DB Closes But Access Keeps Running!

Feb 10, 2006

I run several databases daily - after running two of them (at different times), the database itself closes but the Access program stays open. In order to close that program, I have to close it out using the Task Manager.

Any suggested solutions? Thanks (as always) for your assistance.



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Access Suddenly Closes

Oct 10, 2006

What would cause Access to suddenly close without warning while busy with a query?

No error messages, nothing! The query is a fairly big one that normally takes about 6 minutes to run, but has had no problem with it for a number of years. A new drive used for back-up purposes was recently fitted to my PC which now has 3 internal hard drives.

Could this problem be caused by a bad memory handling configuration? The original setup that worked before may have been changed when the new drive was installed. The XP Page File size for example may have been changed.

Any advice would be much appreciated.

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Access Closes At Random Times

Jan 10, 2007

I have an access2000 db. Many tables, forms, reps ect... at random times it will just close. Don't know why. No errors, no reason why. It just closes. Is this common and is there any fix?

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ACCESS DB File Opens And Closes Quickly

Dec 19, 2005

Hello Ladies & Gentlemen,

I was trying to access this particular MS-ACCESS file which serves as a DB for a software. But the file opens and closes in a split of a second and was impossible to view its structure. :mad:
I beleive it's made to respond so by the programmers in order to hide the content. Can anyone please help me open this file? PLEASE...


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Access Closes In Design Master Mode

Mar 27, 2008

I have an application that when in design master shuts down when I attempt to open a certain form. I have traced the problem to a linked field from another table, by creating a new form and ommitting the said field, problem is its a required field!

If I copy the database (Backup) and run it as a replica it does not happen, if I then convert the replica to design master it happens.

Any suggestions please??


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Access 2007 Runtime Opens And Closes Immediately

Feb 20, 2008

I am having a problem running Access 2007 runtime on a workstation. I have set up the 2007 database (.accdb) on our server and am able to connect to it and open it from the pc that has Access 2007 full version installed and it works fine.

I also installed Access 2007 runtime on another PC and was able to open the database using the runtime version just fine.

However, on this other PC, I installed the runtime version, and when I use the command line (msaccess.exe /runtime \serverdirectorydatabase.accdb) to open the database in runtime mode, Access opens for a split second and then closes immediately.

When I just run msaccess.exe, it opens the runtime version and says that I have not specified a database, as expected. So, I am wondering why it is not opening the database when i DO specifiy the database.

If i specify an incorrect directory for the database, it opens the runtime version and a dialog appears telling me that a database was not found, and upon clicking OK, the program closes.

I can say, that when I run it off the computer that works through the runtime version, I get a security warning telling me that there are potentially unsafe elements in the database, but i just have to click OPEN and it still opens it fine.

Perhaps the non-working PC is denying it access due to these security issues?

I can't seem to figure this out, and any help is appreciated.

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Forms :: Access Database Form Closes Immediately When Open It

Jan 12, 2015

Access database 2007: I have a database with some forms init but when i type my username and password to open the main menu to insert data the form shows 1 second and closes the whole database. I don't know whether the problem is the VB code or the microsoft.

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General :: Access Closes - Reopen With Blank Message Boxes

Jan 23, 2014

Every time I re-open Access 2010 it pops up stating the following with a blank text box:


I hit ok and the usual invoice_id param text box message box appears again.

Once that is over, I gain access. I can browse to the form - frm_system, open the sub-form sub_frm_invoices and remove the invoice_id field. Once I re-add it everything works fine (until I close the application).

I initially thought it was because the database was set to "compact on close" but I disabled that and it is still occuring .

I know this is the cause but as the sub-form itself uses a table record-source I know the field exists - not to mention I can simply delete and re-add it to fix it temporarily.

This behavior occurs when a field, a criteria, an expression, or a control in a query, a form, or a report references a name that Access cannot find. For example, a name could be misspelled or a field may not be available within that scope.

Basically it looks like the textbox displaying the invoice_id on the form is the problem. I can't figure out why though. When I remove it everything works - the queries work if I recreate it as well..

