Forms :: Naming File Exporting To Spreadsheet

May 10, 2014

I am exporting a single record to a spreadsheet. The code I have works fine. The problem is I want to have the spreadsheet contain the information that is in one of the forms textboxes, in this case a dogs name.

I have created a query to get the dogs name which works but I dont know how to get that query to run and then be put in the file name.

The code that I have is below

Private Sub btn_ExportDog_Click()
Dim strday As String 'The date
Dim sDest As String 'Where the file will be copied to
Dim sSource As String 'The name of the file to be copied
Dim strDogName As String 'The name of the dog that is geting exported
Dim strBackUp As String
strBackUp = "c:GPandDetectionDogTrainingLogBackUp"


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Modules & VBA :: Naming A File - SOW Number

Oct 23, 2013

I'm currently working with Access 2007 building a way to create PODs to clients. I have most everything laid out, one problem I can't seem to get around is naming the file the SOW #. Below is the code:

Function Run_all_PODs_01()
Dim myPath As String
Dim name As Object

DoCmd.OpenQuery "Q5 SOW bill requested data points all", acViewNormal, acEdit
DoCmd.OpenQuery "Q5 SOW bill requested All 01", acViewNormal, acEdit

[Code] ...

I can't seem to get the name to equal the SOW number.

The table that I'm trying to reference is "SOW bill requested data points" it is a basic table one row with a column header as SOW #. I'm not sure how to tell it name the file that data point in the column.

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Exporting A Querty To An Excell Spreadsheet

Dec 7, 2005

G'afternoon to all, I was wondering if someone can help me code a Command button named "Export to Excell" on form frmEdit. I need to export a query named qryTagnumber onto an excell spread sheet, Also if it isn't that hard and if it can be done, I would like to change the rev of the file name everytime I hit the button. Can this be done? Please see attached database. The Modules had to be removed for confidentiality of my company. These don't have to be used to run the program. They are just used for String functions. I look forward to your responses. Thanks...


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Modules & VBA :: Exporting Query To Excel Spreadsheet

Sep 18, 2014

I am trying to export a query to an pre-existing spreadsheet. I am new to VBA and when I implement the following code nothing happened.

Option Compare Database

Public Function Sheet(strTQName As String, strSheetName As String)

Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim ApXL As Object
Dim xlWBk As Object


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Exporting To A Specific Excel Spreadsheet, And A Specific Worksheet/cells

Oct 6, 2005


I have recently been doing a lot of work on this area. Im able to export to where i want to and run macros through the VBA code inside of Access to edit the spreadsheets. This is ok if your making a new excel workbook/worksheet.

But what im stuck on is exporting to a so called template in excel. I can export to it at the moment but creating a new worksheet, in which i have to then cut and paste the data into the correct worksheets through code and then delete the worksheet that i had been working from (which is annoying because you have to confirm the deletion of this worksheet, which is why i couldnt really do the process this way).

What i want to know is there a specific way of telling the data you are exporting from a table/query/querydef to go into a certain worksheet and into a certain cell. For example; a list of names, i want all the Surnames to go into a worksheet called "Claim_Breakdown" and start from cell "A15" downwards until they have all been exported into the worksheet.

Anyone have any ideas on how i could achieve this? Thanks.

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Forms :: Naming Form Controls Same As Field Names

Jun 13, 2013

Is it poor practice to name form controls with the same name as the field names?

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General :: Naming Of Tables / Queries / Forms And Reports For Identification

Sep 22, 2013

Is there any systematic way of naming Tables, Queries, Forms, and Reports in order to identify easily which of them are connected to each other?

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Exporting Error To .csv File

Feb 6, 2006

Wondered if someone could assist me.

I am exporting a query into a .csv file using the following:

Private Sub Output_To_CSV_File_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_export_Click
Dim AString As String
AString = "Export_Occupancy_"
DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "", "ChildCare Vouchers For Accor", "\uk.michaelpage.localdfsGroupDataNSCHElite Database ReportsChildCare.csv" & AString & Format(date, "YYYY_MMDD") & Format(Time, "-HH_MM") & ".csv", True

Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_export_Click
End Sub

This works fine, however the date format within my output file appears as:

13/05/1963 00:00:00

I wish this to be just 13/05/1963. I have formatted date etc. Is there something else I have overlooked?


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Exporting To A Text File

Mar 15, 2007


I am exporting a table to a text file and I am having a problem with decimal places. I have got a column which is showing a number with differing number of decimal places, between 0 & 3. The column is set to Data Type decimal with auto decimal Places setting.

