Forms :: Clear Source Object On Subform Back To Unbound

Feb 16, 2014

I have a listbox "lbxMP" that holds names of forms and a subform "ctrlMP" that opens selected form (ctrlMP.sourceobject = lbxMP). I also have some various master cbx that control criteria in each form. I am trying to create a button that will not only clear/null all the cbx values (which works fine), but I am having a hard time telling me.ctrlMP to go back to null or unbound (i want it to blank out the subform to make it look fresh). I have tried requry and also me.ctrlMP = null and ctrlMP=unbound with no luck.

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Query As Subform's Source Object

Sep 9, 2005


I have some queries in a list. When I run one of them I would like to show result on form. I made a subform and I defined from code in runtime the actually selected query as the subform's source object. It didn't work. :(
Why? How could I show a query's results on a form?
If somebody could help me , I would be very grateful!

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Changing Subform Source Object Causing Problems

Aug 30, 2005

I'm trying to change a database that consists of a sequence of subforms held individually within different tabs on a subform. There seems to be a bit too much going on, so I've decided to leave the subforms unbound, and set them when the appropriate tab is selected, and unset them when the tab is changed. For most of the subforms, this works fine...

However! There's always an exception!!!

On one of them, when I set the sourceobject, it automatically populates the linkchildfields and linkmasterfields properties with an inexplicably crazy number of fields, most of which aren't even on the forms in question. I've tried to get around this by setting linkchildfields and linkmasterfields after changing the sourceobject. This does not work!

The first thing that happens is it returns error 2335 (relating to an imbalance between the number of fields) when I set linkchildfields. I try to get around this by trapping and resuming to the next step so it sets linkmasterfields and restores the balance, but, despite the fact that the linkchildfields and linkmasterfields are showing the correct fields, the form acts as if it has been bound with the screwy list of fields, and starts asking for fieldnames which are on neither form as parameters. When I hit cancel the subform control is empty.

I'm at a loss as to what the problem is or how I should sort it out! Any suggestions gratefully received.

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Forms :: Subform - Object Doesn't Contain Automation Object

Jul 17, 2013

The error is:

The LinkMasterFields property setting has produced this error: 'The object doesn't contain the Automation object 'tblIndividual.' '

Then it also gives me the same one on another table.

I think it has something to do with the link master/child fields. I've tried all kinds of relationships with the three tables and can't figure it out.

I've tried uploading the database here but it won't. It's on my Sky Drive.

[URL] .....

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Forms :: Unbound Object Frame Inside Tab Control

May 24, 2013

On a Tab Control inside a from, I've created an Unbound Object Frame, referring to an MS Excel Work Sheet. The goal here is to link that Unbound Object Frame residing on the Tab Control and save the form/link.

Now, when I execute the code, the Object Frame is linked and updated, but when I close the form, the link inside the Object Frame is not saved! However, when I do the exact same thing without placing the Object Frame on one of the pages of the tab, so as regular control inside the form, all works fine.

The code is as follows (performed when I click the button);"OLETest" refers to the UnBound Object Frame placed inside the first page of a Tab Control inside the form.

With OLETest
.Enabled = True
.Locked = False
.Class = "Excel.Sheet.12"


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Forms :: Unbound Object Frame Takes Forever To Load

May 6, 2015

I'm experimenting with unbound object frames to embed an excel sheet in Access.If I have an excel application already open and busy, and then open my form, access freeze completely and won't do anything. My users will probably be running excel vba programs when they attempt to view this form, if there is no work around I'll have to drop the idea of embedding excel in access.

whenever an "external" thing wants to use excel (opening a file in explorer, etc), it uses the very 1st excel application open on the computer at this moment, instead of creating its own instance, or at least scanning for how busy the open application is. Because of that, I think that even loading the preview in the access form will try to use the current excel process even though it's completely busy.

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Clear Unbound Form

Jan 29, 2006

Hello all,

Need your help again.

I have an unbound form with text boxes and 1 check box.

