Detect If New Record If Closing Form

Jan 31, 2008


I have a form with 55 values entered. On closing the form, I need it to decide if this is a new record. If it is a new record, it loads all 55 values into an array. If all values are above 20,000, it goes ahead and closes the form. If any are below 20,000, it writes the record to another table and brings up that form to add add a comment.

Every thing does as it should except determining if it is a new record. What property will trigger it properly? All the properties I have tried either triggers it on all the records (even if it is an old record) or it does not trigger it and closes without prompting the code.

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Blank Record Created When Closing Form

Nov 4, 2005

I have a statistical program and the user constantly use the form to check calculations and get out without saving a record. In order to allow this with out writing to the table I used unbound fields and an accept and close command buttons.

This worked well until I added a subform to one of the forms. Now, if I just open that form and then click the close button, I get a blank record in the table associated to the main form. Is there a way to stop this?

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Forms :: Go To New Record On Subform After Closing Pop Up Form

Jul 9, 2013

I have a form (frmAuditEntry) that includes a subform (sfrmAuditDetail). The user will enter audit information on the subform. There is a check box on the subform to identify containers that had errors in selection. When the box is check by the user, a pop up form opens where the user can enter the details regarding the type of error. The audit number and the container ID are carried over from the main form to the pop up form to link the information.

This is the code I have in the AfterUpdate event of the checkbox:

Private Sub Errors_AfterUpdate()
Dim rs As Object
Dim strBookmark As String
strBookmark = Me.ContainerID

[Code] ....

This works great and keeps the focus on the record the user checked having errors so the right information transfers tot he pop up form fields. When the pop up form is closed, the focus goes back to the subform but keeps the focus on the container ID control of the record that the user previously checked as having errors (hope that makes sense).

What I would like to happen is this: When the pop up form is closed, I want the focus to go back to the subform but to go to the last blank record on the subform (if the user moved off the record before checking the error checkbox) or go to a new record (if the user did not move to a new record already before checking the error checkbox).

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Forms :: Saving A Record And Closing A Popup Form

Jun 15, 2014

I have a popup called by a subform to add a new record or edit a selected record. I keep getting "Runtime error 32502". The value you entered isn't valid for the field "|"

I have no required fields and all the drop down related fields have the right value type in them (That I can find)The only "|" reference I can find is in the OpenArgs content below when I load the form. If I'm adding a new record I pass two fileds via the OpenArgs

Private Sub Command52_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "AddDebtorPaymentFrm", , , , acFormAdd, OpenArgs:=Me![DebtorId] & "|" & Me![MatterId]
End Sub

or if I'm modifying a record from the subform on click I

Private Sub Text38_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "AddDebtorPaymentFrm", acNormal, , "[Transactions].[TransId] = " & Me.TransId, acFormEdit
End Sub

Below is the Popup Load code

Private Sub Form_Load()
If Me.DataEntry = True Then
Me.VariableHeading = "Add A Debtor Payment"


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Detect Duplicate Record Before Entering

Aug 16, 2005

I have a subform that collects the following data to put in a record in tblClass:

StudentID, Trimester, SubcatID, WorkGrade, SkillGrade

Before the record is written for the first time OR edited/updated to the table, I want to search tblClass and determine if the new/updated info will create a duplicate record.

In this specific case, a duplicate record will be defiened by a record where the only fields being considered would be StudentID, Trimester and SubcatID. The fields WorkGrade and SkillGrade should not be considered.

