Correct Week Number Format In A Query

Jan 6, 2005

Wondering if anyone can advise...

The 1st/2nd Jan of this year were treated by most people as still being week 53 of 2004, and week commencing 3rd January being week 1 of 2005. In VB I have a formula to do this:

WeekNo = Format(Now(), "ww", vbMonday, vbFirstFourDays)

However my problem now is that I need to replicate this format in a Query within Access. The formula

WeekNo: Format(Date(),"ww")

treats 1st/2nd Jan as week 1, the 3rd as week 2 etc. Any idea how I can get it to treat 3rd Jan as week 1 instead?

There's a challenge for someone!! Help appreciated.

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Subform Correct Answer Adds To Number Correct In Main Form

Mar 2, 2012

The code I have is.

Private Sub Command26_Click()
If Forms![test site]![prp test].Form.[A Right Answer] = -1 Then
Forms![test site]![number correct] = Forms![test site]![number correct] + 1
End If
End Sub

Then when clicked it checks a yes/no box to see if "A right Answer" is the correct yes. Then it should pop to the main form and take the number correct cell and add one to it. I am trying to get the record to go to the next record inside the sub-form but docmd.findnext seems to be wrong too.

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Queries :: Select Query - Count How Many Records Not In Correct Format

May 7, 2013

So I have a table with around 20,000 records and there is a field which holds a phone number for each individual within the organization, I want to run a select query that counts how many are not in the correct format

The format is 10 digits and it must start with a 0

Using Access 2010

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Forms :: Date Format To Fiscal Week Format

Jul 30, 2013

I have a list of dates in the mm/dd/yyyy format and I am looking to get it into the fiscal format of yyyyww. I am able to do this with the datepart and format functions, but I need to make it so that the fiscal month begins in January but the first week starts if there are three or more days in the week. For instance if Jan 1st is a Friday then this stands as the first fiscal week, if it is a Saturday then it does not count as the first week.

datepart and format functions have the Use the first week in the year that has at least 4 days for the firstweekofyear option but I need it where it has at least three to make it work.

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Can You Query By Week Number Rather Than Between Dates

May 17, 2005

Is it possible to query using the week number in the year as criteria. For example instead of putting 13/05/05 to 20/05/05 can we use week 12 - the idea is to save on keying info in each time.

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Queries :: Week Number Query When Year Changes

Feb 28, 2014

I analyse things by the date they are ordered by the office.

The date gets put into a spreadsheet and i import this into access for the querying.

I need to summarise it by weeknumber and year.

I use the following queries:

To get the week: Week Number: DatePart("ww",[DateOrdered],0,2)
To get the year: Year: Year([DateOrdered])
To put it together: Weekyear: [Year] & "_" & [Week Number]

The problem is when the year changes.

The dates for week 1 for 2014 are between 30/12/2013 and 05/01/2014 and therefore straddles 2013 and 2014.

Therefore when the year and week number is put together the following results are given for that particular week:

DateOrdered - Result of above query
30/12/2013 - 2013_1
31/12/2013 - 2013_1
01/01/2014 - 2014_1
02/01/2014 - 2014_1
03/01/2014 - 2014_1
04/01/2014 - 2014_1
05/01/2014 - 2014_1

All of the above should all read 2014_1 but some obviously are 2013_1. This causes me problems when doing further analysis and cross tabulations.

How can I amend my query so that the above all show the correct year and week number: 2014_1 ?

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Week Commencing Day From Week Number

Nov 6, 2006

I have a query that groups records by date into week numbers using the following expression.

WeekNumber: DatePart("ww",[Date],2)

I would prefer to display the result as the week commencing Monday date.


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Import Wizard (Excel Correct Format)

Jan 26, 2007

I am trying to import an Excel2002 file into Access2002 using the import wizard. There is a hidden worksheet named 'Data' with 5 ranges defined (Page1-5), one of which I am trying to import: I am getting the following error message –

“Import Spreadsheet Wizard -- The wizard is unable to access information in the file ‘D:xxxx.xls’. Please check that the file exists and is in the correct format.”

I have successfully imported other Excel files from the same folder, but using a different original file. The original Excel file giving me the trouble was created in 1999 but has been saved with Excel2002 version.

Can anyone tell me what causes the “correct format” error? I am confident it is something having to do with the Excel file. I've attached a zip file with the problem workbook.

