Sending Multilingual Emails From ASP Page

I wrote an ASP code to send email in ENglish and it works fine but when I try to use the same code to create an email message in another language, it doesn't work. (I tried to define the code page also but the email message just displays question marks in outlook express.

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Sending Emails From An ASP Page

I have an ASP page that sends an email using JMail:

set msg = Server.CreateOBject( "JMail.Message" )

It works fine in my local server, but when I send my ASP page to Network Solutions it doesn't work. I guess it is because I can not run the JMail installation program at their server, therefor the object can not be created. Is there another tools I can use instead. Something that doesn't require installation, I guess.

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Sending Emails With Asp

I need some advice on how to write an email script in asp. I am farely new to asp but so far i have manage to understand most of the materials i've covered for this language except for sending emails from a form.

I've read the following tutorial ->URL twice, but i can't get the script working.

What am i doing wrong?

I am working on my personal box at home, do i need to have a mail server running? do i need to have addtional asp component install?

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ASP CDO Sending Emails Twice

I have emails being created and sent using CDO and it is working well but, the email is being sent twice. I only call the .send once (per person) but it comes through twice.

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Sending Many Emails

I have an exchange server, that I sometimes use to perform mail shots to
clients on our database, these can be upwards of 1000 at a time.
As we don't want different clients to see who we are working with we put
these mailshots in the bcc field of the mails.

This can sometimes cause a problem as we are getting alot of mails bounced
back. I would like to write a script to have these emails sent
out individually using the to: field of the mail. I have googled for
examples of doing this but haven't found anything useful yet

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Sending Emails

Im searching around how to send emails but it doesnt seem to be working for me. They stay in the queue and research tells me that a firewall might be blocking them from being sent.

This is in the events log: "The remote server did not respond to a connection attempt."

Is there a way to send the email via the user's mail program?

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Sending Multiple Emails

I have about 5000 emails in my database. I wrote a basic script that sends
an email to all of those email addresses. Usually I have to break it up and
only send 300-400 at a time so my script does not timeout.

I know I can up my timeout to 45 minutes if I needed to, so that they could
all be sent at once, but I do not believe that is a wise decision.

Does any know of any other ways to do this more efficiently?

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Sending Bulk Emails

I have a Client Mailer page which basically sends emails off containing information specific to each client = email address found in the relevant database. I basically get this to simply loop through the client recordset (recordset.moveNext), and on each loop it sends an email to the relevant email address via CDOSYS.

Can I just check that this is ok, and this could :

a. Not have a maximum amount of clients this could send to, and basically be too much for the page to cope with if there were too many clients to loop through?

b. This could not cause some sort of Email block due to the server thinking it is spamming, etc.?

This was something someone mentioned, which I just wanted to check out!, as they suggested changing it to a Javascript refresh page, whereby it will send an email every 6 seconds for example by refreshing the page with Js, but I don't really want to change it to this unless I have to... as I was hoping the way in which I have it with the recordset loop, that it would be ok.

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Sending Two Emails At A Time With CDO

I have an application form and as the user finishes the application form, an email is sent to the user to notify him/her that he/she has successfully been registered...what i want to do is that another email is sent to me at the same time to notify me that a new user has there a way to do it by only defining one CDO or do i need to create two CDO(s)...i mean:

Set objMail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set objMail2 = CreateObject("CDO.Message")

can someone please advice me if this is the right way?

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Need Help For Sending Emails By CDONTS

I am using CDONTS object to send emails to a person when he is registered with the web portal,but the problem is the mail is getting filtered as a spam or junk mail, and does not land in the Inbox,how to send this auto generated email into the inbox and not as a spam or bulk mail.

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Sending Emails Trough Asp

i want to know how to send the form contents to an email id through asp without using "CDONTS" component coz my server does not support the component

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Sending Emails With CDOSYS

I need to be able to send emails from my webserver using ASP and I am using CDOSYS to do this. I have set up my Global.asa file as follows: Code:

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Sending Bulk Emails

We are having large database of 3000 emailids and we want to send the newsletter to all these ids at a time. The program works for 20 to 30 email ids but when we are trying to send for 3000, the page cannot be displayed error is coming. When it is run in local system server.scripttimeout error is coming and the mail is going to 2000 mailids.

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Sending Emails In Html Format

I am trying to send an email from an asp page in html format unfortunately when parenthese appear in the HTML code of the page to be emailed the ASP page reads them and trys to interpret them as ASP code

<div align="center">

any suggestions?

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Sending Emails And Showing Progress

I need a way to show the client that the emails are being sent and how many are left. The way I want to do this, is by opening a window which will send the emails and display the status. The problem is how do I pass it the subject, body and so on. I don't want to use a querystring. I thought of doing it like so:

onSubmit = progress() - this will call a js script which will open the progress window
action = (the page that gets all the values from the form and sends the email)

Is there a way to update the popup window from the "action" page? for example: everytime an email is sent... increase a variable and send it to the popup window, and then close it when its done.

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Sending Emails With CDONTs In Russian

I'm sending Russian text in an email generated from the website which displays in the email as ??

The website is set to codepage 65001 and the charset to utf-8.

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Sending Reminder Emails Automatically

I have an online classifeds website and would like to send automatic reminder emails to advertisers 3 days before their advertisement expires.

I am able to send emails via CDONTS from a form but are unsure how to extract the date details from the database 3 days from the renewal date and send an email to all relevant advertisers . I have an Access database attached to the web pages.

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Multilingual (more Then One Language )

I want to make a website both in English and in French, I dont know how to design the database (same for both ) or different.

Can anyone of you suggest me how can i make a website for more then one language.
The two versions of the website will have both the graphics and contents different and there is a search option too.

