Database & Table Structure -- Bakery Question

May 25, 2006


I am a database novice currently in the process of building an access database to manage production in a manufacturing company.

Simplified Version of Problem
Suppose I wanted to build a database to manage the baking process at a bakery.

Goal is to eventually generate a report from this database that tells the baker i) which raw ingredients to use and ii) gives instructions on baking his cake from the raw ingredients.

I believe I would need the following tables:

tblRawIngredients --> contains all raw ingredients that the bakery purchases (as well as respective properties of those ingredients)

tblCake --> all cakes sold at the bakery (and their respective properties)

tblCakeIngredients --> For each cake, this table stores which Raw Ingredients are needed and in what quantities. This table links tblCake with tblIngredients in some sort of many-to-many relationship

tblCakeInstructions --> For each cake must give me instructions as to how to bake

Specific Question

How do you recommend setting-up tblCakeIngredients?
Given my inexperience, I am not sure which structure would be easiest to work with.
I could think of two options:

Option 1) Each record couples 1 ingredient with 1 cake.
The field list would be :

Cake (links to tblCake)
Ingredient (links to tblRawIngredients)

In order to know the complete ingredient list for "Brownies" we'd have to pull all records where Cake = Brownies

Option 2) Each record gives the complete list of ingredients for a cake. The field list would therefore be

Cake(links to tblCake)
Ingredient_1 (links to tblRawIngredients)
Ingredient_2 (links to tblRawIngredients)
Ingredient_3 (links to tblRawIngredients)
Ingredient_4 (links to tblRawIngredients)

Note that Ingredient_1, Ingredient_2 etc. all link to the same field (primary key) of tblRawIngredients. In this structure, cake could be the primary key.

In order to know the complete ingredient list for "Brownies" we'd pull up the 1 record where Cake = Brownies.

Which structure do you recommend? Why?

I am a little bit stuck on this problem and want to choose the best structure so that I can easily build on this structure and expand/ refine the database.

Thanks a lot!


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Build A Table Of Database Structure

Apr 7, 2006

Access 2000: How can I populate a two field table (1. Table Name 2. Field Name) with the name of ever field within every table in my database using VBA code?



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Table Structure For Company Database

Oct 26, 2004

Hi all,

This is a fairly simple one, but im not sure exactly how to go about it...

Lets say a Company can have many Divisions. Each Division has 1 Division Manager (CGM), and manages many Cost Centres.

Each Cost Center has 1 Cost Centre Manager (CCM) and employs many Employees.

Im thinking of 3 tables:

Divisions, Cost Centres, and Employees. And if you hadnt already guessed, CGM's and CCM's are part of the Employees Table.

What is the appropriate table structure and relationships?

Thank you in advance...

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Attendance Database Table Structure

Sep 9, 2005

I would like to build a database to keep track of tardies and absences in my dept (~70 employees).

I need Date, Name, tardy or absent,

My current table:

EmployeeID PK
Last Name
First Name

EventID PK
Event (Tardy or absent)


Is this a good structure? I need to be able to run a query that will sum the total number of tardies and divide by 6. That number will then be added to the total # of tardies. The query needs to only show the values over the last 6 months.
Any help is appreciated.


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Database Structure

Feb 14, 2006

Is there any way to keep track of a database structure in access? For instance, which query relates to which report? Sometimes I create queries that are no longer needed but if there are a lot (which there are!) it can be easy to delete one that's needed.

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Database Help - Structure

Mar 5, 2006

I created a database to track tardies and absences of my employees. I would like to be able to sum the number of absences and tardies for each person per month and graph it.

Per our attendance policy, 6 tardies = 1 absence. I need to take the total number of tardies that month/6 and add to the total absences that month to equal the total attendance for the month.

I need help. Can you please view my database and give me some ideas?


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Help With Database Structure

Apr 18, 2005

I am designing an application that tracks information on Choir membership and sheet music that we have on file. I am starting with a database of church members. There are four different choirs and choirs share some members. Some members of some of the choirs are also not members of our church so I will have to place non members in the member table. I am new to database design and would like the collective wisdom of this list to tell me of any problems I may encounter before I start doing any detail work.

