Forms :: Lock Button Based On Subform Cell Value

Aug 30, 2014

I got a problem about form designing. i need to disable my Close Command button while my subform Price cell is null and enable the Delete button.

And while delete button is pressed the delete action occurred and close button enabled.

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Forms :: Lock / Unlock Textboxes Based On Option Button?

May 11, 2014

I have a form with 2 option buttons on it one with year 12 on it and one with year 13. I have a simple form with drop down menus and text boxes allocated for year 12s and 13s. I want all of the year 13 text boxes and drop down lists to be locked if year 12 is selected and I want all of the year 12 text boxes and drop down lists to be locked if year 13 is selected. I do not want to over complicate the form by hiding parts of it or having a new form open depending on the option button selected.

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Forms :: Disable / Lock Fields On Form And Subform Based On Checkbox

Feb 15, 2014

I am trying to lock records on a form and subform after a checkbox has been ticked, have used the code below from a previous post.

Private Sub Form_Current()
If Locked = -1 Then
Me.AllowEdits = False
Me.AllowAdditions = False
Me.AllowDeletions = False

[Code] .....

This is locking the Main form records is there a way to code this so that the fields on the subform are also locked when the checkbox is ticked?

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Forms :: Command Button To Unlock And Lock Fields / Edit Button?

Feb 19, 2014

I have created a web-database (? - There are globes over all the forms and tables icons) based on the Issues & Tasks template. This means that most of the data is entered and seen on the "Main" form, which has two tabs - Open Issues and Closed Issues. I have created a form that allows people at my work to input the necessary data and save it, so that it will show up on one of the two tabs. However, once a record has been created, I want to be initially locked if the ID/PK is clicked, so that data can't be changed or entered inadvertently.

SO, I changed the code so that when the ID/PK for a record is clicked, it brings up a different form, but one that looks exactly like the one that is brought up when entering a new form, but I locked all of the fields so that the information cannot be changed. It seems from what I have read that I can create a button on this form so that when clicked, it unlocks the fields on the form so that they can be changed, and then when clicked again it will lock the fields again. Is this true? If so, how can I do it? Or is there something similar I can do? I have seen codes that I could copy and paste, but I cannot figure out the place to copy and paste codes in Access 2010.

I have changed the Form properties so that Data Entry and all the "Allows" are set to No...

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Forms :: Control Form Command Button Based On Subform?

Sep 2, 2014

i have some command button and some combo box on my form and also a subform. the subform contains some field. the fields used to enter numeric values.

i need to disable my command button on the form based on the subform fields if they r null.

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Forms :: Return Value Based On Another Cell

Jul 9, 2014

I have a database (small one which i designed)

I have created all the tables.

I then have a "form" called July-14 (i need to figure out how i can automatically replicate this form for new months)

Anyway, one of the cells pulls out a product name (using the lookup wizard), i then have a cost cell which i would like to populate automatically based on the product name.

The table July-14 links to a product table which has ONLY those 2 attributes in there, the name and cost.

How do i get it to pull the cost automatically.

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Lock And Un Lock A Text Field Through A CMD Button

Jun 13, 2005

I need to lock and unlock a a few text fields with a CMd Button.

and i do know about the allowedits thing, but i only need to apply this to a few fields on my form.

can some one throw me a clue?

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Forms :: Button Click Event To Choose Between Forms To Open Based On TextBox Input

Jun 7, 2013

Making a small database, Got 1 Table.

1. ContactDetailTable

Got 3 forms.

1. ContactIDForm
2. ContactInfoForm
3. NewContactFrom

In ContactIDForm it contain 1 textbox name 'TextBox' with Button Name 'Btn'

In ContactIDForm there is only 1 Text Box ContactIDTextBox and 1 Button. User Enters ID in TextBox and On Button Click Event it should check data from TextBox in Table name (ContactDetailTable) in field ContactID and if there is record matching, ContactInfoForm should Open else NewContactForm should open with ContactIDTextBox value in it.

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Valildation Based On Previous Cell Entry

May 8, 2006

I'm new to this forum and I'm sorry if this is a repeat question...I looked in previous threads, but could not find my particular questions.

Here's the situation:
I enter a bird name in my form (I've set up a combo box of 200 choices). Each bird species has an max and min possible wing measurement. So when I enter a newly captured bird in my form, the wing measurement must fall between the minimum and maximum for that particular species. I've done similar things with cascading combo boxes, but can't figure out how to the do a between-type statement in this situation.

