Run Code Once Based On Date + Asp

i was wondering if anyone could tell me how to run code once based on date. I have an application that i want to update a database based on the particular month. Any ideas?

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Date Based Criteria

i'm looking to select records based on date, the database
stores the date as mm/dd/yyyy time am/pm ie: 08/11/2004 2:42:28 PM and
unfortunately the field is called date

this much I know if i want to select based on date:

select from table where [date]=

it's my understanding that i need to put the name of the date field in
[] in order to prevent it from confusing it with functions etc...
however my problem is this

how do i get it to select records from the month of december i have
tried [date]='12/*/2004' and [date]='::12/*/2004::' and many other
variants that i have read about on various web sites, but it never seems
to work once again the answer is probably not as complicated as i
believe it to be,

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Search Based On Date Range

I have this simple form that I want to be able to search my database for one field with a date range based on the values from this form, but I am unsure how to write the asp side of how to search the database field for a date between value one and two from a form. Any ideas would be great. Code:

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Change Image Based On Date

I can use to rotate images based on the date. I have a number of logo images that I want to appear in the same location of my web page. However, I want to determine which one is "active/viewable" depending on the date. I'm somewhat of a noob although I know how to manipulate canned scripts to get them to work. Any scripts out there that do such a thing?

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Display Records Based On Last_modified Date

I have an access product inventory DB which has a Last_modified field associated with each product. I need an ASP function that will display all records that have been added within the previous week. Aka, SELECT * FROM TBLINVENTORY WHERE .....

The format of the date and time stored is like this: 18/02/2004 6:15:55 PM ...

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Show Recordset Based On Current Date

I want to call a recordset based on whether the 'expiration_start' date and 'expiration_end' date are within the current date.

I've tried a few things but can't get it to work?

Here's my non-working SQL statement:


sSQL = "SELECT * FROM poll WHERE #" & date & "# BETWEEN expiration_start AND expiration_end"

I'm simply using 'date' to call the current date. I'm not sure if that's correct but it seems to work ok when I use it in an "if" statement like this example:

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Create Monthly Totals Based On Date Field

my question is regarding using ASP to loop through the results of a sql query and calculate a monthly total based on a date field.

I am using the following query to total the number of train rides for a given branch by day type (weekday, Sat., Sun.) and create a 3 month rolling avg. (to diminish large fluctuations in the data). I am using Oracle 9i to store the data.

Please see below for the database query, the query output, and the desired output using ASP to sum the rides for each month. Code:

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Date Code

Here is my code:

Quote: <%=FormatDateTime(strDate, 1) %>

All I am getting is Saturday December 30, 1899. Why isnt it showing todays date?

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Code Format Of Date

The dates that I have in my database are formatted in this way: January 22, 2006
The problem I am having is selecting the items that have the date equal to or after the current date using that format.
This code below is giving me the following error:

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03fd'
Expected 'Case'
/, line 4
SELECT DATE_FORMAT('date',%M %d, %Y)
Dim varcat
varcat = date()
Set rsTest = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rsTest.Open " Select * from cruisespecial WHERE " & "#" & varcat & "#" & "<= dat and line='Test' ORDER BY famid desc",conn
if NOT rsTest.EOF then
do while NOT rsTest.EOF

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I Need Code For Last Logon Date

i need code for the last logon date of the user which will display on his page when he log's in to his account page.

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Date Format Code

I am trying to first get list on icons to display based on the file extension. Then I am trying to get my Bytes of files size to display as KB Final I am trying to get my date to write as dd - mon it is now

Icons display

'strOutput = strOutput & "<!-- #include file='' -->" This does not work

strOutput = strOutput & "</td>" & vbCrLf

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Formatting Date Incorrect Code

I have two dynamic listboxes.One is a date and needs formatting.I am using DWMX and therefore used the format function within the dynamic listbox wizard.When I run the page the listbox without formatting is ok, but the date listbox returns the following:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'. Type Mismatch 'DoDateTime' /admincontacts.asp, line 189

Line 189 is the following:

