Customised Reference Number

Dec 7, 2007

Hi there

Just a quick problem i need a solution to.

I just created a database, but i want it to automatically created reference number for example. LAPSS001 n continue creating

any tips pls?

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Auto Sequence Number For Reference Number

Dec 8, 2005

The title probably doesn't give an idea of what I need, so here goes.

We currently have reference #'s for our bills that include the date requested in mmddyy format, the first 3 letters of the customer, the initials of the order taker and finally a sequential number to show the sumber of bills that day.

example: 120705SEAGMM02 2nd order taken by GMM for Seagate on 12/7
120705SEARLH01 1st order taken by RLH for Seagate on 12/7

I want to generate this number automatically based on the date entered and the initials given of the user. We only deal with one customer at our desk so that will always be "SEA".

I have a query that generates the first portion (date, customer, and initials):

SELECT Format([REQDATE],"mm") AS [Month], Format([REQDATE],"dd") AS [Day], Format([REQDATE],"yy") AS [Year], Format([REQDATE],"mmddyy") AS [Both], [Both] & "SEA" & [PickUpReqData]![INITIALS] AS REFNO
FROM PickUpReqData;

But I can't seem to get my head around the part of generating the number. I know I had done this in a database I created 2 jobs ago but all my files were flooded out in Katrina. (I have since relocated to Atlanta, although I'm not looking for sympathy. But I will take what I can get!)

Anything to point me in the right direction will be appreciated. I am looking to have this on a form and feed the REFNO field in the PickUpReqData table.



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Reference Number

Aug 29, 2006

Hi guys/gals

My primary key, RefNumber, is a sequentual Autonumber field. I want to creat my own Custommade autonumber field, but the catch is:
My autonumber field should have any of the following (selectable by the user from a combo box from a Form) attached in front of the number: DPR,DPZ,DFE,DGL,DMI,DGJ or DPE.
ie: the autonumber is at 14. The user selects DFE, but this is only the seconde choice made of DFE.

So the end product should be: RefNumber = 14
.........................................DistrictR efNumber = DFE2 or DFE002

Help please?
Thanks in advance

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Reference Number Question

Apr 26, 2007

Hi, very new to Access and wanted to check something was possible before i proceed with it,

basically i want to assign a reference number to my records automatically based on data that has been entered by the user, looking something like this


AE is a standard thing and will never change.

13MAY07 is 13th May 2007, which is a date which has been entered by the user for when a specific piece of work is to start. There will be a Yes/No box next to where they enter the date saying whether or not they want a new reference number assigned. If they select Yes, the reference number will be populated with the date specified.

01 will be a number which goes up in increments of 1 based on the MAY07 detail. The number will start at 01 for every month/year, eg




Hope someone can understand what im trying to do and can help.

Thanks in advance :)

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Reference Number Generation

Oct 4, 2006

Hi Guys

Dont quite know if this is the right place to post this but here goes any way

Im creating a database where customers can submit a question, it centres around a form where a user enters various information such as initials, telephone number, and various selections from from down boxes.

I have placed a button at the bottom that saves the record, what i want is when that button is pressed for a box to pop up giving the user a unique reference number which is made up of the information they have entered, such as
I want this number then to be stored along with the record so it can be searched for by this number.

I have done searches for similar questions but cant find one that matches what i want to do

Thanks in advance

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Creating Reference Number From 3 Fields

Oct 19, 2005

Hi there,

I'm making a document control database where the a unique reference number is automatically generated from 2 tables and updates a 3rd table.

xxxx or yyyy/lookup in 2 table/autonumber

I have been trying to do this is a form but because the control sauce is a calculation 'Text1&Text2&Text3' I am unable to update the 3rd table with the combined reference number.

I have limited knowledge particularly of VBA coding

Any help much appreciated

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Subform/ Subreport Query Data Row Number Reference

Jul 20, 2005

I am new to this and i may be going about this the wrong way but what i am doing seems to do the job until now.

I am making a form that has a combo box, a few text boxes and a subform subreport on it.

The idea is that the first thing a user does is to select a name form the combo box. this name is then stored as a sring and used to set the forms record source and then the subform's (called window) source object. the string is slightly modified during the process to do this. That part works fine.

The problem arose when i included text boxes to show infomation from the selected Query thatisant show in the window (subform).

After the user selects a name and the name is used to set up the record source and the source object for the text then displays in the text boxes the records extra data. however it only displays the first row extra data.And when other rows in the query table are selected the data in the text box stays set as the first row.

I know that this is because i haven't programed in an event that makes the text box data update when the user selects a new row.

i also realise that i would need to have some way of know what row of the quiery table the user is looking at to be able to update the text boxes.

my questions are

Is there a way to tell what row of a query table in the subform is selected ?

Is there an event similar to on selection of row or something like that that i could use to reload the text boxes?

and finaly

am i going about this the right way?

