Forms :: Using 3 Fields On A Form To See If Record Already Exists Or Not

Feb 23, 2015

I have a table with a 3-part primary key. Have a form with 3 unbound controls corresponding to the 3-part table key.

After the 3 form fields have been entered, I want to search the table to see if a record with the same 3 fields on the table exists. If it does I want to go to another form to enter data for a related table carrying forward the 3 key fields.

If it doesn't I want to go to a different form to keep the 3 fields already entered from form 1 and add additional fields to complete the record.

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Forms :: Warn A User If Record Already Exists?

Dec 2, 2013

What is the best way to warn a user if a record already exists?I've looked at some examples that use an SQL SELECT statement with a recordset to compare existing records against the one the user is entering but i'm not sure which event this should be triggered by - eg; would it be the control's 'After Update' ,on 'Dirty' or 'Change' event? Would the record have been saved when the 'After Update' is fired- if not then it would not be found in the recordset and the SQL would not work....

how to create a textbox function that automatically searches and completes the textboxt based on exisitng records (like the cell autocomplete feature in Excel)? This could then populate the form with the existing record fields (if found ) and the user could update the record if necessary?

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Forms :: Check If Record Exists Button

Oct 29, 2013

I have a database that involves a lot of data about ppl and I'd like to prevent duplicate entries.

I have a form that gathers data. I'd like to have a button after name, surname and birthday are written.

A click on the button would display a msgbox that says that person already exist, maybe even with the added - edit the old entry/add new record anyway/abort options.

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Table Record Entries Exists But 0 Shown In Form

Jul 23, 2005


In the current db there are some tables and queries, forms designed around them

With one table Test

That has 3 records in them

Just won't show in form anymore, at this stage

The Form was working previously. This is the second time this problem has came up, I thought it would go away if I made a new form and pasted all the controls and codes. It indeed went away for a while until this problem hit me again...

This db is in Access 2000 format and designed using Access 2003

I would appreciate if anyone is willing to point me to the right directions, many many thanks in advance

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Queries :: Check If Record Exists Before Inserting From Form?

Jul 2, 2014

The problem I have is, that I need to insert an apointment into de database but first I need to verify if there is a record or an apointment in that room that day the same hour, if that is so send a msgbox saying an apointment already exist in that room this day at this hour.

i tried using dlookup but it only works in one record using just one criteria

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Forms :: Check If Form Exists

Sep 9, 2014

I have the following vba to check if a table exists, but I can not find on the net how to check if a form exists, I tried to modify this script but there does not seem to be a formdef


Sub table_Exists()
Dim dbs As Database
Dim tbl As TableDef
Dim dbsExist As Object
Dim tablename As String
tablename = "Table2" ' Your Table Name
Dim exists As String


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Forms :: Highlight Some Fields On A Form If Their Value Differs From Previous Record

Dec 9, 2014

I wish to highlight some fields on a form if their value differs from the previous record.

I'm OK with the code to determine this, but unsure as to where to put the code to set the fields initially?

I have two strings txtPrevPayment_Method and txtPrevProduct.

Where can I set them 'once' to be the same as the first record loaded in the form. Then in the Current event I check if they have changed and set font colour accordingly.

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Add Record If None Exists

Mar 23, 2006

I have a table (tblSales) with these fields (RecDate, Code, Type, OrderCount).

I also have a linked table (lnkSales) with these fields.

Daily I append the data from the lnkSales to tblSales.

The tblSales table must have a record for each code daily.
These are the codes (01,02,05,07,09,10,15).

I need to automatically add a record for each code that wasn't appended.

For example,

lnkSales contains:
03/22/06 01 Mc 3
03/22/06 02 Mc 1
03/22/06 05 Mc 1
03/22/06 07 Mc 2
03/22/06 10 Mc 1

When appended to tblSales there is no record for code 09 or 15.

I need to add these records to tblSales
03/22/06 09 Mc 0
03/22/06 15 Mc 0

Can someone explain the best way to accomplish this?


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Create Record If None Exists

Mar 23, 2006

I have a table (tblSales) with these fields (RecDate, Code, Type, OrderCount).

I also have a linked table (lnkSales) with these fields.

Daily I append the data from the lnkSales to tblSales.

The tblSales table must have a record for each code daily.
These are the codes (01,02,05,07,09,10,15).

I need to automatically add a record for each code that wasn't appended.

For example,

lnkSales contains:
03/22/06 01 Mc 3
03/22/06 02 Mc 1
03/22/06 05 Mc 1
03/22/06 07 Mc 2
03/22/06 10 Mc 1

When appended to tblSales there is no record for code 09 or 15.

I need to add these records to tblSales
03/22/06 09 Mc 0
03/22/06 15 Mc 0

Can someone explain the best way to accomplish this?


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If Primarykey Value Exists, Bring Up Record

May 9, 2007


I am trying to figure out how to make my database check to see if the primary key value is a duplicate of anything ive entered previously and if yes, for my database to bring up that record instead of adding a new record.

I know how to do bring up records using a separate combobox (find) but I cant seem to do it using the primary key field itself.

