Dependent Combo Boxes With Fields From Different Tables

May 16, 2012

I thought that my previous request on how to create a dependent combobox based on selections from two previous comboboxes, but the example provided only worked if the fields were all in the same table. Here is an explanation of my problem...I have 3 tables:



green beans
star fruit

I have 3 comboboxes on a form: cboFoodType, cboColor, cboFoodName.I would like to filter the value lists in cboFoodName based on the selections from cboFoodType and cboColor.For example, if I select "fruit" from cboFoodType and "red" from cboColor, I want the value list available in cboFood Name to consist of "apple;raspberries;strawberries".Likewise, if I select "vegetable" from cboFoodType and "green" from cboColor, I want the value list available in cboFoodName to consist of "cabbage;green beans;lettuce;spinach".

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2 Dependent Combo Boxes On A Datasheet

Dec 5, 2005

I have 2 combo boxes on a datasheet.
combo 2 is depedent on comboxbox 1.
But when i work on futhter and click other occurenses, the values change (because of the query looking at the first combobox)

this is very annoying.
can someone pleeeeease help,
ive been trying for 2 days now



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Auto Populating List Box Based On Two Dependent Combo Boxes?

Mar 31, 2014

how to auto populate list box based on two dependent combo boxes.

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Tables :: Dependent Fields - If One Is Other Will Be No

Dec 6, 2014

I have a table with 3 yes/no fields. I need them to be dependent on each other meaning if one is yes the others can not be yes. How can I set this up?

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Table Fields (Name / Number) Dependent On Another Tables Data.

May 18, 2006

I have an ... interesting issue. I am wondering if others have dealt with this. I have a solution, but am not the happiest with it.

I basically have 2 databases here. (Or I will when I'm done making them) and one is dependent upon the other. In fact, the 2nd's tables are dependent upon the fields in the first database's table.

This database is for quality control checking purposes.

First off,

Database 1:
Basically a list of standardized audits and what needs to be checked for those audits. What needs to be checked can change as things progress, but stays pretty standard.

Database 2:
This will hold the checks that the QC branch will do, based on what type of Quality Check they are doing, they have an audit standard. This audit standard exists in database 1.

What basically ends up happening is that the data in Database1 become Table fields in database2.


Radio Check Audit Standard.
Needs to check following:
Process Specs
EDMS Drawings
SoP / Policy
Used Radio callback
Used radio during emergency

Another Random Check Audit Standard
Needs to check the following
Process Specs
EDMS Drawings
SoP / Policy
Did something specific for this Audit
Didn't do something else, also specific for this Audit.

Continue on with other Audits.

Database2: Will keep track of all the quality checks that have been preformed.

Today we will check Radio Protocol
Did they:
Process Specs
EDMS Drawings
SoP / Policy
Used Radio callback
Used radio during emergency

Yes, No as necessary.

2 Days later, we need to do another QC on the Radio Protocol
Need to check if they did:
Process Specs
EDMS Drawings
SoP / Policy
Used Radio callback
Used radio during emergency


But what will be checked for in Database2 depends on what the standard is for the "Radio Check Protocol," or etc.

Right now, i see 2 options:

Make the 2 databases, and when a user "Picks" the Radio Check protocol, a linked table is filled with the Name / object that needs to be checked with a field in the same row to hold the data if the object was done / not done etc.
The fields in Database1 are automatically put into this specific instance of Quality Check, etc.

Only problem with this: Requires coding to auto update. Easy to do, but if errors occur, things will screw up.

When the user picks the Radio Check protocol, simply allow a subform with a refreshed drop down box. Allow user to pick items they need (Limit it to only this Audit list, etc) to set to true. Assume false for other items not specifically chosen by user.

Problem with this: If an Audit standard changes to remove an item, or add item. Any quality checks done will also change for the assumed false items. If another Item added in, then all old QCs will now also have that item added in / reported assumed false. And if it is deleted, all old QCs will loose the item that was reported false.

