Selecting Data From Two Databases

I am trying to write a SELECT query in ASP to retrieve information from two databases (that must be kept seperate :-().

I have managed it using Access using something similar to the code included below, which I have modified for ASP. Looking around this seems to not be possible in ASP, instead the general recommendation is to link tables??? I would prefer to do it using ASP. Code:

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Selecting Random Records From 2 Different Databases

I have a tough question that i ca't get over it for all the day.
I have two different news tables. I can't get any of them and list.

Bu i want to do something different. I want to get both and randomize them and list them.

for example,

1. news (from the 1st db)
2. news (from the 2nd db)


is that possible, because i couln't find any solution for this.

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Transfer Of Data Between Two Databases

Can you pleaseeee let me know if what I am attempting to do is possible? ....and how. I have a Access database at backend of my ASP site. Is there a way in which I can design a page which will pick up only the records modified/added today in one database and add those to another database?

Is transfer of data between two databases possible?

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Selecting Data With Autonumber In Access...

I have a line of code in my script that looks like this:

Set User = objDBCon.Execute("SELECT * FROM tblsUsers WHERE ID = '" & request.form("user") & "'")

This gives me an error of data type not the same. Anyone know what the problem might be?

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OleDbCommand Selecting Variable Data

-Dim cmd As OleDbCommand
-cmd = New OleDbCommand("select * from qmsstats where firstname='jason'",
-OleDbDataAdapter2.SelectCommand = cmd
-DataGrid1.Visible = True

In the above example I need to change 'jason' to a variable. I need the variable to be pulled from a textbox. IE: txtusername.text. Please advise how I can get the value from txtusername.text in place of 'jason'.

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Selecting Data For Latest 5 Dates

I am trying to come up with a select statement which would select info from the latest 5 dates. I know how to do the latest date using
SELECT * from table1 WHERE PDate = (Select Max(PDate)

Is there an easy way to write a select statement to give the latest 5 dates? My data is in a SQL Server database.

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SQL To Recall And Add Data To MS Access Databases?

How do you use SQL to recall and add data to MS Access databases? or is there a seperate way? ...

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Reading Data From Multiple Databases

i have data in multiple access databases (not multiple tables within one database file) and was wondering if there is a way with ASP to display selected data on one webpage from these different databases?

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How To Enter Data In Multiple Databases On Login Basis

I am new user of ASP and as well as this forum, i want to make a web page, to enter data,in which , first user login page, then he enter data on his authorize database, database names are same as user login name.

e.g if someone login as user xyz he must open xyz.mdb, and if other login as abc he must open only abc.mdb to enter data, and data entry page must validate fields such that numeric fields, text fields, numeric lenght, etc

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Using Databases With ASP

I'm learning ASP with a database in Access (new to Access also). I have created my tables and all but I'm stuck on how to query the table. I'm familiar with sql statements, so I was wondering if you can access the database the same way as with php and mysql. I.E.

Select * From Table Where id = 5.

Something like that, or will I need to use

objRS.Filter "ID = 5"

I guess the main question is does Access accept SQL statements and if so can you give me some examples as to querying the database.

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ASP And SQL Databases

I am working on ASP and SQL Databases. I have written the code . the program is very simple . its just an application form and u will be having upload and submit button . So after the data is being entered , the submit button code should be invoked and the data entered should be stored in the database.

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Asp And Databases

I'm having Difficulty understanding the concept of retreiving information from a database upon user request. E.g i have an ASp page that has a form with 3 drop down boxes and a submit button.

I want the next page to bring results from the database that meet the criteria set upon by the 3 drop down boxes. The DB is Access and its already got the information in it, i just want the correct information to come up in tables once the user has selected the choices in the drop down boxes.

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If i upload an ASP page that is connected to an MDB (Access) database to my FTP server, is there any way that I can ensure that no one can download the database and that it remains "untouchable".

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Selecting Info

I've got a WYSIWYG editor, that runs off a template page (i.e. template.htm) that gets opened in an iFrame for editing.
How can I get it setup so I cange the template at the click of a button? I've tried doing a form with radio buttons, but can't get it to work.
For example, the iframe source has been set to "strTemplate". My form processing was along the lines of:

If request.form "template" = "template1" then
strTemplate = "template1.htm"
strTemplate = "template.htm"

If request.form "template" = "template2" then
strTemplate = "template2.htm"
strTemplate = "template.htm"

End If
End If

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Selecting A Value From The List Box

I have a list box which has the following values:

bike and Boat

If I select "car" it is fine but when I select "bike and boat" it just takes bike
as the selection. It is taking the space as the end of the string. Is there a way I can
rectify this?

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Selecting Dropdown In ASP

My boss wanted me to add a dropdown to this form. I was able to add in the dropdown and it inserts into my database (Access) just fine. However, I have an edit page also and this is where my trouble comes in.

On the edit page, the dropdown does not "know" which specific option was selected. I tried to write an If statement but I think there is something wrong in my syntax. Code:

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Selecting Software

I have undertaken a website revision project after not programming for about 6 years. I am beginning to set up a work environment on my pc, and have questions about the software being used verses what could be the ideal software.

I am familiar with classic asp pages, not I am also familiar MS Interdev (but am unable to locate my copy and cannot find a torrent file - is this an archaic program now?). The last thing that I'll mentioned is that I prefer to have a debugging capabilities.So the current website uses Dreamweaver 8.0, IIS 6.0, and MSSQL 2000. Question.Given my background, what software would you use to set up a work station?