What is the best way to deal with someone who is a member of more than one choir and may belong to a different section in this other choir (Tenor in one and Bass in another). An individual may also hold different offices in various choirs.

The table structure I have is as follows

MemberId Autonumber (pk)
FirstName, Text
MiddleName, Text
LastName, Text
DateJoined, Date
Phone, Text
Address, Text
City , Text
Zip, Text
BirthDate, Date
Member, Boolean

CHOIR MEMBERSHIP DB (How do I efficiently track someone in > 1 choirs)
MemberId, FK
ChoirId, FK
ChoirOfficeId, Fk

CHOIRS DB (This lists the various choirs in the Church)
ChoirId, pk
ChoirName, Text
DirectorId, FK (Pointing to Member DB, Person may not be member of any Choir)

CatalogId, PK
Type (Single Copy/octavo or book/collection)
PublisherId, FK
VoicingId, FK (From table with possible voicing)
UsageId, FK (Where in the service is it appropriate
Location, Text (Where in the filing system, or off site)
ClassificationId, FK (List of classification/genre in table so can update)

PublisherId, PK

ClassificationId, PK
Classification, Text (Christmas, Easter, general anthem etc)

To be able to track performances and plan services and performances I have the following table.

PERFORMANCE DB (This is to keep track of and plan the regular service)
PerformanceId, PK
Pdate, date (Date of Past/Planned performance. Possibly more than one per day)
ServiceTypeId, FK (From table of types of performances – morning service, evening, etc)

I would also like to be able to prepare mailing labels for the various choirs as well as the general membership from this DB. My primary focus will be on the music. I would like to have an efficient music DB that I may find out what music I do have and when I last performed them, what options for performance (usage and classification)

Would be grateful for your comments, Thanks!!


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Help With How To Structure A Database

Jan 14, 2005

I am trying to figure out how to store data into a database to be use later in a web app. So I have a shirt and it can come in four different colors. What would be the best way to enter this into the database. I'll have shirts, jackets and accessories which I have give each their own table. The shirt one is giving me trouble though, I just don't know how to organize it.

Thanks for the help

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Locking Down The Structure Of A Database

Aug 7, 2007

Dear All,

is there any way to look-down the structure of tables within a database so users cannot change tables?

Is it possible to make this password protected so only certain users have rights to change the layout of the tables?

Would this still allow users to create queries and enter data?

Thanks, Steve

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Database Structure Enquiry

Aug 14, 2007

I'm doing some changes to a database in work, but the person who created it doesnt work there anymore and so nobody knows anything about it. The database has been split into a front and back end, which is fine, but there appears to be 3 seperate databases linked to the main one, each with a .mde file for security. Depending on which department you're in, you access your database. Any information being added is updated in the main front end database. Does anybody know how that will be linked? I'm just probably going to have problems when encorporating my changes.

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Database Structure (many To Many Issue?)

Oct 22, 2004

I am looking for someone's professional opinion to help me clear up some unresolved technical issues in my mind... =P
Ok, I have a contact management database that would seem really straightforward to me except for the fact that I am dealing with 2 primary entities. In this I mean I have an Individual table and Organization table. These two tables have primarily the same field data, such as both having address data, phone (contact info) data. There are some unique fields to one entity that aren't contained in the other entity though, and visa versa. One important issue is that 0, 1, or more individuals can be related to an Organization. Therefore I now have linking tables for IndividualOrganization, as well as linking tables for Phone and Address data.
My primary complication is that since both Individuals and Organizations have address and phone data, the respective linking tables for them contain: an addressID/phoneID key, for the appropriate linking table, with an OrganizationID key and an IndividualID key in each table. So, the way I am thinking is that if the record pertains to an Individual, the appropriate ID will be in IndividualID and the OrganizationID will just be 0, or empty. This brings up issues with primary keys being blank.
I am wondering if there is a better way to do this that I am overlooking or if I am in fact on the right track? I have contemplated combining the Organization and Individual tables into one but that really doesn't seem like the best solution. If anybody has any ideas then I would GREATLY appreciate it. I had a working database the other day but now I am separating the phone and address info out of the primary tables and have really got a mess on my hands. =P If anybody would like to look at my database structure I'd be more than happy to post the back_end and the front_end for you to give me your honest opinion about any trouble areas.
Thanks BIG TIME in advance to any nice souls willing to help out a struggling programmer who doesn't have any close support on this one as I am working alone, :rolleyes:
Dana S.