I created a module named Reset;

Private Sub Reset()

[Sales].Value = ""
[Corporate].Value = ""
[EndDate].Value = ""

End Sub

1) I linked this module to a macro so that on clicking a button, the macro runs the module and closes it, but it's not working.
in my macro, I have open module: Reset
I also have clode module= Object: Module, Name: Reset
But this is not working

2) Also, how do I clear the check box?

Thanks again for the help.

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Forms :: Possible To Clear Filters Set On Subform Using Button On Main Form?

Jan 12, 2014

Is it possible to clear filters set on a subform using a button on the main form?

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Runtime Error When Trying To Clear An Unbound Cbo After Update

Dec 15, 2004

Greetings all,

I'm an Access newb, so please be gentle!

Using Access XP, I have a number of unbound combo boxes I use as search tools to locate specific records. Here is the code for one of them:

Private Sub Combo40_AfterUpdate()
If Not IsNull(Me.Combo40) Then
DoCmd.FindRecord Me.Combo40
End If
End Sub

I think I need to add something along the lines of:

Me.Combo40.Text = ""

To get it to clear the combo box after the FindRecord has executed. However, when I drop those 2 lines in either before or after the "End If", I get this:

"RunTime Error: 2115. The Macro or Function set to the BeforeUpdate Validation rule property for this field is preventing MS Access from saving the data in the field."

So, I hope this doesn't mean that you can't clear the combo box choice because it interferes with the FindRecord part of the code...Anyone know how to get the result I'm looking for? To define it clearly: I want the combo box selection area to clear the choice after the find record has succesfully completed. I don't want to clear the choices, just not show anything after a search completes.

Thanks in advance. I'm sure this one isn't that hard, but it is eluding me and I've only been doing access for about 3 months.


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Forms :: Set Source Of Control Box To Subform

Mar 30, 2013

I have a subform called DD subform

I have an unbound combo box named Target

How to I set the control source of Target to reflect my DD subform?

In control source, my only choices are the fields related to the subform, not the subform itself.

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Source Object

Dec 12, 2005


I have a form with a subform.
When i click a button on the "main" form i'm able to change the source object of the subform. But the subform now shows the records which are already present i want the subform to start with a new record.

Who can help me out ?

Thanks in advance

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Forms :: Updating Record Source Of A Subform

May 19, 2015

I currently have a query that a subform uses to display some results. In this case, there are 3 columns displaying the name of a sandwich, the ingredients, and the number of servings of each ingredient. It looks like this:

SandwichName IngredientName Servings
Accordian Lettuce 1
Accordian Ham 1
Accordian Cheddar 1
Accordian Mayonnaise 1

That is the current output to the subform. The SQL statement I use to generate this list is here:

SELECT [TBL_Sandwich].[SandwichName], [TBL_Ingredient].[IngredientName], [TBL_SandwichContent].[SandwichTotalServings]
FROM (TBL_Sandwich INNER JOIN TBL_SandwichContent ON TBL_Sandwich.SandwichID=TBL_SandwichContent.Sandwi chID) INNER JOIN TBL_Ingredient ON TBL_SandwichContent.IngredientID=TBL_Ingredient.In gredientID
WHERE TBL_Sandwich.SandwichID=6;

I have bolded the last item the 'SandwichID'. It is this number I need to change dynamically based on a button being pressed on the main form. Essentially they enter a new sandwich, put the ingredients in, save it io the database, and I save the servings for each item as 1. Now I'd like the new sandwich to be displayed in the subform using the new ID of the sandwich which was just created.

If I try to put this long SQL statement in the RecordSource property I am told it's too long for the property to handle so I can't set this property dynamically. how to get the subform to requery with the new ID number of the item I just generated. I can get the ID number via DLookup, that's easy, but setting the subform to use this is my problem.

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Forms :: Using A Query As Record Source Of Subform

Apr 4, 2013

I want to use a query as the record source of a subform. I want to be able to actually write the query out, not refer to a query object, because I want to change the query on the fly using VB.

This subform displays records when I have it opened by itself, but will not return records when it's displayed as a subform. Does writing the query out not work for subforms?

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Forms :: Using Subform As Record Source Criteria

Apr 16, 2013

I am trying to get a follow-on form to reference a subform. Here is what I currently have going:

I have two (2) tables: 00 Orders and 00 Products; both forms have primary keys "Orders ID" and "Product ID" respectively.

