Refresh Parent Window

I have a popup from the parent window which allwos the user to add in new location. when the lcoation has been added succesfully. then thewindow closes and the parent gets refreshed. In particular, just the location listbox gets updated with the new value. the location listbox i generated from the database using asp.

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Parent Window Refresh When Child Is Closed

I have an asp page (parent) which opens a new window (child) with "". What i want is, when the child window is closed with "self.close()" then the parent window has to be refreshed. Any of you guys know how to do this?

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How To Pass Values From Parent Window To Popup Window In Server Side?

1. I have a form, with a textbox and a button. I have to enter a value in the text box and then i have to click the button, which opens a popup window. Here i want to pass the value of the text box which is entered in the parent window to popup window.

I have to use that value in the popup window's form_load event in the Code behind, and i have to take the values from the database using the value which i have entered in the parent window. Code:

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Refresh Parent From Frame

I have a page(1) inside a frameset. The frameset opens from another page(2). I want when I change something on page 1(inside the frameset), the page 1 to be reloaded.

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Title Of Parent Window

is there anyway to get the title of the window that opened a new window? in javascript it would be window.opener.document.title but is it even possible to get that with asp?

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Refreshing The Parent Window

i have a popup from the parent window which allwos the user to add in new location. when the lcoation has been added succesfully. then thewindow closes and the parent gets refreshed. In particular, just the location listbox gets updated with the new value. the location listbox i generated from the database using asp.

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Pass Value From Child To Parent Window!

I have a page which had a text box.

When a user clicks in the text box, by using the onclick event, i am opening a popupwindow with a list box. Now when the user selects a value in this list box, i want to pass that value to the parent window and populate the parent textbox.

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Form When Refreshing Parent Window (only FF)

i have a simple form with about 20 dropdowns. if the user preferes they can go through each dropdown with the question in a pop up window.

In this popup window they enter each question one at a time, once they enter an answer and submit the page reloads and stores the answer in the database and goes to the next question. At the same time the popup window forces a refresh on the main form so that the value selected in the popup is now seen on the main form as they go through each question.

My problem is that when the main for refreshes with new values to be selected FF does not change the value on the drop down. but when i go to the source the correct value is selected. I do not have this problem in IE everything works as it should be.

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How Do I Reload The Parent Page When I Close The Pop Up Window?

I have a datagrid displaying data. There's an "edit" button, which I use Javascript to create a popup window where I can change the information. There's a "save" button on the pop up window.

Currently, I have to click the save button, and the the close button to close the pop-up window, go back to the calling page and refresh it before the information is updated in the calling page.

I would like to be able to use the "save" button on the pop-up window to close the pop-up AND reload the parent page. Is that possible?

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Javascript Parent Window Reload Without Retry Popup

I have a child window that has a button to close it. I would like the parent window to be refreshed (since action taken in the child would change the values in the parent). The code I have works, but I get that "Retry" popup... I would like to bypass that. Any suggestions? Code:

View Replies View Related Destroys My Parent Session Values

When a open an asp page from a modal window through, my session values of parent(the screen that invoked the modal window) are lost.

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Refresh Window From Another One

How can i refresh window from another by just clicking button ...

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Refresh Another Window

I have one asp page (main.asp) that opens a window, that allows the user to enter an item. This window is controlled by enter_item.asp, much the same as a modal VB window. Except, when the item is entered in the pop up window, and this window processes the changes and closes, I need the main window to refresh again.

Because the pop up window is there, for an undefinable period, it is not possible to set a refresh timeout on the main window. Is there anyway, the pop up window can send back to the main.asp page, to refresh itself?

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Update Record In A Popup And Then Refresh Main Window

I have a main window which shows all records from a table. When a user clicks on "Edit" for a record, a popup showing information of the selected record is displayed.

The user then changes the information on the popup and clicks "OK" button which calls an ASP page to update that record in the table. Everything works with no problem up to this stage.

My problem start after the update process. I need to know how to close the popup and then refresh the main window showing the updated information....

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Refresh Parent Page From Child Page

This is my coding:

window.opener.location.reload(); window.close();

I don't want the IE to pop up the alert msg to false retry or cancel to reload the page.

