General :: Assign Values Evenly And Randomly?

Oct 9, 2013

We will have around 100 people attending a program that will be broken into 7 (A-G) evenly. I would like to be able to have my database do this but I am unsure of where to start on this.

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Queries :: Evenly Distribute And Assign Records?

Jul 31, 2013

I have multiple databases (Front-end, Back-end, Import, Reporting) which enables auditors in our company to audit loans.

I use an Import database which imports a random sample of loans (10%) into the Back End database for audit. I import a spreadsheet of loans (let's say 5000 loans) into the Import database, and I have the query return 10% of the loans, which is then imported into our Back-end database for audit (500 loans for audit).

Currently the auditors look at the daily list of loans (the 500 imported loans) and divide the work amongst themselves (5 auditors will audit 100 loans each.) They decide Bob will do 1-100; Joe will do 101-200; Bill will do 201-300; etc.

Is there a way using a query to assign these loans to specific auditors when importing the loans into the BE for audit? I would need to enter how many auditors will be working the loans so the work is divided evenly, and then enter the auditor's initials. (Since the auditors perform different audits, I would like the ability to select or key in auditor initials when importing the loans..

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How To Randomly Assign A Person Based On Entered Field In Form

Feb 10, 2015

I need to assign those appraisers to an order based on what county they cover. My main table (orders) is simple. Just an order number, order date, county and appraiser.I have a form with entry fields for all these except appraiser. I envision a "assign" button that will then pick the next appraiser in the county that was chosen. It's just a "round robin" type of thing, so the first order placed for Monroe would be assigned to ABC. The next order would be for Cecil and would assign 123. Next order for Monroe would assign DEF. I know there are many way this can be done but I've been looking at this for hours and I'm drawing a blank on the easiest way to do it.

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Forms :: Pulling Top Values Randomly Depending On Value Entered Into Textbox

Dec 8, 2014

I have a textbox & button that when entered & pushed - run a query for the top values randomly depending on the value entered into the textbox.

My code is...

strSQL = "SELECT TOP " & Me.Text140.Value & " [CAN - NAME].Name, [CAN - CPT/VOUCHER].Voucher_Number, " & _
"[CAN - CPT/VOUCHER].Procedure_Code, [CAN - CPT/VOUCHER].Service_Date_From, [CAN - CPT/VOUCHER].Patient_ID, [CAN - CPT/VOUCHER].service_id, Rnd([service_id]) AS RandomNum " & _
"FROM [CAN - CPT/VOUCHER], [CAN - NAME] WHERE [CAN - CPT/VOUCHER].Service_Date_From Between " & Me.StartDate.Value & " And " & Me.EndDate.Value & " ORDER BY Rnd([service_id]) DESC "

It runs like it should but doesn't populate any records...that is until I go into the design view, deselect one of the fields and then reselect the same one - only then does it populate.

Do I need to open the query first and then update/append instead?

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General :: Randomly Pick Record From Table And Display Results In Two Text Boxes?

Sep 1, 2013

I have one table (500 Club) with two fields (ID) (Name) i would like to randomly pick a record from the table and display the results in two seperate text boxes on a form one for (ID) and one for (Name). I intend to use this for a monthly draw at my workplace.

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Assign Default Values

May 16, 2006

Hi, in my database I have a 7 subforms that shows fields for daily tasks for each day of the week. On the Monday, the tasks are assigned and then stored for every record for the corresponding date. The process is done again on tuesday, then wednesday etc. However, often the daily tasks for say tuesday will be very similar (sometimes the same) to that of monday's.

Therefore is there a way to set the default values for each day as the previous days tasks and then alter them if needed?

Thanks for helping!:o

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Forms :: How To Assign Values In Combo Box

Nov 1, 2014

I am new to access. In a form, I have a combo box(combo1) that store values in field(remarks1) in a table.The values in combo box are:


These all values are being saved in remarks1 quiet easily. I have more fields in the table:


I want when I selet SL from combo1 it saves SL in remarks1 and save "1" as well in SL1 field.I want to have same result with all five combo1 values

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Use List Box To Assign Multiple Values To Records?

Jan 12, 2005

I hope the title actually conveys what I'd like to do.