<option value="<%=(rsAdmin.Fields.Item("Date_Added").Value)%>" <%If (Not isNull(DoDateTime((rsAdmin.Fields.Item("Date_Added").Value), 1, 4105))) Then If (CStr(rsAdmin.Fields.Item("Date_Added").Value) = CStr(DoDateTime((rsAdmin.Fields.Item("Date_Added").Value), 1, 4105))) Then Response.Write("SELECTED") : Response.Write("")%> ><%=(rsAdmin.Fields.Item("Date_Added").Value)%></option>

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Code For Collecting User Ip Address/date Into SQL Server Database

I need code to capture a users ip address once they agree to a disclaimer (a form yes/no). If the user states no a message telling them they do not have access and a redirect back to the home page.

I need to put the ip address along with the date a sql server database. I am lost as to how to code this and also how to set it up in my directories.

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What Is The Asp Code Variable For System Date And System Time?

What is the asp code variable for System Date and System Time? Are they built-in system variables, or is there some code involved to return the values?

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How To Check The Date Difference Between The Current Date And The Booking Date?

I am developing a simple booking system where I had a booking date. The problem is I want to make sure that the user must book 3 days in advanced for certain room.

I have tried to use DateDiff but it seems doesn't work. Actually i just 1 to make sure that the user must book 3 days in advanced from the current date. I am wondering whether there is anything goes wrong in my datediff function. Code:

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ASP Code - Anti Spam Verification Code

I'm looking for sample code that will require a use to enter a code from a scued image format.

I'm sure you've seen them before where the image is barely readable by a human and the user has to enter the code correctly to submit the form.

I'm looking for ASP code and NOT ASP.NET code as I am supporting a legacy site.

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Web-based Sql Db Mgr

it appears that my ISP is blocking port 1433 which means i can no longer connect to my sql db on the web. had been using an access project or another program called WinSQL. so i'm forced to go with a web-based solution and i don't really have time to build one from scratch. the host this site is on still hasn't installed the .net framework so i have to go with a classic asp solution.

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Select Statement Comparing Date() & Date Field Of Database

i'm new here and i'd like to ask if there's someone who knows how to compare date() function and date from database with date/time type inside select statement so i don't have to do if..then..else

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Date Problem (wrong Date Inserted When Updating)

sql = "UPDATE Marknad SET" _
& " Typ ='" & Typ & "'" _
& ", Modell ='" & Modell & "'" _
& ", Arsmodell ='" & Arsmodell & "'" _
& ", Beskrivning ='" & Beskrivning & "'" _
& ", Stad ='" & Stad & "'" _
& ", Prisidé ='" & Priside & "'" _
& ", Fornamn ='" & Fornamn & "'" _
& ", Efternamn ='" & Efternamn & "'" _
& ", Telefon ='" & Telefon & "'" _
& ", Epost ='" & Epost & "'" _
& ", Datum ='" & Datum & "'" _
& " WHERE (((Marknad.Annonsnr)=" & Request.QueryString("id") & "))"
DatabaseConnection.Execute sql


Above does work as I want it to do BUT it inserts 1/8/2006 instead of 8/1/2006 as it should!

The best thing would be to exclude the date from updating at all, but when taking away the line:

& ", Datum ='" & Datum & "'" _
It gives an error... how do I solve this?

I forgot, you might want to see this:
Datum = date

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Getting Week Start Date And End Date By Entering Weeknumber

In my page i have two combobox. one for year and one for week numbers.Now my prob is

1.when i select a year from combo box 1, second combox box will display the number of weeks in that if i select 2005 it display me list from 1 to 53 as there are 53 weeks in 2005.

2.when i select a weeknumber from combobox 2 and press submit button it ll display start date and end date of entered week.

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How To Redirect Based On The Url??

I want to do on my site and if anyone can tell me it can/can't be done that would be great. If it can be done, is it difficult or is there already code available and I can just *plugin* the info that pertains to my site? Code:

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Recorset Based On Some Value

I need to open recordset and select one record based on some value?
I need some script which will select random record based on the some percent or some number from 1-10, for example.