I'm seen the first option as the only viable one.

Am I missing this, is there some other way to do this that would be better / wiser? Etc?


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Forms :: Database With 3 Tables - Linking Combo Boxes And Text Boxes

Jul 29, 2015

I currently have 3 tables within a database with student details of three different classes. I need to create a user form that has a dropdown box which I can select a student from one of these tables with a number of text boxes below which brings up all the students details, then once the student has been selected and the correct details are shown then I need to create a button which allows me to move that student from one table to another.

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Use Combo Boxes Or Include Actual Fields

May 6, 2005

I am using a datasheet to show company info -

I have a field countyID which is a code field and a lookup table County

I want to show the text for county on the datasheet, should I base the datasheet on just the company table and use a combo to get the county text - or should I have query that brings in the county text.

Could the experts tell me the "correct" way of doing this?

What are the performance issues of the two methods. Is which method I choose dependent on how many records are in the lookup table?

Thanks Paul

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Multiple Query Fields & Combo Boxes

Jul 11, 2005

Hi all,

Im trying to do the following query work.
I have a form, with combos , text fields which are filled in with parameters.
The query I want to make is complex.
For example we shall use field1, field2, combo1 , combo2 for explanation.
I want the field1 param AND the field2 AND combo1 AND combo2 to be evaluated for a result. At the same time, I want the user to fill in only field1 and combo1 or like that and the result to be right.
Is there any possibility to make them all work at the same time, individually, or in combinations ?

Sounds too Complicated ?

I ve managed to make it work only by filling in individually the fields or combos and have the right results. The other ways didnt.

Desperately need your helpppp. :rolleyes:


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Combo Boxes And Looking Up Tables

Dec 5, 2004

Hello All,

I am a new Access user, and I am trying to create a database that will store and track print music.

I want to be able to track data by a text box called "Item Number". The item number is obtained automatically when the user inputs data from two different Combo Boxes.

"cmboInstrument" and "cmboMusicType"

Both these combo boxes look up separate tables which have in them two columns each
1. Instrument (Eg. Bass Guitar)
2. Code Number (Eg.0012)

The combo boxes look up the tables fine.

My problem is, that I want the txt box to display the data from both combo boxes (Eg: an eight digit number 01002111). I then also want the text box to generate a Item number starting from 0000.
So all in all the Item Number after selections have been made will display 010110000000 (an ID number example).

The numbers generated need to be displayed in the table under Item Number so that they can be associated with the product, therefore I assume they need to be bound and I am currently using the code

"Private Sub cmboMusicType_AfterUpdate()
Me.txtItemNumber.Value = Me.cmboMusicType.Column(1)
End Sub"

Though this only works for one combo box, if I put it in another combo box - the numbers will not join together.

Please Help!!!!

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Filtering With 2 Combo Boxes And Then Populating Text/memo Fields

Dec 14, 2004

I have two questions.
I have a form with 2 combo boxes. The first pulls from a simple list. Once you make a choice, the second combo box is then filtered by the first. This works correct, except that once a choice is made in the first, the filter is locked. If you change the first combo box's value a second time it does not effect the second box. The query that I am using for the second combo box has two columns that pull the first 50 characters of a pair of memo fields. Quote: SELECT MSSS.SS_ID, Left([Application_Name],50) AS Expr1, Left([Description],50) AS Expr2, MSSS.Site_Code
WHERE (((MSSS.Site_Code)=[Forms]![Edit or Delete Requests]![Combo6])); These fields are then used to populate 2 text fields using an event procedure. Quote: Private Sub Combo10_AfterUpdate()
' Display Partial Application Name and Description based on choice
Me!txtApplication_Name = Me!Combo10.Column(1)
Me!txtDescription = Me!Combo10.Column(2)
End Sub This is working fine, but it starts the next problem.