When I export this to a text file, it automatically changes the field to be 2 decimal places. Is there anything that can be done about this? If I export it to an excel file, the formatting stays the same, but the table will be too big to export to excel at some point so I can't do this.

Kind Regards


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Exporting Tables To New MDB File

Mar 29, 2007

I want to export my tables to another new mdb file using only one click button command. Means when i click export button, prompt me to create new mdb file and then immediatly transfer to required tables in newly created mdb file and confirm or completed msg box appear.

Can any one help me in this regard or give me a code or anything.


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Exporting To Text File

Jan 8, 2007

I have searched the forum, and nothing seems to work!

I have a query that runs some fields off a table. I have ordered the query and the tables alphabetically by clicking the A-Z button when inview.

This is all very well, but when i click the export button on one of the forms, it exports it fine, but the data is not in order.

I am using acess 2003 with an unrealational database (no relationships are reequired)

Please Help!

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General :: Exporting To The Same XLS File?

Jan 10, 2013

I replied to post of Exporting to the same XLS file on 1/4, but didn't receive a reply. I need to export out from one table to Excel grouped by client ID to each worksheet. The Excel report will have approximately 15-20 worksheets. The DoCmd.Output exports each client to their own worksheet. Is it possible for this command to export one report with multiple worksheets (one for each client)? If so, will the DoCmd.Output work and how will the group by client criteria be implemented in the code?

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Exporting Database Into Exe File?

Nov 8, 2011

I wonder if there is a way of exporting (or something) the database into an exe-file or something? I would like it to be as easy as possible to use for users that cannot control Access. In other words, I don't want to be able to be able to make changes to all the tables, querys, macros, etc. I only want the master form to start when I start the database (I use a macro for that).

Is it also possible to use it without having access installed on you computer?

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Forms :: Refresh Pivot - Form Name Not Following Access Object Naming Rules

Sep 26, 2014

Access 2010 doesn't seem to like the last line. It gives me an error saying the form name doesn't following access object naming rules.

Sub update_subform()
Dim dbsCurrent As Database
Dim qryD As QueryDef
Dim strSQL1 As String, strSQL2 As String, strSQL3 As String
Dim mytmp As String
Dim proc As String, myot As String

[Code] .....

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Exporting A Report To Text File

Apr 21, 2006

In my database I would like my report to run every 30 seconds and export that data to a text file. I am not sure if that is best with a Do While or Do Until.

What I am looking to accomplish is to populate a map with data from the data base report. it needs to rerun the report and write the text file every 30 seconds to 1 minute.

Any help with the coding would be greatly appreciated.

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Choosing File Name When Exporting To Excel

Jul 11, 2006

I would like to have a dialog box open when the user clicks on a command box so that they can choose the file name and the directory where the exported excel spreadsheet would be saved. Does anyone have any ideas? Btw, my code to save an excel automatically is below and I would like to use code.

DoCmd.OutputTo acQuery, "qryPipelineAndCommission", "MicrosoftExcel(*.xls)", "ClientList.xls", True, ""


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Exporting Data To A Text File

Mar 26, 2007

I need to export data from a table in Access to a fixed length record text file and would like to find out how to export a number field into this text file with leading zeros.

The text file requires this 999999.99 and right justify and zero fill. My question is this: how can I zero fill from the table to the txt file? I went through the export wizard and couldn't see how to do it.


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Exporting Dates To A Tab Delimited File

Feb 14, 2007

i have a small table, about 14,000 records. currently all the dates in the table are YYYY-MM-DD 00:00:00. so 2007-2-28 00:00:00

I built a query and set the format to MM/DD/YYYY when I run the query the date showed correctly 02/28/2007 (no time stamp). However when I did the export it exported to the TXT file as 2007-2-28 00:00:00 (notice the months is only 1 character and it added the time stamp and it exported as the table format, not the query format)

I need to export this to a tab delimited file to send to another person. They are specifying MM/DD/YYYY (no time extension) and two characters for month and day regardless of day, i.e 02 not 2 etc.

I looked at access help, and have done a quick search, and I can not figure out how to do this.

Any help would be appreciated

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Queries :: Exporting A Query To TXT File

Aug 13, 2014

I am having trouble exporting a query from ACCESS 2010 to a .txt file. I have a field in the middle of the query, and I cannot get the data of this field unless I put it in the end of the query (as the last field). I think I must be doing something wrong, but I don't known what may that be.

