Custom "Go To Previous Record" Button Problem?

May 24, 2005

Hi gang,

Just spent most of today and all evening trying to get this to work and access keeps giving me a Run-time error '2465':
Microsoft Access can't find the field 'frmPlant_Sub1' referred to in your expression.

I am trying to write the code for Custom Navigation Buttons like - Next, Prev, First, New & so on. To keep it simple for this post I am referring to the "Go to previous" record action.

I have a main form [frmPlant_Main] that is not bound to anything, it just acts as a holder for the sub-form and contains a couple of labels like the database name and so on.

On the main form is a sub-form [frmPlant_Sub1] that is bound to the table that contains the actual data.

On the main form I have a command button called [cmdGoToPrevious]. On its "on click" event I have tried various code but none of it worked. I have searched all over the net but with no luck. I keep getting the same run-time error.

Below is the code that I am currently using and any suggestions would be great.

Thank you in advance,


-----------------------Code Begins---------------------
Private Sub cmdGoToPrevious_Click()
If Me!frmPlant_Sub1.Form.CurrentRecord > 1 Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToPrevious
End If
End Sub
-----------------------Code Ends-----------------------

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Modules & VBA :: Delete A Record With Custom CMD Button

Jul 12, 2015

I am building a db for reservations for my limo company. I want to have a cmd button that verifies the user to make sure she wants to delete a run. This is what I have so far:

Private Sub cmdDeleteRun_Click()
Dim Response
Response = msgbox("Are you sure you want to delete this run?", vbYesNoCancel + vbCritical, "Really delete run?")
If Response = vbYes Then

End Sub

I don't know what I am missing for the cmd to actually delete it.

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How To Create Next And Previous Record Button In List Box

Jun 9, 2012

How to I can create next record and previous record button in listbox. [URL] ....

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Blank Record Saved When Click On Previous Button

Jul 29, 2005

Something stupid goes wrong here!

I have a form with my own navigation buttons. The problem is a AddNew button is clicked for a new record, but it automatically adds into the relevant table when I click on the MovePrevious and MoveFirst button without data entry.

Has anyone encountered such problem? Kindly help me.

Many Thanks

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Custom Button

Jan 16, 2006

I'm just creating my first db. When I'm on a form looking at a previous record (in this case a transaction), I need to be able to make a minor change to that record (such as the date for a repeat transaction), and then save the record as a whole new record. The button commands I found in the wizards only let me save over the current recond after an edit. Anyone know the easiest way to creaet a command button that does this? Thanks for any insights.

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Add A Button To A Custom Menu

May 7, 2007

I can't believe I haven't come across this problem before, but I want to add a button to a custom menu I've created. When clicked, this button will run some code I've written.

It may be that I'm losing it (no comments, please :D ) but I can't work out how to add a button that will run code of my choosing, as opposed to just opening a report, opening a form, etc.

Any suggestions?

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Help With Custom Command Button

Aug 16, 2005

I want to create a custom command button that when clicked hides elements (such as a box, a label, etc) on a specific form (the switchboard) and shows another element (a sub form)
I guessing I would create a module check if the active form is the form called switchboard then using the .Visible properties of each element I want to hide set it to false, and the opposite for the sub form.

Questions I have
1- how do I check if the active form is the form called switchboard - and if not how can I switch focus to the form called switchboard
2- working with modules can i simply call each element like the following Me.CategorySubcategory.Visible = False?
3- now how do i have the code in the module execute when the person clicks the custom command button (i guess it has to do with the on action event in the property for the custom command button but not sure what)

thanks for any help you might be able to offer

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General :: Put A Custom Button On QAT

Mar 19, 2015

I would like to create a command button that saves a report as a PDF. Currently I am using the built in "PDF or XPS" button but it always opens Adobe reader at the end and also a dialog with the option to save export steps. I want nothing other than a simple save dialog like I can do with a VBA command, but is it even possible to add a custom command to the quick access toolbar?

I know you can add custom commands to the ribbon but the user of this database keeps the ribbon minimized due to it eating up too much of his screen space. The QAT is always visible.

