Cascading Combo Box In Continuous Form?

Sep 14, 2011

how to assemble cascading combo boxes in a continous form. I wasn't having any luck in my database so I decided to create a clean test database file and just try and get the concept to work.

I've got 3 tables, Products, Categories and Orders and the form is based on Orders. In the form you select a Category from a combo box and then when you click the Product combo box it should only display products in the selected category. Technically that works. But if you click any other combo box under Products it will always display the same products as whichever combo box you click first. Until you close the form and reopen it.

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Modules & VBA :: Cascading 3 Combo Boxes On 1 Form And 2 Subforms?

Dec 5, 2013

I have three nested forms that is Form3 is withing Form2 that is within Form1 (in reality = 1 Form and 2 subforms cascaded).

I want to select a value from Combo1, that will further brings the values in Form2, and then further filter the values in Form3. If the three combos were on the same form, I wouldn't have an issue. But since each combo is in every cascading form/subform, I dont know how to pass the filterning further to the other two combos.

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Populating An Underlying Table When Using Cascading Combo Boxes In A Form

Jun 1, 2005

Hello everyone

I have read the FAQ on cascading combo boxes and have managed to apply the theory to my DB's data input form (frmDataEntry) which is very cool and prevents a lot of errors however in doing so it no longer populates the underlying table (tblProductionDetails).

I am at a loss as to how to correct this as you can see from the example I need the customer and description field to be populated with the correct data rather than the fields I am using to make the cascading combo boxes work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated



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Tables :: Cascading Combo Box - Output Form (Word Or PDF Document)

Oct 30, 2013

I have created a form with 9 cascading combo boxes. There are 59 total results or scenarios (which are based upon the completion of the form and these 9 combo boxes). Currently, upon completion of the form and the 9 combo boxes, a text box displays the singular result/scenario.

Here's my question: Rather than utilizing a text box to display the result/scenario, is it possible to output a PDF or Word document? If so, is there a general VBA code for this that I could manipulate?

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Cascading Combo Boxes - Open A Form And Add Multiple Items To A Table

Mar 12, 2011

I have been trying to modify a sample database to suit what I want to do but I am getting stuck on the very first part cascading combo boxes i want to open a form and add multiple items to a table - first i want to select, from a combo box a department - then select a supplier from all the suppliers/manufacturers related to that department then select a stock item based on the description from all the items available from that supplier

I have attached the database I am using to modify and my database.

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Continuous Form With Combo Box

Feb 7, 2006

I have problem and I've been picking my brains out with it. Here's how it is:

I have the folowing tables

Orders: IdOrder IdClient

OrderLineItems: IdOrderLineItem IdOrder IdProduct ChargeRate

Products: IdProduct Description

Clients: IdClient CompanyName

Now, what I want to do is the following: I want a form that will display all orders with all products.something like this:

IdOrder | CompanyName | Products

1 | ABC | ComboBox with products
2 | XYZ | ComboBox with products

How do I do it? It's easy with everything else, the ComboBox gives me headakes. I can't seem to link the Products to the correct Order so that each combobox displays only the items for that specific Order.

Thanx for helping!

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Forms :: Create A Data Entry Form To Order Table Using 2 Cascading Combo Boxes

Jan 31, 2014

What I am trying to do is create a data entry form to an "order table" using 2 cascading combo boxes. I have created a data entry form based on a query. I can't get the cascading combo boxes to work properly.Here is the code:

Private Sub Combo0_AfterUpdate()
Combo2.RowSource = "SELECT L2_ID,L4_Element_name,L5_Category FROM qry_ord WHERE L3_ID = Combo0.Value;"
Combo2.DefaultValue = [Combo2].[ItemData](0)
End Sub


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Combo Boxe In A Continuous Form

Feb 6, 2006

Hi everybody,
In a continuous form, If I use a comboboxe with a criteria looking up a field in the same record, it seems that the combo boxe only looks up the value of the firsrecord, Iam not sure I understand why?
I was wondering if it there was any method to be able to use Cascading combo boxe in a continuous form.

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Hide Combo Box In Continuous Form

Jul 12, 2005

Is it possible to hide or show a combo in certain records in a continuous form. i.e if certain certain conditions are met.