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Reports :: Using Transfer Spreadsheet Command To Output Data In Query To Excel 2010 Format File

Aug 18, 2015

I'm working with Access 2010 and am trying to use the transferspreadsheet command to output data in a query to an Excel 2010 format file. Here is the line of code:

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12, "q_calldetails_tmp", "c: emp estoutput.xlsx"

It works fine and produces the output file but when I try and open it with Excel I get an error saying the format is incorrect. If I change the extension to .xls it opens with no problem but I need it to be an Excel 2010 format with correct extension.

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Exporting Data To Particular Locations In A Text File?

Sep 30, 2007

Ok, I have a question. It might be a ridiculously simple question. Also, i'm under the impression that I may have to learn some VB, which i'm okay with. I've never really used MS Access, it has sat neglected on my desktop for a number of years and now I am starting to see just how powerful it is. By the way, I'm Jamie, nice to meet you all :) Now, onto the questionWhat i'd like to do is take the following database (for example)field1 = namefield2 = locationfield3 = favourite movieNow, i'd like to generate the following text from this database, for each entryDear <<name>>I once knew a man from <<location>>Was never really much of a <<favourite movie>> fan.Optionally, i'd like it to store the text for each seperately generated document in a file named <<name>>.txt, but that isn't needed urgently.It reminds me of a mail merge I learned to do a few years back in high school using appleworks (I am assuming it was appleworks).Anyway yes, thankyou in advance for any help with this.Jamie

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Exporting Dates From Query To Txt File As String

Jan 2, 2007

I have a complex query that I am exporting to a tab delimited text file.

The query has three date fields, and a time field. The query export results in both the date and time portions of the value being shown instead of one or the other.

I have tried using the format function to force the dates to only show the date portion, and the time field to only show the time portion. So far, without luck.

I would greatly appreciate help from someone who can spot what I am doing wrong. The sql for my query is below.