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Custom Button Image Transparency Problem

Dec 5, 2006


I made some custom icons for use with command buttons, and I made them ICO
files with transparency.
However, after I assigned them to my buttons, there's a light grey
background colour - which doesn't look all that great.

Is there a way to import images with their transparency intact? There must
be, since Access' built-in buttons are transparent.
Do I need to use a different image format? Or are there other tweaks to make
this work?

Thank you.

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Forms :: Impossible To Add Custom Icon To Button

May 23, 2015

I got an image bitmap that I want to use to customize my button. I got following error pop up."Image Generator" - "search key not found in any record".I'm using access 2013

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Custom Save Button On Form Preventing Subform

Jun 21, 2005

I have a main form and a sub form. Tbhidden and tbpropersave are the text boxes that govern the update procedure. The main form has two text box that i use to prevent the user from modifying the information on the main form without clicking my custom save button. the problem is that the subform should be completed after the information on the main form has been filled in. The Update code i have refuses to allow me to complete the subform without first clicking the save button on the main form. Here is the code. I wana be able to fill in info in the main form, then the sub form then click save. The sub form is a table which relates to the main form table Many to One.

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_Form_BeforeUpdate


If Me.tbPropersave.Value = "No" Then
MsgBox "Please Save This Record!" & vbCrLf & vbLf & "You can not advance to another record until you either 'Save' the changes made to this record or 'Undo' your changes.", vbExclamation, "Save Required"
Exit Sub
End If

Exit Sub

If Err = 3020 Then 'Update or CancelUpdate without AddNew or Edit
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Number, Err.Description
Resume Exit_Form_BeforeUpdate
End If

Please HELP

End Sub

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Forms :: Unable To Navigate Between Records - Custom Save Button Not Saving

Jul 22, 2013

I've been working on a database for work for the last few weeks and this forum has been a Godsend many times over, but now I have a problem that I can't find any reference to.

Using Access 2003, I have a form that uses 3 cascading combo boxes in the header to find a unique record, and a command button that brings up the rest of the record into unbound fields in the body of the form.

It works fine for finding records, but whenever I enter/change data on it, the record doesn't save. The navigation buttons at the bottom don't work - the Next/Previous record buttons are disabled, and the First/Last Record buttons do nothing.

Navigation buttons are enabled/activated in the properties.

I tried getting around this by creating a Save Record command button - first using the wizard, then using VBA code DoCmd.RunCommand acSaveRecord as advised by [missinglinq;696351], but this still doesn't save the changes.

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Dynamically Update Field Of A Current Record Based On Previous Record

Apr 30, 2007

I need a way to dynamically store a particular value in "field_2" of the CURRENT record depending on whether or not the value of "field_1" of the CURRENT record is identical to the value of "field_1" of the PREVIOUS record within the same table. The table is sorted on "field_1".

So, if the value of "field_1" in the CURRENT record is "ABC" and the value of "field_1" in the PREVIOUS record is also "ABC", then store a value of "PPP" in "field_2" of the current record. IF on the other hand, the value of "field_1" in the CURRENT record is "ABC" and the value of "field_1" in the PREVIOUS record is "XYZ", then store a value of "WWW" in "field_2" of the current record.

I have a report that will use these results to count only the number of records that have a "WWW" in "field_2".

Is this doable, maybe in a query somehow?

I should add that whatever the solution, it needs to be compatible with Access 2000.

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Tables :: Auto Fill Values In New Record With Data From Previous Record

Apr 29, 2015

How to fill values in a new record with data from previous record?

I've total 11 columns in a table and values in 3 4 columns are repeating for few rows before it needs to be changed eventually. I want to fill these rows with values from previous record.

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Forms :: How To Auto Enter Date Of Previous Record Into New Record

Aug 26, 2013

I need to know how to auto enter the date of the previous record into a new record. I have this db for my vehicle log sheets and I submit monthly a claim for the business km from my company. I usually cant remember the date of the previous claim and have to scroll back until I find the field with a date. It will be useful if the date was copied into every new record until I edit the date when I submit the claim. What I ask is during the new month all the dates will be the same until I submit the claim. I do not know how to do this, and yes I have done a search.

