Check Previous Orders

Dec 21, 2005


I have an orders form, which makes the orders, but I would also like to be able to search back through old orders to append them in the same form.

Currently I have frmOrders, which has a combo for the customersID (which then adds their details to fields). In this form I also have frmOrderDetails as a subform, which is used to input the products.

Basically I would like to add a combo box which displays the order no. and the customer who's order it is. By clicking it all the order details will appear in the form. I've tried the way I thought, which does bring these details up in the combo box but it doesn't change the rest of the form when I click it!

Is this possible, and what's the best way? Thanks.

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Modules & VBA :: Entering Orders Into The Orders Table?

Mar 5, 2014

I have a database where I have 3 tables. first is client data, second orders data and third the products data.
What I would like, is to have a button on my form that after selecting from a combobox a product, it wil enter it in the tabel orders in the next available free record (row). I created a button and the combobox in the client form. The Products table has also the price per unit in it. It should take the whole row of data and put it in the Orders table.

Is there a way to do this? I guess it needs to be done with vba, but not sure.

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General :: DCount - Check Previous Existence Of Name In Table

Oct 4, 2012

Table is named tblLVR
Field is BusinessName

I want to check the previous existence of this name in the table.

I assign a variable tBusVar to the entered name on it's changed event
and write the following code to see if it is already in:-

If DCount("[BusinessName]", "tblLVR", "[BusinessName] = " & tBusVar) > 0 Then
MsgBox "This current record is a Duplicate"
End If

Run_time Error :'2471' : The expression passed as a query parameter produced this error '<Name entered>'

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Multiple Orders

Sep 2, 2007

I am new to access and have a form set for processing orders. How do I process multiple orders i.e a customer orders an onion and a pepper. Currently I have to create 2 orders and would like 1 order with 2 items. I am sure this is very simple. Hope someone can help

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Orders Database

Dec 27, 2007

I know this is probably very simple but I do not know how to do it.
I have:
Table 1 - customers
Table 2 - Orders

At the moment, when a customer orders 2 items, I have to create 2 seperate order numbers.
I would like to have both items under one order number. Can anyone help with an easy solution.

Thank you

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Multiple Orders

Oct 18, 2007

I have asked this before but could not work out the answer i got(sorry). I need things in very simple terms. I hope someone can assist me.

I have customer table and an order table. Customer table obviously holds all customer info. my problem is orders.

I would like a table/form that allows me to input muliple orders. i.e:

Customer: Smith
Item: Apple
qty: 2
Item: Pear
qty: 1
Item: Orange
qty: 3

I would like all items under 1 order. Currently I have to process them all individually. Can someone help please

Thank you

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Duplicate Orders

Jun 9, 2005

It seems I continue to run into this problem.

A company sells products in packages.

Example: Let’s say you build PCs

All of your PCs are sold as a complete product with 10 or so components

Your choices are to reenter every item each time you make a new quote, or automate the process.

This is the current method

Create multiple tables identical with the orders detail table, and create all of the records needed to satisfy the order packages. Each table is one order package.

Step 2:
Create an order as you normally would.

Step 3:
Change the linking number in the package table (to the appropriate order number)

Step 4:
Paste the contents if the table into the Order Detail Table.

This works well but is labor intensive, and is not error proof.

So finely the question. Is there a way to automate this process with the selection being made form either a drop down list or a query .

My gut tells me it a macro thing but I don’t use macros for much and my VBA skills are limited to adapting code that I pick up here and there.

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


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Picking Orders For Invoices

Oct 31, 2006

Hi everyone,

I'm sort of new to Access, but over the past few months I've been able to develop an inventory database for my work which turned out quite nicely and does everything I need it to, except for one thing.

I want to also create invoices for my customers, and after looking at examples I understand that most people link the "order" with the invoice, so that there is one invoice per order. However, I need the ability to combine many orders into one invoice. That's where I'm stuck.

I don't know how to arrange my relationships and forms so that I can "pick" the orders I want on my invoice, and not at the time of the Order, but at some point after. Basically my orders will be established, but their allocation to invoices won't, until I come along and put them into their rightful bill.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I'm pretty stumped.

