General :: Random Image Selection On A Form

Jul 9, 2015

random image selection from a form on a buton click event.To be more explicit: i have 7 images on form, when i push one buton i want to see how each image take focus (when take focus .BorderColor =vbRed after lose focus .BorderColor =vbWhite) and after lets say 20s focus stop random on one image and keep that image with .BorderColor =vbRed.

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General :: Random Selection From Large Dataset

Jun 25, 2013

I pulled a report from this website my company uses and it has around 7,000 orders and a corresponding employee to each record. Since each employee has around 20-50 orders, I was wondering if there was a VBA code or different Access tool to randomly select only 2 orders from each employee, thus reducing the data set from 7,000 to a more manageable number?

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Forms :: Image Change Based On Combo Box Selection On Form

Jun 21, 2015

I have been looking some information on changing image based on form combo box selection on form.

I manage to do case by case but i need it in a simple code because their will be many employees just to avoid adding case by case code for each one.

Private Sub Emp_IDCombo_AfterUpdate()
Select Case Emp_IDCombo.Value
Case "AM-001"
Imageholder.Picture = "C:UsersAMGDesktopam-001.jpg"
Case "AM-002"
Imageholder.Picture = "C:UsersAMGOne DocumentsHR & Admin DatabaseEmployee Picturesam-002.jpg"
End Select

I have employees table where all images location is saved in text field and i have a combo box on form which is employee id.

Tables relationship
Employees_table [PK] to Contracts_table [FK] via field name {emp_ID}

Fields Name
Combo Box name on form Emp_IDCombo and row source is SELECT Employees_table.Emp_ID, Employees_table.EmployeeName, Employees_table.Emp_Pics FROM Employees_table;

Text field is located in employees_table called [Emp_Pic] for images location.

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Modules & VBA :: Display Random Image From Folder (Not Embedded)

Jun 26, 2013

I'm working on a database for my holiday pictures. The pictures are organized in folders per trip/date/location.

When viewing the data of a particular trip, I want the form to display a random image from the respective folder (path stored in database).

I already found a function to count the files in the folder:

Function GetFileCount(folderspec As String) As Integer
' Returns a count of files in folderspec, or -1 if folder does not exist
Dim fso As Object
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If fso.FolderExists(folderspec) Then
GetFileCount = fso.GetFolder(folderspec).Files.Count
GetFileCount = -1
End If
End Function

to plug into a "randomizer":

lngFileCount = GetFileCount(strFOLDER)
intRND = 1 + Int(lngFileCount * Rnd())
MsgBox intRND

The thing I can't find is how to reference this nth file (or even if there is a way to directly reference this file).

Is there, or do I have to use some kind of looping?

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Random Selection Sample

Jan 18, 2006

I'm looking for a way to generate a random list of 25 case numbers from a table which contains 500case numbers. Can someone tell me how to do this.

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Random Selection Of Data

Dec 18, 2006

Hi all

I would like to find out if there is a program where you can randomly select data out of a table?

I sit with a table with 17000 SKU's(codes and data) and need to randomly select items out of it for Stock Count's:confused:


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Random Row Selection Without Selecting Twice

Feb 27, 2012

I have below statement that select row from my table at random.

sql = "SELECT TOP 1 * FROM Question1to5table ORDER BY Rnd(-10000000*TimeValue(Now())*[id])"

How do make the row selection unique.

:::: maybe mark a selected row on the dataset, if possible how do i do that ::::

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General :: Embedding Image On Form From Another Table

Aug 16, 2012

I have a database in which i have a table imagemaster including fields as id,name,image(attachment)

Now I have a form on which image name is there on label

I have an imagecontrol on the form with no picture at start

I use dlookup function on formload event which pull image from the imagemaster table.

When my form is loaded it show ( can't open the file 1.png ) which is exactly the file from the table that i want to open. It means it goes right there to the source but cannot open that or embed that into my image control.