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Database Design - Structure.

Dec 5, 2004

I have 7 tables:

Booking - BookingID
Course - CourseID
Company - CompanyID
Materials_on_course (had to have this in order to avoid many-to-many.)
Employee - EmployeeID
Employee_runs_course (had to have this in order to avoid many-to-many.)

I'm stuck with the Course and employee thing. Each employee has an expertise or two, and therefore each course has an expertise needed to run it (a specialist if you like).. so the PK in 'course table' is Course ID, you cannot have two PKs in one, so would it be right to say that the 'expertiseID' would have to go in 'Employee_runs_course' ?.. what would i do then? place 'expertise ID' as an FK in both employee and course tables?

Extra info:

Clients (tblCompany) can book one or many courses
A course can have one or many bookings made for it
A booking has one or many employees/courses
An employee can work on many bookings (obv if available)
Each employee has one or two expertise (usually only one)
and therefore a course has on expertise attached to it.


If you have a better way of designing it, shoot!
Attachment: ERD (kinda) of first draft.

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Fundamental Database Structure

Oct 27, 2005

Hi People,

I am building a database of in-car audio systems. Stored in this are simple things like vehicle information, audio brand and other general information. The main information I need to store includes details about speakers (position, quantity, material, range, size etc.) and amplifiers (power output, no. of channels etc.). Sounds simple I hope.

I have been thinking about this extensively and have come up with two solutions, each with its own pros and cons. My primary concern here is how the speaker and amplifier information is stored:

1) Tables specific to car regions (e.g. Rear Speakers, Front Speaker, Surround Speakers) have the fields 'Range', 'Material', Size, etc. Range and material can read their values from other look-up tables no probs. These would be linked to the main table via it's primary key in a 1-M relationship.
Ease of construction and general handling of data
Flexibilty/expandability (in terms of speaker quantity)
When it comes to data entry the form would need to be continuous and continuous forms I have found to be a pain in terms of referring to individual records!
I want some of these controls to conrol a diagram for my report (and input form) - such that they show/hide speaker pictures on a car diagram. Also, I have not yet figured out how to validate a continuous form in this situation or delete records from it either (should the user makes an error).

2) Again, tables specific to car regions but this time with a field for each speaker range (mid-range, tweeter, woofer, etc.) and it's associated data, tied to the main table via the main table ID in 1:M relationships.
Easy to manipulate form/report properties because every speaker has its own field
Easier to remove erroneous data (I imagine)
More complex construction (and less efficient) - e.g. material occurs more than once for each record so to look up material form a central pool requires an intermediate table
Many many more fields!
Non-expandable in terms of speaker quantity

Similar principals can be applied to amplifiers so I haven't mentioned those.

So what do you think? Or is there another way...

Hope that all makes sense!

Thanks for your time,


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Need Advice On Database Structure

Nov 17, 2005

Hi ,
I am developing an access application that will be used by our Marketing Dept to create BRIEFS for our AD agencies.

The Brief has the following structure

1. Option1
1.1 A1
1.2 A2
1.3 A3
1.3.1 AA1
1.3.2 AA2
1.4 A4

2. Option2
2.1 B1
2.2 B2
2.2.1 BB1
2.2.2 BB2
2.3 B3
2.3.1 BB3

3. Option3


The users will be basically selecting from a list of Categories,Sub Categories and Sub-Sub Categories.

I am a bit confused as to what kind of Database Structure should I use for this kind of requirement.

Right now I have a table tblBRIEF that conatins the basic information about the BRIEF like
Project Name
Company Name
Responsible etc etc

My question is , where and how should I store the selections made by the user for each of the Categories , subcategories and su-sub categories.

Should I have a table for each of the Categories and Subcategories and have a relation with the BRIEF table ???