Many thanks in advance.

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Check Query To See If Record Exists

Dec 4, 2006

Hello all,
I have a form that looks at my "master table" where users put in general info about a sheet of material.
There are two combo boxes on this form, Batch# and Lot#. They will use the same Batch# and Lot# for many sheets. Every time a new batch and lot are entered, this will bring up a pop-up form where the user needs to take a measurement of that batch and lot for QA. This will go into a different table, where the batch and lot #'s are unique(many of the same batch#'s with different Lot#'s).
After the lot# is entered, I want to run a query in VB that looks for those unique identifiers, and if it doesn't find a record, my pop-up form will run.
This is probably something very easy....... It was a very long weekend and I'm tired of thinking.


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Check If (Exact) Record Already Exists

Feb 29, 2008

Hey all,



Combo BoxesiProductiBrand

For a couple of days now I've been trying to devise a way to achieve what I want, but I just keep going in circles and hitting errors (thanks to forum members, I've been able to solve most of them.) So, here's what I want to be able to do:

Input a product using the iproduct combo box (which gets its list of values from the Products table); its brand, using the ibrand combo box; and its size using the isize textbox, all in the frmFoodSub form. I then want it to check to see if an exact record already exists (ie. the same product, same brand, same size.)

If it doesn't exist, I want to create it. If it does, I want to do nothing. Then I want the product - either the one I just created, or from a record that already exists matching the iProduct input - to be input into the product field of the PurchaseDetails table. I then want to use iQuantity and iPrice textboxs, already linked to the PurchaseDetails table, to input the newly added product's quantity and price.

I hope my explanation was clear enough. I'd appreciate any help with this you may be able to offer.

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Modules & VBA :: Check If Value In A Record Exists And If So Indicate Which One?

Jan 2, 2014

I have created a form which enbles users to enter data into the fields which will add a new record to my table. What I am trying to do now is to create some kind of validation rule that will check whether the record already exists.

I need it to work this way; there are four input fields- 3 text and 1 is a date filed. When the user enters a new record they are not allowed to create a record that conatins the same combination of values. So if one record has for example filed 1 = 1 field 2 = abc field 3 = def; then no other record can have the same combination of values.

If the user enters an already existing combination there would be an error message saying which field is incorrect. If the combination doesn't exist it would add the record and display a message that the record was successfully added.

How can I do this?

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Modules & VBA :: Check To See If A Record Exists First?

Sep 10, 2014

I have a form, which has a combo box which a user can select an employee - the combo has three columns (Employee_Number, Surname, Initials) although the Employee_Number column is set at a 0 width, so not visible.

The form is bound to a query which only shows records that are 'Active'

When a user selects and employee in the combo box, I want the AfterUpdate event to check and see if there is already an active record - if there is, throw up an error message and then reveal a couple of buttons giving choices what to do next; if there isn't an active record, reveal three textboxes and then populate those textboxes with the values from the three columns from the combo.

The bit that is sticking me is the search - - I have tried DCount, but can't seem to get it to work

Here is the section of code that I am battling with:

Dim EmpNo As String
EmpNo = cboEmp_Check.column(0)
If DCount("Employee_Number", "Incomplete_Training", "Employee_Number=" & EmpNo) > 0 Then
MsgBox "Existing", vbOKOnly

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Check If Record Exists In Table

Feb 6, 2013

I am trying to check if a record exists in a table.

Dim cert As String
Dim existingRec As Variant
existingRec = DLookup("[Certificate]", "[Fire]", "'cert' = 'cert'")
If existingRec = Null Then

MsgBox "The Certificate " & existingRec & " is in the database"
End If

Note - Certificate is a column in the table "Fire"

Problem is that existingRec only finds the first value in the Certificate column, How do I get to check the entire Certificate column?

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Save Record Only If Same Exists In Another Table

Jan 7, 2013

table A has 10 records where 1 field is set as REQUIRED/UNIQUE. the table B does not have any record but have a same field like table A. what I want is that if user insert the record in table B it should first check whether record is already present in table A or not, if already exists it should not accept insertion. and if not already there in table A it should insert record in table B.

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Modules & VBA :: DCount - Checking If A Record Exists

Jul 17, 2014

I am trying to check if a record exists, but I keep getting a error!!!

Private Sub Command10_Click()
If DCount("*", "tbl", "[ID] = "") <> 0 Then
MsgBox "This record already exists.
stDocName1 = "McrAddNewRecord"
DoCmd.RunMacro stDocName1
End If
End Sub

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Queries :: SQL - Check If Record Exists Before Adding

Aug 19, 2014

I currently use

strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblDepartments (Department) VALUES(txtnewdept)"

To insert new departments into a table, however id like it to check to see if a department name exists in tbldepartments.department to prevent duplicates being added?

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SELECT Query To Not Include Record If Already Exists In Another Table

Aug 25, 2015

I have 2 tables:

Query_Rates (Actually this is the result of a query):


So what I want is a list of all the records from the Query_Rates table where the absolute differences between the sold rates between Query_Rates & [Sent till date] (matching the unit # and the dates) is greater than 1 and the record shouldn't be displayed if it is already present in the [Sent till date] table. But if you notice the first record which has unit A is already mentioned in the "Sent till date" table and shouldn't be repeated again in the query result.

