Finding And Opening A Specific Record From A Switchboard

Oct 5, 2004

I have created a database with a switchboard and a form ("RMA"). Currently, on my "RMA" form I have a command button that allows the user to find a specific record by entering an RMA number into an input box. My code is as follows:

Private Sub cmdFindRMA_Click()
Dim myFilter as String
If vFindRMA = "" Then 'vFindRMA is a global variable, string.
vFindRMA = InputBox ("Enter the RMA Number to find:", "Find RMA", "", 5000, 3000)
myFilter = "[RMA_Number]='" & vFindRMA & "'"
Me.Filter = myFilter
If Me.Filter = "" Then
Me.FilterOn = False
Me.FilterOn = True
End If
End If
vFindRMA = ""
End Sub

I want to be able to remove this command button from my RMA form and add it to my Switchboard. My problem is, I don't know what code I need to use in order for it to work from the switchboard. Can anyone help?


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Finding Specific Fields In A Record (sorry, Newbie!)

Sep 5, 2005

Hi everybody,
My question may sound you stupid but i am a newbie and i think you can help me...
My problem is,
I have records that have the id of a stuff and the error codes of the stuff which are occured in production. Therefore not all of the fields in the record are non-zero. I want to find the non-zero field/fields in a record...
Any help will be greatly appreciated...

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Tables :: Finding Specific Record In A Linked Table

Jun 19, 2013

From what I have read, I understand you can't use the seek command on a recordset from a linked table from another database. Is that true? If so, what is the alternative to find a specific record in the table using an indexed field?

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Opening A Specific Record

Dec 8, 2006

I have a form that displays customer account information. The form is connected to two tables. each customer has their own account number that i use to lookup their information. right now i have to click on the account number field and click find to pull up the record. I have built a popup form that displays the customers names with their respcetive accounts. My question is, How can i use the popup form to select a customer name and have the main form goto that record without using the find button.

thanks in advance.

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Opening A Form At A Specific Record

Dec 23, 2005

Hi all

Im currently designing one of my first databases!

I've initiated a log on procedure, with a password.

A user enters their ID and password. Once the correct password is entered, the next form is then loaded up, to which they make some choices.

My problem is that I have lots of users, and I would like them to only access the page that is relevant to themse, and NOT be able to see anyone elses.

I gather there is a little bit of tweaking to go on the

line, and somehow incorporate the userID, but not entirely too sure what it is.

Apologies if this seems really easy!

All help appreciated - many thanks!

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Opening A Form To A Specific Record

Dec 10, 2004

I have a Calibration form, with a button on it that links to an Equipment Inventory form. In the Calibration form, you choose
the instrument you want to calibrate from a combo box (which in turn automatically selects the barcode number for the instrument in another combo box), then if you need to edit info on it (ie. serial number), you click the button

Now, I need the Equipment Inventory form to open to the record that matches the bar code in the second combo box

anyone know a simple way of doing this?

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Forms :: Opening Form To A Specific Record

May 8, 2015

I've done this dozen's of time - but it doesn't seem to be working now. I have a continuous form (frmHome) where i want a user to be able to click on a record, and be able to open up that specific record in "frmCustomer". The key field here is pkCustomerID (i have it in the query).

frmHome is run off a query ("qryCustomer").

frmCustomer has "tblCustomer" as the source.

The code i've used on a button on "frmHome" is:

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmCustomer", , , "[pkCustomerID]=" & Me!pkCustomerID

It always only open Record #1.

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Forms :: Opening Report To Specific Record?

Feb 11, 2014

I can open a report right with a wherecondition that opens a report based on an agent name..

DoCmd.OpenReport "SelectPSReport", acViewPreview, , "[PS_Agent]='" & Me.CboAgt & "'"

But it returns every record for that agent and I want to be able to specify the date that goes with the name.

For example Tom has a record for Feb 10, Jan 10, and Dec 13. I only want to see the record for Dec 13.

I am able to see this in my form by having a combo box for the agent and the date (the date box being based on the agent box). So now how can I add a condition to include the date combo box?