I have tried:

1. window.opener.location = window.opener.location
2. window.opener.history.go(0)

But as i carry some data from previous previous page, when i use (window.opener.location = window.opener.location), it can't capture my data as it just load the page. It will pop up error as no data captured :

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'
Type mismatch: '[string: ""]'

Any suggestion?

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Parent To Form To Asp Page To Parent

i have a form that pops up based on a click. the popup opens up correctly.
now what i want it to do is this.

1. submit the data to an asp page. that part i got working
2. close the popup box. have that working as well.
3. after processing the data on the asp page, direct to and refresh the
parent page that the popup was created from.

to be more specific....

i have a bracket page, where you click on the winners name to move them
over. works fine. that sends variables to a pop up box, where you enter a
score. that works fine. now when i submit, it only sneds the data to the asp
page, and even though the bottom of the asp page redirects it to the parent
page, it doesn't. it seems like it is trying to redirect to the popup that
doesn't exist anymore, so it does nothing.

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Frame Doesn't Refresh Properly When Manually Refresh Page

I have a page with 2 frames. The first one has a link that loads a page in the second frame. This page has a button on it. When the button is hit, the page does some processing and loads another page in the same frame (the second).

I use ASP and response.redirect or javascript in the onclick event of the button to do the redirection. When I refresh the page by clicking the button on the browser (IE), the second frame becomes empty. Please note that the src attribute of the frame is not set.

If I set the src attribute of the second frame to some asp page and then navigate to another page inside the same frame, when I refresh the page, the initial asp page is loaded in the frame regardless of the asp page currently loaded into the frame.

It seems that when you refresh the page, the frames are reinitialized no matter what pages are currently loaded in the frames.

I solved the problem by redirecting to the main page in the top frame, passing some parameters and resetting the src of the frame to the desired asp page. Thus, when the page is refreshed, all the frames are properly refreshed too.

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Using Refresh Button On The Menu Bar To Refresh Two Frames.

I have an ASP site that uses frames two frames. (yes I
should be using include files, but we started ou using
frames so we have been stuck with frames.)

When I get a page expired warning (I am not caching pages)
and a user clicks refresh from the menu bar the user is
taken back to the home page! The home page is a frame with
a top frame that is repeated on each subsequent asp pages

The lower half of the home page is a login screen.

After login the next page is shown in the lower half of
the frame. Refreshing within the individual frames is ok.

But when the Refresh from the menu bar is used the home
page is returned any ideas why?

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How To Return Selected Value In One Window To A Main Window

I want to provide a lookup facility for users to select a code from a list. I want this to be done in a small popup window, which, when a code is selected, will close down and return the selected value to the main form. Can this be done ??

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Keep Value's Of Opener Window When Return From A Popup Window

I'am not familiar wit ASP but I have to maintain an application. In a window there are some text selection fields and a search button. If you press on the search button record list is build according to what is filled in the selection fields. You can select a record and then a detailed window is shown or in another occasion a popup window is shown.

The request is now if the opened window or popup window is closed, then the opener window has to be opened with the same content (content selection fields + record list) as it was before the window or popup is opened.

Now I thought that I have read that every window which is opened gets an ID and that it is possible to call up that window by the ID from the cache again. Is that right? And if so? Or has somebody a better idea. Code:

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Popup Parent

i have an aspx page. on that page there is a link that open a new popup page. Popup page contain some text fields. user fills that fields and press OK. By clicking OK I append the textbox values in the DataTable, which is already saved in the session
My Problem is that when that popup windows closes by clicking Ok i want to show that new information in datagrid on the parent page(which opened the popup page[]). i have info in the session, but problem is that when i bind datagrid by using the session Datatable on the parent page.

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Parent Paths

If I've enabled Parent Paths (PP) in IIS, but have installed the URL Filter
and disallowed ".." and "../" within links, am I covered from the
vulnerabilities of PP's?

This allows me to use PP's in #Include statements, but doesn't allow
visitors to use PP's in their links to access directories on my server.

Is this correct?

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Indicate The Parent Directory

I have a software that has generated a code for me, not sure if I'm allowed to give out names of other companies on here so i won't for now. anyways, the code has worked for a long time on my server just fine. Until I got a new server, same operating system and everything, i just cut and paste everything over from the old server to the new one. But for some reason now one of my sites will not let me use ".." in my code.