Any input on this would be greatly appreciated :)

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Reports :: Customize Reference Number - Continuous Count

Dec 16, 2013

how to create a Report with Customize Reference No. Reference Number should be continuously adding 1 count every time a user will print report.

On dec 16, morning..... reference no: THS-01 (1st print)
dec 16, afternoon...reference no: THS-02 (2nd print)
dec 17 morning.....reference no: THS-03 (3rd print)
dec 18 morning.....reference no: THS-04 (4th print) etc....

THS-XX is my reference number and it will continuously counting. Is this possible in MS Access 2007 Report? If Yes? How can i do it?

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Modules & VBA :: Automate Generation Of Reference Number Incrementally By 1

Jul 29, 2013

I am trying to automate the generation of a reference number incrementally by 1.

In my main table (tblBooking) I have my primary key field autBookingID which is an autonumber.

In another table (tblBookingStops) I have the primary key as autBookingStopsID as the autonumber and then numBookingID linked to the above table (tblBooking). I have another field called txtGPSID so this is the number I would like to automate.

So for example:

autBookingID: 1234


I want to put the code that would populate the txtGPSID on a form in datasheet view and would like to put the code on the load event.

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Queries :: How To Remove Duplicates On Reference Number Field

Aug 28, 2013

I have a query which gets information from 2x tables where the I'd on one table is the reference number on the second table.I would like to know how I can remove the duplicates on my reference number field?

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Forms :: Generate A Unique Reference Number Record Wise

Jun 10, 2015

Need to generate a unique reference number each record wise while data entering by a form. How to do this by using a command button ? After entering all fields related to the record, when click on the command button, unique reference number for that record need to be generated and save with all other data of the records. in a later event, need to recall the record by using this reference number and also need to make relation ship with some other table by using the reference number.

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Queries :: How To Add Sequential Dates With Reference Number With Append Query

Apr 7, 2015

I want to populate a table with field:date and field ref nr.(7 fixed ProductID's)

But only weekday and to 3 years from now. (every weekday)


field:ID | date |
1 | 7/4/2015 | 1001
2 | 8/4/2015 | 1002
3 | 9/4/2015 | 1003
4 | 10/4/2015 | 1004
5 | 13/4/2015 | 1005
6 | 14/4/2015 | 1006
7 | 15/4/2015 | 1007
8 | 16/4/2015 | 1001
9 | 17/4/2015 | 1002
10 | 18/4/2015 | 1003
.... (ID field is autonumber field and not important..)

How to do this with a append query or code?

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Making Dispatch Notes - Generate Reference Number Using AutoNumber

Aug 3, 2011

I have made a database for a repair workshop, where you book in and book out repairs.

I am having a problem as we need to make a Dispatch Note daily with a list of all booked out repairs for that day and for that branch.

This is all working so far. However, we need to generate a reference number using AutoNumber (Wshop0001, Wshop0002, etc) and keep a record of this - how can this be done with keeping ONE reference number per day per branch?

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Customised Record Count Fields

Aug 1, 2005

Hey Guys,

I’ve attached a zipped example of the problem I am having with customised navigation buttons.

In my main database the form “subfrmPersonsContact” works perfectly. I have exported it to a new database and now the customised record count fields do not work at all – they are in fact blank even though the navigation buttons do still work.

The code running the form and the record count fields is listed below – I have no idea why it’s not working.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Private Sub Form_Current()
On Error GoTo err_Form_Current

Dim rs As Recordset
Dim Count As Integer, Position As Integer

Set rs = Me.RecordsetClone

Count = rs.RecordCount
Me!txtRecCnt = "of " & Count

Position = Me.CurrentRecord
Me!txtRecPos = Position

If Position = 1 Then
Me!gotoPrevious.Enabled = False
Me!gotoFirst.Enabled = False
Me!gotoPrevious.Enabled = True
Me!gotoFirst.Enabled = True
End If

If Position = Count Then
Me!gotoNext.Enabled = False
Me!gotoLast.Enabled = False
Me!txtRecCnt = "of " & Position
Me!gotoNext.Enabled = True
Me!gotoLast.Enabled = True
Me!txtRecCnt = "of " & Count
End If


Exit Sub

If Err.Number = 3021 Then
Resume Next
Resume exit_Form_Current
End If
End Sub

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Queries :: Adding Sequential Numbers To Generate A Unique Reference Number

Oct 5, 2013

Basically what I have is a database for tracking/logging parcels that arrive to the office. I want to be able to generate a reference number based on the date of arrival: i.e. the reference number should be ddmmyy### where ### is a sequential number. I know that I could just use the primary key's autonumber, for the sequential number but if I do this then the sequence will not restart at 1 on each date and because we receive a lot of parcels the reference number will grow to be too big to print out on the collection slips in just a few months.

two tables (one with the date and staff on duty that day and the other with the parcel's info') with a one to many relationship

I also have a query (Named: FullLog) that picks up the following data from the tables:

Name - Description - Size - TrackingInfo' - Staff - DateReceived - Count

The field named Count is a DCount function that I used to find out the number of times each date is repeated. This is the Expression that I used:

Count: DCount("*","FullLog","DateReceived = " & [DateReceived]) [Note that DateReceived is first converted into a string using CStr()]

This is as far as I have been able to get, I have been looking for weeks for a solution to this problem but I have yet to find one. I don't even know if the DCount function is the correct way of doing it, I did read somewhere that this produces a very slow query.

