Access Sending Automated Email Attachments

Mar 6, 2012

I have inheirited an access database which used to mail out an attachment automatically but for some reason has stopped sending.

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Reports :: Automated Sending Report By Email

Jan 8, 2015

Every month I have to make a report about registration of hours of a group of employees. (These employees have a deal with direction about travel hours vs. working hours).This report has to be send to the group members but only the data which is valid for the group member in it. There are 11 persons in this group so I have to send 11 reports.

I made a query with the hours registered from this group. I couldn't export it because it was read-only. That was because the query contains joins to the employee table. After that I tried it with a report. That nearly went well but it contained all data and not the seperated info.What I need to know:What is easier/better: use a query or use a report?Is there code which looks in my query or the report and makes it into seperated reports?I've tried the code of Tony Hine but I can't make it work.After that I need to do a mail-merge. But first of all do I need to make the seperated reports to work.

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Modules & VBA :: Sending Email With Or Without Attachments

Jan 12, 2015

I'm working on a database for work that email's the current record after the form is completed. I have a attachment field in the table called Photo and some record's have a photo attached and other's don't. The code below works great with records that have a photo attached, but I get a path not found if I try to email a record that does not have a photo. I know that I need to put some form of code to check the photo field for a attachment, but I'm having a brain fade as to just what the code is.

Private Sub eMail_Report_Click()
Dim oFilesys, oTxtStream As Object
Dim txtHTML As String
Dim appOutLook As Outlook.Application
Dim MailOutLook As Outlook.MailItem

[Code] ....

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General :: Access Email Attachments File Name

Aug 26, 2012

Attachment File Name as it appears in email attachment box

{F54EBDF9-B9B6-4EA1-B56D35DEC50D0F69}.dat (257KB)

When you select open it does retreive the file in PDF.However, our customers are not very likely to open it because of its File Name.I do send the document to PDF file 1st.I am a carpenter by trade just trying to make my business more easier to run from the office and keeping up with the times.I receive emails from Vendors all the time,I am an avid user of Access since 2000, I barely understand VBA code and often copy from samples and/or researched code.

Here is my Code:
Private Sub Command198_Click()
Dim strToEmailAddress As String


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Sending An Email From Access

Jul 19, 2005

I'm sending an email from a form to Outlook express. But before it opens Outlook I get a question that states "a program is trying to access email address you have stored in Outlook" I then have to click ok and then another window opens and askes the same question. How can I eliminate these warning messages??
Thank You

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Sending Multiple Attachments

Oct 3, 2005

I have looked through the message board, and cannot find an answer for this question.

I would like to send 2 different reports to the same person, in the same e-mail. Is this possible?

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Sending And Recieving Email Through Access

Aug 11, 2005

Is there a way to send an email using outlook, have that email filtered into a specific folder, and then have an access program extract that email. The situation is that I have sales reps in the field that would like updates on projects that are stored in an access program I designed. The program already sends out auto notifications through outlook, but that is only when I update the specific project. All of the sales reps in the field use blackberry's and do not have time to call in to request an update. So I was wondering if it were possible to have a sales rep send a preformated email that has included the primary key ie Account number, and have access recieve that account number to turn around and send out an auto response.

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Sending Email Containing A Link To Access?

Aug 6, 2014

I have a system automated that, when our warranty team receives a warranty part that somebody else has requested information for, will email that person letting them know it has been received.

I want to include a hyperlink in the email that points to the database, opens it with 2 argument containing 2 variables in which one of the forms can auto populate and the information be shown immediately.

So first, I would like to know how to create a hyperlink within the code that sends the email. Second, I would like to know how have the database check for arguments upon opening. I can do the rest.

For instance, John Smith requested part number 123456 on claim number 55555, serial number 7777777. The database is located at "S:SharedWarranty ReturnsWarranty Returns.accdb". Therefore, the hyperlink would aim at the location and carry the arguments 55555 and 7777777.

Current emailing code (obviously variables are passed into the function):


Function sendemail(msg As String, subj As String, recipients As String, ccrecipients As String, xclaim As Integer, claims() As Variant, serials() As Variant)Dim rsnote As Recordset
Set cdomsg = CreateObject("CDO.message")
If recipients <> "" Then
With cdomsg.Configuration.Fields


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Access- Sending Email With No Outlook Profile

Feb 6, 2006

Hi all,

after spending wweks perfecting a database which centres on the ability to email the contents of what you have just entered i find that our stirling IT dept haven't actually setup any of my intended users with outlook profiles and do not intend to. Therefore whenever they try and send an email they get the dialog box you get when trying to connect to the internet for the first time. Which is obviously a problem.