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Queries :: Evaluating Current Record To Previous Record To Get Counts

Aug 8, 2014

I'm struggling with a query to evaluate current and prior record data. I have a query producing 5000 records. I need to group records by Case ID and compare current date record to previous date record to determine if a team and worker name has changed during the year. I need to count how many times a cases is transferred to and out of a particular team from the beggining of the year. i.e., On 1/1/2014-Team1 has an inventory of 500 cases.

During the month 25 cases are transferred into Team1 and 15 cases are transferred out of Team1. So on 2/1/2014 Team1 begins with an inventory of 510 cases. Throughout the year cases come and go from and to Team1 each month so need to figure out how to create a query to count each change. See attachment displaying how the data is listed and how I invision it to work with the In/out column counts.

Specifically, at the begginig of the year (1/1/14) for case ID 1003 you can see it belongs to Mary in Team1 for January and February. Then in March the case is transferred out and went to Joe in Team 3. So for Mary a "-1" is recorded as a negative count for that Case ID. If later in the year the case is transferred back to Mary a "+1" would be recorded. Respectively evaluated for each of the 5000 records to get a total count for each of the teams by Case ID throughout the year.

I've started with DLookup, tried comparing current month to previous month using DMax. It works as long as I only select one case ID used in a separate query but if I use the whole subset (5000 records) it fails. I can't figure out how to group each set of case IDs and then apply the query.

My attempted query: DLookUp("[Team]","[Team_qry]","[Team_qry]![Date]=#" & CStr(DMax("[Date]","[Team_qry]","[Team_qry]![Date] <#" & CStr([Date]) & "#")) & "#")

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Auto Increment A Number Based On Record Value From Previous Record

Nov 17, 2010

create a macro that automatically fills in the next invoice number in sequence",,I'm assuming this macro would look at the value of the previous record and add a one to itI don't want to use a AutoNumber field as I might need

(a) to modify value or
(b) need to skip numbers.

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Refer To Previous Record In Current Record Query

Sep 15, 2005

In my query, i want to automatically display the value of another field from the previous record in a field in my current record. i.e.

Name Value Previous
Record 1 1
Record 2 2 1
Record 3 7 2
Record 4 1 7

Is it possible to create some kind of simple expression to refer to data in another record?


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Queries :: Add Previous Record Data To Next Record

Apr 11, 2013

I need to add two previous record fields together in a query. I have attached a picture to illustrate.

The "StudyYears" filed is the primary key of the table the data is being pulled from. The zero's are placeholders for the sum of the previous record's data.

RunningBalance is calculated as follows:

RunningBalance: IIf([a].[StudyYears]=[ReserveParameters]![StartingBalanceYear],CCur([ReserveParameters]![StartingBalance]),0)

Bal is calculated as follows:

Bal: [AnnualContribution]+[InterestIncome]+[Inflation_Adjusted_Expenditures]

How to go about adding the two together as in the picture?

Is there a way to do this relatively fast, as well as keeping the query updateable?

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Queries :: How To Compare One Record To Previous Record

Feb 20, 2014

How do you compare one record to the previous record? I have a query that shows items sold. It is sorted by day with today on top. I would like to create a column that has a 'thumb up' or 'thumb down" if todays was a better day than yesterday.

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Custom Record Deletion Sequence

Aug 7, 2007

I want to create a custom sequence when deleting a record but I'm having a problem.

What I want to do is prompt the user for the reason he/she is deleting the record and then archive this so it can be viewed in a log at a later time. This extra step is not as easy as I thought it would be.

What I did was put some coding into the On Delete event of the form. The code opens a form with a text box. The user can enter the reason for the delete in the text box and click OK or click cancel to abort the deletion.

My problem here is opening another form from the On Delete event. As soon as the form is open, the code just passes to the next step of the sequence and deletes the record.

There are 2 approaches that I've thought of but I'm not happy with either.

