Modules & VBA :: Check For Documents With Specific Naming Structure

Apr 30, 2014

I want to hit a button and then it scans for a file on a server and return with a message box saying if it exists or not.

I want it so when I am on a Specific record it will search for certain requirements.

All the file names are pdf files with the same naming structure

SIT yy m(m) dd Last Name Unique Identifier
SIT 14 5 21 Smith ABCD1234567
SIT 14 10 21 Smith ABCD1234567

So I hit the button it sweeps the file path and looks for documents with this naming structure.

Last Name and Unique Identifier are fields within the db.

Last Name = txtLName

Unique Identifier = txtUniqIden

So far I have the following:

Dim strDirName As String
Dim strDirPath As String
Dim strDirName As String
Dim strDirPath As String

[Code] ....

So Far it works and I used the actual name of the items an it finds them but I need to up each record.

I have no clue how to begin with the strDirName. How to get it to scan the file name in a specific format.

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General :: Checking Specific File For Documents With Same Name

Jun 4, 2014

I have a button that when pressed it checks a specific file for documents with the same name (example: Test, Test 1, Test 180, ect...)

Dim StrFile As String
StrFile = Dir("C:UsersJohnDesktopTest*test*")
Do While Len(StrFile) > 0
Debug.Print StrFile
MsgBox StrFile
StrFile = Dir

The problem with this is if there are 2 files with Test (Test, Test - Copy) It gives me 2 separate message boxes. The first with Test. Then a second message box with the second file, Test - Copy. I want to combine both of the message boxes in to one. So the message box would look like:

Test - Copy

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Modules & VBA :: Using Access To Check Whether A Specific File Exists On A Website?

Aug 19, 2013

Actually what I am looking to do is have an Access application check some Web site for the presence of a number. This number could be the Serial number of the application and if this number exists to maybe show a message in the aplication or even terminate the application.

A quick and dirty way is for User Serial number 254, to put on a specific page of a Web site say arbitrary file 254.jpg (invisible on the Web site). The application would check for the existence of this file and if it is there, it could take some action. Everything would have to be done in stealth mode.

The following code can tell me if a specific URL exists, in this case [URL]


Private Sub cmdArbitray_Click()
Dim blnDum As Boolean
blnDum = blnCheckURL("")
' If blnDum = True then it exists
End Sub
Public Function blnCheckURL(ByVal strURL As String) As Boolean
blnCheckURL = (InternetCheckConnection(strURL, FLAG_ICC_FORCE_CONNECTION, 0&) <> 0&)
End Function

1) How can I check for file 254.jpg?

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Modules & VBA :: Check For Specific Version Of A Ribbon To Connect To Database?

Sep 2, 2014

I have been trying to come up with a solution for a problem I am having for a while to no avail. We have a backend database that stores various tables full of data. We then have a custom Excel Ribbon that connects to the database and pulls in the different tables depending on the user selection form the ribbon. Everything is working well on that end. The problem I am running into though is that in the development phase of the ribbon and database we had multiple versions and so there are still some people who are using old versions of the ribbon and therefore not connecting properly to the database. Is there some type of code I can add into the database and ribbon where it checks for a specific version to ensure the user is using the most recent version?

Basically, before any type of query is run to connect to the database the ribbon would have some sort of label on it somewhere and the database would check for that label and if it is correct, the code proceeds and if not a message box appears that tells the user they are not using the most current version of the ribbon and exits the sub?

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Question About Database Structure (specific)

Dec 9, 2006

Hi everyone. This is my first post here, I hope I'm making it to the right forum!

I'm currently experimenting with databases with an idea to move them online in order to create SQL & PhP driven websites. I'm a long way off actually making them live, though, and have become stuck today on trying to create the best structure for a specific database.

I've searched for example databases to see how other people might have solved this problem, but it's very hard to find another database with exactly the same issue.

I hope someone can tell me the best way organise my data! I'm racking my brain trying to reduce data redundancy and make the most logical database I can. I'd appreciate any help, thanks!

Basically my current database involves cataloguing a particular video game series. Each game title in the series has information attached to it (eg. platform, developer, trivia, data released etc.), but some games have spin-off titles with the same information stored about them.

If someone is viewing a spin-off title I want them to be able to see that's it's connected to a "parent" title and vise versa (someone looking at a "parent" title can see all the spin-offs).

This database is as much an exercise in creating a completely "correct" database as anything, so I want to reduce data duplication as much as possible (completely?).