Thank you much,
LSU, Baton Rouge, LA

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Reports :: Hiding Rows Based On Cell Value

Aug 21, 2013

I have generated a report with my entire list of personnel, and I have created a column that generates thier age based of another column using this:


Now my question, im trying to hide the rows of those who age is older than 26. If thats not possible maybe highlight the entire rows of those under 26, i used conditional formatting to highlight the age, but not the entire row.

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Value Of A Specific Cell From A Subform

Nov 4, 2005

Hi experts,

I have a mainform in which there is a subform. Is there any way that I can retreive the value of the selected cell of the subform in the main form?
Currently what I usually do is that using a text box and setting it's control source to that special field in the subform, we have the value. But this is only for a specific field.
To explain my problem more precisely, I have a subform with 7 columns (fields) and 5 or 6 rows (datasheet view). When I click with the mouse on a specific cell ( or navigate within the subform with the arrow keys) I want to have the value of that cell in my main form.
Thanks in advance.

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Modules & VBA :: Autofill Cell Based On Previous Record Value

Aug 26, 2014

I am trying to write some vba code to auto fill a cell's value based on the value of the cell in the previous record (In a datasheet form) i.e. if the value in record one was '1' and the down-arrow key was pressed then the value '2' should be entered into the new ext record

I have written some pseudo-code to show what I am trying to accomplish:

if keydown = down-arrow and current cell contents isnumeric then
Cval = current cell contents
if current record = last record then
create new record
move down 1 record
set cell value of new record to cval+1
move down 1 record
if cell value = null then set cell value of record to cval+1
end if
end if

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Command Button, Need To Lock Data And Insert Date.

Sep 14, 2006

Well the title says it all. I need to create a button to lock the info on the form so it can't be edited and at the same time insert the date. Any ideas?

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Queries :: Pulling A Cell From One Table To Another Based On (Account Number)

Jul 22, 2013

Table 1:
Account Number
Start Date
End Date
Cost data**
Budget data**

Table 2 (Imported excel file with cost/budget data):
Account Number
Cost data**
Budget data**

Table 1 is the main table that will be viewable in this database. The idea here is that new Account Numbers can be added to Table 1 throughout the year. It then pulls the cost/budget data into Table 1 based on the matching Account Number between table 1 and 2.

So, if the Account Number (Table 1) = Account Number (Table 2) then it pulls the cost/budget data into the cells on that row. I am trying to make this automated since this data is updated weekly and imported into Table 2 from excel.

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General :: Copy A Format From One Cell In A Subform To Another

Aug 18, 2012

The Format Painter seems not to work in Access 2010.The Format Painter button is not in Home / Text Formatting, where you might expect to find it.I create a New Group and add the Format Painter icon. I cannot then use it. It stays greyed out.I add Format Painter to the Quick Access menu. It stays greyed out.If I view a form in Layout mode, I can sometimes get the Format Painter icon to highlight - but I cannot select just a single cell whose format I wish to copy.

Where use of the Format Painter is documented..How to do a very simple thing: copy a format from one cell in a subform to another.

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Forms :: Visible Radio Button Based On Field

Jul 14, 2015

I can do this if there is one record: ie

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.field1 ="DontShow" Then
Me.cmd_splt.Visible = True
Me.cmd_splt.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

This creates a button that masks my radio button i.e. hides it. However this only works on single forms.

I need it to be different for each record in a continuous form.

I am putting the code in the "OnOpen" property. Maybe that's my problem?

I've also tried conditional formatting but it wont over-ride a transparent text box.

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Forms :: Enable / Disable Button Based On Textbox

Aug 12, 2013

I'm trying to have a button in a form that, when clicked, will time stamp a text box already formatted for time. But once the text box is filled with a time, the button then disables itself for that record.

If I switch to another record where the text box is empty, the button will enable itself without closing the form, but obviously re-disable itself if I go to a record the text box is filled.

I'm sure I could use conditional formatting for it, but I don't think I'm going about it the right way. I already got a basic button built to timestamp.

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Forms :: Subform Box Beside Navigation Button

May 12, 2014

A message "Microsoft Office Access has stopped working" appears everytime I input something in the Subform [Search] box beside navigation button. After that, the database closes. Attached is the screenshot of my subform.

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Modules & VBA :: Lock Certain Fields On Form Based On Value In A Particular Field

Aug 4, 2015

I'm trying to lock certain fields on my form based on the value in a particular field. It seems to work the first time but applies itself to all other records in the database from then on!

The starting point is a command button that sends an email and makes Me.DPLLock = 1. The corresponding table entry is formatted as a number.

The code is...

Private Sub Form_Current()
If Me.DPLLock = 1 Then
Me.OR_Name.Locked = True
Me.OR_Sales_Order.Locked = True
Me.OR_WO_No.Locked = True
Me.OR_Qty.Locked = True

[Code] ....

