General :: How To Remove A Item (double Var) Of Listbox

Mar 21, 2013

I have to do a app in access2003. My problem is when i try remove a item of a listbox not do it right. Example.

values of the listbox:


If i remove 1 or 3 not problem but if i try remove value 2,5 my list box show:



my sentences if like this:


To introduce values i do a query and put them with listbox.addItem(value)

Perhaps any property of the listbox or something i am making wrong.

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General :: Display Listbox Record When Double Click On Item

Sep 26, 2012

I currently have a listbox. (list32) that is populated with results of a query. I would like to doubleclick on an item and have it open a form that displays the listbox record i clicked on and a "notes" field. Its my understanding that the table fields are limited to 255 chars so i was curious if I could make the notes field reside somewhere else. I will need the notes able to be edited, specific to record entry, and then saved on exit. Is this doable?

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Modules & VBA :: Change Listbox Item With Double Click?

Dec 26, 2014

I want to double click on one of listbox item and change it without opening any other form.

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Forms :: How To Remove Item From Listbox When Checkbox Is Unclicked

Apr 22, 2013

I'm using Access 2010 and have a form that is basically the last step in generating a report (which will be a printable invoice).

I am facing major problems when it comes to removing line items that the user may have accidentally clicked. I have a checkbox field embedded in the table (tblLineItems) which is set up as binary. I have created a form from tblLineItems, and have in turn embedded that as a subform on the invoice generating form.

When I select line items, I have them populating a two column listbox that shows the user what they have selected before actually opening the report. The code I am using is on the checkbox click event in the subform:

Private Sub InvoiceY_N Click()
Dim InvLineTotal As Currency
If InvoiceY_N.Value = True Then


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Forms :: Deselect Or Remove Highlight From Item In Listbox

Jul 2, 2014

I am using Access 2010.

I have a form with three listbox. My issue is this, when I go from listbox to listbox the selected item in the previous listbox is still selected.

I would like it so when I go to the new listbox, then the previous listbox selection will no longer be highlighted.

I use the follow code, which works but the user has to double click on the listbox with the focus to make a selection.


Me.listbox.listindex = -1

I have the code in the lost focus event of the listboxes.

Is there a way to prevent the double clicking?

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General :: Add / Delete Item From Listbox?

Sep 30, 2012

I have two list boxes on a form. The first listbox contains CATEGORIES and the second contains ITEMS that belong to respective categories. So, when i click a category the next listbox displays the items that belong to that particular category.

I need to know how to add new items to a selected category and also delete items from a selected category. If no category is selected or item already exixts, item should not add.

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General :: How To Load Data From Listbox Double Click Event

Aug 22, 2014

Is it possible to load the data in input from by double clicking on data from list box ?

I have single form on which both input form and read-only form is present. as i used visible property to display or not accordingly.

User enters the data from input form. (It has been done)

User go onto read only form where combo box and list box. from drop down values load into list-box. (It has been done)

Now double click on any record then it should re-directed on input form with loading the data in editable mode for updation purpose. ???? (How this step will be done) ?

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Forms :: Remove List Item From Combo Box After Use

Sep 1, 2013

Is it possible to remove an list item from a combo box list after it has been used.

What I am trying to do is use a combo box that has a list of questions, after the user selects a question from the combo box list and answers the question when they reselect the combo box that question will not be seen again till the form is reloaded.

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Forms :: Remove Item After Being Selected From Combobox?

Mar 30, 2015

How can I remove an item after being selected from a combobox ?

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Double-click Name To Add To Adj. Listbox

Nov 1, 2004

I have a list of companies in a table which Is being accessed through a list box. I wanted the user to be able to double-click on the name of a company from that long list and then for that selection to show up on an adjacent shorter list box which in turn will be used for a search. How can I do this? Another option would be to drag and drop the name from on list to another.

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Return Listbox Results On Double Click

Jun 2, 2005

This is probably failry simple if you know what you're doing, but I don't know what I'm doing....

I have a form (Purchase Orders) and on that form there is a search button to allow the user to search the customers table by customer name. When the user clicks the search button a search form opens and the search results (customer number, first name, last name) populate a list box named "lstCustInfo". How can I set the list box double click event to return the customer number, first name and last name to the Purchase Orders form? To make it even more complex I would like to return the data in two fields: customer number and LastName, FirstName. The problem with returning the results in two fields though is that I need to be able to break it into three to save it in the customers table because the table has a place for Customer Number, First Name and Last name.

Does anyone have any suggestions? Is there a better way to do this than returning 2 fields and having to break it back into 3 to store?