The "Orders ID" in "00 Orders" has a one-to-many relationship to "Orders ID" in "00 Products".

The user adds the main order details to "00 Orders" Table via "01 New Order" Form, and adds the ordered products to "00 Products" Table via a "00 Products Sub Add" Subform.

The user can then update the order via "02 Update Order" Form which has a "00 Products Sub Update" Subform.

This is working perfectly!

The "00 Products Sub Update" Subform has a "Contr Details" Button for each product ordered which opens a follow-up "00 Products Sub Update Contract Details" Form to allow the user to add additional details to the "00 Products" Table. I did this to reduce the size of the main form as the additional details are not needed to be viewed as the order process is going through the stages.

In the Record Source of this "00 Products Sub Update Contract Details" Form I have the criteria for the "Product ID" set to [Forms]![00 Products Sub Update]![Product ID]. This ensures only the additional details for the selected product come up on the form.

Everything works perfectly; I can add new orders, I can update orders, and the selected product comes up when I press the "Contr Details" Button on the "00 Products Sub Update" when it is a stand-alone Form.

What the problem is, Access asks for the user to "Enter Parameter Details" for "Forms!00 Products Sub Update!Product ID" when the "Contr Details" Button is selected in the "00 Products Sub Update" when it's a subform within the mainform.

So everything works when I use "00 Products Sub Update" as a Form by itself, but Access does not seem to be seeing the "Product ID" when "00 Products Sub Update" is a subform.

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Forms :: Changing The Record Source From Within A Subform

Nov 2, 2014

Can I change the Records Source of a subform from within that subform and do a requery to have a different set of records displayed'

I want to be able to refine the records displayed in the subform

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Forms :: Creating New Record In Subform - Button To Add New Object To Main Job

Jul 1, 2013

What i'm trying to do is add a new record to a subform. The problem is, I couldn't use a subform based on a table in order to achieve this. I needed extended information for it to be useful, so I made the visible part of the subform based on a query instead.I'd like to add a button that adds a new object to the main job. I'd like the adding of that button to call a new form allows you to fill in the information for that object (this called form actually contains 5 subforms to populate all the data of the object). That form works.

What I need is for the button to call the 2nd detailed form AND create the necessary entries in the project/object junction table.The idea as it is now is a button on the main form, but if it was possible to do so via continuous form in a subform, that's doable.

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Modules & VBA :: Scrolling Excel Worksheet Object Back To A1

May 18, 2015

I have a function which exports some data to Excel, performs some work, and then attaches the final report to an e-mail. As a result of various temporary columns being added / removed (for formulas to determine scope etc.), the main sheet ends up scrolled to the bottom of the used range. Before I attach it to the e-mail, I want to scroll the sheet back to the top-left corner (A1).


Public appExcel As Object ' Excel Application object (late-bound)
Dim objWorksheet As Object ' Excel Worksheet object (late-bound)
With appExcel
With .ActiveWindow
.ScrollRow = 1
.ScrollColumn = 1
End With
End With

It worked up until this week, when I had to make some changes to the rest of the code to refine the output. Now, when it hits the ".ScrollRow = 1" line, I get RTE I can get the sheet to scroll to the top-left before I save it? (Such that, when subsequently attached to the e-mail, the recipient will open the workbook at the top-left cell and not sacrolled to the bottom).

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Forms :: Continuous Form Or Subform With Dynamic Record Source

Aug 16, 2013

I would like to know how i can have a continuous form or subform with dynamic record source.

Before I was using a list box with dynamic row source and i had not problem.

Now about the continuous form i have problem when i define record source of form on the fly how we have to add fields to the form.

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Forms :: Continuous Subform - Unbound Check Box For Each Record

Nov 18, 2013

Working with Access 2000

I have a Continuous subform based on a query based on few linked tables.One of those tables has a Yes/No field which shows in the subform.

I want to be able to change the status of this field for each record independently, so I placed an unbound check box in the subform Detail section and a Command button on the subform Header section. However when I click one record check box, all of them change, I did not expect that. How do I move forward to get this done?