The code I came up with was the following and it was put in the BeforeUpdate:

Dim conn As ADODB.Connection 'Connection Object
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset 'Recordset Object
Dim strSQL As String 'SQL statement for open statement

' Create object variables
Set conn = CurrentProject.Connection
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset

' Create sql to search for records in tblClass that match
'studentID, Trimester, and Subcatagory in the form record being added
strSQL = "SELECT * " & _
"FROM tblClass" & _
"WHERE fldStudentID = " & StudentID & " AND " & _
"fldTrimester = '" & Trimester & "' AND " & _
"fldSubcatID = " & SubCatID & ";"

' Open recordset
rst.Open strSQL, conn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

If rst.RecordCount >= 1 Then
' record already exists in tblClass
msgbox "Record already exists!",, "Duplicate Record Error"
Cancel = True
End If

' Close and disassociate object variables
Set conn = Nothing
Set rst = Nothing

This code worked great except when I went to edit an existing record. When I went to change a grade (WorkGrade or SkillGrade) on an existing record, it told me that I could not enter the record because the record already existed (ie, the record I had open and was editing). I am not sure if it is my code that I need to edit or if it is the placement of the code I need to change.

Any suggestions would be great.

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Detect Record Delete In Vba Without Dialog Box

Oct 23, 2006

I've looked all over this forum and others and google, and am amazed that I've found nothing that addresses this issue.

I want to execute some code after a record has been deleted. If I uncheck the "Tools / Options / Confirm Record changes" option (it's extremely disruptive) then the "Before/After Del Confirm" events don't occur. The "On Delete" event occurs before the record is deleted and therefore doesn't help me.

Are the "Before/After Del Confirm" events the only events that occur after record deletion? If so, is there any way to disable the confirmation dialog and still get the events so I can handle it with my code and not disrupt the user every single time a record is deleted?


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Modules & VBA :: Adding Record To A Table - Closing A Form Without Saving

Nov 26, 2013

I have a form to add a record to a table. How can I give the user a way to close this form without saving the just created record.

I tried

If me.dirty then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord

This works, but gives a messagebox in return to confirm the command, and I don't want that. And I try to avoid sendkeys. I also don't want to change the options of access.

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Forms :: Search Form When Closing Gives Warning - Cannot Save Record At This Time

Aug 5, 2015

I have a "Search" form that I am using to search through a query in a list box of all of my Customers. Once the record that I am wanting to view comes up I highlight it and click a "View" button to bring up another form with the customers full record. When this form is open I am able to update the customer information and add User's to it if necessary.

My problem comes after I click on my save and close button that takes me back to me search form. I want to close the search form and the error I get is "The record cannot be deleted or changed because table "tblUserProfile" includes related records." I click OK and get a SECOND error stating "You can't save this record at this time. MS Access may have encountered an error while trying to save a record. If you close this object now, the data changes you made will be lost. Do you want to close the database object anyway?"

I have already made my changes and saved them in the form with the customer record so am not sure why I am getting an error when trying to close the Search form.

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Queries :: Detect When Query Fails To Find A Record

Oct 29, 2013


I have a Table ASSET_COMBO that links to the above tables.

I have a form to create amend an ASSETS table. The form uses combo fields to filter the options available to the user. I.E the User Picks Manufacturer then selects from list of Asset Types provided by that Manufacturer, then selects from list of Models.

I want to create a form to allow create and amend records on the ASSET_COMBO Table.

The problem I have is that I want to ensure that there are no duplicates on ASSET_COMBO Table. I know that I can Select Multiple keys from the table with no duplicates allowed. But from what I have read this can cause problems. Is there a simple way that I can detect that a query on the ASSET_COMBO Table has returned a valid record or has not found a record.

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Baffling Problem, Cant Seem To Detect The Form

Jul 7, 2005

I was working along a code that seemed to work fine until all of a sudden, the next time I tried it it, it doesnt. It is a simple code really as below which is giong to be the foundation for a selection followed by SQL input into the record source of another form to generate results. I get the following error message

"Microsoft Access cant find the form "Querypurpose" referred to in a Macro expression or Visual Basic Code"

It doesnt make any sense to me since, if I were to take away the " Forms!Querypurpose.RecordSource = SQL" line, than everything works fine. Did I disable any function in the VB editor cos I was playing around with rst before it happened :confused:

Would anyone be able to explain why...thanks so much!