I need to change the form to include the entire memo field into a text box. I was using the columns of the second combo box to fill them in. Since the combo box is limited to only 50 characters, i could only grab part of it. I am guessing there is a much better way to accomplish what I need, but I am too inexperienced with forms and vb to come up with it. Below are the fields I need from table MSSS

Thanks in advance to any help!

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Combo Boxes To Filter N Show Tables

Oct 25, 2005

Im kinda new to Access and only been using the "Access 2003 for Dummies" for learning and making small databases. So far I can find out how to do the things I want, but recently got stuck with a combo box feature. What im trying to do is select entries in my combo box so that it will filter the table and show all its contents based on that filter. Im not sure how to link the combo boxes the right way and it seems some VB coding is needed which I dont normally use. If anyone has any idea how to do it, tell me how! Thanks. BTW im using Access 97.

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Tables :: Corresponding Data In Combo Boxes And Subforms?

Sep 27, 2013

I have a field showing who equipment is being distributed to pulling data from my US Employee table. If I make it to only the last name from my lookup

(SELECT [US Employees].[Last Name], [US Employees].[First Name], [US Employees].[Dept] FROM [US Employees] ORDER BY [Last Name], [First Name], [Dept])

I can also view the equipment listed under the individual it is assigned to on a subform on my US Employee table. If I try to have the first and last name displayed on my Equipment table, however,

(SELECT [US Employees].[Last Name]&", "& [US Employees].[First Name], [US Employees].[Dept] FROM [US Employees] ORDER BY [Last Name], [First Name], [Dept]; )

it will not display under the individual on the US Employee table. Is there a way around this without having to combine the fields on the employee table or separate them on the equipment table?

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Tables :: Exporting Combo Boxes To Excel

Jul 3, 2014

I have a subform with a combo box selection field among other fields. Can I export the data showing on the subform together with the drop down combo box data for each record and all its choices so that it appears as the same combo box on the worksheet. The user will then update combo box selections as required and the results would be imported back into access in the correct boxes for inclusion in a report, is that easily achievable for a moderate access user?

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Update Tables From Combo Boxes In A Form

Aug 24, 2011

Ok So I've created a Database to track phone calls coming into a call center.
(Originally created in Open Office, but then we switched to Access)

I've got a form that has buttons to run multiple reports.

The Reports pull data from a table based off dates found in another table
(Something I used in Open Office)

Table 1 has all the phone calls

Table 2 has a From date and a to date

The report pulls the phone calls in table 1 between the dates in table 2. In open office I used Subforms (Which were seemless) and combo boxes to update the dates in Table 2 before running the report.

Is there an easier way to accomplish this in Access? If so How? If Not, is there a way to make a seemless subform in Access?

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Tables :: Table Structure For Cascading Combo Boxes

Jul 19, 2014

I need a table structure that will allow me to have a repair log data entry form with 3 cascading combo boxes on the repair log data entry form. There can be many repairs for a specific job but most of the time there will be one repair per job and 1% of the time two or more repairs for a specific job.

I am pulling a report based on a query that will show the repaired location, facility type, repaired item, repaired component on that item and other details related to the repair.I uploaded an empty database with the structure.

Cascade levels

I. Facility Type
II. Item by [I]
III. Component by [II]

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Year Dependent On Combo Box

Aug 12, 2011

I have a form in which you can select a year from a combo box in a subform. I want to create a query to be a subform which uses that combo box to select the year between 1/1/Year and 1/31/Year OR between 12/1/Year and 12/31/Year. The year combo box is in the sub form called YearSubForm and is called Yearcmb. I used Between #01-01-2010# And #01-31-2010# Or Between #12-01-2010# And #12-31-2010# in the query view as a criteria when I wanted 2010, but I want the year from the combo box.

Also, in the form I have a subform that is located on top of a text box. I was wondering how I can have the text box show over the subform. I tried 'send to front' but that did not work.

