Winhttprequest Posting Byte() And String In Multipart Message.

I am near to desperation as I have a million things to get a solution
for my problem. I have to post a multipart message to a url that
consists of a xml file and an binary file (pdf). Seperately the
posting words fine but when I want to create one multipart message
with both then things go wrong.

The binary file is converted and of datatype byte()
The xml file is just a string.

I don't know how to merge these two into the multipart message. I have
tried converting the binary to string and then concatenate but that
doesn't work as it seems to leave off the last part of the file and
the boundary.

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POSTing A Binary File Using Multipart/form-data

I'm trying to setup an ASP page to POST an image across to another page- essentially simulating what a browser does when you use <input type=file> in a HTML form.

I'm able to correctly setup the headers etc and do the POST, but I'm unable to include the binary data of the image.

The only way i've been able to do it is if I base64 encode the image. I'm using MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP to do the POST, and I can't seem to do the .send with a form body that includes the binary data of the image. Code:

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Convert Byte Array To String

I want to convert the binary data to string. I tried doing the same using following peace of code.

Function SimpleBinaryToString(Binary)
Dim I, S
For I = 1 To LenB(Binary)
S = S & Chr(AscB(MidB(Binary, I, 1)))
SimpleBinaryToString = S
End Function

It works fine when the data is English. But when the binary data contains some Japanese characters the resultant string gets corrupted.

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XMLHTTP Character Issue - Converting Byte Array To String

I'm using Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0 to fetch a HTML page on a remote
server. The fetched page is then parsed and the information of interest
is extracted and send to the client browser.

However, the remote server does not specify any character coding in its
headers. If using ResponseText property in ServerXMLHTTP, some
international characters are not decoded correctly. This is due to
ResponseText assuming UTF-8 coding if no character set is specified.

My solution is to use the ResponseBody property which returns the web
page as an array of unsigned bytes. I then convert the data to a string
using the ADODB.Stream method as described here:

The string is then parsed and the required information is pulled out.

This solution works just fine but I wonder if there is some more
efficient (without the need for a byte to string converion) way to
solve the problem.

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I have a simple ASP page that connects to another
server, requests a page, manipulate the results
and sends it to the client.
My problem starts when the remote server sets a
cookie with no path attribute and then redirect me
to another page. The redirection is done
automatically which is great for me but WinHttp
doesn't send the new cookie.
I discovered that WinHttp will only send that
cookie for the page it was set for. I thought no
path is like stating "path=/".
Is this expected from WinHttp and how can I solve
this problem?

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Pop Up Message And Split The String Into Two Line

Can anyone please tell me how can i do the pop up message in ASP without blank the background of the page when the pop up message pop up?

Besides that, how can i split the string in one line into two line by using asp?

for example if i wan to split the

"science computer"

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Dim objHTTP
set objHTTP = Server.CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
objHTTP.Open "post", ""
objHTTP.SetRequestHeader "Content-type", "text/html"
Response.Write objHTTP.ResponseText

when i execute the above code , i get the following error, "The server name or address could not be resolved". But if try to access any local fiel instead of, the contents are coming correctly.

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Using WinHttpRequest To Send Xml Through Proxy => Access Denied

I have a proxy on the intranet, I try to send an xml to an external url, in classic asp, using WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1, but I get access denied from proxy for sending the xml and also The ISA Server requires authorization to fulfill the request. Access to the Web Proxy filter is denied. Code:

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'And'ing A Byte Value - How?

I get a TYPE MISMATCH complaint fm ASP when I do the following in
trying to extract the high-order four bits. The complaint being that the
strTemp value is a string. Well, yes - it's a 1-char string.

NumTemp = MidB(strTemp,1, 1) And &Hf0

What am I doing wrong? (Something dumb, I'm sure, but ... .)

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Byte Explanation

I am now going a step further in asp trying to understand how asp browser upload scripts work. Looking at a couple of browser upload script, I unfortunatly constated that I really don't know nothing about "bytes". This is an obscure area to me. I consider bytes only a measure unit.

What are exactly bytes? If there is no way for visualizing them, then what can they be compared to? numeric values? any good article about this?

