
I have a problem when trying to do response.binarywrite for files > 64kb. I am reading a blob data from the database, this blob data contains files. To read from database ADODB.Recordset is used. I am using the following code to write on to the browser:

Response.BinaryWrite rs.fields(blob field)

This works fine when the blob data is < 64 kb but when this limit exceeds then an error is thrown. how I can go about and read files > 64 kb ? Is there a maximum limit on the size of the file that can be used with response.binarywrite?

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Response.BinaryWrite For One JPEG Is Very Slow

I am using Response.BinaryWrite to display JPEG's to the browser. The
problem is that in IE, one particular JPEG is loading very slow. Normal
JPEG's take a few seconds, but this one sometimes takes up to 30 seconds.
THe weird thing is that if I refresh really quick, the JPEG appears for quick
second, and then the new Response.BinaryWrite kicks in. So, it looks like
the browser has the image, but for some reason it is not finishing loading it
into the browser. Code:

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Response.binarywrite Cuts Some Of The Image

when I upload images to a db, everything seems to work smoothly. But when I'm trying to view the page, it seems that there is sth wrong with images - all of them are cut at the bottom. The image size is correct, the filesize is ok, but the bottom part of the image is blank...

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Response.binaryWrite Chunks Of Data

I made a posting a while ago regarding doing a binarywrite of a large
file in chunks and got a lot of helpful responses. I was able to make
it work then. Unfortunately when the project is being tested its not
working and I am getting some weird results when testing. A month ago I
was able to stream a file of size 80Mb and it worked like a dream

Yesterday it would not work on the same file, but would stream smaller
files. The largest file i was able to stream yesterday was 55.5MB.
Today it wouldnot work with the 55.5MB file but only with a file of max
size of around 54.5MB. I can't seem to figure out what is causing this.
Because the code is the same. I actually get no error, with the file
size i mentioned i get a popup window within seconds for the file
download. But anything greater than that file size (max size as of
today 54.5) even if it is an MB more i get a blank screen but it never
pop ups the file download box Code:

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it is possible to print binary content via response.BinaryWrite!
But is it possible to determine as a value?
(I get content from another site, they send to me wrong character because of the chracter coding.I want to get it as binary.I can already get, but I can't edit

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help me regarding the 'Response.BinaryWrite' I am making one web application where I need to store some of client logo's and others images. In this context I am able to store images into .DB file and even able to display into browser to. But it seems to be 'Response.BinaryWrite' does not support 'html/text' hearder if you user 'BinaryWrite'? I had tried many way to do so but its does not write binary if pages content <html><body> tag's.

I could had done it by uploading images into disk, which is quite simple method and faster too<img src"images/<%=filename%>.jpg/gif"> by having unique file name. But I am not the person who is going to monitor it as user itself has a persmission through the web to have there image as they want to give file name etc. Also I can't have individual directory for each users as if tomorrow users grow then what I suppose to do?

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BinaryWrite And Firefox

I am using Response.BinaryWrite to write a PDF to the browser. Everything works great on IE and Safari but when I try to use Firefox the browser hangs. The title bar says application/pdf but nothing ever shows up. Going directly to the pdf works fine but unfortunately am unable to do that in the long run and must use BinaryWrite.

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Displaying Img From Access Using BinaryWrite

I have a commercial database written in access and I'm trying to display some images, jpegs, stored in the DB on web page. My code is as follows:

Response.ContentType = "image/jpeg"

sql = "SELECT PartImage FROM Parts WHERE ShortID='AAPTM01'"
Set rs = AMConn.execute(sql)
If not rs.eof Then
PicSize = rs("PartImage").ActualSize
if PicSize > 0 then
end if
End If
set rs = nothing

All i get on the page is the image not found icon with the red cross in IE.
What could possibly be going on?

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File Does Not Begin With %PDF - BinaryWrite

Been struggling over this issue for a long while. We store PDF's in our SQL Server database. And I do a BinaryWrite to display the PDF.

It works for me without issue, on FireFox, IE, and Opera! But we are receiving feedback that some users are receiving the file does not begin with %PDF message ....

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Binarywrite And ADODB.Stream

In Windows 2000 IIS 5 SP3 this:;en-us;276488

is not working. No error but wants to save binary.asp to disk and can't. I have it in a High Isolation Application.