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Dependent Combo Box In Web Database

Mar 26, 2014

See the Main form of attached file, I would like to see contacts list box is made from drop-down list Customers. dependent

In the main form needs to select one customer, only the contacts 'de Vries' and 'Van der Linden' can be selected in the combo box of contact (in the main form) ..

I do not succeed despite several attempts with macros to achieve this.

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How To Make One Form Combo-box Dependent On Another?

May 19, 2006

Access 2003
Database for tracking job search/applications
I have three tables: Job (includes employer, contact) and Contact (First name, Last name, employer), and Employer (Employer name)

Form.Job is the main data entry mechanism. On this form, I enter the job details. I select the employer from a combo-box that draws from the Employer table. I would like to select the contact from a combo-box that filters contacts and shows only those that match the Job.Employer selection.

:confused: 1. How can I make a bi-directional link so that a new entry in the employer combo-box creates a new entry in the employer table? At the moment, I get around this with a "New employer" button on Form.Job that just opens up the employer table, but there seems to be an updating issue - new names don't show up in the combo-box for a while

:confused: 2. How can I get the contact combo-box to show only contacts with an employer that matches the employer selected in the employer combo-box?

Note that I got this to work once by using a sub-form, but I don't really understand how (presumably Access defaults that did what I wanted), and I don't want to have to use a sub-form.


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General :: Dependent Combo Box In Web Database?

Mar 26, 2014

See the Main form of attached file, I would like to see contacts list box is made from drop-down list Customers. dependent

In the main form needs to select one customer (for example: Klant1), only the contacts 'de Vries' and 'Van der Linden' can be selected in the combo box of contact (in the main form) .. I do not succeed despite several attempts with macros to achieve this.

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Forms :: Dependent Combo Box Not Working

Aug 18, 2013

I have 2 combo boxes, one Categories and Products. However I have follows a tutorial and when I select the Categories, the products do not show even though the tutorial says it does. I have attached a copy of the DB.

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How To Make Options Of One Combo Box Dependent On Another

May 20, 2014

I have two combo boxes in my form. The first one has the option of selecting a or b. If the user selects a, the second combo box will have the options of c and d, if b is selected the options in the second one will be e and f. How can i do this?

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Validating A Field (dependent Fields)

May 28, 2005

I am trying to put in a validation rule so that data in one field cannot be less than that in another.
e.g. i want to make a validation rule so that a phone call end time cannot be before the phone call start time.
Can anyone help???

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Dependent Fields In Access Forms

Sep 14, 2004

Hello All -

I think that my problem is best explained by an example.

In the first field the user chooses between two options for the reporter.
Field 1 - Reporter: Client OR Employee

If the user selects "Client" they have to enter an address, if they select "Employee" they don't have to enter an address.

So, what I hope is to create a form where if they select the "Employee" the address fields (address, city, state, zip) "gray out" and not accept any data entry.

Any help would be SO appreciated!

Thanks -

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General :: How To Create Fields Dependent On Each Other

Jun 19, 2012

I am very new to Access and I am not familiar with SQL. How I can create fields that are similar to each other?

Let's say I have 3 fields in my table: Name, State, Area Code.

I want it so that each time I select "Name" the appropriate State and Area Code populate. Anyway I can do this?

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Forms :: Automatically Updating Dependent Combo Box

Oct 21, 2014

I am designing a form based on specific criteria from a table. I have one table "country/region" showing: Country, Region, and then primary numeric ID. I have another table called "contacts" with more info. What I am looking to do is create two combo boxes on the form, one for country and the other for region which will pull from the "country/region" table and feed into the "contacts" table". When the user writes in the specific country, the corresponding region in the combo box next to it should update automatically.

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Auto Fill Text Box From Dependent Combo Box

Jun 16, 2012

I have dependent combo boxes which is working fine what i want is to select the value from the list and the text box should be filled in my case it is attachment field i want to fill up the value based on combo boxes selection.I have attached the database also.

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