You advice will be apprecaited?

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Database Structure - Referential Integrity

Jun 8, 2006

Hi i have a quick question

Lets say u have a database that keeps track of all items sold and their respective prices. So u have a items table that keeps the product information and price. Then these items are displayed on invoice kept in a invoice table linked with a foreign key and a one to many relationship.

My question is lets say the price of an item should change....will the invoice table of old invoices display the new price or old price. Is this where the referential integrity comes to play ? Should u select it when doing the relationship ticking the cascade update related fields and cascade deleted records boxes respectively or not ?

Anyone have any views on this ?

Ur help will be much appreciated

Kind regards

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Question About Database Structure (specific)

Dec 9, 2006

Hi everyone. This is my first post here, I hope I'm making it to the right forum!

I'm currently experimenting with databases with an idea to move them online in order to create SQL & PhP driven websites. I'm a long way off actually making them live, though, and have become stuck today on trying to create the best structure for a specific database.

I've searched for example databases to see how other people might have solved this problem, but it's very hard to find another database with exactly the same issue.

I hope someone can tell me the best way organise my data! I'm racking my brain trying to reduce data redundancy and make the most logical database I can. I'd appreciate any help, thanks!

Basically my current database involves cataloguing a particular video game series. Each game title in the series has information attached to it (eg. platform, developer, trivia, data released etc.), but some games have spin-off titles with the same information stored about them.

If someone is viewing a spin-off title I want them to be able to see that's it's connected to a "parent" title and vise versa (someone looking at a "parent" title can see all the spin-offs).

This database is as much an exercise in creating a completely "correct" database as anything, so I want to reduce data duplication as much as possible (completely?).

I've attached a picture of my database as it stands at the moment (with no spin-off information added), I hope this might help someone understand my problem.

Thanks for any help! It's much appreciated! Databases make my brain hurt sometimes, and it's hard to know then "best" way to do something!

- Johnny W

PS - Here's the "key" to the diagram.

tblTitles - Game information
tblAlternates - The same game on different platforms (eg. PC, PlayStation, Nintendo Gameboy etc)

Actually, I think the rest is pretty self-explanatory! Thanks for any help! -J

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General :: Changing Over To New Database Structure

Apr 18, 2013

We are currently using Access 2007 for all our database needs but so many different people have had access to changes things that now they are so convoluted that my boss is wanting me to build a brand new database... Is there a way to take all the tables in one database and migrate them over to the new database that I am building?

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Export An Access Database Structure (i.e. No Data)?

Jan 30, 2007

If I want to duplicate just a table, I can easily select "structure only" under paste options. Is there an easy way to do the same thing for an entire database (tables, queries, etc.) all at once?

In short, someone has a database. They're willing to share the database itself, but not necessarily its contents. The database has a user interface, so the people who use the database don't necessarily know much about Access. Therefore, I can ask them to follow a few basic, built-in Access menu options, but can't ask them to do something manually, such as copying the entire file and then manually emptying the tables. This seems like something that should be easy, but I can't find it. Any help?



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Structure For Using Input Forms To Main Database

Feb 18, 2005

Note: I put this in General original but it is rmore likely to be a table structure problem

I have a single table for storing the main data, this is fed by input from 3 forms. I have been asked if the forms can be used independantly and remotely as input forms.

My solution was to simply send out a database with just one form and created an append query so that when it is returned with completed information it would simply append the database to the main database. In itself this works fine however, what is happening, of course, is that when I get the other forms back I end up with triplicate records, that is instead of the information from the 3 forms being stored as one record it is now split over 3 records.

I have to be careful in what I do as the original database has been running for over 6 months now and has a lot of stored data and because of established queries/calculations/reports the last thing I want to do is change or split the main data table.

Is there anyway I can get the three records to concantenate on one line. The three forms all have separate fields as they were taken from the original database.

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Tables :: Database Design Structure For Controllers And Heating

Mar 4, 2014

I haven't been on Access for a while so im still in the process of getting the cogs turning....... i am trying to design a database structure for controllers and heating.

each controller can have many heating units
each heating unit can use many controllers

rather than code everything, how could i set this up?