I want to assign records on a subform to a group header on a form. For example, I have groups A, B, C, and D and I want the records on a subform to be assigned to groups A, B, and D. (The number of groups and their names will change so I can't simply use an "A," "B," "C" option box.) My idea is to have a Multi-Select List Box on the main form and choose all the groups to which the records on the subform need to belong. So I'd select the groups, enter the records on the subform, then create a another record on the master form and assign records to another group.

Is it possible to make this happen without a lot of programming?

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Modules & VBA :: Assign Values To A Table Through Code?

Jun 24, 2015

I have a table (tblPrinterSelection) with three fields: Autonumber, DocType, PrinterSel

There are three types of values for "DocType"; "Document", "LargeLabel", "SmallLabel"

I want to assign a "PrinterSel" to each type of "Doctype", which basically means that the user selects the type of document and then the printer in a form that has the code below and then I need the code to automatically update the table.

Dim PrintSel As String
Dim DocType As String
'Assign a value to the printer selected variable
PrintSel = Me.lblPrinterSelected.Caption
If IsNull(Me.frmDocType) Then
MsgBox "No document type selected."


What i am looking for is code that would pick the value for "DocType" and "PrintSel" assigned here and add them to the table so that I can use that info later.

I am only looking to have three rows in that table so if the "DocType" does not exist then a new row is created but if it does, only the value of "PrintSel" is updated.

I should end up with something like this:

1 Document Epson
2 LargeLabel HP
3 SmallLabel Canon

How can I do this?

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Queries :: IIF Conditional Statements To Assign New Values In Table

Apr 11, 2013

I am writing some iif conditional statements in one of my tables to assign new values in that table.

FP: IIf([cohort with status].[Intake Date] Between #04/01/2012# And #26/04/2012#,201201) Or IIf([cohort with status].[Intake Date] Between #27/04/2012# And #24/05/2012#,201202)

When I run it, I am getting some -1 values in the new column FP.

but if I get rid of the second IIF, then it works.

how do you combine multiple IIF statements in a query?

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How To Calculate Maximum Values From The Table And Assign To Textbox

Nov 18, 2011

I have a problem in doing a task with my form. Actually I have a button to add a new record which opens a new form there i enter the values to the record. But when I press the Addnew record button I want to calculate the maximum of the Identity field +1 and open the new form with that new number which i have calculated. How can i do this....

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Queries :: Cannot Assign Any Data Values To New Field Added To Query

Aug 12, 2015

Created a new Query (called qry_Temp) from and existing Query (qry_Test that has fields Field1 - Field5) using QueryDef , and inserted a new Field (FieldX) into it (see example below) using the .Parameters property, then opened a Recordset based on the new Query in order to attempt to enter data values into the new Field (FieldX) for each record in the query - but cannot assign any data values to this new Field (but can to the existing fields) in the new Query?

Dim DB As Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim qdfNew As QueryDef
Dim strSQL1 As String
Dim strSQL2 As String
Dim Value1 As Integer

[Code] ....

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12 Months Budget With Evenly Distributed Numbers

Jul 13, 2012

I am dealing with 12 months budget with all evenly distributed numbers. However, there are some departments have unevenly distributed numbers for 12 months. I would like to take out the rows with unevenly numbers. how should I do it? Or what criteria? I am a basic Access user.

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General :: Assign Next Item To Next User?

May 6, 2014

I have a list of inventory (SR #s) in a excel under column A. And also there are 20 users using ms-access accessing by their user names. If a user completes one item, the next item from the excel should automatically goes to the next available user. After the item allocated to the particular user, under column B the user name should come and in column C there should be a comment saying "Done" Can i have a code for this in SQL or VBA.

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General :: Assign Referee To Various Soccer Games

Feb 26, 2013

I am attempting to create a database that an area soccer referee assigner can use to assign referee to various soccer games.

The assigner has soccer referee, games and different teams. There are 3 soccer referee to each game, therefore the issue is that I need all the referees that have been assigned a game to be blocked out and only those that not been assign games should show in the form frmGameOfficials for a specific date.

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General :: How To Assign Contact To Account If It Is Not A Member

Oct 10, 2012

I have table with companies (accounts) and a table contacts (people working for the specific company.

Then among this contacts there are contacts - individuals not linked to any account.

How to relate tables contacts with accounts if some are linked and some not ?