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General :: Separate Image Per ID On Table / Form

Sep 24, 2014

I have the need to put a separate image per ID on my table/form or a separate link to an image I can put an image on my form but its does not change when I change my clients its the sam e all the time, I have tried linking to an excel book but for some reason it will only show 10 fields, (and it is linked).

I don't mind creating a standard windows folder with my images in but would need to be able to link to each one from my form.

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Forms :: List Box Retrieve Image As Per Selection

Aug 31, 2013

i want to see the product image in my database as per my selection from listbox in "frm_MainForm" but it shows error no 2220. database file is attached.

It does show the image when i add it to the form "frm_PruductMaster" and search in "frm_MainForm" but only until i restart application. after restarting application it again shows error 2220. But it shows image name in the error. (i have tried with .bmp and .jpg as well).

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General :: Click On Image In Form And Leave A Mark

Jan 30, 2013

I have a form with an image embedded in it. I want to be able to click on the image and leave a "dot" or "mark" where i have clicked, allowing me to click in multiple places on the image and leave multiple "dots"

I am assuming i need to crate a new shape each time i click, how is this done?

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Forms :: Showing Image From Table Using Combo Box Selection

Apr 9, 2014

I am a novice to Access and in order to get some training in my workplace I need to show how access can be applied to my role.

I have a table of information consisting of 3 fields:

Motor manufacturer
Attachment (picture of particular car)

I want to have someone able to select the manufacturer and Model from Combo boxes and this will pull up the image associated with this model.

There are more than 1 model for each Motor manufacturer so you may have:

manufacturer Model
Ford Fiesta
Ford Mondeo
VW Beetle
VW Golf
Fiat 500

You must not be able to select the wrong model for manufacturer, i.e.
Ford 500

The images are currently saved onto the table as an attachment,
This may be wrong as well,
This may be a simple task to do, but hopefully I can get it running smoothly and show this is the right tool for the job.

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Forms :: Display Attachment Image Based On Combo Box Selection

Jul 13, 2013

I'm working on a wine database (for ages now...). I'm currently struggling getting the following to work. I have a form in which one can select the name and vintage of a wine using a combo box, after which also a picture will be shown of that wine. I have the pictures as attachments in a table. One can then press a button to close this form and go to another form in which one can edit all the details of the selected wine. Problem: I can't get the picture to show.

I have a reasonably simple form with a combo box, a text box, a button and an attachment field in which a picture should show.

I made a query to select the id, name and vintage from the wine table. I couldn't select the attachment field for the pic in the wizard, so I added that myself in the Design View. The Query for the combo box now reads:

SELECT Wijn.Id, Wijn.Naam, Wijn.Vintage, Wijn.Plaatje FROM Wijn ORDER BY Wijn.[Naam], Wijn.[Vintage];
(translation: Naam = name | Plaatje = picture)

It neatly shows name and vintage in the drop down list. Once selected it only shows the name of the wine in the combo box and I use VBA to fill the Text Box with the vintage of the selected wine. The VBA I use is:

Private Sub cmbNaamWijn_Change()
Me.txtVintage.Value = Me.cmbNaamWijn.Column(2)
End Sub

All works fine. Also when I pres the button, the wine I selected opens up and can be editted and the select form nicely closes. The only problem is the fact that I cannot get the picture to show!

I inserted an attachment field with the name: attImage. In the VBA code I added the line:

Me.attImage.Picture = Me.cmbNaamWijn.Column(3)

Doesn't work. With debugging I do see it gets the correct value form the table. I get an error message stating "Method or data member not found", so Picture is not available for the attachment object I guess. If I look at what is available, I can't select anything useful. So my next try was adding an image control with the name: ImageWine and the VBA code in the On Change property


Me.ImageWine.Picture = Me.cmbNaamWijn.Column(3)

results in the following: Run-time error '2220'. Microsoft Access can't open the file '[FilenamePicture]'. Logical in a way I guess, since there's no path in there. I also tried the Bound Object Frame, but that resulted in the same problem as the attachment try described above.