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Double Click Listbox Command Won't Work!

Jun 27, 2005

Hi everyone!

First, I want to say I would REALLY appreciate any help I could get with this problem. Let me lay out the details.

I DO NOT, DO NOT, DO NOT know the first thing about programming for ms access. I am an absolute novice, no exaggeration at all. I was a liberal arts major in school!!!!!

Here's the thing: being adventurous and all, about 2 years ago a co-worker and I were fiddling with databases to try and help out our employer keep track of dispatching his equipment for his business. With a little too much time on our hands, before we knew it, our database became fairly complicated, for such novices. A kind gentleman on this forum did us an enormous favor, and programmed a search form for our database. you could enter any or all of the id #'s for various equipment, and it would pop up in a list box. Double-clicking the listbox would open the particular record you were looking for.

Fast-forwarding to now, I'm trying to create another database to keep track of our inventory while while various equipment moves in and out of our yard. I have tried using the old search form as a foundation to create a similar search form for this db. I think I actually have it (kind-of) working! You type in a container number, and the record should pop up. which is a miracle all its own.

problem is, is that when you doubleclick the selection in the list box, I receive the following error:

"Run-time error '3075':
Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '[ShipID] = '.

I click debug, and visual basic brings me to:

DoCmd.OpenForm "Inventory Table Form",,, "[ShipID] = " & Me.lstInfo

I don't know what to do! I'm sure it must be something painfully simple or obvious, but I'm really stuck & would appreciate any help.

Also, I would really appreciate any advice on this: I'd like to also be able to search by chassis # in addition to container number, but i don't know how to do it. no big deal, though. THANKS SO MUCH!!

p.s., I've attached the db. please let me know if you can open it ok

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Double Click Open Record On Listbox

Mar 2, 2006

i will show you my list box code. i would like to make it possible for my user to double click on an item in the list and it opens that record in my 'zEnquiry' form (which has the correct named fields to display the data already)

i had some double click code but i deleted it, and now ive forgotten which post i found it in.

here is the code for my listbox

Private Sub QuickSearch_AfterUpdate()

Me.RecordsetClone.FindFirst "[Enq_Forname] = '" & Me![QuickSearch] & "'"
If Not Me.RecordsetClone.NoMatch Then
Me.Bookmark = Me.RecordsetClone.Bookmark
MsgBox "Could not locate [" & Me![QuickSearch] & "]"
End If

End Sub

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Listbox Item

Jul 28, 2005

My query is executing on everything in the listbox. I only want it to be executed on the value that i select. What codes can i use? I really need some help on this one.

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Double Click Listbox Openform 2501 Error

Dec 17, 2006

the user searches records and they are filtered.. when they double click i want the record to open in this form.. to put this code on my listbox but gettin the openform cancelled 2501 error on the bold line.. anyone see why?Private Sub QuickSearch_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)Forms("searchform").SetFocusForms("searchform").RecordSource = vbNullStringDoCmd.OpenForm "showform", , , "[jobref] = " & Me![QuickSearch].Column(0)End Subnote:on the search form.. the form has no record source.. the listbox has the record source of the searchquery..also on the show form.. the form has the record source of the showquery.

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Modules & VBA :: Listbox That Show All Queries And Run On Double Click

Jun 25, 2013

I have an access form which i have turned of menus, navigation and shift key. What I am looking for is to have buttons on my form to allow users to create and delete queries from my form. I already have a listbox that shows all the queries and runs them when a user double click on them.The codes needs to run in access 2007-2013 in both 32 & 64 bit versions.

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I Just Want To Select An Item In A Listbox!!

May 9, 2005

Hi Everyone!

I'm having problems and am frustrated as usual ;)

I'm trying to select a specific row in a listbox in the OnKeyDown event on my form. Basically, while in a subform, I want the enter key to move the focus to the list box, specifically to row After the last selected.

Here's an example of the code I thought would work:

Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Dim ItemNumber As Integer

ItemNumber = Forms![Product Inventory System]![InvList3] + 1

If KeyCode = vbKeyReturn Then
Forms![Product Inventory System]![InvList3].ItemData(ItemNumber).SetFocus


End If
End Sub

I just started the Atkins diet today, so my sugar and caffiene levels are non-existant. (Seems like an easy excuse, right?)

Can anyone offer any insight into what I'm doing wrong?