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General :: Only Open MS Access Form Without Access Running In Background?

Aug 7, 2013

I have made a form on access which will be used by other employees within the company, however they have never used access before and they are wanting to access only just the form as I feel with Access and all the tools in the background will confuse them, plus I don't want them editing the data base its self.

Is there a way to only bring up the form, unless I obviously need to edit the date base.

I've done some research on Google and it seems I need to use:


However I can not seem to find how I would use this or where?

and also if i did find a way to only bring up the form, how would I be able to switch it from that veiw to the veiw I edit in?

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Problem Running Access 2007 And Access 2002

Mar 27, 2007

Having a problem here after installing 2007. All my previously created databases work fine in 2007 (after clicking the enable, which is a pain,but don't know any other way) When I return to 2002 and try to open the databases I get different errors all something like this on....... "The expression On Open you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Object or class does not support the set of events. Whats up here?????I have found a site here...http://allenbrowne.com/bug-17.htmlMentions this problem,but refers to Vista..... Does the same apply to XP? And which is the best fix?

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Form Closes Automatically

Feb 8, 2005

I created a form with an "exit" button and a "return to main menu" button on the form. but when I am on the last data and press tab the form closes automatically.
what could be the reason. Do I have to put some condition on the macro I have created for the two buttons listed above. I have just put "action" without any conditions on both the two buttons.

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Capturing Changes When Form Closes

Jul 7, 2006

I have a form that records when a user edits a record. This change is only recorded when the user clicks the "update record/save" command button. What I need help with is capturing the changes made when a user edits the record in any field and doesn't click the save button upon closing the form. If the user doesn't edit any fields in the record, a new instance of this edit will not be saved to my edited records table and the form just closes

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Transfer Value Before Form Closes

Dec 12, 2006

i want to send an id from 'job' to 'job1'.

the job form needs to be closed before the job1 form opens..

i want to do something like this..

job form
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord
DoCmd.OpenForm "job1"
End Sub

and then on job1 open event use

Me.txtjobref = Format(Forms!job.jobref, "00000000")

the problem is that the job form will be closed so how can i transfer it?

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Modules & VBA :: MDB Closes Properly But MDE Does Not

Jun 19, 2014

I created an MDE file for my application it's a split db when I hit the exit command button on the MDB version it quits the application correctly but when I do the same thing on the MDE version, it leaves the database window open on the taskbar.

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Set Focus When Pop Up Form Closes

Nov 14, 2014

I am trying to set the focus back to page 1 of TabCt186 when pop up form frmEditWorkItem closes on clicking a command button.

I have been trying with this line of code but keep getting asked for an object required.

Forms!frmReactiveTracker!TabCtl86.Pages.Item(1).Se tFocus

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Need Help To Calculate A Running GPA In Access!

Apr 25, 2006

Hello, I have volunteered to do a database for the school of nursing to use at a small Christian University using Microsoft Access 2003. I have Students, and each of these students is going to take each of these 12 nursing courses. Each nursing course has a specific number of credit hours (2,3,6, etc.) and they are to receive a grade for each class (on a 4 point scale, so their grades are going to be a number 0 for F through 4 for an A). I need to have access calculate a running GPA which only takes into consideration the classes they have completed thus far. Any help would be appreciated. I can do it in excel by just leaving the row for untaken courses blank, then autosumming the credit hours column for total hours taken. I can use a formula for each row that just multiplies the grade (like 4.0) by the credit hours (like 3) and get a total grade points of 12 for that course. Then I can add those numbers up(autosum the total grade points column) and devide by the calculated autosum number I would call total hours. I hope it is clear what I am trying to do and why I don't know how to do it in Access. ***************Extra Info*********
I have a student table and each student has a unique studentID, I have a second table called Nursing grades which I have a Student ID field, and 2 fields for each class a grade recieved and a credit hours field (ex. I have PharmacologyGR and PharmacologyCH, NursingResearchGR and NursingResearchCH). If I need to redesign how I have my tables I can do that, I have a unique Course ID for each course I could put in if needed. Basically, I'll do whatever it takes to get this to work.
Thank you so much for even reading this far, and any help would be appreciated more than you know.