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Forms :: Open Query Results In Unbound Subform

Oct 28, 2014

I have a main form (start_protocol) with an unbound subform (placeholderform).

Using a button in mainform I open a search form (search_protocol) inside the unbound form, by the code:
[placeholderform1].Visible = False
[placeholderform].Visible = True
Me.placeholderform.SourceObject = "SEARCH_PROTOCOL"
The search form (has a run query button) is build from a query named: search_protocol.

I want to be able, as soon as I pass the button, to have the results (from the query) inside the unbound subform, of the main form (Start_protocol).

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Forms :: Possible To Sort Filter Column Without Subform Record Source Being A Query?

Apr 24, 2014

I have a form that shows multiple rows of linked/child records.The form in question is the "frmFilterNumberTypeView" form. When a particular filter is used (installed on an automobile), I would like to be able to click on the corresponding "Installed 1" button left of the filter number, so that by code, I can reduce the Qty on Hand by One, and insert the corresponding filter ID to the History table, along with the date/time the filter was used.

how to reduce the Qty on Hand, nor how to do the updates to the History table, I'll figure that out myself over the next week or two (hopefully it won't take that long). What I'm trying to figure out here is how I can associate the red "Installed 1" button with the filter to the right of whichever button I press.

how to sort the filter column on this same form. I'm fairly certain that this would be very easy to do if the subform in question was populated by means of a corresponding query, but I'm afraid that if I go that route that I'll spend another 20+ hours trying to figure out how to get the proper filter records to match the filter manufacturer, not to mention having to next figure out how to link the table so that if I modify any particular filter record, that I'll be able to have the associated table update accordingly.

Is it possible to sort the filter column without the subform record source being a query?

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Control Source For An Unbound Textbox

Oct 25, 2005

I have a form that uses a query as its control source. The problem I have is that on this form I have an unbound textbox that I need to show the result of another query in. I thought I could do this by using =[Query]![QueryName]![Field name] in its control source, but this isn't working.

What is the right way to go about this?


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Forms :: Highlight Unbound Subform Record That Matches Other Subform Record

Jan 22, 2014

I have two unbound unlinked subforms residing on a 3rd unbound main form. When I enter the current record on Subform1 I would like the matching record(s) on Subform2 to be highlighted or otherwise formatted. I can get this to work for only the first record on subform2 due to the way I have my code setup on Subform1:

Private Sub Accounting_Unit_Enter()
'find where AUs match. only works for first Subform2 record
If Me.[Accounting Unit] = Forms!MainForm.[Subform2]!AccountingUnit Then
msgbox "Match"
End If
End Sub

My thought was that I needed to reference the Recordset of Subform2 and search for all AccountingUnits that match the current AccountingUnit of Subform1,

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Forms :: Set Up Navigation Form - Search Unbound Subform Records

May 16, 2014

have set up a navigation form which contains 5 unbound subforms that are made visible or not visible thru the on click event of command buttons on the main form, the subforms have a command button with an embedded macro that searches for a record based on what has been keyed to an unbound text box on the subform, this works fine when the sub forms are opened independently of the navigation form but when the search is done from within the main form, the error message is, "....cannot find the referenced from frmAQIFAList" subform, I tried referencing the main form name infront of the subform name but this also doesn't work, perhaps this would be better with code ? or is it because the subforms are unbound ?

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How To Automatically Print The Source Document Linked To OLE Object

Jul 10, 2005

I have OLE Object connected to a source Document. Each time I change the source document to a new one by using the sourcedoc property and action property. What I need is how to programatically print this document.

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Reports :: Setting Subreport Source Object To A Report In A Collection

Apr 6, 2013

I am trying to join a number of reports into one report. I have a generic report which displays a different dataset given the user's choice on a form. I created a collection where I can store multiple instances of this report (called mcolReportInstances) - this works just fine.

I was looking to combine all the reports in the collection into one report. To that end, I have created a report with a number of subreport controls but with no sourceobject. In the On_Open event of this blank report, I am trying to set the source object of the subreport to one of reports in my collection:

Me.Controls("Child" & i).SourceObject = mcolReportInstances.Item(strKey)

However, it keeps giving me the error 'Type mismatch'.

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