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

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Modules & VBA :: Update Date In Correct Format

Nov 8, 2013

I'm trying to pass some dates from an excel userform into access.

The date is chosen using the DTPicker tool ( basically a drop down calender). I have set the property of this to custom format dd/MM/yyyy, however dates get passed to the appropriate field in access in the American format.

In access the date fields are set to Short Date and the example shown for this format is in the UK format. I assign the date to a variable before passing that variable to the update SQL string:

s1 = Nz(DTPicker1.Value, #1/1/2000#)

I have dimmed s1 as date and then added:


s1 = Format(Date, "dd/MM/yyyy")

My update string is:

"SET [Stage 1] = " & "#" & s1 & "#" & " "

I suspect that the nozero function may be the issue but am at a bit of loss atm.

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Reports :: Changing Numbers To Correct Date Format - IIF Statement

Dec 17, 2013

How to get this expression to work? It works by changing the numbers to correct date format, however, if the field is null, I want a blank to appear instead of "type"

=IIf([DATE_APPLIED_X] Is Null,"""",CDate(Mid([DATE_APPLIED_X],5,2) & "/" & Right([DATE_APPLIED_X],2) & "/" & Left([DATE_APPLIED_X],4)))


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Can I Format A Date Field To Enter Only A Week Day?

Aug 3, 2005

I have a date/time field on a form.
I have a calculation that adds number of days to Date() and enters the answer in the field. Example:Date()+30.
If the answer comes on a week end, can I get the date entered to be the next occuring week day?

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Format A Number As A Text In A Query

Apr 5, 2007

I have a text file I'm querying that stores a field as a text.

I'm inserting this data into a table that stores this value as a number. Thus truncating the leading zeros.

I would like to create a query on the table using an InnerJoin on the text file column:ComponentID:0000000242 and the table column:ComponentID:242 as the unique identifier. Doing this join gives a case error because of the different data types.

Can format ComponentID using a query so it reads from my table as 0000000242 and do an InnerJoin to the text file. In vb
String= Format(242, "0000000000")
But I'm finding it difficult to get the query to format this correctly.

Unfortunately, i'm unable to change the column data type in the table structure and am looking for a work around. Is this even possible? Any ideas?


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Queries :: Correct Syntax / Expression For Log Of Number

Mar 23, 2013

Correct syntax/expression for log of a number. The number i am getting in Access is twice as big as the correct number i get in excell

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Modules & VBA :: Returning Correct Number Of Records

May 3, 2014

I am having trouble with the below returning the correct number of records, and can't see why.

I have one table, tblDevice, which has 4 columns, ID | DeviceRecNo | ExcludeFromCheck | StockLocationID

ID - Autonumber
DeviceRecNo - Number
ExcludeFromCheck - Number (1 = yes, 0 - No)
StockLocationID - Number

I have the following running as part of some code, but it is not returning the correct number of records, and I cant see why not. I have tried creating this in a query in Access itself, and copy the SQL into VBA and it still doesn't return the correct number records.

I have 4 records in there for testing, all with StockLocationID = 3, all with different DeviceRecNo, and two each of ExcludeFromCheck, 2x0 and 2x1

Public Function test()
Dim db As dao.Database
Dim rs1 As dao.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs1 = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT DeviceRecNo FROM tblDevice WHERE StockLocationID = 3 AND ExcludeFromCheck = 'No'")
Debug.Print rs1.RecordCount
End Function

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Funktion For The Week Number

Oct 29, 2006

I will really appreciate ur help. I work on Access-2000 database and have a problem. I need to get the number of the week. So i used the funktion as a standard value as following:
It shows me for today 39 instead of 44.
Could u please help me and tell me why this funktion doesnt work?
Thanks in advance

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Week Number Problem

Jan 18, 2006

I have a large report that runs a six weeks average based on the last six weeks of production. Our fiscal year starts November 28th and our weeks starts on Monday.

I have used the following format to start the week on Monday

Week1: (DatePart("ww",[EntryDate],2))

To set up the fiscal year I used the following format in my query.

FiscalYear: IIf(Format([EntryDate],"mmdd")>"1127",DatePart("yyyy",[EntryDate])+1,DatePart("yyyy",[EntryDate])) . The criteria is 2006

I have a Weekending table that I have all the weeks listed including the weeks in calendar 2005 that are included in our fiscal 2006 that I have linked to my query.