SELECT tblSiteVisits.RunID AS TripID, Format([tblSampleRuns]![RunDate],"mm/dd/yyyy") AS [Trip Start Date], Format([tblSampleRuns]![RunDate],"mm/dd/yyyy") AS [Trip End Date], [RunName] & " " & [tblSampleRuns]![RunDate] AS [Trip Name], "LUMMI001" AS [Project ID], tblSites.SiteNumber AS [Station ID], STORET_SiteVisitNum.VisitNum AS [Station Visit Number], [tblSiteVisits]![SiteVisitID] & "-" & [tblParameters]![Matrix] AS [Activity ID], [tblParameters]![Matrix] AS Medium, Storet_ActivityCategories.Activity_Type AS [Activity Type], Storet_ActivityCategories.[Activity Category], tblSampleData.QCIndicator AS [QC Indicator], STORET_Replicate.RepNo AS [Replicate Number], Format([tblSampleRuns]![RunDate],"mm/dd/yyyy") AS [Activity Start Date], "" & Format([VisitTime],"hh:nn:ss") & "" AS [Activity Start Time], STORET_TimeZoneOutput.TimeDatum AS [Activity Start Time Zone], "" AS [Depth to Activity], "" AS [Depth to Activity Units], tblSiteVisits.SiteComments AS [Activity Comments], Storet_MethodsProcedures.ProcedureID, IIf([LabParam]=-1,"WSWB","") AS [Gear ID], Storet_Characteristics.CharacteristicName, IIf(IsNull([PracticalDetectionLimit]),Str([Value]),IIf([Value]<[PracticalDetectionLimit],"Present < QL",Str([Value]))) AS [Result Value], tblUnits.UnitName AS [Result Value Units], Storet_Fractions.Fraction, "" AS [Result Comment], "" AS Personnel, IIf([tblParameters]![LabParam]=-1,[LabID],"") AS [Laboratory ID], Storet_MethodsProcedures.ProcedureID AS [Field/Lab Procedure], Storet_MethodsProcedures.SourceAcronym AS [Field/Lab Procedure Source], "" AS [Analysis Date], "" AS [Analysis Time], "" AS [Analysis Time Zone], "" AS [Lab Sample Prep Procedure], "" AS [Lab Sample Prep Procedure Source], tblSampleData.PracticalDetectionLimit AS [Detection Limit], tblSampleData.UnitID AS [Detection Limit Unit], "F" AS [Result Status], tblStatisticTypes.StatisticType AS [Statistic Type], IIf(IsNull([tblSampleData]![StatisticTypeID]),"Actual",[ValueType]) AS [Value Type]
FROM ((Storet_StaticFields RIGHT JOIN tblSites ON Storet_StaticFields.StaticFieldID = tblSites.StaticFieldID) RIGHT JOIN ((tblRuns RIGHT JOIN (tblSampleRuns LEFT JOIN STORET_TimeZoneOutput ON (tblSampleRuns.RunDate = STORET_TimeZoneOutput.RunDate) AND (tblSampleRuns.RunID = STORET_TimeZoneOutput.RunID)) ON tblRuns.RunTypeID = tblSampleRuns.RunTypeID) RIGHT JOIN (tblSiteVisits LEFT JOIN STORET_SiteVisitNum ON tblSiteVisits.SiteVisitID = STORET_SiteVisitNum.SiteVisitID) ON tblSampleRuns.RunID = tblSiteVisits.RunID) ON tblSites.SiteID = tblSiteVisits.SiteID) RIGHT JOIN ((Storet_Fractions RIGHT JOIN (Storet_Characteristics RIGHT JOIN tblParameters ON Storet_Characteristics.CharacteristicID = tblParameters.CharacteristicID) ON Storet_Fractions.FractionID = tblParameters.FractionID) RIGHT JOIN (Storet_MethodsProcedures RIGHT JOIN (Storet_ActivityCategories RIGHT JOIN (STORET_Replicate RIGHT JOIN (((tblSampleData LEFT JOIN tblStatisticTypes ON tblSampleData.StatisticTypeID = tblStatisticTypes.StatisticTypeID) INNER JOIN STORET_ActivityType ON tblSampleData.ResultID = STORET_ActivityType.ResultID) LEFT JOIN tblUnits ON tblSampleData.UnitID = tblUnits.UnitID) ON STORET_Replicate.ResultID = tblSampleData.ResultID) ON Storet_ActivityCategories.ID = tblSampleData.Activity_Category) ON Storet_MethodsProcedures.MethodID = tblSampleData.MethodID) ON tblParameters.ParameterID = tblSampleData.ParameterID) ON tblSiteVisits.SiteVisitID = tblSampleData.SiteVisitID
WHERE (((Storet_Characteristics.CharacteristicName) Is Not Null) AND ((IIf(IsNull([PracticalDetectionLimit]),Str([Value]),IIf([Value]<[PracticalDetectionLimit],"Present < QL",Str([Value])))) Is Not Null) AND ((tblSampleRuns.RunDate) Between [forms]![fmExportStoret]![StartExport] And [Forms]![fmExportStoret]![EndExport]) AND ((tblSampleData.SampleStrata)=1 Or (tblSampleData.SampleStrata)=2 Or (tblSampleData.SampleStrata)=3) AND ((tblSampleData.Exported_To_Storet)=[Forms]![fmExportStoret]![ExportType] Or (tblSampleData.Exported_To_Storet)=0));

and the code for the export is

Dim MYPATH As String

MYPATH = CurrentProject.Path & "EXPORTRESULTS" & Format(Date, "mmddyyyy") & ".txt"


Thanks for taking the time to help :)

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Exporting Data To Excel And Opening The File?

Mar 9, 2005

Hi guys, this might be a quickie, I did a quick search but couldn't find anything :/

Basically my database creates a table which some people would rather analyse within excel because they're not comfortable with access. I can get the table exporting to an xls file no problem, howeevr what I would like is for the database to export the file and open the file in excel at the same time so the user doesn't need to open up excel and find the file etc...

Any ideas??

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Exporting Data From A Form To Another Access File

Sep 23, 2004

I created a form which is opened by a query, it displays several fields. I need to find a way to export/add these results into a new access table. I need to do by using a button..

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Modules & VBA :: Exporting A Form To Excel File

Mar 4, 2015

i have a form and i want to export it to excel file the form will be updated someties and the data will be changed here is my code, but there is a problem with it


Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim xlApp As Object
Dim xlBook As Object
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sql As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim Conn1 As ADODB.Connection
Dim Cmd1 As ADODB.Command


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General :: Exporting Excel File From Query

Dec 17, 2013

Am trying to export an excel (97-03) file from a query I have. Some of the columns have exported as number values (as its linked via unique id's). I want it to export certain columns as the text columns. I have tried the lookup route but it doesn't seem to make a difference.

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