Thanks a lot for your help.

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Sort Orders In Queries

Dec 7, 2006

i've now converted a large database to run with sql as well as linked jet tables. The main issue was checking every recordset to ensure it opened properly. I also found that sql returns a few different errors code from Jet, that needed trapping differently = all OK.

Now, in some cases I had opened the backend Jet table directly in order to use seek on a particular index, so this needed changing, as this is not available with SQL

I may well be wrong but i couldn't see an easy way of traversing a recordset table in SQL/ODBC according to a particular segmented key

Instead I was able to modify my process to extract the data I wanted with a query, and I then used a recordset on the query, which is fine.

HOWEVER, to emulate the index I was using, the query is sorted on about 6 or 7 different segments, the first of which is CustomerCode. Now when I opened the query to view it, I changed the sort order by clicking on a date column (as it happens) to sort it. When I then closed and reopened the query it still opened sorted on the date column, which is not right, as the customners are now all out of sequence. When the whole dataset was re-extracted it did return to the original and correct order

THEREFORE Is there a way of forcing a query to reset itself to its original ordering sequence. I think it is not likely that any user would ever open a query directly anyway, but it would be nice to ensure the query is always processed in the intended order. Perhaps it isn't a problem at all - maybe when a query recordset is opened in code, the sort order is reset anyway, but I would appreciate some views on this.

Thanks in anticipation

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Maintaining History Of Orders

Dec 8, 2007

I am creating a database for a company that sells a product with a variety of options.

They have all their previous orders in a works spreadsheet file. Each customer has their own file with every order for the past 15 years. There are probably about 1.5 million records.

The company wants all those 1.5 million records accessible in their access database.

I've brought in about 20 records for the history and they can run a query to see a customer's past orders by their account number.

My question: Should I put all the history into one gigantic table or would it be best to try and create separate tables for the history? (Maybe history by state.)

The history table then will take the new orders each year and add to that table.

(Eventually, once the database gets done I'm thinking we'll have to step up to SQL but not sure.)

Thanks for any advice.

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Alphabetical Sort Orders.

Sep 20, 2005


How can I preserve the user-defined sort order in a column in a table?

Every time I exit the table, and go back, my items have been alphabetically sorted. This results in my Combo Box displaying the list in alphabetical order, rather than my custom order.

Thanks ahead.

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Purchasing Form From Orders

Jul 24, 2007

I’m trying to make a simple program form y Company as enclosed. But since I am new about Access I don’t know how I can solve my problems certainly so, I need your help about.

We are getting orders from the customers and we are buying from domestic market. I want to make easier to send purchasing orders to my suppliers. Normally, as you can see from the enclosed file sales person enter the order to the system (Orders TARIK KARABAY form). We want to use these data while preparing purchasing orders but we are buying some of the goods completely manufactured by our suppliers. We mean we buy the item and sell directly to the customer. This step is easy. At the same time we are buying parts from suppliers and assemble in our warehouse. I mean we produce them. This is the problem I have. One of the goods we buy is HTS3; we buy directly as HTS3 from the supplier or we buy HT3 from one supplier and R3 from another one and KD3 from a third one and we assemble HT3, R3 and KD3 in warehouse and we obtain HTS3.

While buying as HTS3 it is easy as the only thing is to add Supplier name to the system. But while it would be produced in house, the system has to prepare purchasing form for HT3, R3 and KD3.

Purchasing department will see the Order Form, they would prepare the purchasing easily without writing again.

I don’t know what kind of tables and forms I have to open to solve this problem.

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Orders Held Up For One Or More Reasons

Aug 14, 2006

I have a database of submitted orders that were temporarily held by our Order Management group for any one or more than one reason categories. There are 20 possible errors that could cause this temporary hold to occur. Once the error(s) is/are fixed, usually by getting missing information, then the order is released to the fulfillment group.

The basic information needed is the average duration between the Hold Date and the Release Date for a particular reason. So, in the table, the fields of concern are:


etc. The Reason fields are Yes/No.

