Updating Timestamp

im trying to find what code i need to change the user_timestamp field of my database to the correct current server date and time by a SQL query

im trying to use
mySQL = "UPDATE members SET user_timestamp = '(DateAdd(""d"",0,now()))' WHERE Nick = '" & pc_nick & "'"

and it sees the NICK just fine but does not update the timestamp to the current date.

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Timestamp In ASP

does anyone have any functions that can emulate the timestamp functionality available in PHP? I know this feature is not built in ASP, that's why I was asking for a set of functions that anyone made for emulating this feature. Its quite handy as storing date/time as a timestamp is quite beneficial than just storing it as DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS format.

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I've got this timestamp (369318968) that I BELIEVE is generated by an ASP page, possibly an ASP.NET one. I'm not sure though and I don't have access to a server that supports ASP to see if I can generate a timestamp that looks like that, so I'm asking for help here.

Does 369318968 look like a timestamp generated by ASP or ASP.NET? Would it be possible to pass that timestamp to the timestamp functions of ASP to try and get the regular format back?

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Timestamp In Seconds ?

i need to get the number of seconds since Jan 1, 1990 or 70 or something to compare session times ... how do i get the timestamp in seconds ...

btw the msdn library is not a very good one ... does any one know an asp manual simillar to php (downloadble) ...

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Add Timestamp To Filename

I have an asp file upload facility on my website and I now want to add a timestamp to the name of each file uploaded to my webserver to ensure no clash of names.
I have no idea how to code it so egfile.txt will arrive on the server as egfileYYYYMMDDhhmmss.txt (or something similar).
Is it possible to do?

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Timestamp Property

I've created a form and I want to add a timestamp to it. How do I do this? I'm using dreamweaver by the way.

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Datetime Timestamp

how can i only display the hour / minute portion when i do (timestamp2 - timestamp1) in asp. When i display in asp, it gives me some funky number, probably it is the representation of timestamp value. It works in query analyzer, it gives me some date but the time is write though.

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Timestamp Upon Login

How would one go about creating a time stamp for a user login session. Currently im using cookies to capture the user id and other related info about the user. How could i create a time stamp within a cookie session at the time of login for a user? And conversly capture the logout time?

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ASP Timestamp (13 Digit)

My payment processor requires that I generate a 13 digit time stamp using ASP based on GMT time. What function can I use in ASP to generate this timestamp?

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Timestamp In Formate

I need to create a timestamp in this format.

Fri, 30 Oct 1998 14:19:41 GMT

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Timestamp Have Format

I have a table that has data timestamped (5/3/2006 2:31:00 PM) and need to select data based on the year of the time stamp. Can I do this in the select or do i need to select all and parse thru the timestamp?

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Displaying Timestamp Values

i am trying to display a timestamp value from sql server using asp code but getting type mismatch error, how to display a complete timestamp like 0x000000f0g00 etc.

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Adding A Timestamp To A Filename

I am uploading files to my webserver using an asp upload script and would
like to add a timestamp just before they are saved to the server.

This would mean that filename.txt on my server would be uploaded to the
webserver as filenameYYMMDDhhmmss.txt or something similar.

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MySQ Timestamp Datatype

If execute the following sql on my MySQL database -

sqlremove = "UPDATE fib_note SET fib_note_actdone = 1 WHERE fib_note_id = '" &Request("id") &"' "

It seems to also be effecting another field in my table called fib_note_timestamp which is a timestamp data type with a default value of current_timestamp. How come and how can I stop this?

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Displaying Records Based On Timestamp

I currently have entries in my dbase with time stamps. Does anyone know how I would display only those records with the time stamp that reflects a particular day. For example I want to display all records from today which would be 8/23/2004 on the page.

Im assuming this has something to do with the Date () function but i dont understand how it could incorporate it into code.

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Well, my script consists in check if the typed code doesn't exist in the DATABASE, but thats not the problem... the problem is that the PAGE1.ASP (that check the code) redirects to the ADD.ASP that will add those codes to the database!

Response.Redirect("add.asp?cod_1=" + cod_1 + "&cod_2=" + cod_2 + "&cod_3=" + cod_3 + "&cod_4=" + cod_4 + "&cod_5=" + cod_5 + "&sexo1=" + sexo1 + "&sexo2=" + sexo2 + "&sexo3=" + sexo3 + "&sexo4=" + sexo4 + "&sexo5=" + sexo5)

That's the line in page1.asp that redirects to the add.asp. So, when the database is completed empty and, the page1.asp checks that there ins't any problem with it and redirect to the add.asp that doesn't update my database!! So, it continues without any record. But, if the database has, at least, one record, the script works normally without any problem!

Another thing that I noticed is that when I, manually, type the adress Http://, for example, and the the database is empty, the script does the UPDATE and adds the code to the table!

I have no idea that the problem is. Does any one have a clue?

The goes the add.asp script: ....

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URL Not Updating

I'm not sure if this is an ASP thing, a IIS thing, or a GoDaddy (where my domain is registerd and forwarded from) thing...

First I'll start by saying I run my own Windows XP web server and do all the coding myself..

I've noticed in the past (and never really gave it much thought, because the site works fine), that when I switch pages within my site, that the URL line is not always updated.

For example, I go into the pictures section, view a few pictures, then select the "Home" tab... The URL will stay with the variables that were passed when I was viewing the pictures. Therefore, if I do a "refresh", the page goes back to the pictures I was previously looking at, not the home page.

I've tried this on multiple computers at multiple sites, and with multiple browsers... And seems to happen rather consistantly...

