Unicode For Multiple Languages

I have an ASP page that I want to support multiple languages. If I set the
<%@ Language=VBScript CodePage=65001%>

and adds a
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

meta tag it seems to work OK. Now instead of setting the codepage in every
page I tried adding a global.asa (Session_onStart) file and add
session.codepage=65001 and also tried to add response.charset="utf-8" (I was
not allowed to set <%@ Language=VBScript CodePage=65001%> inside
global.asa). This does not seems to work though.
Is it possible to set a codepage in some event in a global.asa to make it
global for the entire application? Is it possible to add a directive in
global.asa that works like setting a <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
content="text/html; charset=utf-8">. If this is possible I don't have to
recomplie my business logic that creates the html.

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Support Multiple Languages

how ASP (not ASP.Net) to do the following things:
1) Get real-time information from other web site such as tracking via
2) Real-time credit card charging via a payment gateway such as WorldPay;
3) How to support multiple languages.

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Multiple Languages In A Site

I want to create some pages using .net, and have others using regular asp with vb. Just wondering? I know you can have Java within the same pages, but didn't know if using asp, and then wanted to do some .net things if the site would have problems.

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ASP, Unicode, And Multiple Language Support

I have a small website written in (very) basic .asp. I have it translated into a number of different languages that I want to post, but just now discovered that ASP does not support Unicode-encoded pages. (charset=UTF-8)

How does ASP deal with multiple language support, especially when the home page presents all of them as entry options? Is it better to simply rewrite as HTML? If so, how much of the ASP code can simply remain after the header and extensions are changed from ASP to HTML definition?

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ASP Scripting Languages?

I was reading up on ASP for a report and it talked about scripting languages. It also talked about using VBScript or Javascript as a scripting language? What exaclty is a scripting language and why do you have to use it?

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ASP, Dates & Languages

We have a few English websites running on a single server and are in the process of adding a Spanish website to the same server. I am trying to determine how one would set the language for a particular website. For example, instead of ASP generating a date like "Monday, July 19, 2004" .

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Programming Languages

Can any one tell me how many programming languages are there in the world? I tried to google it but could not really get an exact or complete list of them all.cheers.

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VS2005 Languages Available

Can C++/CLR be used for web development? Among C++/VB/C# does any language have an advantage over another for Web/ASP.NET development?

I use C++ for native devlopment and I am considering using VB for all .NET develpment whether it be Windows or Web. I like VB's syntax.

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ASP-to-RTF - Mixed Languages

I've been fighting this for a couple of weeks:

My ASP/Access app'n uses UTF-8 data in mixed languages/scripts successfully. That is, it takes input, stores and retrieves stuff OK browser-wise. The app also writes an RTF file and downloads that to the client (for display by Word) fine, but ONLY English; Cyrillic and the CJK group gets the trash display - and it's not a font pblm, cuz the browser display is good.

I've tried a number of charset directives in the RTF-writer, including CP-1251, UTF-8, Unicode, etc. None works. I don't know whether I need an explicit code-set translator or not, and am working with ChilKat's Charset product without any improvement so far.

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Coding For Different Languages

I am now creating a website which have 3 languages (English, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese). The server has installed English version Window 2000 (Server Version, Default Codepage is Traditional Chinese) and MSSQL 2000 (English). I have created a database which use the codepage "chinese_PRC".

However, when I created an testing asp pages ( 1 textbox and it will insert the content into the table), it cannot store the chars in correct coding. I would like to know whether asp or MSSQL has something wrong in my setting?

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Languages For Programming ASP In

Just started learning ASP, seems like lots of people use VBScript to program with. Though, I have spent the last year learning Java. Just wondering if I can use this to program with? along with its API's ?

Also, is it worth while to learn VBScript ? Is it industry standard or needed? Im guessing it is from the way its the language used in most ASP books. Any insight would be great.

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ACCESS & Different Languages

This is a first for me...so all help much appreciated.

I am trying to create a survey form which retrieves all its questions form
an ACCESS database.. (I know ACCESS isn't the best option, it just not my

This database is to be multi lingual and my current survey is to be in THAI...