Controller01 can be used with Boiler01, Boiler04, Boiler12, Boiler 20
Controller02 can be used with Boiler01, Boiler05, Boiler15
Controller03 can be used with Boiler02, Boiler03, Boiler04, Boiler20

I have a table with a ControllerID and a table with a BoilerID. In the boiler table, i have the ControllerID and a one to many relationship.

How would I set this up?

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Modules & VBA :: Copy Structure Of A Table To Make A Temp Table

Apr 20, 2015

I'm trying to copy the structure of a table to make a temp table. I'm using CopyObject (which also copies the data). So when I delete the data from the temp table, it also deletes data from the source table. Is the data linked? It should just be deleted from the temp table. Below is the beginning of the code. I've stepped through, and at the last step shown, the data in the source table deletes.

Dim strFile As String
Dim temp As String
Dim tbl As String
Dim db As DAO.Database

' error handle
On Error GoTo F_Error

[Code] .....

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Tables :: Claim Tracking Database - Structure For Dates Of Events Related To Claims

Feb 28, 2013

I am developing a claim tracking database that tracks dates of events that occur in the course of processing a claim; such as, Loss Date, Report Date, Estimate Date, Payment Date, etc.

I currently have the following tables set up:




With this table structure there is a many-to-many relationship between Claims and Events, but, there will only be one of each event per claim. Is there a better way to set up the tables to enforce a 1-to-1 relationship?

I was planning on creating a form for the Claim table with a subform for the Events joined on ClaimID and fkClaimID, but that would allow users to create more than one set of Events per claim, if that makes sense.

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Need Help With Table Structure

Oct 28, 2004

Here’s a little scenario:

An engineer requests that “x” amount of computers are ordered for the company. The estimated costs of the system(s) are determined. The estimated cost of the systems is forwarded to a manager, and the request must be approved by a manager before the order is placed. Once the manager approves the request, the order is placed through the ordering company. After the ordering company approves the order, an order number is assigned and serial number(s) specific to each computer is associated with that order number. At this point it is possible to track the order status via existing programs using the assigned order number and serial numbers. After it is determined through the existing software that the order has been shipped, invoiced, and received by the Receiving department, I need to physically go pick up the systems and submit them into my Central Inventory. From the central inventory, systems will be checked out to employees as needed, checked back in when testing is finished, or transferred internally between employees......

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Table Structure

Nov 15, 2004

Hi everybody,

Please, I really need some help with my normalised tables and relations:



3. ParentContactID

4. CycleNO

5. DisciplineID


7. ExamID

8. Results

I have a feeling this relationship, is still a bit messy?

I also need to keep track of students daily class attendance, at the end of the tern, or year to find out how many students dropt out of a particular class etc. Is this a new table?

thanks in advance.


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3nf Table Structure, I Think, No What?

Dec 15, 2004

I have been reading up on normalizing table structures. I have this database that I am working on, to work as a hiring database. It should hold information about people applying to the law firm I work at.

I am looking for advice on if this table structure is normalized and sound. I am also looking for specific help on creating good forms.

Thanks for any help that can be given!

ps. I am attaching a zip that has a jpg view of the tables and their relationships, as well as the db with the table structure.

I would love any and all advice. I want a very clear concept for this db before I do anything!

Thanks again!

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Structure Of A Table

Apr 27, 2005

I was having a discussion with a friend of mine about this... and I couldn't come up with the best explination. Hopefuly someone here can point me in the right direction.

He has a table

Recipies(Id, name, item1, quantity1, item2, quantity2, item3, quantity3, item4, quantity4)

I don't believe that this is the proper way to create a table. What happens if you happen to come across a Recipie that needs 6 items?? or more??
After researching it, I believe it violates 2NF. Is this correct?

Instead I think a better structure would be

Recipies(Id, name)

RecipiesIngredients(Recipies.ID, Ingredients.ID, quantity)

Ingredients (Id, Name)

The problem my friends sees with this method is the fact that the Xref table will get giant.

In the example... Speed is of utmost importance, as the tables will most likely contain thousands of records and be queried against frequently.

Thanks for any input.


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