<!--include file=../2020applicationsconnections.asp-->

I would just place the "2020applicationsconnections.asp" file in the folder my current file is in, but then that messes up all the the linking that the "2020applicationsconnections.asp" file had in it. So is there any phrase, symbol, ect. that i should use to indicate a parent directory in this code? or is there some setting i need to change on my server that was set up on my old one.

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Parent And Child Folders....

I have one asp file including another asp file in a seperate folder. The file of the parent is in a read only, but the child is in a write and read file. If i run the child alone you can write with it no problems, but if i try to write with it calling it through the parent it tells me that permission are denied.

So my question is: are file permissions inhereted by the child from the parent? Is there any way of getting around this besides moving the parent into the same folder as the child?

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Parent And Child Windows

i have 2 asp pages. the parent and the child. the parent has has a value doc_id which is null. and a button to open the child window. it has other variables and input fields.

the child window creates the doc_id.

Now heres the problem. I want to close the child window, and send the doc_id(created in the child) to the doc_id(in the parent). and close the child window.

But keep the original variables in the parent id. (e.g if the user entered their name in the parent window, then opened the child window, then created the doc_id, then closed the child window, i want to parent to have the user name, and the new doc_id)

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Server.mappath() Parent

How to use server.mappath() parent folder correctly:


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Writing URL In Parent Frame

What do I need to do to write the URLs of the two identical iFrames in the textarea of the parent frame? Well, the iFrames are the same asp file, but the three listboxes in each iFrame make their URLs different. The problem is that upon selecting both iFrames listboxes, the 2nd iFrame cancels out the URL of the first iFrame written on the parent's frame.

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From Web Usercontrol Back To Parent

How can I access a web.asp code behind class-on from a code behind calss-function in a loaded web usercontrol. A.aspx loads control B.ascx . A's classA.function A displays info to a label on A.aspx .

I want to call classA.functionA from control B's class B.function B so that when I click on a button located on control B, the on click event fires class B function B which then calls class A function A which displays the info.

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Jumping To The Top Of Parent Using Iframes?

I have a parent window (default.asp) and on this page I have an IFrame that displays the rest of the menu requests for the site. The url always shows the base url, never other pages because they appear in the IFrame - this is by design.

The content in the IFrame is dynamic and may scroll forever depending on how much data is retrieved from the db. If the user scrolls down the IFrame to view to contents, the top of the default.asp page scrolls with it until it reaches the top of the IFrame.

The problem is that when navigating through the site I can't seem to figure out how to get it to jump to the top of the default.asp page when the page in the IFrame changes. This causes the user to have to scroll up and down throughout the site making it unappealing for navigation reasons.

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Parent Path Debate

I know that IIS 6 disables parent paths by default and I see in M@rco's blog that he "hates them with a vengence." The problem with not using them (at least with includes) though, is that your code files cannot be structured in a useful way, otherwise you will not be able to redistribute your code or to move your folders. Code:

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Passing Varibles From POP-Up Back To Parent

I have an ASP page form that will be used for data entry. I am redoing a MS-Access Runtime application that has been used for a few years.

One of the issues; "What to do about the conditional visibility code" I had set on several of my Form objects.

What happens is, based on what value the user selects from a drop down box; additional fields would become visible requiring input. What I came up with in ASP was a POP-Up Window.

I got the window working by downloading some code from a tech site and I set up a "Switch” statement to conditionally the POP-Up window's initiation.
I set up users input fields and I tested it and it works fine.


With the Parent window still open, how can I pass the values from the POP-UP back into it for use? I mean without closing the Parent Window and Losing all the data values entered in the previous form fields.

How do I set it up so that when a user submits the Parent window data the POP-Up values go with it? I've have tried the standard POST Method but the Parent can not see the POP-UP window Form Field values.

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Altering/refreshing A Parent Page

I have an asp application where in a certain page you have to enter a PO number, if you click the search it will bring up the 15 most previous PO number w/some information.

I want to be able to have those PO Numbers to be links, that when you click them it closes the new window(I have this) and the parent page can grab the PO number clicked and display that in this text field how would I go about this?

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Setting The Value Of A Form From A Parent Screen

I have a screen, screenA, from which I call another screen, screenB, with a form on it. ScreenA has an ID that is captured in a variable called strShortName. (That variable is defined in another file called into ScreenA via an include.) I want to write that name as the value in a hidden field in the form on screenB. How can I do that?

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