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Click Image Hyperlink In Form To Load Image To Form

Jun 16, 2006

Hi guys,

I'm in desperate need of help and want to know if it is possible to load an image on a form once a hyper link is created.

For example, I have a form with a hyper link to an image created, currently, when you click on the hyperlink, it opens the picture in the browser, can you change it so that it loads teh image embedded into the form instead of loading it into a browser?

If so, how?


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General :: Create Input Form From Combo Selection?

Jan 15, 2013

I have table(fruit) with 5 fields - apples, pears, grapes, oranges and lemons.

Say i have a shopping list apples -5, grapes -6 and lemons -2.How do i get this into the table.

My idea have combo box that you can select the apples, grapes and lemons from.

Have input form

label(apples) input(5)
label(grapes) input(6)
label(lemons) input(2)

how can i do this.

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General :: Assigning Alphanumeric Request ID Based On Form Dropdown Selection

Apr 7, 2015

I'm working on a database to organize and streamline the process that the manufacturing facilities in my organization use to request removal of defective product and raw materials. Currently all of the facilities send me their requests on individual excel spreadsheets via email, which are difficult to keep track of and report on since nothing is consolidated. What I've done is create a form in access that mirrors the current spreadsheet being used, so all the facilities have to do is enter the info into the access form rather than excel. The use of access is more for my benefit than theirs though, as it will keep track of the requests as well as make reporting on the request data much simpler.

When the facilities fill out the request form and select their facility number from a drop down list, I'm wanting them to be provided with a "Request ID" so that they may keep track of the progress of the request. The request ID should be a sequential alphanumeric value that includes the facility's three digit facility code, the last two digits of the year, and the number of the request. An example would be PL1-150001. The kicker here is that I want each facility to have it's own set of sequential numbers. So for example let's say I receive four requests in one week, three from facility 1 and one from facility 2. They should be assigned request ID's such as PL1-150001, PL1-150002, PL1-150003, and PL2-150001.

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General :: Database Becoming Read Only At Random?

Jun 24, 2014

I'm sure it's not random, but it doesn't seem to follow any sort of rules. My database has become "Read Only" 3 times now causing all workers using the database to stop work until IT can fix the issue. All IT does is kick everyone out of the folder that my db is in and suddenly it is no longer read only.

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General :: Random Number And Comparison

Oct 22, 2013

Anyway, here is what I am looking to do:

1.) Generate a random number between 1 and 100 and assign the result an identifier, like a person's name.
2.) Generate a second random number between 1 and 100 and assign the result a different identifier, like another person's name.
3.) Compare the two randomly generated numbers.
4.) Have the identifier of the LARGER random number displayed on the screen.

I would like to have this linked into a button click.I am hoping there is an easy way to accomplish this task.

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General :: Raw Data And Random Join

Aug 22, 2012

I have almost all of my info with the exception of few hundred pieces of data entered into my database. After looking it over and looking for ways to improve it, would it be easier to import all the tables into a brand new database and starting fresh with everything? I have made a lot of changes since the inception of the database so there are forms and queries and reports that no longer work because of the changes. Or should I go back and change them?

Also, if I am looking to join to tables can they be joined by their foreign keys? They are listed below:

EmpInfoID <PK>
JobNumberFK (joined to tblJobs)
CraftCode (would get rid of this)

EmpRatingID <PK>
EmpID <FK>

I want to join the tables based on the EmpID can this be done or do I have to add another field to EmpRating ID?

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General :: Generating Random Project Numbers With Date

Jun 7, 2012

How to generate random project numbers that reset automatically every month? I want to generate project numbers that look like this:


where the 06/12 stands for the month and the year while the 1234 is a randomly generated number.

I want the random number to be four digits long.

I already have a number of projects with similarly generated projects from an existing database. Can I import these projects without changing their project number?

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Forms :: Nomination Form - Combobox Selection List Not Updating After Each Selection

Oct 27, 2014

I am designing a nomination form (web database so no vba macros can be used).