When I run the report, it will not include weekending 1/1/06 (Week 1). It is totally eliminated. There is probably a conflict in the above formats, but I am not knowledgable enough in Access to figure it out. I have been searching this site without success. I would appreciate any help I can get. Last week I had to do the reports manually because I couldn't get the works to run right.


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First Date Of A Week Number?

May 14, 2007

Hi Folks,

I use this to get a week number for a date range:

WeekNo: DatePart("ww",[Timestamp])

Is there a way that I could also get just the first date from that week number to appear in the query as well?

ie. if Week 1 is 3/1/07-3/7/07 the query would show 3/1/07 as well as week 1. TIA

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How To Identify WEEK Number

Feb 8, 2007


i am in a situvation that i have to identify the dates which comes under particular week1 or 14.

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Week Number Of The Current Month

May 24, 2005

Hello everyone.

I would like to ask for help on my current problem.

I need to input a date on a text box and another text box say txtweeknumber should determine the week number the date falls on the current month.

for example:

May 1, 2005 should fall on week 1 and txtboxweeknumber should say Week 1
May 9, 2005 should fall on week 2 and txtboxweeknumber should say Week 2
May 17, 2005 should fall on week 3 and txtboxweeknumber should say Week 3
May 25, 2005 should fall on week 4 and txtboxweeknumber should say Week 4
May 30, 2005 should fall on week 5 and txtboxweeknumber should say Week 5

Same goes for all months.
Is there a function to determine which week number of the current month the input date falls?

Please help.



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Period Based On Week Number

Aug 23, 2005


I've got a combo box that uses
DatePart("ww",[Date],2) AS WkNum
to obtain the week number.

How would I obtain the start date and the end date from just the week number?

Is it also possible to change WkNum to the week number of the selected month?
E.g. if December is selected, instead of week 53, show week 5.

Any help would be much appreciated.

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Display Date And Week Number??

Apr 10, 2008


i would like to display the date and week number on one of my forms but have no idea about dates and how to code this.
can some one help? id appreciate it it beyond me :confused:

thanks :)


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How Can I Convert A Week Number To A Month?

Sep 29, 2005

I have 2 fields in a table one for a year and one for a week number that data is being collected against.
I need to change these to a month and year for the report. Is there a way to do this??

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Determine Start/end Day For A Week Number

Apr 24, 2008

I am trying to avoid the creation of a lookup table where I know I should be able to calculate this. I need to determine the start and end date of a week number. I did find this post from 2002: but it doesn't seem to work.

What I am trying to do is show all projects that were opened at the start of a week number. For example, week 2 is from 1/7/2008 and ends on 1/13/2008 (provided that your week starts in the week that 1/1 occurs and that your week starts on Monday). I need this start date so I can show all projects that started on or before 1/7/2008 and were in an open status.

If I can't calculate this then I will have to create a table and relate the query to it.

|Week Number | Start Date | End Date |

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Date/week Number Calculation

Feb 3, 2005


How can i do the following -
When a date is typed in a text box, ie, 17/01/05
I want a Query to return what Number week in the year it comes from.

In this example the result would be Week "3"

I'm sure this would be easy enough to do if i typed in every day in the year into a table with the
week number beside it.

Is there some code or a more straight forward way.

hope all makes sense, if not i can go into greater detail.

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Show Date Range Instead Of Week Number

May 1, 2008

When using the Format:'yyyy mm dd' in access queries.
When trying to show a week is there a way to show the
date range instead of week number.

Week 01 = Jan1-7. If the results are only week numbers
that makes it hard for people to understand when it
actually is. Bottom line is: I would like to convert
Week number to actual date range. Can anyone help with

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Forms :: Filter Records By Week Number

Apr 23, 2013

I have a summary form with the company name,week number, week-ending automatically populated. e.g. this week is week 4 and users enter records for week 4 as the week number is automatically generated. Basically the system will just recognise today's date and generate the week number. Problem is I am trying to display previous week records and I do not know how to filter it as my week number is generated automatically, week by week. All the other forms are linked to this week number. How can I display records for a specific week that I want? say, I want to display all records for week2, etc. I am dumbfounded as I am on a learning curve with Access.

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