Anyone have any thoughts?

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I am looking at updating a notes part of my data base. I am calling two fields (first name and last) from the data base and putting them into read only text box (as i dont want the details changing). All of this is contained within a form. I am also calling a feild from the database called notes which originally has been inserted using a <textarea> tag. The problem i face is that you cant put values into a <textarea> (ie. i can put data from the database into the value tag of a textbox but <textarea> doesn't have a value tag). Due to this i am putting existing notes onto the page as text. Under this i have do have a <textarea> to put the new notes in.
The problem i have is that i some how need to store the existing data in the notes field and then add it to the new notes that i will be adding. I just don't know how to put the data i am getting from the notes field in the database into a variable.

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Updating With '

Having problems writing an update script because in one of my fields I'm adding a chunk of HTML that contains ' characters. Obviously this throws up an error. How do I get around this?

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Updating Db

I'm trying to create and assign variables with the values from my db but can't work out the code getting my " & ' mixed up.

i = 1
do until i = 6 or rsSet.EOF

rBlock(i) = rsSet("rBlock'" & (i) & "'")

i= i + 1

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Updating Db ADO

whats better ADO or SQL
for example, an INSERT statement or an objrecordset.update blah blah?

same with .net

should I C# to update or SQL

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Updating XML With ASP

I have an XML file which i'm trying to append elements to using an html form and ASP with javascript scripting inside the ASP file. Code:

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I have a function below that works fine. It takes a XML dox parses it, etc.

What I need to do is after the update of a record, I need to query the same table again for another record. If it finds this second record, I need to update it.

The problem is I can't get it to work, mostly because I don't completely understand the .open() method. Can I requery and the test for the existance of a returned record - if so how? Code:

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ASP DOM Updating XML

I placed a post a couple of weeks ago discussing how I was having trouble using ASP and the XMLDOM to differentiate between the text content of Parent and Child Nodes in an XML file.

IF PARENT.text > "" Then
'Do Something with PARENT.text
ElseIf CHILD.text > "" Then
'Do something with the CHILD.text
End If

The problem being that I couldn't differentiate between the text values of PARENT and CHILD.

I've managed to work around that problem in a fashion but I'm begining to think that I'm going about this with the entirely wrong approach.

All I want to do is edit the following XML file through ASP: * Note that there are attributes with values and some nodes and child nodes have text values as well Code:

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Updating Asp.dll

I am trying to configure Visual Interdev 6 (running windows xp professional) for debugging. However, while I run a utility viddbg.exe, the debugstatus file shows the following error message.

ASP.DLL Version Information
Location: C:WINDOWSSystem32inetsrvasp.dll
FileVersion query failed
File Size: 339456 bytes

VID Debugging requires 4.02.0622 (330448 bytes) or greater. What is the best way to handle this problem.

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I was give a site that was created on vb/asp and the owner want the site to b. be a asp.net web site, how difficult is for the site to be updated with the new .net technology?

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I get this error message:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Expected query name after EXECUTE.

I tried hard but nothing, I have a same example working, but when I changed just the field names...it didn't work!! Code:

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Updating The Information

i'm trying to add the data of such client, some of his data have been added already but if i'm going to add or update his data (additional info.) what happened is the data is being added into new row not on the specific client. Code:

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Updating Cookies

Got a cookie problem, specifically with persisting it when I write to it a
second time on another ASP page. Here's the scenario:

- I have a cookie with serveral keys
- I set all the key values
- I then set the overall cookie expiration (you don't do this for all
the keys right, just at the top level?)
- This works fine, the cookie persists, but if I then go to page2.asp...

- I simply use the response.cookie("cookiename")("KeyName") to update
some of the prior values.

Once page2.asp gets called, the cookie becomes a session cookie and does not

1. I wasn't then re-setting the expiration, do I need to? I tried but still
the cookie wouldn't persist.

2. What is the correct order of setting the expiration, before, after
setting all the key values? Does it matter?

3. Can you in-fact update a cookie's key values, or is this fundamentally
incorrect, do you need to re-write the whole cookie?

4. Any other ideas?

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Updating An Xml-file In Asp

I want to let the user of my asp-page fill in a form, and with this data I want to update an existing XML-file The xml-file: Code:

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DB Updating/Editing

I have a script on my asp page which takes values entered from a form and inputs it into a database, in their appropriate fields. It's been working fine, but lately I'm noticing that I've been getting some blank records being entered in my DB table.

I know it's not my form becuase there is no way to leave it entirely blank, so even if you don't enter anything... their are hidden fields which already contains a value that get's passed and goes into the DB.

I am wondering if this is a result of many people entering data into the access db at the same time, and i'm wondering if i have the right locktype parameter.

I am using adLockPessimistic right now... should that be adLockOptimistic or adLockBatchOptimistic????

and should the cursor type be adOpenDynamic???

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Updating My Database

I have a stock control database, I want

first the item sold and recorded as sold in the sale table
secondly the item will be deleted from the stock table
third the item wil be automatically reordered in the order table.

is this possible please. I am using Dreamweaver/access and some of ASP that is generated,

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Record Not Updating

I have a bit of ASP that gets data from the database and then displays it. This part works fine.

I then have anouther page to allow for changing this information, then i want to do two things, first show the updated info, and then update it in the database.

Neither of my updates will work and i can't figure out why.

I get this error: ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cb3'

Object or provider is not capable of performing requested operation.

I have checked the record it displays the info just fine, it will not update however. Here is my code for updating the record: Code:

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