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Selecting Values

i need to display results that do not match those in the database.I have an excel file and i upload it,inserting the records in a temp table. han i compare the values in the original table and the temp table.All i want is the values that do not match

sql = "SELECT TempSerial.SerialNo "&_
"FROM TempSerial, Serial WHERE TempSerial.SerialNo <> Serial.SerialNo "&_
"OrderBY TempSerial.SerialNo;"
Set RS = objConn.Execute(sql)

i displayed the records with <%=RS("SerialNo")%> but i get all the records in the temp table displyed.

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Selecting Last Record

i need to extract some data from a table called accountantsBids. I want to select the last entry for every accountant based on the date descending.

entryid = Autonumber
Accountantid = FK

I've tried TOP 1 but that doesn't do it - it only gives one recordset. What would be the best way to get this working.

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Selecting * After Date()

I have a database with date of gigs in it and am trying to select * from the database the next gig basically, and am compariung against todays date and saying select * more than todays date. Is this right, cause it's not doing it? Code:

dateN = Date()
set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "************"
set recsetS= server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset")
sql = "select * from admin where dated > "& dateN &" order by relevance DESC " sql,conn,3,3

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Selecting All Checkboxes Using ASP

I created a form for Deleting multiple records (from Access db )using checkboxes. However, I would like to add a link or button that would check mark all the checkboxes since I could have hundreds of records.

What is the best way to go about it. Does anyone knows of any samples other than Javascript.

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ASP & XML - Selecting Last Node??

I was wondering if anyone has a moment to look over some code I've written?

I'm involved in the maintenance of an old CMS system I wrote a number of years ago, when I was regularly coding in ASP. These days it takes a while to mobilise the grey matter when it comes to ASP.

Anyhow, basically I am trying to select a specific node and determine the id of the last child of the parent node.

At the moment, I am only returning the first childs id, despite my best efforts. Code:

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Selecting Ranges

On the online crm system i've built (using ASP) our customers can create a list of contacts and download/delete/add to this list when they want to and then go and view the list. It will display 20 on a page with forward/back buttons etc.

I have written a routine which queries the MS SQL 2000 database and retrieves all the IDs of the contacts. It will then work out the page it is on and display the appropriate records by reading through the 20 IDs for that page and query the data from each ID it needs to display on the screen.

This works fine for lists of up to 1000-2000 but when it gets to 5000, 10000 records it becomes an issue of performance as it will hold in a variable all of those 5000 or 10000 IDs. There has to be another way of doing this.

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Checkboxes And Databases

The problem I have is that I need to save the content of a form in a database, and I donw know how to save the content of a checkbox, can you give me an example of the code?

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Multiple Databases

I need script or a link to a tutorial that will allow me to do the following.

User enters username and password site checks the username and password against database1
if the user entered the correct username and password the page shows records from database2 if the user enterend incorrect username or password then nothing happens.

I am new to this forum and really looking forward to being involved in the community.

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Searching Databases

I'm trying to design a simple website with 2 dynamic searching functions. The first is the user enters text into a search box, clicks on the search button and then connects to a sql or access database and brings back those records that are LIKE the search phrase. It's my intention to then have a detailsview link on the searches so the user can drill through.I'm designing an online version of my catalog so that the user can browse by page. I also want the user to enter a page number and then click go and that would then take the user to the corresponding page in the catalog. I'm guessing I'll need to declare If 1 then open page1.html, if 2 then open page2.html.
I know I'm close but not close enough and my knowledge has been well and truly stretched and I must have read and read my Dummies book about 20 times over the last week.

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Access Databases

For my ICT (computers) project at college I'm using an Access database, and I now have a problem with that. Basically the way it works is that the user enters their details in a form page (here). This then does the usual thing; runs a script which inputs the data into a database and then displays a thank you message.
the problem I'm having is that whenever I input punctuation into the form, it refuses to work; it comes back with a 500 server error. This is understandably quite irritating, as I'm setting up a mailing list that needs to incorporate a list of email addresses

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MySQL Databases

My hosting account gives me a lot of MySQL databases but I usually just stick with MS SQL Server because it gives me fewer troubles.Now I want to challenge MySQL again. I use connString "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; SERVER=myserver; DATABASE=mybase; UID=myID;PASSWORD=myPwd; OPTION=3"

And the conn and recordset objects connects smoothly with the database. I can even get the things i want out of it. But every time I try to update the database such as:

rs.update names, values

It just wouldn't work...why? Content field is a text field.

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ASP And Relational Databases

What i need to do is build 2 tables below with the following fields:



Now i need to build a relation between the two id fields but what i relaly need to know is how to retreve the data in the tblUsers from the id in the tblShop through asp. This is like for a shop

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Multiple Databases

I'm trying to pull information from two different databases, use it, and then put it back into a database. The program I am writing is one which will keep track of exempt employees' absences. At the end of the year, employees get to rollover the sick days that they do not use. Herein lies the problem. The information on how many sick days an employee is in an AD download on one server. The information on how many days that employee has taken this year is on another. I need to take that information do a little math, and then add those days into a different table on the same server that the absences came off of to keep track of their "sick bank".
I would like to just Loop the information, but I cannot put recordsets inside recordsets and I cannot create a view from two separate servers, so I am at a stop sign. Can I just take all of the users and the amout of sick days they have and put them in a text file and then pull off of the text file? I'm not quit sure how to do this.

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Three Databases Tables

How do you go about searching three tables at the same time? I'm using Dreamweaver MX, but I can also hand code it in if know one knows the dreamweaver method

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Querying From Two Databases?

Given if tables A and B are in the same database, writing a query for them is relatively easy. But what if tables A and B are in different databases? Is it possible to query them together? If so, can anyone provide a generic example?

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ASP & MS Access Databases

I have a search page with an access database in the background.
When you type in a keyword, it brings the related article up.

Is it possible for this to display a hyperlink??? When i choose hyperlink in the access field it displays thefollowing on the screen: Code:

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