DoCmd.OpenReport "SelectPSReport", acViewPreview, , "[PS_Agent]='" & Me.CboAgt & "' And [PS_dDate]='" & Me.Cbodt & "'"

Adding the condition gives me and type mismatch error, which I think may come down to the date combo box on the form having 3 columns (only 1 is visible).

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Modules & VBA :: Opening A Form To A Specific Record

Nov 21, 2013

I have a table that has two forms linked to it - one is the Main Form which is used to input the data for the bulk of entries, however on some entries there will be some additional data required which the other form (lets call it Time Form) takes care of.

What I would like to do is have a button on the Main Form that opens the Time Form, and then go to the specific record that is open on the Main Form;I have an ID field (Autonumber + Primary Key) which displays in a text box on the main form, and it would provide the number of the record for the second form to open.

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Forms :: Opening Form To A Specific Record From Subform

Jan 28, 2014

I have a form that displays details for a specific asset and a continuous subform that lists all the purchases for that asset. I have the following code in the On Click event for one of the fields in the subform:

Dim myOrder As Integer
myOrder = Me.txtOrder
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmOrders", acNormal, , "OrderID=" & Order, acFormEdit, , "Edit"

The problem is, when I click on any item in the subform, the code returns the value of the first item in the form rather than the one clicked on. If I open the subform on its own (outside the main form) then the code works fine. I can't figure out why it won't work in a subform.

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Forms :: Opening A Form Based On Multiple Tables On A Specific Record

Dec 31, 2014

I have a form "frm_PatientNew" based on table "tbl_patients", this form contains a button "cmd_NewVisit" which is supposed to do the following: opens the form "frm_NewVisit" for recording a new visit for the last recorded patient in "tbl_Patients", I found many approaches depending on DMax and Dlookup and they worked fine just if "frm_NewVisit" is bound to "tbl_Patients", but "frm_NewVisit" is bound to "tbl_Main" which acts as a container for all information (patient data, visit data,service done and service provider), so the form "frm_NewVisit" contains fields from different tables. I wonder if I should create "frm_NewVisit" as unbound form, then adding fields from different tables to it and using vba to populate "tbl_Main",

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Opening A PDF From Switchboard

May 16, 2012

I'd like to be able to open PDF documents from a switchboard. Is this possible and if so how do you do it?

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Finding Specific Form

Dec 29, 2006

I am inputing data into a form and then printing that sheet from the form directly. It is working great for that as long as I input the data and print the form immediately. The trouble comes though when I am trying to find the specific form sheet again to either make changes to it or to check something on it. In the beginning, I used the ID number to locate a form by the bottom index used for scrolling through all the individual sheets. As time as progressed though the ID number and index no longer match up. It makes it near impossible to locate any old form sheet. Any suggestions?? Thanks

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Re-opening 'switchboard' After Closing Crosstab Query?

Jan 12, 2006

I have a 'switchboard' form called Menu (not created by access wizard). One of the buttons down the navigation tree opens a crosstab query for the user to examine a data summary; but the 'Menu' form is still visible right in front of the query. Now, I could close the Menu form easily enough when the run query code is triggered, but that would leave the user loose in the database window when they eventually close the crosstab query window.

All that I have read on database navigation says that this is bad thing.

I can't place the crosstab query into a form or report because the column headings/fields don't appear when I try. (The field headings of the cross tab query are likely to change based on the underlying select query parameters so I can't hard-code the field names).

So, any thoughts on how to reactivate my Menu once the user closes the crosstab query or else puts the focus on the database window? (I achieve this using vba code in the on_close events of other forms and reports but I don't see an equivalent option for queries!)

Please note that I'm a vba newbie!


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Access 2007 Not Finding Specific Printer

Jan 16, 2014

When attempting to print a report in Access which was setup to print to a specific printer I am getting the following message.

This document was previously formatted for [printer name] which is currently not available. Do you want to use the default printer [printer name]

I don't understand because the printer and port name it is referencing is available and matches perfectly! I've tried removing the printer and deleting the port and re-adding it with no success.