Effectively what I want to be able to get is something of that resembles the following

DateReceived - ReferenceNo

051013 051013001
051013 051013002
051013 051013003
061013 061013001
061013 061013002
071013 071013001
071013 071013002
071013 071013003
071013 071013004
071013 071013005
081013 081013001
081013 081013002
091013 091013001
101013 101013001

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Customised Reports Depending On User Login

Nov 22, 2006

I want to print different versions of a report depending on on the user login id "quserid" which I have on a login form "authorise".

As a simple example I have tried using a single user with the syntax shown below but get an error message "Object required". I suspect the problem is in the way I identidfied the quserid field. Can anyone please advise me on this.

If AUTHORISE.quserid = "ADMIN" Then
Dim stDocName As String

DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acNormal
Exit Sub

Resume Exit_PrintConfirmationLetter_Click
End If

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Viewing Customised Menus In Access Runtime

Dec 18, 2007

I have set up a secured database using access 2003 which I want to roll out to users who will only have access runtime installed on their pc's.
The problem is there are some additional options that I want to add to a new menu (export, change password etc) that I need them to be able to view in runtime - when I set up a new menu in access 2003, it doesn't seem to be visible on anybody else's PC when they are logged into the database regardless of whether they have full access or runtime.

Can anybody help?
Many thanks

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General :: Creating Unique Sequential / Reference Number Every Time Report Is Printed

Feb 15, 2013

I have a rental database and I print several contacts for leases etc. what I want to do is have a unique reference number or something inserted to the report every time that it's printed. What I am trying to achieve is to keep track of which tenant corresponds to the report (Lease) printed by using reference number.

There is a seperate form which holds the tenants details and I would like to have a field on that form which would show the same reference number as the report so I can track which report was printed for who.

Whats the best/easiest way to accomplish this?

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Modules & VBA :: Create Unique Reference Number Based On Field Values For Record

Jun 18, 2015

I want Access to automatically generate a reference number for a record based on the values in on two other fields for a given record using a form.

The first field is called Operation Number.

The second is Bag Number.

The reference number needs to be in this format: 19C.3.1

Where 19C is the Operation Number, 3 is the bag number, and 1 is automatically generated. Additionally I need the last number --the automatically generated one--to go back to 1 if with each new bag number.

This is kind of like library catalog numbers. Not sure how to do this.

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Feb 24, 2006

Please help, how can I refer to the field of a subform in Visual Basic when the (main) form is open?

Private Sub supplierID_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

Private Sub supplierID_AfterUpdate()
Forms![details1 Segédűrlap]![KombináltLista4].Requery
End Sub

These don't work. (The main form: INVOICES; the subform:DETAILS1 Segédűrlap; KombináltLista4 is the name of a combo box)

The version B work, when I open the form and the subform together, but of course I'd like to work only on the form (where the subform is displayed as well, but I can't refer to it...)


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How To Fix A Reference

Feb 24, 2005

I created a new database and i am getting an error.

Your ILFdatabase database or project contains a missing or broken reference to the file 'SearchCtrl.ocx' Version 1.0

Can anyone help?

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Change A Reference

Apr 29, 2005

I need to change the reference "Microsoft Access 9.0 Object Library" in Access 2000 with the "Microsoft Access 11.0 Object Library" but I can't de-select it 'cause it's used by the program. Another problem is that I tried to import the 11.0 copying the file and when I select it from the panel control it seems to import without problems, but when I search it in the list, the 11.0 doesn't exist.
How can I import it?

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Best Access 03 Reference?

Nov 1, 2005


In your opinion, what is the best Microsoft Access 03 Reference book for learning?


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Reference Problem

Jan 12, 2006

Hi, I have been designing a database on my computer which seems to be working fine; 2 more users in the company should be able to use the database.In order to see if everything was working properly on other computers, I have put a copy of my db on the server and tried to open it on the other users computer station. Unfortunately, the reference library that I have been updating during the design of the database doesn't seem to apply to the other computers. I have been trying to update it on the other machine but the references on the tool menu in open module is not available.
I didn't expect this to hapened and I am not sure what to do, what would be the apropriate method to make the library available to the other computers?

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Reference Calendar

Aug 19, 2006

Is there a way to insert a calendar on a form from which a user can select a Month year and day similar to using the calendar on Outlook or Lotus Notes to set up or view appointments or meetings?

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Reference Problem In An MDE.

Apr 19, 2007

I have created an mde that was installed on more than 30 computers. All of them work fine but one who gets a message saying that there is a broken or missing reference. How can I repair this knowing that I cannot access the references in a mde?

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