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General :: Assign Stock To Customers In Access 2010

Jul 28, 2014

In MS Access i want to be able log jobs and be able to assign my stock to the jobs i have logged is this possible ? how to create a database to log jobs but how can i make it so when i add stock to the job it will remove it from my stock pool and assign it to the customer thus taking it out of stock.

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General :: Assign Preferred Days Of Week When Volunteer Want To Work

Jul 26, 2014

I created a database for an organization I volunteer for but I am running into design problems. I want the database to be able to assign preferred days of the week (that the volunteers want to serve) with the flexibility to change them.

The problem is in order to be able to keep my reporting options flexible. I will have to write a record (on a separate table) for each volunteer for every day they want to serve. A one to many relationship between the volunteer table and preferred days table.

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Queries :: Get Values From One Query And Assign Them To Another Query

Dec 18, 2014

I have created a query that counts the AppSizerPerUD for every User Drive (UserDriveID). Now I want to assign these values to the other query (UserDrive Usage) for every UserDriveID. So I want to create a new column in the UserDriveUsage query that will contain the AppSizePerUD. In this case in the first two rows must be 23.6, then one row 18.38, the third one 45,39 etc.I need something like a VLOOKUP in Excel. I have tried DLOOKUP but probably I am not uisng it correctly.

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Save Randomly

May 3, 2006

guys, here is my problem.
I created a tool to manage changes. As part of the process a support can edit a change to change the status and the requester can validate that the change is done properly. Both processes work in the same way, the diference is that the can modify different fields in the form. But here is the procedure.
Edit a task (support role): From a task management menu press the button to open a form with a list of changes to be done. Double clicking in a specific change number a new form with the change detail is opened. When the support finishs press the save button and insert the changes in a history table (to track the changes) and update the change table to update the record. Until this point everything is great.
Validate a task: (requester role): from the task management menu press a button to open a form with a list of changes to be validated. Double clicking in a specific change number a new form with the change detail is opened. When the requester finishs press the save button and save the changes in a history table (to track the changes) and the change table to update the record.

The problem is that the validate task form doesnt update the change table and doesnt insert all the fields in the history table, only some of them.

Here is the error msg:
" ILI index tool can't update all the records in the update query.
ILI index tool did not update 0 fields due to a type conversion failure, 0 records due to the key violations,1 records due to the lock violations, and 0 records due to the violation rule violations.
Do you want to continue running this type of action query anyway?
to ignore the errors and run the query, click yes.
for an explanation of the causes of the violations, click help"

Here are the sql to update and insert once the save button is pressed:
Public Sub grabarstatus()
'DoCmd.SetWarnings False
MsgBox "entered"
DoCmd.RunSQL "insert into [history] (change_id,before,after,user,modify,action) values (" & Me.Task_Num.Value & ",'" & vstatus & "','" & Me.status.Value & "','" & Forms!Login!username1 & "','" & Now() & "','Validate status');"
DoCmd.RunSQL "update [newchange] set status='" & Me.status.Value & "' where change_id=" & Me.Task_Num.Value & ";"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub

thx very much

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Records Randomly Corrupting?

May 20, 2006

Is there any known issues and even better fixes for records where they partially vanish into thin air, well the meaningful contents disappear and I'm left with nulls. Been an ongoing issue for quite some time, rebuilds haven't fixed the problem, although the same table, different records every time too. There are in excess of 50,000 records in this table and it's just the one here and there, on a frequency basis, say every month or so. :confused:

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Queries Randomly Fail On New PC

Nov 8, 2011

I have a database that I previously ran successfully on a Windows XP system. I recently received a new PC with Windows 7 Enterprise (32 bit) that is having issues with running queries from the same database. I am still running the same version of Access (2003) on the new laptop but the queries seem to stall out and Access becomes non-responsive. Can switching from one operating system to another cause this issue? I am really just starting to use Access, so I am a novice at troubleshooting and thought that I would ask this question before digging deeper.

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Randomly Pick Records For Each User

Feb 23, 2007

I have a query with a list of Customer SSNs and Claim Rep, I want to randomly pick 5 Customer SSNs for each of the Claim Rep.
I can't figure out on how to do that, I was able to create an SQL code to just randomly pick the customer SSN.
I don't know anything about Visual Basic codes, but if that is the only solution, please go ahead post it.
Thank you very much in advanced.