The form has 3 combo boxes: cboStaffName, cboLevel, cboNominee.

The form is bound to the tblSubmit table where the submissions are populated.

I used a select statement:SELECT Staff_List.Staff_Name FROM Staff_List; to populate the combo box for the Staff Name selection.

This is the select statement to populate the job level combobox:

SELECT Staff_List.Level, Staff_List.Staff_Name FROM Staff_List WHERE (((Staff_List.Staff_Name)=[forms]![frmtest]![cboStaffName]));

The select statement to populate the combobox for the nominee combobox:

SELECT Staff_List.Staff_Name FROM Staff_List WHERE (((Staff_List.Level)=[forms]![frmtest]![cboLevel]));

The problem is that the staff_name in the first combobox is still found in the nominee combobox which should not be because a staff cannot nominate self. There is a field in the Staff_List called YesNo that should be activated for each staff that is selected so that the select statement on the nominee combobox can be updated accordingly to remove items with the field "Active"

How to get the checkbox selected for each corresponding staff.

Sample of the database has been attached.

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General :: Using Image In OLE Field?

May 31, 2015

From what I understand an OLE field would be able to hold a picture instead of text, correct?

Can I use an image in an OLE field as the image in a report? Here's my situation:

I have a report that we use to print an invoice that we send to clients. I want to include a scanned copy of a staff member's signature on the invoice but there are multiple staff members who would use this.

If I create a table with a Staff_Name field and an OLE field of Staff_Signature, which would hold the scanned signature image, could I use controls in a form to select which signature is included on the invoice report?

I'm not necessarily looking for how to do this right now, just if it is possible. I doubt I have time to really work on this in the immediate future, I'm just wondering if it is something I should look into.

I already have a function with multiple copies of the invoice report, each one with a different staff member's scanned signature. But that's bulky and it means that the reports and command buttons need to be changed with any staff changes. I would like to streamline this process.

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General :: Multiple Image Display

Aug 25, 2014

I want to make a form or report that acts similar to a "bookshelf" view showing around 4 or so images in each row. When an image is clicked on it takes you to that record. I know a report can be used to make rows but how do I get the images to display? They are stored in a folder and not actually embedded into the database. I have a VB code that displays the image on my forms but this doesn't work when it's a continuous form or report. It shows the same image until I click on that record then the image changes.

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General :: Printing Each Image On 3 Different Reports

Jul 24, 2013

I need to be able to browse to and open a folder from a form, and import images from within that folder to (i guess?) another form?

I then need to print each image on 3 different reports, but in order as below...

Image 1 - report 1
Image 1 - report 2
Image 1 - report 3
Image 2 - report 1
Image 2 - report 2
Image 2 - report 3


Once images / reports are printed they can be removed.

Should I have a page that shows maybe 40 images and a big print button? or 40 images with a selection box by each one and a big print button? or 40 images and 40 print buttons? etc

The reports will need to change in the future, so a option to select any or all of the reports would be a really good idea.

I have access 2013 but I much prefer 2003 as I know where all the buttons are!

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General :: Code For OnClick Zoom A Image

May 5, 2015

I am new to VBA for access. I am working on a form as a user interface. I have added an picture to the form. It looks small, and not clear because of the size, and each image has different size. I would like to know if there is a VBA code that will allow me to click on it, and then it will open in another window so it is bigger with the right sizes. I attempted like this:

DoCmd.OpenForm "Prova", , , "Campo1=" & Campo1

but don't work

Prova is another form and Campo1 is the field with the picture.

I also need to save about 120,000 images. I wonder if the best solution is to use the attachment for the field type or another. What format should I Whereas in the mask I preview. And if Access internally saves the images or not.

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General :: Adding Image (BMP) Files Automation

Jun 5, 2014

I have a form for adding new records. They are for people and I add in a bmp image of them. I want to create an automation. Where you press a button to add a photo. Find a jpeg you want. Then it is resized, converted to bmp and saved in the database. Is this easy enough to achieve? (size 256x188px)

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