At present I have if Check1 = true then Combo1.Visible = true

The trouble is it then displays the combo in all records.

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Unique Combo Box Selection In A Continuous Form

Feb 20, 2006

Currently I'm working on a quote form in an inventory database. The invoice form consists of a main form with the customers information and a subform which is continous and is for selecting parts. Each part has multiple serial numbers which need to be quoted individually. Basically what I want to do is when you select a specific serial number on one record, I want it removed from the combo box on all other records in the continuous form. (either previous or new) How would I go about doing this?

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Forms :: Combo Box Filter Continuous Form

May 16, 2013

combo boxes and continuous forms.I have a continuous form (works great), with two combo boxes that navigate (rather than limit/ filter the list) to the desired selection.One for suburb and one for postcode.

I have expanded the select criteria for the suburb to include postcode as some suburb names are used in more than one state. (I do not want to have to select a state, then suburb).I changed the column count to see the postcode next to the suburb, however when the selection is made only the first instance is selected.

Epping 2121
Epping 3076

If I chose Epping 3076, Epping 2121 is selected and the continuous form navigates to that suburb (rather than the one with 3076).Can I change this so that I can still search by postcode, or search by suburb and have the form navigate to the corrected suburb postcode combination?

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Forms :: Slow Combo Box On Continuous Form

Feb 13, 2015

I have a Continuous form that is used to place orders in my Purchase order Database. I have a combo box with a Textbox over laid, so the users can type in the Textbox and it filters the combo box as they type. This is to search Nominal ledger codes that the current user has set up.

This has been working fine, but now finding issues as people have 400+ Nominal coeds set up. So there is a lag when the user is typing.Is there a better way of doing this? i have a similar setup to search a supplier but this is not a continuous form and the majority of objects are un bound.


Private Sub lstSelect_AfterUpdate()
Me.lstSelect.RowSource = "qryCurrentNominalNew"
End Sub
Private Sub lstSelect_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Me.lstSelect.RowSource = "qryCurrentNominalNew"
End Sub


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Forms :: Combo Boxes On Continuous Form

Sep 2, 2014

I have a main form with a sub form in continuous form view. The main form displays across the top and allows the user to enter the required 4 fields of info and then tab to the subform. Here each record is a line where the user has a number of text boxes to enter the required fields. There are 2 fields that are combo boxes that are limited to the lists - the first combo box is Observation and when the user selects their choice the 2nd combo box refreshes and gives them the choices of Categories within that Observation.

I am stuck on how to make the combo boxes "independent". Right now, if the user is in record 1 of the subform and selects an observation, the 2nd combo in that record refreshes and displays the records correctly of the categories available for that observation. Then the categories are "stuck" on whatever observation was selected in record 1 when record 2 is created. If in the 2nd record (or any other) the user selects a different observation, the categories in all records display the choices for that observation.

The categories need to be reflective of the observation within each record.

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Access 2007 / Filter A Continuous Form Using A Combo Box?

Apr 30, 2015

I am running access 2007 and have a continuous form that I am trying to filter. The table that I am pulling the data from has the following fields: Order_Date, Order_number, Model.

I want to filter based on Order_Date.

I tried creating an "after update" Macro builder on my combo box and using "Apply Filter" but I cannot seem to get my syntax right.

Filter is the name of my combo box

Here is my current setup:

Filter Name:
Where Condition: [Order_Date] Like [Filter]
Control Name:

However whenever I select a new date from my combo box it asks me to "Enter Parameter Value" for Filter, which I don't understand because my combo box name is Filter. I would think they would link up.

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Forms :: Combo Box On Continuous Form Updating Current Record Only

Jul 29, 2013

Combo box on continuous form should have the control source listed as the field on the form that will be updated. The Row Source, however, is a query that includes 2 things: the field on the form that will be updated (this part will be nonvisible in your form) and the table/query of selections you want to show up in the combo box (visible). Then ensure the Bound column is set to 1 and the Column count is set to 2 with Column Widths as 0";1"

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Cascading Combo Box

Dec 7, 2005

Dear members,

I have a form with 4 Combo boxes bound to fields in 4 tables;

1) Oblast Name
2) District Name
3) Jamoat Name
4) Village Name

The selections work fine. Cascade works from Oblast to Village Name. My question is ;

Currently the ID's of the bound columns are stored in the tables instead of the corresponding data. For example for the Oblast name; I have the value "3"=" rather than "Khatlon" for District_Name, I have "223", rather than "Muminobad".