Is there any way around this or is there any alterntive i can use? my IT dept dont promise to setup any outlook profiles soon and im hoping there may be something else i can do before the project gets binned.



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Newbie Question - Sending Email From Access

Mar 10, 2007


I have a request from work to create a button that will allow only certain fields from a record, ie tracking number, to be sent to that client's email in the record by adding a button to the form that will automatically send the field.

Can someone help me?

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Modules & VBA :: Sending Email With Access 2007

Mar 12, 2014

How would I set up an Outlook email using a list of recipients from an Access table? I'd like to be able to run this from Access 2007 and not Outlook. However, once the email is set up, I'd like to be able to go into the email and add subject, body, etc. before sending the email.

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Modules & VBA :: Sending Email From MS Access 2010

Oct 1, 2013

I would like to update the following code I have been using to send emails, from Access 2010 via Outlook 2010, to include my signature block with hard returns in between each line and a few above the signature.

Lets say the signature would be:
My Name
My Company Name
My phone number
My Reference

I tried next to: stMessage = Me![EmailMessage] &"My Name" & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & "My Company Name"


It does not work..

Here is the coding :

Private Sub SendEmail_Click()
On Error GoTo ProcErr
Dim stLinkCriteria As String


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General :: Access 2003 Is Not Sending Email?

Feb 3, 2015

Our database is in access 2003. It has a form which has a button to send email of orders. I added a new user in this database. That button works in all other computers in the network with the same user permissions as this user, in his computer when he select to email Order it does nothing. It does not open the new email page in outlook and the outlook email is configured in his computer.

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Modules & VBA :: Add CC Email Addresses Into Automated Email?

Aug 3, 2015

I have an automated email system (Lotus Notes) in a Access database I have created and am looking for the code needed to add up to 3 c.c addresses into an email prior to sending automatically.

The code I have to send the email to the To: individual is all working but what code I need to add and where for the c.c addresses of which there could be 1, 2 or 3. The control for To address is EmailTo = CustCopyEmail The controls for the 3 c.c emails are cc_EmailAddress, cc_EmailAddress1 and cc_EmailAddress2.

Here's the code I have:

Private Sub SEND_CC_Click()
' Set up the objects required for Automation into Lotus Notes.
Dim Maildb As Object 'The mail database.
Dim Session As Object 'The Lotus Notes session.
Dim MailDoc As Object 'The mail document itself.
Dim UserName As String 'The current users Lotus Notes name.


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Modules & VBA :: Sending Digital Secure Email In Access

Sep 4, 2013

I have a question about sending secure emails by VBA code in MS-Access. I have a Access application within you also can also send emails by VBA code using outlook. Everything works fine, but now the recipient wants to receive the mails with a digital signature by S/MIME.

I got a digital certificate from the recipient as a pfx-file.

Is this possible in Access using outlook ?

I use MS-Access 2010 en Windows 7

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General :: Sending Form Through Email And Processing Responses - Access 2010

Oct 16, 2012

I'm working on a vacation/time off tracker and was hoping to use the collect data feature. I've created a form where a user submits their requested date and number of hours, at which point I'd like the form to be sent to their manager for approval. The manager's email address is stored in a table. Once the manager marks yes or no, I'd like that reflected in the time off requests table, and an email sent to the requester letting them know if it was approved or not. Is this possible? How would I go about it. I'm pretty new to Access, learning on the fly, but I'm pretty good at modifying code to match my situation/working backwards if you have any examples for me to look at.

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Modules & VBA :: Specifying Email Address When Sending Email Via SMTP

Jan 19, 2015

I am currently using vb code to send an email in Access on the click of a button. I want the database user to be able to enter the recipient in a text box [ToEmail] which is on form [GroupStockProfiler]. However, I'm unsure how to put this into my code. I currently have the following which doesn't work (unless I put a specific email after 'To'):

Private Sub Command414_Click()
Const cdoSendUsingPickup = 1
Const cdoSendUsingPort = 2
Const cdoAnonymous = 0


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Automated Email Report

Mar 24, 2006

I have set up a process to automatically email reports from MS Access 2006. Everything would would perfectly except that when the process runs, a messagbox pops up stating that 'an unknown prgram is trying to send an email on your behalf'. Before the email is sent you have to click on the button to allow sending. I need this program to run very early in the morning when no one is around to click the button.