Approach 1:
In the On Delete event, set Cancel to True. That way the deletion is not handled by the delete sequence but rather by the new form that opens. The problem is that deleting a record from another form is not that simple. What I've tried is to execute a SQL statement that grabs the ID of the record from the open form and delete it. The problem is that although the record is deleted, all the fields on the form say #Deleted in them which is not that pretty. (Maybe there's some other way to do the deletion without this problem that I'm not aware of...?)

Approach 2:
Use an Inputbox. Unlike a custom form, the Inputbox delays execution of the code so the code can determine from the results (i.e. should it cancel the delete if the user clicked Cancel). The problem with Inputboxes is that they are not very flexible in the layout, they look pretty "packaged" (i.e. they look to me like the programmer didn't bother creating a means to enter a value). There's no way to place the buttons where you want or have it do better validation (e.g. I want the FORM to check that there's at least a few words describing why the user is deleting the invoice rather than have the form with the record get the input message passed back and then give an error and then pop open the Inputbox again)

I think that especially when you're creating an application with anything financial, you'll want to log a deleted invoice including the date, amount, possibly the client's name, invoice number, reason for deletion and the login name of the person doing the deletion. All of these are easy to record other than the reason.

Help would be much appreciated.


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Previous Record Value

Jul 16, 2006

Is there a way I can grab the previous record's value without using dlookup? I am trying to create a running total in a datasheet view. e.g.

Date Credit Debit Run. Tot.
6/1/06 $25 $0 $25
6/4/06 $30 $0 $55
6/9/06 $0 $50 $5

I could do it by using an autonumber but the data is sorted by date and not by the order in which it was entered. Suggestions? :o

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Previous Record

Apr 13, 2007

I have an inventory report that I am given among the fields are
Item, Ship Date, Signed Quantity, Filled-Recvd, On Hand
I am given an initial amount in the onhand field but the fields below that for that item are blank.
What I would like to do is [Signed Quantity] - [Filled-Recvd] and then add that to the On Hand from the previous record and place it in the on hand field..

If it were in excel I would say G2 – H2 + I1
G = Signed Quantity
H = Filled-Recvd
I = On Hand

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How To Subtract Previous Record From Record

Aug 11, 2005

I have a Motorhome which I want to check it's Fuel Economy, seems simple!
I record the odomiter readingwhen I fill up with petrol and the amount of petrol pumped in to fill tank and the cost
I have done it in Excel 97 but I would like to convert to an Access 97 Database.
The purpose is to open an Access Form, add a record with Three Fields, namely the odomiter reading, Amount of Fuel pumped into tank, and Cost.
I would then like Access to subtract the previous record's odomiter reading from the new odomiter reading to obtain the distance traveled since last fill and using this number and the other 2 fields I can calculate my fuel economy
I tried to attached the Excel (97) spreadsheet for your information but it was too large for this forum
The calculations are based on Australian Dollars, LPGas and Litres but it would make no differance if it were Gallons, US Dollars etc.
I would very much appriciate a note to tell me if anyone is able to assist me with this problem.
Thank You
Paul Leaver
Queensland Australia

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Custom Error Message On Create New Record

Sep 28, 2004

I have created a command button through the wizard that is basically:
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

Well, it puts all this code in the event:

Private Sub NewVerification_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_NewVerification_Click
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_NewVerification_Click

End Sub

Well, my PK field is one users enter in manually (please don't ask why). What I need is something that checks to see if the number in that field is a duplicate key, so I can tell users via msgbox "Duplicate Number, try again". Right now, it's not that descriptive, it says "You can't go to the specified record". I guess all i need is an If statment, but I don't know the code that checks to see if [field1]'s value has already been used in my table. Any ideas?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Build A Custom Record Delete

Sep 24, 2013

I'd like to override the default behaviour for deleting records in a form.Specifically, I want to build my own custom delete procedure so that when the user presses the Del button, my code fires to complete the deletion of the selected record(s). In order to do that, I'd set Allow Deletions = No for that form. I'd also want to code the KeyDown event for the Del key so that if record(s) are selected, my custom delete code fires, else the default behavior for the Del key happens.I'm primarily interested in how I might code the KeyDown event.

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