Forms :: Refresh Parent Form And Move To Next Record On Subform

Dec 10, 2013

I have two subforms on a "Page"/Tabs. Subform #1 is a continuous form which accepts data about dimensions of a pattern piece. The other subform needs to update its information display each time the last control of the first subform loses focus, because it tells me how much material is required for all pieces of this pattern that are entered.

My first feeble attempt at this was to add the following code to the "Lost Focus" event of the final control on the first subform:

This succeeded in forcing the second subform to re-run its calculation.

However, after the recalculation took place, I wasn't able to move to the next record on the first subform. This subform is a continuous form, and I need to be able to add another row of data and then see the second subform change based on the additional information in the first subform.

Obviously I've done this wrong.

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Forms :: Refresh / Save Field On Parent Form

Sep 4, 2013

I need to refresh listbox field (Total_price) situated on parent form. My sub form is called "Lines_form". I want to sum values of all lines for column "price". Result of calculation I want see in parent form in field "Total_price". My parent form is called "Main_form".

On "price" field settings I used AfterUpdate event : Me.Parent!Total_price.Requery

I see result in parent form, but value isn't saved to table and I can't use it in next calculations.

I need refresh/requery/save patern form. I try this code:

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord

but it doesn't work.

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Forms :: How To Make Form Refresh After Deleting A Record In Subform

Sep 3, 2014

I have been trying to figure out how to make a form refresh after deleting a record in a subform. The code in the combo box that populates the subform works fine. If you select the "Action" of "sign" from the unbound combo box above the subform, it places "Sign" in the the subform and then makes a checkbox on the main form [WillTake] = True.

But when I delete the record by right clicking on the entry, the focus is sent back to the main form so I can refresh the form and thus update the [WillTake] checkbox. I have tried just about everything. I can get the focus to a field on the form, but I cannot figure out how to refresh or requery the form.

The code to transfer focus is on the OnDelete of the subform.

I have included a watered down version of the DB.

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Forms :: Selecting Record In Parent Subform From Child Continuous Subform

Jan 26, 2014

I have two subforms on a main form. Both use similar queries and nearly the same set of records and PK. The first subform is for data entry and the 2nd subform is a continuous form that lists the entries in order that are made from the 1st Subform. (for entering in vacation days and appointments)

The continuous form cannot be edited, it is to be a list for viewing the information only.

I have an edit button next to each record on the continuous form. When the button is clicked, I want it to take the 1st subform to that specific record as well (same PK), so the information can be edited there.

I cannot figure out how to get the 1st subform to go to the record on the continuous form when the button next to that record is clicked on the continuous form.

I tried the DoCmdSearch for record and just keep getting object is not open errors.

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Forms :: New Parent Record When Clicking On Subform

Jun 5, 2015

I want to force an autonumber field on a parent form to start a new record when clicking on a subform, so that value can be passed to new records in the subform. Is there a simple way to do this?

I'm using Access 2010. I have a parent form based on a query that does not have any fields intended for input but has an autonumber ID field. The subform is based on a query that finds records based on the ID field in the parent. When the parent ID field has a value it works perfectly, including adding new records in the subform. When the parent ID field is blank, though, I can add new records in the subform but the ID field does not populate.

I made a workaround by adding a Yes/No field to the parent and its query that users can click to create a new record, so the ID field has a value to pass to the subform. This works fine, but I feel like there should be a better way to do this without user clicks.

Via VBA, I've tried setting the parent form to dirty, and setting the Yes/No field to Yes, along with a variety of less likely candidates like refreshing and requerying. I've tried the above on various events including the parent LostFocus; the subform Got Focus, On Click, On Mouse Move; and the same events for control on the subform.

At this point I'm not sure whether the problem is my event choice, or the object method I'm using, or just the syntax for my control references. Or maybe this is actually more complicated than I think and sticking with the checkbox option is the best way to go.

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Forms :: Subform Needs Values From Parent Form

Jan 10, 2014

In the detail of the parent form, there is a tab control block and each has subforms on them that are exactly alike for WorkOrder Notes, History, Specs When the Work Order subform is accessed (connected by SerialNumber, WorkOrderID and CertDate) the default WorkOrderID should default from the parent form, the SerialNumber should default from the parent form, and the CertDate should also default from the parent form.

What is the syntax to get these fields to default to the values parent form BUT not specifically referencing the name of the parent (because there are 5 differnt parent forms)?

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Forms :: Update Parent Form After Subform Updated?