I have tried several things to get a round this by digitally signing my Access project and setting up certificates in outlook but nothing has worked.

Is there any way around this without lowering my security level, my antivirus or antispyware software?


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Forms :: Auto End Automated Email On Enter

Jan 14, 2015

Is there a way to send a standard ready made email to a set email address when a check box or selection from a combo box is selected.

What Im hoping to have is an action and if a user select a specific action it sends out an email without having to do this repeatedly and manually.

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Reports :: End Of Month Report Automated Email?

Jul 16, 2015

Is there a way to have my database see that its a new month and then run a report that could be automatically emailed?

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Add Attachments From Database To Email

Jul 21, 2015

I am trying to find the VBA code that adds attachments currently stored in the database to an email. Currently, I have a button that will email the report refernced on my input form. My attachments are stored in a table, but I have built a query for my attachments that wil filter based off the referenced report on the input form. Below is my VBA code to email a report.

Private Sub Command587_Click()
Dim stReport As String
Dim stWhere As String
Dim stSubject As String
Dim NCRNum As String


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Automated Email Notification Every Time New Record Created

Dec 7, 2011

How can I send an automated email notification everytime a new record is created. I have a macro set up with the send object completed, I just can't figure out how to tweak the logic so it will do it everytime a new record is created.

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Modules & VBA :: Email In Outlook With Attachments

Jun 16, 2013

I am making a new database. And I want to confirm that I can do all the following in Access 2007 and how is best to do it.

1) A form where I can define:a unique Email Number starting at 1.
a directory eg "C:UsersPaulDesktop101 - Brick House"
an email address.
a Recipient Name
a Category for the email. Choosing either "Working" or "Complete". This would be part of the email subject.

2) a button which onclick lists all the files in the defined directory to a box on the form.

3) a button which onclick exports a report containing the list of files to PDF. Then attaches a zip of these files and the PDF report to an email in Outlook for revision before sending.

4)In Outlook the subject would be:

"The Directory Name" - "The Category" - "The Email Number"
"101 - Brick House - Working - Email 1"

5)In Outlook the body would simply be the subject of the email followed by the filenames of the 2 attached files, ie the PDF report and the zip.

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Send Multiple Attachments In One Email

Sep 9, 2015

Below code is working good, but want to add one more code like

DoCmd.SendObject acSendTable, "SM_Main_Output", acFormatXLS, rs("Email Address"), rs("CC"), "", "SM Sales & Availability Report for " & rs("SM"), "Dear Sales Manager, Please find attached Sales and Availability Report. If you have any query regarding your Structure/Area Please contact your Sales coordination department", 0, False

I want to send backup data as well.

Private Sub Command9_Click()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim eml As String

[Code] ....

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Using Query To Group Attachments For Email

May 28, 2013

I have a database that I use to enter and keep track of details regarding purchase requests. I use a query in this database as a data source for a mail merge in Word that generates my purchase request documents. Part of closing the loop on this process includes attaching these Word documents to the records in the Access data tables they correspond to.

Now what I want to do is send these attachments via email to recipients based on other data field values. I have been looking into Automation since that seems to have been the answer for most people however all the Automation examples only show one attachment being added and that attachment is specified by a file path. I want to collect a group of attachments from the table in Access using an SQL statement with an WHERE clause. So my question is this:

Can I use Automation VBA script [URL] .... in addition to some data gathering technique like DAO Recordsets to collect the files I want to attach to the emails I am trying to send?

I am already pretty interested in the message modifications I can make using the features of the Outlook 14.0 Object library and I look forward to exploring it further but for now I'd just really like to be able to send purchase request documents to the right people using the data and attachments I have already put into my database.

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General :: Automated Task - Send Email Address To All Emails In Query

Sep 30, 2013

I want to automate a task in access....

I have a query that may have 6 - 7 different records for example each record contains a different email address, i need to get the first email then send and email to that address then go to the next record get that email address send an email to that email address until its gone through all the records...

I use this code to send an email, dont know how to loop through records and get the email...

Dim appOutLook As Outlook.Application
Dim MailOutLook As Outlook.MailItem
Dim strPath As String
Dim strFileName As String
Set appOutLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")

[Code] .....

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