Private Sub Command59_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command59_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim SQL As String

stDocName = "Querypurpose"
SQL = "SELECT ClientInfo.ClientName FROM ClientInfo;"

Forms!Querypurpose.RecordSource = SQL
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, acFormDS

Exit Sub


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Forms :: Detect If A Form Is Open

Jun 20, 2013

I have a main form (Client) from which I open another form (FilterCriteria). Since FilterCriteria code references the Client form, I want to ensure the user can't close Client while FilterCriteria is open.

I'm thinking I need to intercept Client's 'Unload' event and cancel it - but I can't figure out how to check if FilterCriteria is open.

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Save Record Without Navigation Or Closing

Jul 20, 2006


I have a form with a button and a text box

The control source for the text box is a Number field called FileNo in a Table called File. THe default value of the text box is 0.

When the button is clicked a value is calculated using the last value under FileNo in the Table.

The problem is that I have to either navigate the records or close the form in order to save the new value onto the Table.

I need to be able to save a new value to the Table as soon as it is generated without having to close or navigate. So that I get some new value everytime I click the button without closing the Form.
(when the button is clicked 1 will be added to the last value under FileNo on Table File)


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Save Record Without Navigation Or Closing

Jul 20, 2006


I have a form with a button and a text box

The control source for the text box is a Number field called FileNo in a Table called File. THe default value of the text box is 0.

When the button is clicked a value is calculated using the last value under FileNo in the Table.

The problem is that I have to either navigate the records or close the form in order to save the new value onto the Table.

I need to be able to save a new value to the Table as soon as it is generated without having to close or navigate. So that I get some new value everytime I click the button without closing the Form.
(when the button is clicked 1 will be added to the last value under FileNo on Table File)


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Forms :: Deleting Record When Closing After Autonumber Has Been Incremented

Oct 15, 2014

I have a form that I want to open on a new record (with an Autonumber-based ID string that is a calculated field) and this uses a hidden field in the form when it opens to spawn a new record, ready to be related to some additional items in a join table. The user selects those from a list box.I want to add a "return to main menu without saving" button, but not matter what code I use, it obstinately continues to save the record.

DoCmd.Close acForm, "JobPlanfromCAFs", acSaveNo
on the command button - no effect.

I also tried this code on the form's BeforeUpdate method. No effect. The new record continues to exist.

If Not (Me.NewRecord) Then
If MsgBox("Would You Like To Save The Changes To This Record?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton1, "Save Changes to Record ???") = vbNo Then
End If
If MsgBox("Would You Like To Save This New Record?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton1, "Save This Record ???") = vbNo Then
End If
End If

I suppose I can 'query out' incomplete records at other places in the database, but it's annoying to not be able to return to the same JobID again if you don't save it.

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Forms :: Access 2010 - Opening New Form And Closing Current Form?

Mar 14, 2013

I am using Access 2010 - Version (32-bit)

I am building a custom Export Wizard to export data to Excel using the Report Wizard for the basic ideas.

All I am trying to do is have a [Back] button on a form to open another form and close the current form.

Private Sub cmdBack_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_ExportWizardPage2", , , , , , Nz(Me.OpenArgs)
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frm_ExportWizardPage3"
End Sub

The new form is opening but then the current form is not closing. All forms are the same size, shape and positioned centrally although this should not make any difference.

Could this be anything to do with which form has the focus when I open the new form?

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Forms :: How To Use Data On A Form When Running Code Before Closing The Form

Feb 4, 2014

I have a bound form with a few fields. I would like to run a sub after some of these fields are modified, but not others. I would like it to run only once, after user finishes his work on the form.

When using the Unload event - the form on the form is not there anymore (or did I get something wrong?).

Is there a way to trap Data on form just before the form closes?