I want to be able to get a report that shows the average duration for each reason, but all in the same report. I can get it for a single reason, but without writing 20 separate queries or putting 20 formulas in my report, I can't seem to get what I need.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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All Orders In Current Week

Nov 4, 2006

Hi I am looking for a formula for my query which filters out only the orders raised in the current week.(5day week Monday to Friday) I did not want to enter dates manualy.
Can this be done ?
Can anyone help me with this.


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Delete Old Orders Query

Mar 22, 2007

I want to write a query that would delete records from 3 linked tables

Customer has Orders that have Items

The Order table holds the date of the orders. I want to delete all customers that have not placed in order since a user entered date.

Not got off the ground on this one. Any help appreciated.


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Filtering Completed Orders

Apr 15, 2005


is there away to filter rows when certain values in three different tables are the same. e.g. it is a stock control db - so when goods orded = goods in = goods taken - can this then be filtered automatically to hide rows and avoids congestion on the user interface (form)?



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Parts Quantity And Orders

Mar 1, 2006

Hello All,

I am new to this forum :) and learning Access :confused: .
The Database

Most of the products are similar so they have the same parts for the majority. However they do not all have the same parts. So I created a parts table that contains all the parts needed for any product. Now each Product also can contain multiples of one part (such as wheels) where I would want to list the Product and the parts list and quantity needed of those individual parts for that product. Hence the PartQTY table.

Now what I want to be able to do, is go into a form where each record is one of the products. A subform (datasheet view) for that product that shows all the parts and the quantity of each part that make up the product. Such as 4
wheels, 5 screws, etc for Product A.

I would like there to be an ExpectedQauntity field in the main form which once you found the product you can enter in the number of that product expected. Then this Qauntity would be multiplied by the qauntity of each part required (in the datasheet subform a column with =[expectedQTY]*[PartQTY]) and list next to each part the number needed to order. So if for product A the expected quantity is 50 I would have to order 200 wheels and 250 screws for that product.

A report would Sum each part qauntity after the expectedqauntity has been entered for each product. So I could print a report that tells me how many of each part we need to order based on the expected qauntity of all the products.

I think I am complicating things and would like a fresh mind to assist me in which direction to go.

Thank You,

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How To Input New Orders For Old Projects:

Apr 14, 2005

How to input new orders for old projects:

I have an orders form that looks up data from 3 tables (projects, orders and orderDetail) with a subform that looks up data from a query.

The form has several unbound comboboxes relating to the project that synchronise with VBA code

Projects are setup in another form and this form is only used to lookup or add orders to existing projects, so project data will remain the same on the form

At the moment when I press the 'add new order' button, it does not clear the unbound combo boxes and all the data in bound fields and subform is cleared.

When I press the 'Add new Order' button I want the form to clear all the data on the form and subform relating to the order_table, but to retain, or automatically update(with the same data), the data in the fields relating to the project table.

How do I make this work?

Any help is greatfully recieved.



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Customer IDS With Multiple Orders

Dec 28, 2006


I have a table that is like the following: I have customer IDs and Order Numbers. Most customers have only one order number. However, there are a few customer IDs that have multiple order numbers. How would I select only those records for customers who have multiple order numbers?(I want to have all the fields available, i.e. customer address, name of the order, etc, not just the customer ID) What is the SQl for this? Thanks for your time.

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Creating A New Orders Database?

Oct 23, 2012

So my current employer has tasked me with creating a new database that we can use to process all of our orders.

Simple things first:

- Database is for processing turkey orders, two types of turkeys can be purchased. Each type must have it's own unique numbering system.
- One table with all the customer Information (Name, address, telephone etc etc)
- One table for "Type 1 Turkeys"
- One table for "Type 2 Turkeys"
- Relationship from "Customers" to "Type" 1 using "Customer ID" as unique identifier.

We need a single form that can be used to see all of the customer information, as well as create an order for either/both type(s) of turkey. My problem is this; I can create a relationship between "customers" and "type 1" and have a form showing all of the customer information and a table allowing for the creation of "type 1" orders, but cannot find a way to have a second table allowing for the creation of "type 2" orders. If I create a second relationship between Customers and Type 2 I am forced to choose which I want to be displayed.

