How To Create Autonumber With Dashes

May 8, 2013

I need to create a Autonumber field in a table with the following starting value 13-642-2000.

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How Do I Create A Custom Autonumber

Mar 2, 2005

I currently have a few tables that use an autonumber as the primary key, however, I would like the autonumber to start with a series of letters if possible. For example: instead of it creating an ID of 1, then, 2, 3, 4, and so on, I would like it to append lets say "ABC" to the front of it; ABC1, ABC2, ABC3, etc.


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Create AutoNumber Field

Dec 20, 2005


I have trawled boards and sites, but cannot find the answer!

I have a make-table query, and I wish to create an AutoNumber field.

Now I know that if you put fieldname: "" , a Text field will be created and if enter fieldname: [] then a Binary field will be created.

Is there a code I can use to create an AutoNumber field?

Help appreciated!



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? Create An 'autonumber' In A Query Result

Apr 18, 2006



SELECT tblFalls.Guest_Name, [Account_Number], Count(tblFalls.Account_Number) AS Falls
FROM tblFalls
GROUP BY [Account_Number], [Guest_Name];

Gives me:

Smith, Joe; M698, 1
Blinke, Frank; M686, 2
Neal, Bobbie; M648, 1

I need ot to give me,

1, Smith, Joe; M698, 1
2, Blinke, Frank; M686, 2
3, Neal, Bobbie; M648, 1

each time i run the query i need to list that guests, their number of falls and assign each unique guest a number starting with 1 on up...

yes, yes, i know how to do it in a report, but I need right now to be able to do it in a query alone.. anyone?

I tried:
SELECT Sum(1+), Guest_Name, Account_Number, Count(Account_Number) AS [Falls]
FROM tblFalls
GROUP BY Account_Number, Guest_Name;

=p no luck.. though it looks neat.

I also tried writing a function

Public Function GetQryNum() As Integer
If IsNull(gQryNum) Or gQryNum < 1 Then
gQryNum = 1
GetQryNum = gQryNum
gQryNum = gQryNum + gQryNum
GetQryNum = gQryNum
End If
End Function

SELECT GetQryNum() AS GuestIndex, Guest_Name, Account_Number, Count(Account_Number) AS [Falls]
FROM tblFalls
GROUP BY Account_Number, Guest_Name;

But all i get is a '1' in every row.

Any ideas?

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How To Create Reset A Autonumber After Every Year

Feb 18, 2007

Hi I am trying to make a database, In which I have a table linked with the form.
There are two fields in the table 1.Serial Number & 2. Current Year
I want the serial No. field to be incremented after every record is added & Also the numer should start from "1" again as the Current Year Changes.
Can somebody help me in this.
I am learning new things in access & not that proficient. But i love to work in access.

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How To Create A Table With An Autonumber Field

Dec 4, 2004

I'm new to this forum and have a question:
I want to create a table with an Autonumber field using a SQL statement,
in Microsoft Access Database, something like this:
Cnn.execute "CREATE TABLE newtable (id Long, Name Char(100)) "
is there something to put in place of "long" to make the field autonumber?
I tried the word "autonumber", but did not work.

Many Thanx.

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Create Calculated Autonumber In A Table

Mar 17, 2008

I have a table where one field needs to be an autonumber, however, that autonumber needs to be calculated. This field is not based on any other information in the database, but there's a very complicated mathematical process behind it, which I'm figuring out...I just need to know once I get that code complete, how do I tie it into the table?

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Forms :: How To Create Autonumber Field

Sep 12, 2013

I created a database of "My Cars", "Television", and "Wines" and a Trouble Reports(TR) for each. I have a field TR on each and for now a user can fill it up with number i.e first TR is 1, second Tr is 2 etc etc. I want it automatically filled automatically not manually. However, I want it to do the same for "Television" and "Wines" when I write Trs on them. I am a rookie and I dont know how to do it I attached a copy of the db I created.

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How To Create A Access Table Having Autonumber Type With Sql?

May 20, 2005

field type of autonumber can not be created with sql,why?is autonumber a data type like int,text ect.?but int or text field can be created

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Make Table: Create AutoNumber Field

Feb 19, 2007

Hi All,

I am trying to create a make-table query, with a new AutoNumber field.

I know that if you are creating a new Text field you type FieldName: "" in Field and for a Number field you would type FieldName: [], but what do you type for an AutoNumber field?

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Create New Record & Pass Autonumber To Separate Table

Mar 10, 2008

I have a form, frmSub, that contains the combo box comProducts. I also have two tables, Products and PurchaseDetail. Both tables have the field ProductID.

I want comProducts to create a new record in the Products table, using the input in a field called Product and then to use the value of ProductID to create a new record in the PurchaseDetail table. Ie, so the PurchaseDetail table has a record that links to another record in the Products table via the feild ProductID.

I hope I was semi-clear.

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Tables :: Creating PK With Calculated Autonumber To Create Relationships

Sep 24, 2012

I am trying to create four tables: Company, Contact, Activities, and Opportunities.

I want them to relate hierarchically. A Company can have many contacts, contacts can have multiple Activities and Opportunities. But you can't have contacts without a company and you can't have Activities and Opportunities without having a contact. I want all PK's in all tables to link to one another, that you cannot create one without the other.

How I can do this in Access 2010?


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Tables :: Autonumber Field - Can't Create Record Because Data Will Be Duplicated

Feb 12, 2014

When I tried paste some data using front end to my database, Access showed error (can't create record because data would be duplicated). I thought it's impossible because it is autonumber field. So I checked it (manually). I did copy of my database and then for testing, I created record. I was shocked. Next record should has a value of "160" but Access gave "130" then showed an error "Can't create record because data will be duplicated". Of course after compact and repair everything is fine.