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BinaryWrite, IE And Adobe Reader 6.0

I'm having some problems with the Reponse.BinaryWrite, IE 6.0 and Adobe Reader 6.0. When I try to write a pdf-file to an IE browser with a Adobe Reader 6.0 installed then it just displays a blank page and the earth on the top rigth corner keeps turning like it haven't read the pdf-file (for 10+ minutes on a lan).

If I change the settings on the Adobe Reader 6.0 to not open in a browser, then it works fine. If I use Mozilla 1.4 then it opens fine as well.It works fine as well with Adobe Reader 5.1. The code looks like this:

[Some code that places the pdf-file in a byte array called vntStream]
Response.ContentType = "Application/pdf"
Response.BinaryWrite = vntStream

I have tried to place a Response.Flush after the BinaryWrite, but it just makes the Adobe plug-in say something like "document corupted".

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Updating Browser While Do BinaryWrite?

Here is a snippet of some code that writes/exports a Crystal Report to an I.E. Browser (this is on an intranet using ONLY I.E). Code:

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How Can I Output TheResponse.BinaryWrite

How can I output the Response.BinaryWrite content in an asp page that has
html tags inside?

I need to write the binary data to the client browser inside the html tags.

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ADODB.Stream And BinaryWrite Problems.

I`m writing a little routine that captures the data from a form submit (ie a picture) and then at the back end the asp will saved it back out into a file on the server.

I can capture the file fine and display the binary data to the screen.. but now I`m trying to write the data back into a file on the server. After a bit of searching around on the net I found that most people where suggesting using the ADODB.Stream functions.

So this is what I've got but for some reason when I go to write the binary variable it complains. Code:

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ASP, DOC, RTF, ADODB.Stream, ContentType, BinaryWrite, And ReplaceB()

It involves using ASP/VbScript and ADODB.Stream to read binary data from a *.DOC or *.RTF
file and then send it to the user with Response.ContentType and BinaryWrite.

Everything works fine until I try to Replace() certain strings in the *.RTF
file with my own data. I'm assuming Replace() is choking on the binary characters, or
incorrectly thinking 0x00 values are marking end of string. Code:

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How To Break Up BinaryWrite File Into Multiple Chunks

I am doing a binaryWrite to allow users to download files. The problem
occurs if the file is too big. Some of the files i have are close to
100 megs. I read on msdn that if the data is greater than 4MB it is
advisable to break it up into multiple chunks Code:

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Response.Write To The HTTP Response Body

<a target="_blank"

Can anyone please tell me what to enter after Response.Write to write the above to the HTTP Response body.

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Response.redirect And Response.end

Is there any point in having response.end after response.redirect?

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The following code checks to see if user is an Admin...if not then the user get redirected to another page.

If(accountType <> "Admin") Then
        response.redirect "message.asp?msg=20"
End if

My question is:
Do I need Response.End?
Can a user (not an admin) stop the browser from redirecting and execute the code after the if statement?

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Response.End Or Not?

after looking at someone elses code here I noticed that he
always does a Response.End after a Response.Redirect. I was under the
impression that code execution would stop on the current page as soon as the
Response.Redirect statement appeared, but the guy reckons that the code will
continue running on the current page before starting the new one. Can
someone give me the definitive answer on this?

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Response End, Set Rs = Nothing

I must admit I always forget to use "response.end"

and I also forget to "set objects = nothing"

how important are these things.

I know my application run fine without them probably because I usually have
plenty of processing power and ram.

My understanding is that a small peace of ram will be tied up for a set
period of time, and then it will be returned for use.

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What is wrong with this line?

response.write <img src="" & rs("LastName") & "_" & rs("FirstName") & ".jpg" width=85 border=1>"

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Using Response

I have placed an include to "security.asp" at the top of each .asp page in the Members Area of my client's web site.
When the following code in "security.asp" is executed, the user is redirected to the "join.asp" page but the url in the browser address bar still shows the last page's url.

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Immediate Response

My first question was, can I hide a form field and make it visible upon
selecting a particular value on a dropdown select field? Hoping for your
immediate response.