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Display A Byte Arrya

I have a byte array containing the data of an image file (for example gif) in my asp code. How can I display it on the website? No image file exists on the disk. Is it possible to update a div field? What should I put there?
Please tell me there is another solution than writing the image to a file and then load it into the page, it's a real time application and speed is very important here.

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How To Work With Byte Array In ASP?

I am getting byte array from COM to ASP page like this, This array is having DOCUMENT Image from Database.

set objData = CreateObject("MemoService.FileAttachement")

bRet = objData.GetAttachedDocument(strClipID)

Here, bRet contains byte array. When I try to open that document using

response.BinaryWrite bRet

I am not able to open the file in the browser. It is writing only the file name (for ex. c: emp.doc)

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Convert Byte To Numeric Value

I need access to the bits of a Byte expression and the logical functions operatge bit-wise on numeric vales - per the VBScript CHM.

So how do I convert a Byte to its numeric value?

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Converting A Byte Value To Its Numeric Value

How do I do that? This is for some bit-diddling, but the logical functions like AND require numeric expressions, per the book.

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ServerXMLHTTP And Double-byte Encoding

I am trying to use ServerXMLHTTP to post data containing Japanese
characters, but the data posts as question marks, boxes or just random ascii
characters. Here is the code I am using:

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How To Save Byte Stream As Binary Document

A site Im working with has an API that allows one to retrieve files.
The file is a Word doc sent as a byte stream.

set oXMLHTTP=server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.4.0") "POST",url,false

I am trying to save the stream as a file on the Web server. It isn't
working. I've tried using FS.OpenTextFile, Stream.Write, etc.
Nothing is working.

Anyone have any sample code on how to do this?

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Sending Double Byte Characters Via Jmail And Javascript

In dreamweaver using javascript I've developed a page that sends the form's contents via Jmail to the user. It works fine until i try to send double byte characters(i.e. japanese). It sends the email but once i open it up in a mail client the text is illegible. My mail server and mail client never has problems sending and recieving double byte characters, the only time this problem pops up is when i send an email from an ASP page via Jmail. I've tried sending the email in plain text and html but it hasn't made any difference. Here is the code I've been using: .....

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Corrupted Double-byte Characters In Windows 2003 / IIS 6.0

I moved ASP WebPages from Windows 2000 server to Windows 2003 server platform. Those double-byte characters (Japanese) retrieved from SQL server 2000 are corrupted.

I am using Macromedia Dreamweaver MX as the development tool, by encoding webpage as "UTF-8" as the following, <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

I also add

Response.CodePage = "65001"
into my ASP page. But it does not solve the problem.

My ASP pages are working perfectly in Windows 2000 server, but they are not working on Windows 2003 server (Web edition & Enterprise Edition).

Is there anyone encountered the similar problems before ? I research the Microsoft website, no any answers on that.

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CDO And Multipart Email?

I am trying to send out an email newsletter using both HTML and plain text?
Any good resources for doing this? I can't seem to get it to display the
TextBody when Outlook is set to display emails using Plain Text.

I am using:

Dim objMail
Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
objMail.To = varEmail
objMail.From = " ( Webmaster)"
objMail.Subject = "My Subject"
objMail.BodyPart.ContentMediaType = "multipart/alternative"
objMail.TextBody = "No HTML here. I want this text to display if HTML is
turned off."
objMail.CreateMHTMLBody ""
Set objMail = Nothing

When I receive the email in outlook with HTML turned off, it comes up a mess. I was hoping the TextBody would show. Also, the images I am using have full paths ( but they are still showing up as attachments with odd names like ATT21435.jpg.

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CDOSYS And Multipart

I have a form that triggers the sending of an e-mail via CDOSYS. I'd
like to make this a nice HTML-formatted multipart message, but for some
reason the text version is coming through blank.

Originally I thought I had read that CDO has an automatic text converter
that will turn the HTML code into a plain TEXT message, but when that
didn't work (and I couldn't find anything further about it), I added a
custom text line like this:

objMessage.TextBody = "This is the text body."
objMessage.HTMLBody = "This is where I put the long HTML code."

That worked in my mail client (Thunderbird), but the messages still go
blank in my wife's Hotmail account (actually, if I send it directly to
her hotmail account they don't arrive at all; if I send it to her other
address that forwards to her hotmail account, they come in, but the body
is blank).