The desired out put should be:



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Queries :: Show All Names In First Column And Insert Zero Where No Record Exists

Aug 27, 2014

I'm tracking the holiday entitlement of a team of people. I use a query to work out how much unbooked holiday they have to take.

My problem is where I'm scheduling next year my query returns the names of those who have booked a holiday and their remaining entitelement. That's as it should be. However if someone hasn't yet booked any holidays then it simply doesn't display their record. I would like it to treat that record as zero and show the remaining entitlement as a full years entitlement.

Here's the SQL
SELECT Employees.Trainer_Name, Sum([2015 Holiday].[2015 Days]) AS [SumOf2015 Days], Employees.Holiday_Days, [Employees]![Holiday_Days]-[SumOf2015 Days] AS 2015
FROM [2015 Holiday] INNER JOIN Employees ON [2015 Holiday].Trainer_Name = Employees.Trainer_Name
GROUP BY Employees.Trainer_Name, Employees.Holiday_Days;

The problem here is that the Sum of 2015 holiday is Null

Do I somehow need to create 0 hours records?

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Modules & VBA :: Query A Table To See If Record Exists With Particular Field Blank

Mar 14, 2014

I am trying to achieve the following - I want to query a table to see if a record exists with a particular field blank. If so, I would like to prompt the user for data.

In real world terms, when assigning an item to a user I would like to first make sure that the item is not already assigned to somebody else. I have 4 fields, UserName, Item, IssueFrom, IssueTo. So when an item is assigned to a user, the first 3 fields are populated and the IssueTo remains blank, until that item is assigned to somebody else.

At the minute I have nothing in place to prevent a user from assigning the same item to multiple users and having multiple records for the same item in the table.

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Modules & VBA :: Check If Record Already Exists In Recordset Based On 2 Conditions

May 27, 2014

I have a table in Access that I have a form saving new records to. Before this save occurs, I would like Access to check if the account number already exists and if the account does exist if it is outstanding. If both of those conditions are met I would like a message box to display and cancel the save as it is a duplicate. I can't seem to get it to work though.

I was thinking to use a filtered recordset based on one of the conditions and then perform a find on that recordset to see if it is null.


dim acct as long
dim rstfiltered as DAO.Recordset
Set rstfiltered = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tblclstrack WHERE [Request Status] <> 'Completed'")
acct = Me.cd_number.Value


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Forms :: Copy Specific Fields From Selected Record To Specific Fields In Subform?

Jul 9, 2015

I am new to access i have a problem which is i have made a form which contains a subform and a read only subreport, what i want is the ability to select a record in read only subreport as in the picture attached and make a button that when i press on it, it should copy the values of the itemsID field, Packing field, ContainerNo field and origin field from the selected record and then paste them in the subform below.

Also i want to add more then one item, so the when i press on another record it should paste the values below the first record.

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Forms :: Adding Fields In A Table And Having Output Fill Fields On A Form

Jan 29, 2014

I have a totalquery that runs fine and give me the sum for both fields I'm looking for but I can't get the outputs to fill the fields on the form. I have tried the Dcount query in the control source but that just returns an error and locks up access.

SELECT [Tble-wcDelays].Causedby, Sum([Tble-wcDelays].HoursDelay) AS SumOfHoursDelay
FROM [Tble-wcDelays]
GROUP BY [Tble-wcDelays].Causedby, [Tble-wcDelays].LinkingID
HAVING ((([Tble-wcDelays].LinkingID)=[Forms]![Frm-ePlusCent]![cleanID]));

That is the query.

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Forms :: How To Copy Fields From 1 Record To The Next

Aug 6, 2013

I have fields on a form for the Date, the Start time and the Finish time. These won't change for the next 120 records. So, upon opening a new record, I'd like the Date and times to appear there already. But here is the crux: After about 120 entries, the date and Time changes, for the next 120 entries. So, once the 'batch' is finished, or I close access, the values do not need to be remembered until I enter a new record.

I copied something like the following from a book and tried running it with various modifications, just for the Date to start with, but no luck. (It did strike me as too simple for something, clearly, as unbelievably TRICKY as my problem...) I did find quite a few posts on this here but none seemed to work for me, or made sense to me in the slightest. (I did mention that I'm a complete rookie, didn't I?)

Private Sub Acquired_date_AfterUpdate()
Me!Acquired_date.DefaultValue = "'" & Me!Acquired_date.Value & "'"
End Sub

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Forms :: Duplicating Only Certain Fields In A Record?

Dec 1, 2014

I created a button in a form that duplicates the record so our employees can fill in the form more quickly.

I know I am being greedy, but is there someway to change the VBC so I only duplicate certain fields in a record, not all of them?

I have attached a (.jpg) of the Duplicate record code that is automatically created by Access when you use the "Duplicate record" option when making up a button on a form. I have attached a 2nd (.jpg) which shows the (7) fields I want to duplicate, out of the (20) available fields for each record.

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