So in creating the survey, I copy the thai text into the ACCESS table from a
WORD document and all looks good. ACCESS seems to understand the THAI.

When I retrieve these Questions from the Database, loading them into a
recordset however, I get '????'s' in the output instead of the thai text .

I have set the charset of the HTML document as charset=TIS-620..

Can anyone tell me what i am missing? What needs to be done to display thai text in my ASP App?

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Advice For Adding Languages

Ive done quite a few sites now that involve different languages using different strategies and I would like to hear some different opinions on which is the most efficient.

The previous sites with languages that I have done have not been majorly big or would involve vast amounts of traffic so using included language file have been ok. I am about to do a site in 4 - 6 different languages that will have quite a lot of traffic. I have also used application variables in some cases but not sure if that is the best way.

So if anyone has any ideas on a better way and also one that is easy on server resources I'd love to hear them (and maybe a link to some code would be koool)..

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Unicode In Asp

the text coming from the database seems to be ok but I have a problem with
the static text. I have this in asp files but I cannot save them as Unicode
because the ASP engine does not support it - the error is as follows:

"Active Server Pages, ASP 0239 (0x80004005)
UNICODE ASP files are not supported."

The Microsoft site says not to save files as Unicode ASP - which is not very
useful to me.

How can one have multilingual static text in websites?

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ASP And Unicode

I am having trouble displaying unicode characters on the browser.I am storing unicode data (Japanese, Chinese and Korean)in the native format. I have an ASP page that runs a query to get this data and display it on my webpage. But, the output comes as junk.

Any solutions for that.It is interesting for me that if i run the same query in
Enterprise Manager, i get the correct data whereas running it in the Query Analyzer gives me junk.

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I have a data base (SQLServer2K) with unicode fields and in my query analyzer, I am able to correctly insert Russian, Chinese characters & Co without problem and to read them with the query analyser (N powered). The problem is that I am not able to read them in an ASP page (I work in the mode Utf-8 because I must post Chinese, Russian & Co on the same page) from sql server : I've got "??????" on my page ASP.
if I want to insert Russian data for example from my ASP page. I do not have the same value in the field of my base whereas if I use the query analyzer and that I make a copy paste, it goes. On the other hand datas inserting by my asp page and read since my page ASP page are well displayed.

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OpenTextFile And Unicode

I'm trying to write a .txt file with OpenTextFile method. This is working
alright, but since I'm using some danish characters and use Flash to read
the txt file I need to save the file as UTF-8 or Unicode.

Beneath is my code - how do I save the file as UTF-8 or Unicode?
Dim fso, f, filespec
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
filespec = Server.Mappath("news.txt")
Set f = fso.OpenTextFile(filespec,2, True)

f.Write txtstring

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Unicode Display

I use MSSQL2000 with nvarchar to store foreign language e.g. Simplified Chinese or Japanese and thse records can be well displayed via Query Analyzer.

Now, using asp to select record and display. It found that the code can be in "code". I put "<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset="utf-8">" in the page. but fail too. I also tried to change "decode" via IE with different code but fail.

I guess the problem that the unicode content is extracted from database but
wrongly decoded in page so the code is modified. How to force the displayed code from database to webpage is in Utf-8?

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Saving Unicode In SQL Using ASP

I have an asp application that should allow the user to enter Unicode characters.

The characters appear correctly in the browser. When saved in sql 2000 thought they are converted to question marks

When I enter the characters directly in SQL (using enterprise manager),
they appear correctly in sql as well as in the browser when the asp
page retrieves them.

As soon as I hit save they get overwritten in sql incorrectly.

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Unicode Problem !!

I tried to copy some hebrew arial text from word to my file , Dreamweaver shows a note that the page should be converted to unicode UTF-8 ,i did so ....but the the page is unreadable font ... HOw to deal with non english font ???

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My ASP pages uses UTF-8 encoding. How to convert UTF-8 text from Request.Form("text") to UNICODE for searching frm MSSQL Database?

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Unicode Data

My unicode data ( stored in an ncharvar field ) show differently ( like question marks ) on the asp page when restoring on another server could any one help me with this

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L Unicode Compression

Can anyone give me an example of how to set a field's unicode compression attribute using ASP because I've tried and tried and I always get a database error in my SQL statement even when I copy the SQL code directly from MSDN.