Thank you so much!
Ben Bolduc

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Reselect Listbox Item

Dec 12, 2006

I have 2 buttons that move items up and down in a listbox by changing a field value with the previous one and sorting by question is thiswhen i click this button how do i get the listbox to reselect that item again with the new value? (requery and reselect i think)i just dont wanna have to reclick the item when i want to move it more than oncethanks in advance

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Add Item (All) To Dynamic Listbox

Jan 2, 2014

Have created dynamic listbox, means list items are getting updated based on other listbox selection, to update listbox i have created query and linked the same with listbox row source.

Now i would like to add list item called "All" on top in the item list, which is not exist in the query results.

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Forms :: Send Records To New Form By Double-click In Listbox

May 4, 2014

I'm in desperate need of a (simple I guess) code to allow me to send records from my listbox to a new form. Scenario goes as follows:

I use cascading combo boxes to narrow my available choices and finally end up with a listbox presenting the records filtered through cascading process. Now, I want to double-click on a record and load a new form with all this record's fields.

This is the code used to populate the listbox:

Private Sub FilterTypeList()
Dim strRS As String
' Filter the list box appropriately based on the combo box selection(s)
strRS = "SELECT qryTaxonomy.Type, qryTaxonomy.Article FROM qryTaxonomy"

[Code] ....

What is the code to open a form with the double-clicked record's fields, as described above?

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Modules & VBA :: Double Click Listbox To Populate Form Textbox

Jul 27, 2015

In the past a Teacher would manually create a Form (Student Form) containing Student information, (Name, Gender, Birthdate, Homegroup) as well as additional issues on the student. This would all be saved into a table.

I would like to change this manual process of typing in individually to each text box, therefore, I have been able to run a report from a external program that obtains (Name, Gender, Birthdate, Homegroup). This saves as CSV and I am able to import into a separate table within the database.
This works no problem.

What I have set-up is a form that contains a listbox this contains the Student name and Homegroup from the imported table contents. Again this works fine.

What i would like to do is when a student is selected from the listbox and dbl clicked on, how can i make information (Name, Gender, Birthdate, Homegroup) populate the textboxes in the Student form that the teacher previously used? could this be an update query where the imported table information will then go into the Student form? If so, how can I tell the dbl click of highlighted name is the data i want to populate?

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Forms :: Selecting A Record From Listbox - Double Click Event

Jan 3, 2014

I would like to select a record on an already open form called "form_candidates" using a search facility but can't get it to work.

In "form_candidates" the data settings are set to "yes" (filters/edits/deletions/additions) and data entry is set to "no". On opening, the form is set to go to a new record.

In this form I have a button that opens a record search form so both forms are now open. I enter the first few letters of the surname into a text box, press a button and the listbox is populated.

In the doubleclick event of the list box I have the following code:

Dim CandID As Integer
CandID = Me.List4.Column(0)
DoCmd.OpenForm "form_candidates", acNormal, , "forms![form_candidates]![Cand_ID]=" & CandID

So I double click on the record, the candidate form is being filtered but the record isn't being shown.

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Listbox Item Looses Formatting

Aug 19, 2005

I have a listbox with client DOB SS gender
the user picks a client and then opens the record.

the Query holds the format of the SS number but when opened in the listbox it looses its formating and all the numbers run together

any suggestions

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Modules & VBA :: How To Select Item From A Listbox

Jul 29, 2013

At the moment I have a query that returns a result based on what's selected in a combobox.

SELECT ComponentT.ComponentType AS ComponentType
FROM ComponentT
WHERE (((ComponentT.TotalComponent) Like [Forms]![DeviceF]![D_ComponentNameCmb] & "*"));

Instead of this I want to rewrite the query to return a result based on what the user has selected in a list box of items. How would this query look. Would I need to increment it in a loop checking all entries into the list box as it can vary in size and if so how?

I tried changing the last line to WHERE (((ComponentT.TotalComponent) Like [Forms]![DeviceF]![D_OutputLsb].[ItemsSelected] & "*")); which returned a result just not the right one. Is there something wrong with the syntax?

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Modules & VBA :: Double Click Event In Listbox - Run Time Error 3464

Mar 14, 2014

On double click event in the listbox, code as below:

Private Sub ListBox_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stDocName = "frmTransactions"

stLinkCriteria = "[BinNumber] =" & Me![ListBox]
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
End Sub

When I double click any row then it show Run time error 3464.

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Save Columns Of Listbox Selected Item

Jul 23, 2007

Hi all,

Does anyone know how to get the columns of a listbox selected item and store it to a string? There is no multi-selection so it should be easier. I tried
s$ = Me.list1.selected but it keeps giving me an error

Thanks alot

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