Is there way to capture the names of the respective places rather than storing ID's in the table?

Thanks in advance.


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Cascading Combo & Dates

Apr 11, 2006

This is driving me a little mad, and its probably something quite simple!

I am creating a form which will allow users to narrow down their search based on criteria entered into three combo boxes.

The first combo box pop's up a calendar and is populated when the date is chosen on the calendar.
The second combo box will provide a list of systems that have a record entered on that date
The third combo box will then show a list of case id's based on the system and date selected.

I can get it working when ignoring the date, but as soon as I bring the date combo into the equation I get a data mismatch error. Now I presume that this is to do with holding a date in a text field and comparing with a date/time field in the table, so I have set both to 'short date', but still get the error.

Can anyone provide any pearls of wisdom to help stop me from going insane? (that might be a bit late tho!)

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Cascading Combo Boxes

Dec 12, 2006

I have a few cascading combo boxes that restricts the value of one combo box depending on what the the value of other one is.

The problem I have is that some of the data is not displayed in the combo boxes when scrolling through the records after data entry.

I have tried to re query them on the form on open event but it does not seem to help much.

Any Ideas?

thanks :)

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Cascading Combo Box - Assistance

Nov 4, 2007


I have a database (Access 2007) that has two tables, reports, queries and so far all seems to be working and going well. Quite impressed with it to be honest for my lack of skills.

However, I've run into a bit of trouble and need assistance getting a combo box to work with another combo box to produce list kind of thing.

The database is a vehicle database and I need the 'Vehicle' combo box to give me a list of vehicles. I then need the 'Model' combo box to produce the models of the car selected in the 'Vehicle' combo box.

Example - If I select 'Ford' from the 'Vehicle' combo box list I want all the models to be displayed in a list form thing in the 'Model' combo box so the user can easily select make and model of the car.

I have two tables:

The 'CarMM' table contains a list of around 1,500 records of car makes and models. First column has the 'Vehicle' make and the second field coloumn has the 'Model'.

The 'VD' table contains all other information like the charges, name, the make and model of car once selected in combo box.

I then have the form called 'VD'. In this form contains the combo boxes I want to be cascading.

Any advice on how to do this? I'm quite new to this so any help would be nice. Thanks you very much.

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Help With Cascading Combo Boxes

Jul 28, 2005

I need some help setting up my tables to allow cascading combo boxes. I need to document when a Pharmacy IV room and chemotherapy room are cleaned. Each Room requires different cleaning procedures.

Here is my table structure:
DutyID-Auto# (PK)
Duty - text (Example- mop floor, clean hood, wash ceiling, wash sink)

LocationID- Auto# (PK)
Location - Text (Clean Room, Chemo Room, Anteroom)

CleanID-Auto# (PK)
DutyID- (FK)

If the user selects Clean Room I don't want them to see wash sink and anything else not pertinent to the Clean Room. How do I set up the tables?

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Cascading Combo Boxes

Jun 2, 2005

Just wondering if anyone can help Im creating two combo boxes where the first one determines the values in the second one.

The tables are made up of the following;


Line number (PK)

Main Setting

Part Number (PK)
Press Line (FK)

Now ive took the advice of previous threads but im having the following error message when im creating this;

The record source 'SELECT [Main Settings].[Part Number] FROM Main AS Settings WHERE [Main Settings].[Press Line]=[Forms]![Example]![Line]' specified on this form does not exist.

I know that this doesnt exist but im typing it correctly. Access seems to be changing my statement i.e. inserting the AS command. Any help will be much appreciated

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Cascading Combo Box Parameter

Nov 21, 2005

I have an unbound Form with a Subform bound to a query. The query parameters are selected by the users via Unbound cboboxes. The form is working but I would like to add a feature on each cbobox that would allow to show "All" the data (ie:Show the data like if there was no parameter on that field). I can't see how to add this feature, is anybody got any idea?