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Switchboard/Menu On Startup That Is Specific To The User

Dec 22, 2004

Hi all - I'd like to create a menu for 3 different users so the menus will pop up when each respective user opens the database. I'd use a switchboard but I want more freedom in my form. Is there a way to do this in access? For example, I'd like Menu 1 to automatically open when USER 1 logs on, Menu 2 to automatically open when USER 2 logs on, and so on. I've set up security already and know how to use the startup, Display Form/Page item under tools. I just need to open different menus depending on the user. Any ideas would be of great help. Thanks much.

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Only Opening Specific Records

Sep 28, 2004

I have the following code in the click event of my button,
Code:Dim strCriteria As StringstrCriteria = "[1stApproval]='-1'"DoCmd.OpenForm "FrmLookupRecords", acNormal, , strCriteria

However when I click the button, there was an error that says,
Quote: The OpenForm action was cancelled. You used a method of the DoCmd object to carry out an action in Visual Basic, but then clicked Cancel in a dialog box. For example, you used the Close method to close a changed form, then clicked Cancel in the dialog box that asks if you want to save the changes you made to the form
What does this error mean? I want to open a form that only shows approved records and the column "1stApproval" is a Yes/No field. Thanks for any help!

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Opening A New To A Specific Network

Oct 3, 2007

I have a database that has an Order screen connected to an orders table, the order screen can open a transaction screen, connected to a transaction table, to all records where the Orders File numbers are equal. The Filenumber is a text field. The user keep changing file numbers which are sometimes addresses and should reflect the correct address. When the file number is changed all links are broken. So I created a FileID field in each table, its an auto number field in the orders table. I changed the code to open if the FileIDs are the same. The transaction screen opens probably but the when I enter a new transaction the FileID does not fill in. Has anyone ran into this before?

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Opening Access To A Specific Report

Mar 21, 2006

Is there any way to put a shortcut on someone's desktop that will open a specific report in an Access database? I'm thinking back to the days of DOS when one simply added an argument to the command. I don't want to put it in startup and have it always go to that report. I just want non-Access users to go right where they need to without menus, etc.


Thank you.

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OPening A Form To Specific Information

Jan 12, 2006

i have managed to get my form button to open another form to a specific record but this doesnt always work, i have used to wizard in access to do it some times it works other nots.

could any body help at all.
i believe it could be a problem with my relationships. i have deleted them al to start again, but i am having trouble setting them up!

many thanks


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Opening A PDF At A Specific Page Via Hyperlink

Sep 14, 2006

I'm tying to open a PDF file at a specific page using the Adobe hyperlink open syntax, ie,
is set as a label hyperlink.
Unfortunately the document still opens on the first page.
If I type the path with #page=3 at the end into internet explorer, the document opens at the page specified.

Anyone have any idea's?:confused:

Thanks, Matt Turner

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Opening A Form To A Specific Date

Feb 1, 2005

can someone please help me with some code.

I want a form - when opened - to open showing the clinic details for the next week (ie date() + 7)
The field in question is called DateID

Do I use the Event OnOpen or On Load.


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Opening A Form In A Specific Field?

Feb 8, 2005

I know this has to be an easy fix but I can't find it. I would like to open my form with empty fields, in the first field, ready to go. Right now it is opening with the first field of the very first record. Please help

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Opening A Form To A Specific Date

Oct 10, 2005

If I have a form that has a field called Episode_Date how do I open the form to the record with the most recent date?

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Forms :: How To Hyperlink From Query To Specific Record In A Specific Form

Jul 23, 2013

I want to hyperlink from a query direct to the relevant record in a specific form. I have a hyperlink field in the form which shows up in the query. When clicked in the query, this hyperlinks to the form but I cannot make it select the correct record in the form.How do I get it to select the correct record?

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Autostart A Specific Form When Opening Mdb File

Mar 14, 2005

i have an .mdb file, with one main form in it.
i want to send to some friends of mine this file, but i want that when the file is opened, automatically, that main form will be opened.
how can i do that?

thank you.

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