A screen shot of the current database. The current relationships just allow for a drop down selection under each orders table for selecting products:

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Assigning People (orders) From A List

May 7, 2005

Dear All,

Can anyone help me with a problem I have with this database.

I want to be able to assign members (Contacts) of companies (Company) to training courses.

I just do not know how to do it. Contacts will need to be able to be assigned to many courses and many different contacts can go on the same course. I think it can be treated as picking inventory items from a list to make up an order, but I cannot get my head around it.

What I want to be able to do is to go through the courses button, double click on the course ID field to get to the course information screen. (I have already set this up) I want to be able to choose a course and select a member of the company to go on the course by using a yes/no box.

I have set up a course attendance table but do I need a query or something to link contacts of the company to the courses table. Is there a problem with my relationships?

zip file attached.

As someone new to access, this is hopefully easy, I just don’t have the know how. Please any help would be excellent and id be very grateful.

Thanks. Please help.

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Making The Orders Form Into A Web Page

Jun 10, 2005

I've taking the time to create a complicated Form in Access, and would now like to have it accessed through a browser. Using the Northwind Orders from as an example, is there an easy way of making that from available through a browser without having to re-design it in InfoPath or a Data Access Page?

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Sub Form To Display Multiple Orders

Mar 13, 2006

I have a subform within a form called orders and the subform gets its information from a field of item ID but i cannot enter another item if i change the information in the form it replaces the info in the subform so i lose the first item ordered i need it to be able to display orders of more than one item

Thanks in advance

Dan D

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Numerous Invoices On Orders - Averaging By Chronology

Nov 15, 2006

We have a billing scheme in which we partial-bill ceratain customers based on certain events: 30% when they sign the contract, 30% a number of days later, 30% when we ship the goods and the last 10% upon installation. This is a common process, known in many indistries as 'progress billing.'

What I am trying to do is compare the collection performance on the invoices based upon which trigger sent them. For example, I'd like to find the average and standard deviation (plus some percentiles) of the time it takes to collect invoices that are sent... when we ship, let's say.

I have a table that shows order number, invoice number, invoice date, amount and payment date. So, I can have the order number show up to 4 times with a chronology of invoice dates.

My question is this: How do I group for analysis all the FIRST invoices, the SECOND ones, etc...?

Thanks for any help! I can do this in excel... but I was given this extract of 100000+ lines, and hope to do it all in Access. Thanks again.

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Query To Retrive All Orders Made Within The Last 7 Days

Apr 6, 2006

Hi, I wonder if any one could help me with what I think is a simple query.

I would just like to show all the orders thats have been made within the last 7 days.

So far I can retrieve all the orders made today, by using 'Date()' as my criteria, but cant figure out what criteria to use for the last 7 days. It would also be good, if i could figure out how to retrive all orders made within the last month, and as well select all orders made between two specific dates.


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Newbie Needs Help With Tracking Inventory In Orders Database

Oct 24, 2004

I am developing a database for a friend and have all the relationships,
tables, forms, queries and reports working well. I used the orders template to
build this and just made a few changes. I have an orders form with an orders details
subform that works beautifully. There is also customers table, employee table,
products and inventory table. The inventory table has product ID, units in stock and reorder level
as the only fields. I need an easy way to have the orders detail form decrease inventory as
items are ordered and also some sort of way to enter restock. Can anyone offer advice that a
beginner can understand in regard to this?

I wrote an update query that he can run that will subtract the qty ordered from the units on stock
for orders with order date >= whatever date he enters, but if he enters a date he's previously updated it will update those records again. I think this is not a good way to go but the only way I could accomplish. I have him using the same order entry form with customer name Restock to add items to inventory by putting an if then else statement in the before mentioned update query. This just adds to inventory if customer name="Restock" else the qty ordered is inventory units in stock -qty ordered.

I'm sure someone can suggest a better way. A friend mentioned dsum function but can't explain how to apply it in this instance. Thanks so much!!!!

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