Mar 30, 2015

Parent form/table, with a subform (separate table, 1:M link on "ID") The parent form data stays fairly constant (occasional change/update), with multiple entries in the subform for each parent record which are added to more frequently The master table has a field "last interaction" which I need to update whenever a new entry is made in the subform/subtable It updates fine when I change an entry in the parent table/form, but not when I add a new subentry for that parent

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Forms :: Next Record On Parent Form

Apr 18, 2014

I have a parent form tied to one table, and a subform in it that is tied to another table. The relationship is one-to-many, and if there is more than one record in the subform, when clicking next or previous, it scrolls through the subform items. I would like the Previous and Next buttons to move to the Previous or Next parent record, not the child records.

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Forms :: Fill Datasheet Subform Based On Selection In Parent Form?

Dec 6, 2013

What I have is a form that takes in information regarding test data. Each test run can record data for multiple requirements. I am able to pull all data fine, however in order to make it easier on the user i was hoping to populate the requirements subform based on a selection of "test group" in the main form.

Commonly run together requirements can fall in to groups. I have a selection box for these groups in the main form and a table that stores these group id's and group setup. Is there a way to autofill the tables records that the subform is linked to based on the selected test group?

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Forms :: Delete Records In Subform Based On Check Box In Parent Form

Mar 1, 2015

I have a parent form and connected to it is a subform. On the parent form I have a checkbox which enables and disables fields on the parent form and also hides the subform.

What I want to do is when the user unchecks the checkbox, this action also deletes the associated subform records, if there are any.I'm sure that this can be done with an SQL Delete query in VBA.

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Forms :: Auto Populate Subform Based On Selection In Parent Form

Apr 30, 2015

I've got a Parent form (frmProspectDetails) with a subform linked (fsubProspectSkill).

This form is for users to enter general information on a prospect (names, position, height, weight, etc) on the parent form and skill levels on the subform.

Currently the subform is set so the user has to manually select the specific skill set for the prospects position, and then enter a value for each skill level(1-99).

I'm trying to get the subform to auto populate with a specific skill set based on the position selected in the parent form, so the user only needs to input the skill level without selecting each specific skill.

This data is then stored in a table (tblProspectSkill)

To add, I've created a form (frmPosition) that lists the specific skills set for each position.

I'm not sure how to get this subform (fsubProspectSkill) to auto populate with the specified skill set from frmPosition.

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Forms :: Check / Uncheck Checkbox On Parent Form If Records Exist Or Not In Subform

Jul 23, 2015

I have a parent form which has a yes/no checkbox in the form's record source. Then in that parent form I have a sub-form. If NO records exist in the sub-form I want the checkbox to be UN checked. If records DO exist in the sub-form, I want the checkbox to be CHECKED.

But I want this to happen as records are added or deleted from the sub-form. In other words, if the parent form is opened and no records exist in the subform then the checkbox should be unchecked. But as soon as the first record has been entered in the subform, the checkbox on the parent form should be checked. Likewise, as soon as the last record has been revoved from the sub-form, the checkbox on the parent form should be unchecked.

What code do I need to accomplish all of this?

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Forms :: Move Subform To Behind Main Form

Apr 13, 2013

I have a form with a subform in it. The subform is actually going to actually have more information and is going to take up the majority of the form. The reason why it's the subform instead of the main form is because of the nature of the parent/child relationship.

Layout-wise I'd like to have the content of the main form in the top left, with the subform taking up the space from the top right down to the bottom. This ends up covering the content of the main form in the top left. I tried using the Send to Back function on the subform but it still blocks the main form.If there's no easy way then I guess I'll just have to have the entirety of the subform below the main form content.

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Forms :: Refresh Subform On One Form While Closing Another?

Apr 14, 2014

I have two ways to enter work placements for students, I need to refresh a subform on one form while closing another.

The issue here is the form with the subform may not be open as mentioned above.

So is it possible on closing one form to refresh a subform only if it's parent form is currently open?

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Forms :: How Move To Next Record After Fill Mask In First Record In Access Form

Jun 27, 2013

How move to next record (without enter) after fill mask in first record in access form?

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Forms :: Save Form Record On Move To Next Field In Record?

Jan 15, 2014

After I enter data into one field in a record I would like the form to save the record when I move to another field in the same record. It seems that the record is only saved when I exit it entirely. Is there a way to save a record when moving between fields in that record? Can this be done without using an Event Procedure for each field?

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General :: Find Record From Field In Subform And Then Return Its Parent Record

Feb 6, 2014

I have a database which has a main form and subform built in linked by parent/child customerid, what i would like to do is search all the subform records from the whole DB and return its parent record on the main form?

Can this be done? because if i use find it will only search the filtered form i have onload of the form?

My onload event is based on fosusername()

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Cancel Record In Subform If Click Cancel On Parent Form Before Save

May 24, 2014

I have a form and a subform in it. I added New cancel button in the form so that the the user can cancel the record creation and no record will be inserted in the parent table.

But when details are entered in the subform (a datasheet) row records will be created in the subform table. what is the correct method or how to cancel these records if the user choose to click cancel button on the parent form.