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Randomly Selecting Equipment Number

Dec 28, 2006

I have a table that consist of equipments. In it is a equipment number field. I need a way to randomly pull up these equipment numbers-kind of like a lottery. Please help.

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Reports :: Detail Section Randomly Highlighted

May 18, 2015

when i generate a report i intermittently get a page that has the detail section highlighted. The report generates an invoice for each customer selected, a new page for each invoice with a repeating header on each page. I have used the vba to some of the formatting on the page. Usually there are between 20-40 pages generated with each report, or there is an option to print just one invoice. I get the highlight on 1 page on some set of invoices, and other everything works fine.

I can not for the life of me figure out what variables are causing the detail section to be highlighted. Does not repeat on a specific customer, place in the report, or any specific that i can tell. What settings/variables/triggers/events would cause the detail section to become highlighted blue.

Right now i can generate the report, see a blue page(usually after its printed), and the regenerate it and its not there or on a different page. The invoices uploaded are for the same person generated right after each other..

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Forms :: Report Names Changing Randomly

Jul 15, 2014

In my database, my "switchboard" consists of two listboxes: "Available Forms" and "Available Reports". The Available Forms listbox lists all the forms that can be accessed, and Available Forms listbox lists all the reports that can be accessed. I did this so that I wouldn't have to create buttons for each new form or report. They all are automatically listed in the listbox for the user to double-click on to open.

Since all my form and report names are not user-friendly (ie: fmComplicatedAndUglyName, rpComplicatedAndUglyReport) I want a way for the db admin to easily assign captions for each form that the average database user would find intuitive and easy to understand (ie: "Car Maintenance" instead of fmCarMaintenance). To do this, I built a table called tbDBObjectsCaptions consisting of these fields:

dbObject_ID (PK - Long Integer)
Caption (Text)

Next, I have an unbound form (fmDBObjectsCaptions) consisting of two subforms:

1) sbfDBObjectsCaptions_Forms, which lists all Forms with captions
2) sbfDBObjectsCaptions_Reports, which lists all Reports with captions.

Each subform's record source is tbDBObjectsCaptions with an Inner Join between the table and the MSysObjects table so that I can show only forms (Type field in MSysObjects = -32768) or only reports (Type field in MSysObjects = -32764). So, the record source looks like:

SELECT tbDBObjectsCaptions.dbObject_ID, tbDBObjectsCaptions.Caption
FROM tbDBObjectsCaptions INNER JOIN MSysObjects ON tbDBObjectsCaptions.dbObject_ID = MSysObjects.Id
WHERE (((MSysObjects.Type)=-32768));

(Except the Report's subform record source Where statement would have "-32764" instead of "-32768".)Each subform also consists of a "Caption" textbox and a combobox that lists all the forms or reports in MSysObjects. The Row Source for those comboboxes are:

SELECT MSysObjects.Id, MSysObjects.Name
FROM MSysObjects
WHERE (((MSysObjects.Name) Not Like "*sbf*") AND ((MSysObjects.Type)=-32768));

(Except the Report's combobox row source Where statement would have "-32764" instead of "-32768".)My first day playing with fmDBObjectsCaptions went fine. Both subforms' comboboxes list either Reports or Forms and would easily let me choose a form or report. The subforms would record the same "Id" from the MSysObjects table into the tbDBObjectsCaptions table and each Caption I typed in was recorded into the tbDBObjectsCaptions table for each "Id" I chose. It worked just fine.

However, the next day, I noticed that the captions I assigned for forms/reports were now assigned to different forms and reports! In fact, the fmDBObjectsCaptions no longer shows any captioned reports as their Types have somehow changed from -32764 to -32768 and are therefore now displayed in the Forms subform.

Either the dbObject_ID is somehow mysteriously changing for each record in the tbDBObjectsCaptions table or the Id is somehow mysteriously changing for each record in the MSysObjects table. I don't know how or why but that's what's happening. So now, in the fmDBObjectsCaptions form, my Forms subform is displaying the wrong captions for the forms, and is also displaying records that were originally Reports (items that have captions but blank comboboxes were originally entered in the Reports subform).

I attached a copy of the database. Any different solution that allows for easy Admin'ing of displayed form/report names?

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