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Running Access 2.0 Application

Jul 20, 2006


I have an Access application which was written on Access 2.0. I need to run it (as is). I saw that it was possible to run it using some kind of Access 2.0 runtime environment - my client uses the following command to run the application:

Msarn200.exe application.mdb /ini application.ini

Where can I get this MSARN200? Do I have to find the Access 2.0 installation itself?

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Running Reminders Through Access

Aug 23, 2007

Is there anyway to use Access to run reminders?

I am trying to figure out the easiest way to have a reminder pop-up to run a letter for specific reps that would happen every 3 months.

Thanks for any help on this.

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Running Count In Access

May 17, 2007

I am trying to count records in a running sum fashion in a QUERY and for the records to restart when the field changes. I tried DCount without success.

ie. if a field contained the following data
Code Running Count
C101 1
C101 2
C103 1
C103 2
C103 3
C104 1
C104 2


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Running .bat Files From Access

Mar 1, 2007

Anyone know how to run a bat file from Access.

This is what I am trying....I see the DOS window pop up and then its gone...the .bat does not appear to be running.

Call Shell(Environ$("COMSPEC") & " /c F:BAT_File_Storagedir_list.bat", vbNormalFocus)

ADDITIONALLY I want to replace "F:BAT_File_Storagedir_list.bat" with variable. What woudl be the correct syntax for that?


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Access 07 Running 03 File

Aug 21, 2007

does anyone ever have problems with constant crashing. it just crashes for no reason, i'll just start typing some code then CRASH. i'm all up to date according to mircosoft.
i'm running vista/office07/accessfile00-03

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No VBA Modules In Access DB Running On OSX

Jan 7, 2013

I have just installed the windows version of Access 2010 on OSX Mountain Lion using a program called Crossover which works very similarly to WINE. I have found that Access will install fine except for VBA form modules and BAS modules, although there seems to be no indication that they did not install as the entire install progresses fine.

I've put together an invoicing program that was created in Access 2010 in Windows but have transferred it over to Access 2010 installed on OSX. It contains a number of forms with code but when I go to VBE, form code modules are not visible. When I try to view the code for a form I get the following error message: "Microsoft Access failed to create the Visual Basic module. If your database is on a network drive, check your network connection, then try again". I was able to insert a BAS module and create a rudimentary VBA subroutine which ran without error so it does seem able to interpret VBA as per normal.

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Automatic Backup When Last User Closes.

May 30, 2007

Hi All,

I've searched for ages looking for threads on backing up a database, and even found one which was asking exactly what I need but without solutions given.

I have a split database with BE and FE, which is used by about 20 users. When the last user closes the database I would like the database to be automatically backed up (e.g. when no one is using it). I've found threads on scheduling a backup, it the middle of the night for example, and other threads on backing up while users are logged on, but I'm not really keen to use these approaches.

Any ideas??


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Control Save When Form Closes

Mar 5, 2005

How can i control what happens when a form is closed.

Say for example if no order lines have been entered on a sub form, the record is not saved.

Also how do you remove the default access error messages about null fields, and replace it with something more user friendly.

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Forms :: Requerying A Form When Another Closes

Oct 26, 2013

I have a main form populated by Dlookups.When I click on a textbox I open another form which is used to change data in my main table. Once this is closed the main form is still displayed but the amended data isnt reflected in this form. How do i get the data to change, I have tried requerying the form and the query that is used for the dlookups but I cant get it to work.

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Access 2003 Running Very Slow

Jan 31, 2006

I have access 2003 installed on two different machines. One machine was built 6 months ago with the best hardware available. The other was an older slow IBM.

For some reason, I am experiencing what appears to be some serious time delay (talking in the range of seconds, sometimes tens of seconds) when building a report that has a subreport in it on the fast machine. Yet when I load the exact same database on the slow machine, the report opens instantly.

Any ideas? I'm lost.

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