Its banner rotation system i have made, and it select randomly record, but I need some percent or some number(1-10) for selecting recordset based on that number.

banner1 10
banner2 70
banner3 40 every will be selected based on value from DB.

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Xml Based Mp3 Player

i found a flash based mp3 player for my myspace that pulls the playlist from an xml file. my question is this... i want to be able to change the playlist (add, delete songs, change play order, etc...) without having to change the xml. here's my idea and i'm not sure how exactly to do all of it, but let me know if there is an easier way.if i create a db that stores the information i need (filename, song title, and track number) i can create an html form that will allow me to change the track number (i know how to delete and add songs). my question is how to i update the xml file at the same time it updates the db. in other words, how to i send the data in the db to an xml file.

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Web Based Install

How ca I write a asp page that will handle web based Install? Is it possible
or I need to go for some 3rd party Software for this, If Yes what is the
Best to use with ASP?
My requirement is: I have one Software that I wanted to install in Customer
PC directly from Webpage instead of allowing the user to download the
Software and Install.

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Based On Temperature

I have dynamic weather on my site based on the users' zipcodes, but the feed takes much too long to load; therefore I would like to see if it is possible to query a site for a temperature only based on zip, and then use an "if...then" to display 5-6 different gif weather images. I know it can be done... does it. Or if anyone out there has a good source for dynamic weather and or movies that can be used

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Keyword Based Ads

i want to develop a small application which will generate a list of
product from a database based on a user web page contents. something
like google adsense but not that extensive. any help or resource

any guidelines. i want to use ASP , access or SQL server .

in short a script page, when called, read the contents and search a DB
for products and diplay it .

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ASP-Based Forum

I have been mostly frequenting the PHP forums but now my job makes it necessary to get my hands dirty with ASP.
I am trying to find a Forum Software (Open Source or Commercial, doesn't matter) that has all the bells and the whistles. The following are some of the major requirements:Integration with existing Site and DB (including migration of data from current forum)
Ability to apply the look and feel of the site (if various parts of the Forum can be broken down to components/panes/boxes/windows that can be included in other site pages as well as customisable through CSS)
If anyone knows of any software that meets these requirements, please do let me know. Additionally, if you have experience in using that software, your opinions on it will be much appreciated. Currently I am going through some forum's that I managed to find through searching in SitePoint (ASPPlayground, Snitz, Web Wiz Guide, IdealBB). If are experienced with these

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Day-based Web Loader

I am working on a script for a client that will switch a web element every Monday at 0:00:00 time. I have the entire website finished, however I now need to add a VBScript that will rotate between elements ONCE on every Monday.

If I am being too vague, here is an example:

<img src="puzzle1.jpg" />

I now want to rotate through puzzle1.jpg, puzzle2.jpg, puzzle3.jpg up to 12, then start again (a loop), but only make this change once each week on Monday mornings. So, this week it would be puzzle1, then starting Monday, it would be puzzle 2, etc.

I hope I am being clear enough, if I could provide further code, I would, but I am unsure as to how to start.

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Web-Based Email.

I currently have a web-based email for my site for users. Is there any way that I can make this so that it can be accesable from Outlook Express? It would have to call the database for the emails.I would need it written in ASP.It also needs to be free!

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Web Based Front End

iis runs on win2k3.i need to have a web-based app that among others does something like this:

1. login - validate against the local user database.
2. user must belong to a certain group (say backup operators group).
3. create a web-based front end to the task scheduler. create, modify, delete schedules.

i dont have a starting point with regards to the three requirements

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Day Value Based On Month Given

I'm looking for asp functions that can do the following:Based on the Month (& year) given I'd like to find out:

1.) The # of days in that Month
2.) The day of the Week the 1st falls on.

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Web Based Dopewars

preferably in ASP, but perl would be better than nothing. I have seen one vers which connects through telnet - this isn't what I'm looking for. I'd like it to send html to the client, and hopefully support for logging in and updating high scores etc.

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So far I've only found one, and the site for it is down.

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