How can i search an english database with a french keyword?

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Multilingual Site

I want to create a multilingual website in ASP.Is the Dictionary object created with the application-level scope the way to go.

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Multilingual Support

In my ASP page I set the charset to UTF-8

But all the javascript functions included thourgh a .js file does not work. This happens only on IE6.0.28 and works fine on IE5 and IE6.0.26 also. If anyone of you guys have worked on mulitlingual support if u could mail me your ASP page,which uses a charset mail to me.

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MultiLingual Support

I need to support my web pages both in english and spanish. Is this possible in ASP. Can u please point to some places(websites)/articles which will show that. Or if you have any code Or any leads into it that would be great.

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Multilingual Asp Web Site Structure

We are devloping an b2b site that is in eglish. the site is working for about a year till now and we have decided to add a new local arabic version. it was developed using asp and sql and we have some kind big dbase.

1- the site offer products and services that are stored in the dbase. the user will switch between languages and should find all information in the choosen language. that means the dbase will contain 2 versions of the data with the same id so we display the inofrmation related to the language.

2- the layout will be in both languages. keep in mind that we almost have more than 1000 file of codes so any changes or enhancement should be minimum. 3-i am posting right now to find out the best way to make the work time minimum for now and future

here is the options i have in mind

1- create a folder for arabic and copy all files in it then modify them
2- add the language to the same files and choose between them by passing parameter then use the code for the paramter i am looking for the best way to create the arabic version and any comments are welcome.

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Creating A Multilingual Website

I am a ASP Developer created a free online dating website. It is primarily targetting English speaking community. Now I am planning to create a multilingual website which targets french, spanish, chineese and japanese as first phase.

When I was trying to find some material abt how to do that in google, everything which was refered is not ASP. I need some material or howto in ASP so that i can do the same.Can any one help me in creating a multilingual website.

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Multilingual Japanese Characters

I am working on a multilingual asp page. with sql server 2000 as a backend and IIS 5. When I enter japanese charecters in the text boxes on the page, they are getting stored as?in the table. We are using a dll to post the data to the table.

When I response.out the posted data using request.form values after submitting the page it is displaying properly on the browser but its not storing the data in the table properly.

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Sending Page By E-mail

I'm working on a few intranet pages and have a doubt on how to send e-mails ( i have the aspemail component installed) to outside clients including the invoice for services payment.So differently from Intranet issues where you easily provide a link embeedded on the e-mail, I can't figure how to show the info from outside offices network.
Does anyone knows how to do it? perhaps printingscreen the html page by code and then send to the client as a embedded image or something....?

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Sending Page Via Email

Is there any simple way of doing this? I want to redirect my end users to a
"results" page that lists the details of their order, but I also want to
e-mail them the exact same think (not a link). All of my end users have
HTML e-mail enabled, and I know that I could just create an e-mail manually.
But, I was curious whether I could do this in a much easier fashion.

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Sending Mail From ASP Page

I want to send mail from my ASP site but my ISP do not allow local mail servers. How do I do to relay mail through ISP:s mail server?

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Sending A Variable From One Page To Another

What I am trying to do is send a variable from one page to another. Now my first page is setup as follows: Code:

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Sending Percent Signs To Another Page

when sending my search criteria with a percent sign to a page that opens an excel sheet, it doesn't recognize the percent sign

ex. i enter %ABC but the value sent to the next page is just ABC

here is my excel button that sends the info to the next page. how do i handle cases where a percent sign is entered? is it handled in this page or would it be handled in the page that handles the excel? ....

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Automatically Sending Email From Asp Page

I have a page that allows user input. On click of the submit button I call a javascript function that verifies that all of the fields are filled out and then submits the form. I need to add code after the verification that creates and sends an email. I know how to do this in VBscript, but don't know how to call a vbscript function from a jscript function (is this even possible?).

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VBScript - Sending From One Page's Textbox To The Next

I have data from page 1 that I want to pass to page 2, either in a querystring or a form. I got that part.

Once I'm on page 2, I can retrieve that data with Response.Form or Reponse.Querystring in the vbscript code I have up in the header, but if I write

Document.Form1.Textbox1.value=response.form("passedData"), nothing happens.

So I thought that the code up in the header doesn't "see" the textbox, because as I dimly understand it, the textbox is client-side and the script is server-side. So then I thought I should put the same line down in the html where the form is defined (enclosed in <% tags). But that triggers an error because the code down there doesn't seem to know what response.form is anymore! I tried using a variable as a go-between, but it didn't change the results.

So how in the world do I get my incoming parameter (whether form or query string) to go and live in a textbox in the target page? I need it there (don't I?) so that I can later pass it along to page three (among other reasons).

In short, I can get strings passed from page 1 to page 2, but then page 2 doesn't seem able to put them into controls or pass them along to page 3.

I have scoured google and forums and seen some responses that involve about 30 lines of code (which I don't understand). Surely it can't be that complicated to pass a string from page 1 to page 2 and then have it available to pass along to page 3.

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Sending Percent Signs To Another Page

when sending my search criteria with a percent sign to a page that opens an excel sheet, it doesn't recognize the percent sign

ex. i enter %ABC but the value sent to the next page is just ABC

here is my excel button that sends the info to the next page. how do i handle cases where a percent sign is entered? is it handled in this page or would it be handled in the page that handles the excel? Code:

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Sending Mail From ASP Page Using CDOS

I'm trying to send mail from my asp page and I get this error:

CDO.Message.1error '80040213'
The transport failed to connect to the server.
/Action_Item/action_items/post_new_action.asp, line 50

I tested it from home and it works fine the my local machine but when I tried to use it on the win2k server at work I get this error.

Here is the code: .....

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