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Cascading Combo Boxes

Jan 31, 2005

Right I have followed one of the sample databases and modified it to create cascading combo boxes like i needed.

Now all i need to do is use them in the context i need.

Basically I have country, region and sub region. These cascade to each other in the form which has been created. If you select a country, then in region you in only see the regions in that country, etc.

What i need is to be able to use the cascading combos boxes in conjunction with the "Location table". So someone can put in a project number and then use the cascading combo boxes to to chose the country, region and sub region boxes saving all of the data into the location table .

Please can someone help, as it took me allmost three hours to create the cascading combo boxes but now i cant even use them for what i wanted them for,.

Many Thanks

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Cascading Combo Boxes

Mar 15, 2005


I have trawled this forum searching for help with cascading combo boxes, it was very helpful but alas I need that bit more.

I have 2 combo boxes and the result is displayed in a subform. The problem is that it will only display one selection made from the Combo boxes and I need multiple selections on display in the record.

It is a parts job worksheet in a garage where multiple work is required on a vehicle. It is based on Work Type and Work Codes which then bring up the detailed description.

The first Combo Box is Work Type and this allows you to select letters. The second Combo Box is Work Code and this allows you to select numbers.

I used the example I found on here but haven't changed the field names as I daren't alter the coding until I know it will display multiple selections in the subform of the record.

I attach the database to see of anyone can help me, ppllleeeaaassssee. I woul dbe most grateful if you could make the changes and zip it back up as I ain't no VB programmer.

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Cascading Combo Output

May 24, 2005

Hi folks, this may seem like a silly question... but I'm rather new at this...

I have set up 4 Cascading combo boxes on a form, as per the fantastic little tutorial by SJ McAbney... They work great...

What I want them to do is output the combo box selections back to a table. I have been able to get it to do this, but all it's putting back in the table is the ID number of the combo box selection. I need to get the text there instead. I experimented with switching the column order on the form, so the text is before the ID... and that worked with the output, but messed up a number of other things.

Any suggestions??

Thanks in advance...


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4 Cascading Combo Boxes And An <All>???

Oct 9, 2005

i currently have 4 combo boxes that each has its own table, and setup as cascading. Now what i want to add is an <All> in each combo to box to give any results in that table.

i have

combo 1
SELECT [tblProductManufacturer].[ProductManufacturerID], [tblProductManufacturer].[ProductManufacturer]
FROM tblProductManufacturer UNION Select "<All>", "<All>" as Bogus From tblProductManufacturer
ORDER BY [tblProductManufacturer].[ProductManufacturer];

combo 2
SELECT tblProductModel.ProductModel, tblProductModel.ProductModelID
FROM tblProductModel
WHERE (((tblProductModel.ProductManufacturerID)=[Forms]![MainScreen]![MainWindow].[Form].[CboProductManufacturer])) UNION Select "<All>", "<All>" as Bogus From tblProductModel
ORDER BY tblProductModel.ProductModelID;

combo 3
SELECT [tblProductVersion].[ProductVersion], [tblProductVersion].[ProductVersionID]
FROM tblProductVersion
WHERE ((([tblProductVersion].[ProductModelID])=[Forms]![MainScreen]![MainWindow].Form.CboProductModel)) UNION Select "<All>", "<All>" as Bogus From tblProductVersion
ORDER BY [tblProductVersion].[ProductVersionID];

combo 4
SELECT [tblProductSize].[ProductSize], [tblProductSize].[ProductSizeID]
FROM tblProductSize
WHERE ((([tblProductSize].[ProductVersionID])=[Forms]![MainScreen]![MainWindow].Form.CboProductVersion)) UNION Select "<All>", "<All>" as Bogus From tblProductSize
ORDER BY [tblProductSize].[ProductSizeID];

in place of UNION Select "<All>", "<All>" i have also tried

UNION Select Null as AllChoice, "(All)" as Bogus

And in place of UNION Select "<All>", "<All>" as Bogus i have also tried

UNION select distinct null, null (And added distinct after the first Select of the query)

but to no avail????

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