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Spaces, Underlines And Dashes

May 1, 2007

I have a db, that I used to maintain as a end user, now it's in a multiuser environment, problem is the user has to enter job numbers.
Below are all valid job numbers, therefore a mask will not work.
So I was thinking "HOW" could this be done, perhaps eliminating Spaces, underlines and dashes from this field. How would I do this on the same field for all 3 conditions (course i would have to backtrack)


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Need Assitance With Inserting Dashes

Dec 12, 2006

I have a very large database with record that are from 3 to 11 characters long. I would like to run a query to inset dashes at position 5 and 9 so a part number would look like this 0000-000-0000 or following the same convention but never dashes as the last character
this is what i currently have
UPDATE stihl SET [part number] = left([part number], 4)& "-" & mid ([part number], 5);
then run a second as follows

UPDATE stihl SET [part number] = left([part number], 8)& "-" & mid ([part number], 9);

the problem this adds dashes after numbers shorter than 11 and 2 dashes if on 4 long.

Any ideas thanks in advance

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Query Takes Dashes Out Of SSN

Dec 4, 2007

I know this is probably the dumbest thing to ask, but I am just not getting it. I'm tryin to run a Query, and I assume it's a SELECT query for Last Name, First Name, SSN. The tbl containing this information [tbl_Employees] automatically places the dashes in the SSN through an input mask. However for one type of report I will later need to generate, the SSN cannot contain the dashes.
What is the criteria for this?!? I am so lost! I know it's probably something so simple that I'm just overlooking it, but I'm clueless. Can someone help me out? Thanks so much! :)

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Dashes Are Causing Problems Retrieving Data

Aug 2, 2006

I have a database with a series of fields, all set to a String datatype, that I want to be able to fill and then use with MS Word as a mail merge data source. This function lets you query a MS Access db and use the results to fill in predefined spots attached to the various data values in the table. This is great for my needs however a large percentage of times that I have a dash in the value being queried it does not return any results. For example, 01-01 would return no entry found even though I can clearly see it in the database, however it would work fine if I queried for 0101 or any other value in the given field.

Basically I'm trying to figure out why dashes would cause problems. They are obviously fine for being stored in the access database and don't cause any troubles until they are queried for, also retrieving data containing dashes is fine so long as that value is not the one being queried for.

I basically can't avoid the dashes in the data for this setup and as such hopefully can figure out why this happens and how to get around it. Thanks for any help offered.

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Queries :: Convert Phone Number In Text Format And Remove Dashes Or Parenthesis

Aug 7, 2014

Is there a way to convert a phone number in text format into a number and remove any dashs or parenthesis. What function can I use ?

old format (951) 244-3011
new format 9512443011

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Controlling Autonumber Field - Start Autonumber From 1 Everyday (Composite Key)

Nov 21, 2013

I have two tables linked to each other in one to many relationship. Instead of auto number, the date and shift (Text) is being used as the primary keys (Composite Primary Key). Here is the tables structures,

Payouts Table:
Date: Primary Key
Shift (Day or Night) : Primary Key

Bills Table:
Date: Primary Key
Shift (Day or Night): Primary Key
Autonumber: Primary Key

The tables Payouts and Bills has one to many relationship. One payout row can have many bills. The problem is that I want to start the Autonumber in bills table everyday from 1. As date and shift are different for every day so even if i start bills from 1 everyday, it wont make same primary key. I can do it manually but I want to make it automatically.

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Forms :: How To Create A Form That Can Edit Or Create A Record

May 13, 2014

I am trying to create a form to enter data in a table. I would like to make it pull in info from a switchboard. If the record already exists I would like it to find it and allow me to edit the info. If the record doesn't exist I would like to be able to add a new record with the data input. What is the best way to accomplish this?

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General :: Create A Button That Will Create A New Empty Backend

Oct 31, 2013

I created a database and I manage to split it into front end and backend. now I'm going to make an EXE of the front end.My question is when I open the front end, I need the database to be empty, and them create a button that will make the user select which project he wants to open (backend).I also need to create a button that will create a new empty backend and save it as a new project.

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Apr 20, 2006


I have a question. I would like to be able to have an autonumber in the main form be applied to text boxes on the subform. So If I enter a name in the main form, an autonumber is generated, then that number is automatically entered into the boxes in my subform. My subform is a datasheet view with many records. I want all the records to have the autonumber generated in the main form. Is there a way to do this. Currently I have the boxes in the subform retrieve the autonumber by setting it equal to the autonumber text box on the main form. I would think that there would be an easier way to accomplish this seemingly simple task.



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Feb 26, 2005

I am using SQL INSERT INTO where I insert values from my form Me!value1 etc
I have an autonumber in the table where I am using INSERT INTO, and when I exclude the autonumber it says that the number of columns does not match. I tried assigning a number manually in SQL and it works fine, but I can't use autonumber anymore. Is there a way to use autonumber and still do INSERT INTO or is there a way I can find the highest number and put the next highest in there through VBA?

Thanks in advance

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ID Autonumber Gets Set As 5E+08

Mar 7, 2005

In the main table of my d/base (just testing) - when a new record is entered using a form, the Autonumber Key ID becomes 5E+08.

Whats that imply ? There are some One-To-Many sub tables running off the main table, but I can't see how they could cause a problem.


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May 26, 2005

How do I assign an autonumber to a table after the table is created. I know it ask after you create a table, but I answered no. Now I want it to assign each record an autonumber?


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ID (Autonumber)

Oct 9, 2005


In the table,

I set ID (auto number),
How large the number? What is the limit number?
After it used, will it set back to 1 again?

Please let me know, thanks

Thanks a lot. Thanks.

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