.bugindex "
set rs=conn.Execute(ssql)

and this is the error message that I get Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E14)
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'INNER'

I cannot find an example anywhere that helps with this situation. This works fine in SQL, but for some reason asp is being a pain.

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Can't Get CDO Mail To Work

I copied ASP/VBScript code from several sources and adapted it to my page and variables. Here is my current code for implementing CDO:

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Why Sub Procedure Does Not Work

I am trying to construct a sub procedure that concects to db , executes a stored procedure and returns a recordset. Connection to db and executing the stored procedure works fine.

The problem is that when I call the sub in the asp page to be executed the recordset is refused to be returned from the sub and the recordset itself does not appear to be constructed. or in another words the error displayed is: 'object required' --> refering to my recordset --> 'rs'

I do not know why, can any one tell me the reason, I tried much but with no result.
NOTE: For testing puropses I looped through the recordset isnide the sub itself and it worked fine Code:

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Global.asa How Does It Work?

Is there somebody who can explain to me how I can use a Global.asa to store Functions and Variables in it? I understand that there are 4 events that can be used in a global.asa : Application_OnStart, Application_OnEnd, Session_OnStart, Session_OnEnd

But still i don't get how i can CALL functions of variables. Because with those 4 things they start all in the beginning or in the end of a session or application.

For example i use an encrypt function in different pages, can i just put it in de global.asa and call it when i need it?

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ASP Not Work In W2003

I've just moved all asp file from IIS4/5 to IIS6(2003), but they don't work.It there any trick?

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Work Week

I need to provide a pulldown with work weeks displayed.Is there any easy way to do this?

I would like to go 6 months from the current date and show a week as Oct. 11- 15.Which is Monday to Friday.

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Validation Does Not Work

I have an asp page. In this there is a form when submit it have to chech if the fields are not emtpy.When it not empty it wil insert into a database an a mail.If a field is empty it send it anyway, it doens't do the validation. Here is a part of my code:Code:

<% if request("action") = "Verzenden" then
datum = request("dtmmeldinghelp")
if datum <>"" then
'I have tried also: if len(datum) <0 then
response.Write("<html>" & "<body>" & "Fout" & "</body>" & "</html>")
' here come my sql insert to code and the code for email
' this works fine

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Aspfunction Does Not Work

i built this test program:

the time is <% = Time %>

It does not show the time! very basic probably but not for me.

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Button Won't Work

I am trying to add a button to a menu which it's action is conditioned by a session variable. The button shows up fine but I get no action from the button being clicked . The variable does have a valid value. If anyone can help me out with this it would be greatly appreciated. The code follows:

<input TYPE="submit" NAME="Button1" VALUE="Quote Generator">

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="VBScript" FOR="Button1" EVENT="onClick">
If Session("RVQuoteAuthority") = "Y" then
MsgBox "No Authority"
End If

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How CDONTS Work ??

Talking about the cdonts objects.. i want to send the email in windows xp..
i downloaded cdonts.dll and registered it.. but still i am not able to send
the mail.. is it so that i need to set the settings in the Virtual SMTP server
in IIS ?

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Does GetObject Work With ASP?

I have not been working with ASP for too long at this time and am not real familiar with a lot of things about ASP. I have searched for articles on the following question but
not come up with any definite answers. Code:

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Setting Up IIs To Work With Asp

I am trying to get ASP to work with IIS and i keep getting page cannot be displayed when i try to open asp pages? Do i have some settings wrong somewhere?

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