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Multipart Encryption

"Cannot use Request.Form collection after calling BinaryRead"

I get this message cause I have a form that inputs two types of data: a file to upload and a field value to save in a datasource. The encryption is "multipart/form-data". The file is uploaded successfully, but, how can I invoque the fields of the "request.form" without getting this error?

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Multipart/form-data Vs Xml

Is it possible if i wanna append xml data and upload picture at a same time using the same form?

The problem i'm facing now is, when i add the 'multipart/form-data', i can't append the xml data

I know there's one solution, using 2 FORM but the project i'm doing now is designed to be put them both (file type for upload and textarea for append) together

Besides, i have no idea how to encode or decode the posted data.

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CDONTS And Multipart Emails

Here's what i'm trying to do, send out an email that contains both text and html with the mime encoding that will let the user's client display what they support. This email will be an external file.

This is how i'm reading the two files: Code:

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Multipart Mime Type

How to send the HTML and Text email at the same time?CDONTS only send one type of email at one time and we should know before hand what type of email the client can receive. In my case i want to send both and depending on clients email reader the right one should show up.

I have used ASP email component also but for this component to work properly we should have relaying enabled on our SMTP server.Due to the threats of SPAM i dont want to do this. I am not any demanding here but simply trying to find the better way

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Multipart Form Processing

i have created a registration page containing a form than sends username password to an asp processing page. If the user exists it sends the user back to the registration page with server.transfer command otherwise it adds the new user to the database as expected.

Anyhow I now want to add an upload feature to the registration page (using pure-asp). The example I used says that the form Enctype property should be set to mulipart/form-data.

Now when I add a new user via the registration form, the processing page for some reason assumes the user is already registered (BUT IS NOT IN DATABASE) and the server.transfer code is executed ? sending the user back to the registration page.

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CDOSYS Multipart Email

can anyone post or direct me to a code snippet for sending a plaintext/html mutlipart email using CDOSYS? I can do basic code, but this is way beyond me. If a user enters html into a form, is there a way for code to strip that out and leave only plaintext behind?

The idea is that a user would fill in one html field, the form would email it in multipart, with one part using the html the user entered and the plaintext part using the same info but with the html code stripped out.

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Multipart Form Data

I have a form which uses the encode type "multipart/form-data". How do you parse and iterate through the form field collection once the binary read method is used?

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If I'm using multipart/form-data as the enctype and the action is the same page how do I check if the form has been submitted? Usually I'd use something like this:

if request.form("input_submit") = "Save" then
' Process the form ...
end if

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Problem With ASP Multipart/form-data

I am using VB 6 and ASP to upload files to the web server in one of my web applications. The architecture is something like this...Thin ASP/html front end using multipart/form-data when user selects the file and clicks on upload a COM object is being called to upload file.

This works absolutely fine when dealing with file sizes in b/w 1 to 15mb....Now users are trying to upload huge file sizes such as 80mb/100mb. the web application dies without uploading the file....hence was interested to know if there is any size restriction for this???

The COM object is written using ASP Scripting library, MTS scripting engine, ASPSOFT upload....references.

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I am trying to upload a file . In my asp page I have enctype='MULTIPART/FORM-DATA'. for my form. Problem I am having is that I have some hidden variables in the form which do not pass through when that form is submitted. how to pass the values of hidden variables with enctype='MULTIPART/FORM-DATA'.

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Multipart/form-data And Select

I have a form (which is multipart/form-data) it has a file field and a select. When i submit this form i can get the file but i can't get the value of the select? any ideas?

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Encription Type 'multipart/form-data'

I am facing one problem while uploading images in ASP. I am using ASPUpload to upload the file. I can upload the files also. for that I am giving the Encription type as multipart/form-data. THat time I am not able to get the other informations in that form like some hidden fields inthat form.

Is it possible to get the information when we were uploading the images. I am using post method for uploading.

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Multipart Mime Type For HTML/Text Email

How to send the HTML and Text email at the same time? CDONTS only send one type of email at one time and we should know before hand what type of email the client can receive. In my case i want to send both and depending on clients email reader the right one should show up. I have used ASP email component also but for this component to work properly we should have relaying enabled on our SMTP server. Due to the threats of SPAM i dont want to do this. I am not any demanding here but simply trying to find the better way.

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