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Forms :: Requery Control On Subform From Main Form - Refresh List?

Sep 8, 2014

I have a form called Add New Delegation, i have combo box of Institution names on the main form and a subform for Agreements discussed. with a combo box called agreements. I successfully cascaded the combo boxes so that the agreements discussed on the subform are filtered by their respective institutions on the main form. However i am unable to refresh the list each time a new institution is selected as the Macro will not allow me to requery a control on the mainform from the subform..

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Disable Subform When Creating Record In Parent

Jul 27, 2004

I'm having difficulty controlling data entry to (disabling) a subform when a new record is being added to the parent form. I can set the subform to be disabled if there is no index value in the parent form (this allows the subform to function for existing records) but then the user has to create the parent record and move off of that record and then return to it in order to add child records to the subform. This is basically a create new records/data entry problem and I'm feeling pretty stupid. There must be a way to handle this...

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"Save Record" Button In A Subform To Also Refresh The Data In The Main Form

Mar 26, 2005

I have a form which contains one subform. On the subform I have a command button which saves the record just entered. On the main form I have a "refresh form data" button which updates the main form so that the calculated controls can show the correct results based on the data just entered?

Can anyone tell me how I can get the "save record" button in the subform to subsequently refresh the data in the main form as well, thus saving a button???

Many thanks.


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Forms :: Refresh Pivot Chart In Subform After Changing The SQL Of The Subform's Query?

Sep 16, 2014

I have a form, a couple of comboboxes and text boxes on it. When these are filled out, the SQL of a query is changed using these parameters.

There are three subforms on the form, all pivot charts, all based on the query being changed.

The goal would be to update all three according to the user-given parameters.

Right now the subforms only update if I close and open the form, which is probably not the best solution, since it's too slow.

I've also tried to requery and refresh them, with no result.

Then I tried to overwrite the recordsource of the subforms with the same text that was originally there. This got them to refresh their data, but then all of the charts disappeared and had to be built again, so this is a no go too.

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Refresh Subform After Deleting Record

Jan 10, 2006

Ok heres the situation, I have one form(frmBikes) that i use to filter the results in a subform(frmSubBikes). From the main form i have a button which opens another form(frmSell) which allows me to enter the sold price and when "cmdSell" is pressed many delete and append queries are run on the data stored in (frmSubBikes). When this button is pressd the deleted record has #deleted in each field where as it should be gone and i get this error message.
(The expression you entered refers to an object that is closed or does not exist)
What do i need to change? my minds been off this project for ages now ive got a brain block so help would be appreciated.

this is the code for "cmdSell"

If MsgBox("You are about to complte selling transaction: " & r & ". " & Chr(13) & " Is that correct ? ", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, " User Accounts") = vbYes Then

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "appSoldBikes", acNormal, acEdit
DoCmd.OpenQuery "UpdSoldBikes", acNormal, acEdit
DoCmd.OpenQuery "DelHires", acNormal, acEdit
DoCmd.OpenQuery "DelRepairs", acNormal, acEdit
DoCmd.OpenQuery "DelSoldBikes", acNormal, acEdit
Me![frmSubBikes].Form.Filter = Searchstr
Me![frmSubBikes].Form.FilterOn = True
End If
Exit Sub

Hope you can help,
Thanks Sci

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Forms :: Subform Control Event - Identify Parent And Child Forms

Jun 20, 2013

I have a listbox on a subform (or a subform within a subform).

When it is clicked I want all other listboxes to unselect.

There may be listboxes on the mainform, on other subforms, on other subforms of subforms.

I imagine I'm looking at a recursive function of some sort, but I'm not entirely sure of syntax to identify parent and children forms...

pseudocode so far:
loop all controls
if control = listbox, unselect all
if control = subform - recurse: loop all subform controls
if control = parent... err... Fail.

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Forms :: Pre-populating A Subform With Parent Data

Jun 2, 2015

I have a parent and sub form in dataset view.

What I would like to do is prepopulate the subform with data from the parent form when I create a new item of data..

When I click the "+" button Field1 on my subform is populated by Field1 on the parent.

I have tried beforeupdate on both the subform properties and the subform.Field1 properties.

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Forms :: Query Criteria Used For Same Subform In Multiple Parent Forms

Apr 11, 2014

I have a sub form that shows me a companies history. This subform is used on 2 different Parent forms. The record source for the sub form uses a criteria that looks at a companyID field on the parent to determine which records to return. My question is how do I have the query criteria depend on which form is currently opened? The criteria would look something like this:

[Forms]![frmCompanyHistory]![txtCompanyID] OR [Forms]![frmCompany_Project_Details]![txtCompanyID]

If I open the form with this criteria, I will be asked for a value in txtcompanyID for whatever parent form is not open. How do I properly do this without making multiple queries that are almost identical?

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