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Unicode Through IE Or Netscape

I have a web application designed to allow non-english characters to be entered in through a form, held in Access and displayed on another page.Each of my pages have the following meta tag:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

My problem is this: if I go to the data entry page and enter Unicode text in Netscape, the text displays ok -- in Netscape, not in IE. Conversely, when I enter Unicode text in IE, the text displays ok -- in IE, not in Netscape.I have been testing it by copying and pasting text from the Unicode.org page such as this one for Arabic:


why Unicode is being treated differently here?

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Unicode From Mysql

I am writing a module for a cms system, the backend has been created in asp.net, however the frontend of the module has to be created in asp. The mysql database table has the collation utf8_unicode_ci, the backend is connecting with the using MySql.Data.MySqlClient and this works fine. However I could not find the equivalent of this for asp and have been forced to use odbc this causes any two byte unicode characters to be shown as ? characters on the frontend ....

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Comparing Unicode Value

Need to do a search engine to search through a bunch of static pages (html)). so uing asp. but the page is in chinese, so how do i scan each and every html file and search for the chinese word?

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Unicode VB Code

I need to read Chinese text from Access and use response.write to display on a web page. However some characters are not correctly displayed, they are displayed as ?.

After some rearch, this problem can only be solved UNLESS the Chinese text are written as unicode codes. e.g. response.write("<p>壮Ф</p>"). I have tried StrConv function but I always got syntax error.how to?

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Unicode Issue

I am submitting a form to IIS 5.0, the CODEPAGE is set to 1252 and the
charset is 'iso-8859-1'.

I noticed that if I type information in a language different from English I
get data from the Request.Form collection in the following Unicode format:
'st&#1490;&#1491;', i.e English characters unchanged and other characters
coded as Unicode characters. If I change the charset to the one that matches
the language in which I am typing (without changing the CODEPAGE) I get the
data in the local character codepage code.

Is it possible to get the data from the Request.Form collection in a
consistent format, independent of the CODEPAGE and charset settings, i.e.
always in the '&#1490;&#1491;' format?

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Unicode And IIS5

I found this articel that says that Server.HtmlEncode will screw up unicode data. I'm using htmlencode on many pages and cannot see that data are corrupted.

It says in the "This information in this article applies to" section that it is applicable for ASP 2.0 with IIS4 and IIS5. I thought IIS5 only supported ASP 3.0? Is the Server.HtmlEncode OK to use in ASP3.0 on IIS5?

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Send An Unicode (UTF-8) Mail

How can i send an Unicode mail with ASPclassic? I want to send an email in Farsi ( or same Persian ) I use this code but this is ...

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How To Get Unicode Characters To Work In URL?

I have the following reference to an image in my web page. The name of the image is simply one Chinese character followed by .jpg.
<a HREF="transfer/rad0/﨨.jpg" TARGET="_blank">﨨.jpg</a>

The Chinese character is HTML encoded. I'm specifically setting UTF8 encoding w/codepage 65001 in each web page. When I right click this URL and attempt to download the image to disk, I get an error saying the web server can't locate the URL. In the error message, the Chinese character is displayed as ? (question mark). It works if the URL has only ASCII characters in it.

What do I need to do to be able to download images via URLs that contain Chinese (Unicode) characters?

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Unicode Character Problem

I am having a problem with a forms entry using Unicode characters, specifically "smart-quotes". Under Microsoft PWS and MS-SQL 7.0 it works fine and I get the Unicode characters, such as smart-quotes, being written and read form the database. However, if I use the same code using Apache, Linux and SunONE ASP the Unicode characters don't
work! Code:

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Inserting Unicode Characters

I'm using ASP, VBScript and SQL Server.
I'm also using UTF-8 character set and so my codepage is 65001 and SQL
Server datatype nvarchar.
I can insert unicode characters correctly into the database table using
INSERT.... (field1) ...VALUES ......... (N'Characters').

How do I do this using Rs.Update viz-a-viz:

Rs.Open .......
Rs("Field1") = "Characters"

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