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Closing A Form Vs. Really Closing A Form

Feb 17, 2005

This is related to some advice I received some time ago <a href="">here<a>

I am runnign some code, it performs some applications, then, if a Count Field is greater than 1, a form opens as a dialog, displaying some information:

Dim A As String
A = "NewForm"
If Me.[Count] > 0 Then
DoCmd.OpenForm A, acNormal, , , , acDialog
End If
If Me.Continue = "No" Then
Exit Sub

End If

The new form opens, and you can either view it, and click continue, which will run the rest of the code, or you can click quit, which updates Me.Continue to "No", and then it exits.

The problem is, when it exits the Sub, it doesn't really stop the code, it just leaves things kind of hanging. When I try to run the code again, I get:

3321 - The database engine could not lock the table 'NewTable' becuase it is already in use by another person or process.

Another symptom - The original form where I click to start running the code, has two date fields. Normally, when this form opens, they are blank, but when I exit the sub, as above, the previous dates I entered are still sitting there.

How can I make the forms really close?

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Closing A Form

Jul 14, 2005

When a form is open you can also see on the task bar that the form is open
If the user right clicks on the form(on the task bar ) they get the following options minimize , maximise , close.

Does any one know how I can stop the user selecting Close please ?

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Closing Of Form

Oct 11, 2006

when i close the form all the fileds in the forms gets saved to the table.
i want it should pop up before closing to save it or not.
i have a button on the form to save the fields in the table.
which has code

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

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MsgBox Closing Main Form Then The Correct Form?

Aug 25, 2005

Hi all,

I've added a message box to what is basically a standard simple to use access control, "closeForm", I'm a newbie working on learning access vb. I'm guessing my code if fudged. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Private Sub Close_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Close_Click
Dim Answer As Integer
Answer = MsgBox("Press Ok to Close, Cancel to Continue.", vbOKCancel + vbQuestion, "Exit Data Entry?")
If vbOK Then DoCmd.Close

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Close_Click

End Sub

Thanks to all in advance

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Closing A Form Problem

Sep 19, 2006

I have found that when closing a form and changes have been made to the fields, these changes will be saved.

I would like to know if there it is posible to only save the changes when a command button is pressed and not when if you close the form any other way.

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Stop Closing Form

Jul 25, 2007

How can I stop user from closing the form if the mantory fields are not filled up? I try using gotocontrol but it is not working.

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Form Closing Behavior

Mar 14, 2005

Not sure what to call this "phenomenon" so haven't had any luck searching for an answer.

I have a form (form1) that has a close button with code behind it. When the button is clicked, it takes a few seconds for the code to run. When form1 closes, all is well up until: There is another form (form2) that is open behind form1. When form1 closes, part of it is still visible over form2.

Hope this makes sense. Any way to solve?

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Cancel Closing The Form/App

Mar 10, 2006

I'm looking for a way to cancel the closing of a form/app. I added a button asking if the user is sure they wish to exit, and am having difficulty finding the correct code to cancel the close event.Here is my codeDim ians As Integer ians = MsgBox("Are you sure you wish to exit?", vbYesNo, "Exit App") If ians = vbNo Then DoCmd.CancelEvent DoCmd.OpenForm "orderlist", acNormal Exit Sub End IfCan help or send me down the right path?Thanks

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Prompt Before Closing Form

Sep 2, 2006

Hi guys!

When closing a form, I want my system to prompt: "Close without saving?". If yes, I want to continue the closing-proces, but when "no" is pressed, I want to just close the MsgBox-window and of course keep all the data-entries...

If MsgBox("Close without saving?", vbYesNo, "Close?") = vbNo Then XXXXXXX

What do I write instead of the X'es???

// JR

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Closing First Form After Update

Oct 5, 2006

I have a control in Form1 and after LostFocus it open a Form2, Form1 rests still open. But I want to close Form1 after LostFocus. How can I do that?

Here is an example:
Private Sub POD_LostFocus()
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "Form2"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

End Sub


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