Ive tried Me!DPLLock with the same result.

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Freeze/lock One Record In Subform

Dec 14, 2004

hi! I asked this question before, and i didn't understand the answer.
I have a form with a subform. at first, i disable the subform until the main form is filled completely. Then, I have a button to enable the subform. This button also disables the main form.
My first line in the subform needs to mirror the info in the main form. To do this, i open a recordset, and then use .AddNew to fill in the details.
I don't want this first line to be edit-able or delete-able once it has been filled. How do I lock it from being edited? Also, if I later decide to delete everything on the form, will i be able to clear the whole form if this line in the subform is locked?
Please helpp

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Forms :: Duplicate Button For Form / Subform

Sep 7, 2013

My programming abilities are mediocre, but not novice.I have a pretty large scale management system to build (more than 40 tables, lots of relationships, forms, etc). One of the structures in the database is the following:

+ Main table
++ Secondary table connected to Main table via FK1.
+++Tertiary table connected to Secondary table via FK2.

The above when making the user interface is expressed as a form (Main Table), a subform (Secondary table) and a subform within the subform (Tertiary table).

I need to create a button that duplicates the contents of the main table, the secondary table and the tertiary table. I have already been able to create a button that duplicates the contents of the main table and the secondary table by using Allen Browne's code found do I move forward to embedding in that method the ability to duplicate the contents of the Tertiary Table?

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Forms :: Command Button To Add New Record In Subform

Nov 5, 2013

I am designing a database to manage hospital patient data. I will have to enter info at various points, e.g. when a patient is referred, admitted, discharged...

So for example, I have a main form with the patient's name and two subforms, one with the referral details (e.g. date, name of referrer...), and one with the admission details (e.g. date, diagnosis). They are linked through Parent-child links to the main form by PatientID. So, when I enter a new PatientID in the main form, the ID in the subforms is automatically added/synchronized.

However, I would like it not to be...since not all patients that are referred are then admitted. Therefore I would like to have a command button in the main Form that allows me to control when a new patient record is added to the admission subform. In other words, I would like an "Add a new Record in the admissions subform" button, which then creates a new record, with matching PatientID in the admissions subform (and in the related table). Is this possible???

I have tried using the command button wizard but it either requires a record to be already present in the subform, or it takes me to the first record of the form, and not the matching PatientID one.

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Forms :: Inserting New Records With Button In Subform

Jul 25, 2013

I have a database consisting of two tables. One table is meant to be a running log of entries (Table A) and the other is simply used to house specific information relating to certain records (Table B). There is a form within the database that is used for data entry. Within that form there is a subform that has a button that will automatically insert a new record into the running log (Table A). This button currently carries over one value (a Doctor's ID) but I also need this button to begin carrying over my employee's name as well. I have tried numerous times and I can not get this second value to carry over.

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General :: Lock / Unlock Full Menu Based On A Password

Sep 28, 2014

I want to lock down and unlock the full menu based on a password..

For instance upon load of the database I would like it stripped down when a general user logs in... but if a admin logins in then they get all menus...

so based on the user type will dictate the menus visible.. cane this be achieved'''''''''''';

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Forms :: Disable Or Hide Button Based On Date Condition In MS Access

Jul 17, 2015

I have a form that has a listbox and a subform. The listbox lists names of events, start date and end date. The subform bellow reveals names of participants to the event that is clicked in the listbox. Against each participant's name is a button to delete the participant.How can I hide or disable the delete button if the start date of the event is past?

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Forms :: Getting Subform To Open To A New Record When Button Is Clicked

Mar 3, 2015

I have a subform [ctrlLogDetail] on a parent form [incidentdetails] that is opened by the user when they click on a button on a navigation form. These forms are used for a variety of purposes. The problem I'm having is that the user needs to be able to select an incident number and go to the appropriate form (I accomplish this by using this code: DoCmd.OpenForm "IncidentDetails", acNormal, , "Activity_ID = " & Me.cboINum in the on click event of the button.) This works appropriately. The subform is also appropriately linked to the parent form.

I need an additional line of code to have the subform go to a new record when the form opens to an existing incident number. Since I use this form/subform when doing different tasks, having the Docmd.RunCommand acCmdRecordsGoToNew in the Form on open event isn't optimal.

I only want the LogDetail subform to open to a new record when the user wants to add an entry, but not when they need to edit a specific entry. What is the appropriate syntax to use either in the openargs event of the openform command or elsewhere in the procedure so that the gotonew function on the subform only occurs when this button is clicked? I'm having difficulty getting access to understand that I want the subform to open to a new record but not the parent form.

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