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I have a page which runs a script. When it gets to the end of the page I want it to do 2 things:

1) take some variables from the page and create an Outlook email with the subject, body and To fields populated with those variables.
2) send the page to another page.
This is roughly the theory:


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My Response

1) I like to know when a problem is solved. When the original person posts a "thank you that solved my problem" message and I see it I know that what they did worked. The macromedia site allows people who opened the thread to close it as "solved" Then you can search for a topic and request only "solved" threads.
2) When I am stuck on something for a long time and someone finally gives me the info. I've been stressing out over. I would feel guilty if I did not thank the helpful person. My parents' good upbringing must have burned into me the idea that you need to say "please" and "thank you".
Just my two cents. Also the Macromedia forum is not a better forum, unless it is a specific question about one of their products. Even then

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In my html page to update a table I am forwarding request to a ASP apge bys using form.action="test.asp", and form.submit(). In asp I am doing database update. Response of this I want to show alert box to user whether operation is succesful.

I donot want ot redirect to some other page and I do not want to disturn existing view. I mean I want get only response such as true or false and based on respose I will display alert in front end. I want some thing like this,

var result=form.submit()
if( result="successfull")

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URL Response

This is my current URL after the process takes place. I want to add in the URL after intCatID & . This additonal paramater [AL = "intAL"], then the error but I forgot how to do this.

Response.Redirect "" & strCatName & "&CatID=" & _
intCatID & "&Error=" & Server.URLEncode(intCount & " files were successfully added to the Package.")

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I have a Popup window where a user inputs soem data.

On successfully entering this data I redirect the user to
a page in the same popup indicating that the form has
submitted successfully.

I want to resize the page that I redirect the user to.

Is this possible in ASP?

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<% Response.ContentType

I have a page called createWordDoc.asp, that starts with the line <% Response.ContentType = "application/msword" %>.

What it does, is receicves information from a form on the previous page, formats everything using html, and saves it as a word document.

Everything is working ok, except when I open the word document, there should be a picture in amongst the text, but it isn't there.

Does anyone know about creating word docs from asp, or has anyone had simliar problems?

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Response.Cookies Bug

I've come across some weird bug with Response.Cookies. Or maybe it will be
called "by design" but for the life of me I can't figure out what purpose it
would serve. If you're setting a cookie (say Response.Cookies ("TEST")) and
you have a query string variable &test=x or &Test=x and you get
Request.QueryString to parse the query string, the cookie that gets dropped
matches the case of the query string, not what your code says. In other
words even though the code says Response.Cookies ("TEST"), it drops
Response.Cookies ("test") instead.

Anyone have any idea what's going on here? There's an example below. Try
it with and without the query string

<%@Language=Jscript Enablesessionstate=false%>
<%var exp = new Date();
exp.setTime(exp.getTime() + (2 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000))
var expDate = (exp.getUTCMonth()+1) + "/" + exp.getUTCDate() + "/" +

var x = Request.QueryString ("dummy");
Response.Cookies("TEST") = "This is a test";
Response.Cookies("TEST").Expires = expDate;

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Using Response.cookie

Having just migrated to w2k from NT4, I've stumbled across an oddity with
cookie handling - at least, that's what it appears to be.
I (was) using response.buffer with .addheader to write two cookies into a
the http header for a particular page . Worked fine for three years.

After the upgrade, I'm finding that two copies of the same cookie appear,
one with blanks for values, the other with values filled in; this has the
effect of logging the user into the page if the first copy isn't blank....

So, I changed the code to use response.cookie, which is fine, but the
names/values get encoded, and unfortunately the software vendor uses dashes
in the name part.

Is there any way to force .cookie to not encode the '-'?

or do I need to look at javascript to write the cookie?

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I am trying to add some basic security to my asp web pages. I have a logon screen which, when the logon and password are checked for validity, passes the user on to a registration screen using the code

response.Redirect "user_reg.asp?User=" & Request.Form("UserName")

I then inserted the following line before the redirect
response.Cookies("ValidUser") = "ValidUser"

I have the following check at the start of the user_reg.asp page
if request.Cookies("ValidUser") <> "VaildUser" then
response.redirect "user_login.asp"
End if

All that happens now is that when I log in validly user_login.asp is
redisplayed rather than the user_reg.asp.

Perhaps this is not sufficient to set the cookie? I have looked for it but
can't see it amoungst other cookies dated today.

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