I've attached a picture of my database as it stands at the moment (with no spin-off information added), I hope this might help someone understand my problem.

Thanks for any help! It's much appreciated! Databases make my brain hurt sometimes, and it's hard to know then "best" way to do something!

- Johnny W

PS - Here's the "key" to the diagram.

tblTitles - Game information
tblAlternates - The same game on different platforms (eg. PC, PlayStation, Nintendo Gameboy etc)

Actually, I think the rest is pretty self-explanatory! Thanks for any help! -J

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Please Can You Check Table Structure/concept

Nov 8, 2005


i need a db to monitor attendance (I know there are examples that do this but I need to satisfy my own curiosity and haven't seen one exactly like i need). My plan is to set-up the tables as below. I now have one-to-many relationships. There are many students. each student will study many courses.

I would like a form that shows the student info and a subform that shows all the courses they are on and weeks 1 -10. i could then use the yes/no attribute to record an abscence. later i would then need a query to see which students had missed two weeks in a row or more than 3 in total.

I think i need a form bound to tblStudents with a subform control that is displaying a form that is bound to tblStudentCourse. i am then a bit stuck as i need another form that will display the course records for each student. am i off track??? any ideas would be great. thanks.

StudentID (PK, number)

tblCourseID (PK, number)
Week1 (yes/no)
Week2 (yes/no)

StudentCourseID (PK, autonumber)

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Tables :: Timesheet Structure - Check In System

Apr 12, 2013

I'm creating a timesheet/check in system (log in when the person starts work so it logs it and when they log out it logs that also for the manager or someone with high power to see.) for a fictitious scenario for an IT major project but I'm not sure where to start!

At the moment I have a few tables that are like this.

Table: Employees
Fields: EmployeeID, First Name, Last Name, DOB

Table: PayRates
Fields: RateID, EmployeeID, HourRate, TotalHours

Fields: EmployeeID, PayPeriod, WorkDate, StartTime, EndTime, TotalHours

I'm not entirely sure if this is all correctly structured, it just doesn't look/sound right to me.

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Modules & VBA :: Naming New Archive Table

Jan 8, 2014

I have a Database in which I would like to archive data once it is now longer actively being used. I have VBA code that does everything i need it to, however I would like to name the new archive table related to the dates in the data being archived. Below is the code I am using to archive and delete the information from the main table.

Dim strSQLCreate As String
Dim strSQLDelete As String
Dim strArchiveTableName As String


I know it will be in the "strArchiveTableName" variable, I am just not sure how to pull the dates out of the data being moved. The TestData table holds a date and time for each test, and the earliest and latest dates is what i want to append to the table name.

For example: Currently "tblTestData_A102Archive"What I want "tblTestData_A102_1/1/2012-1/1/2013"

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Modules & VBA :: Naming A File - SOW Number

Oct 23, 2013

I'm currently working with Access 2007 building a way to create PODs to clients. I have most everything laid out, one problem I can't seem to get around is naming the file the SOW #. Below is the code:

Function Run_all_PODs_01()
Dim myPath As String
Dim name As Object

DoCmd.OpenQuery "Q5 SOW bill requested data points all", acViewNormal, acEdit
DoCmd.OpenQuery "Q5 SOW bill requested All 01", acViewNormal, acEdit

[Code] ...

I can't seem to get the name to equal the SOW number.

The table that I'm trying to reference is "SOW bill requested data points" it is a basic table one row with a column header as SOW #. I'm not sure how to tell it name the file that data point in the column.

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Modules & VBA :: Output Report To Excel With Naming

Aug 19, 2013

Been hunting a round looking for some code that will output my access report to excel but more inportantly add a unique field from the report to the name of the file. example would be [FileName] & [ReferenceNo].xls.

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Modules & VBA :: Excel Export Naming Convention

Jun 8, 2015

I would like to add the "Month" of the information queried to my file name at export if possible. I included my current code and an example of how I would like the title to read.

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, 10, "tblStarzIncentivePayoutExport", "C:StarzExportsIncentive Payouts" & " " & "Ran" & " " & Format(Date, "mm-dd-yyyy")

I would like the file to be named:

Incentive Payouts "Month out of the date ran in the query" Ran 06/08/2015

Is it possible to do?

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Modules & VBA :: Word Naming And Emailing Attach From Access 10?

Apr 21, 2015

I need to create a word file (it needs to be word) based on template (not a very complicated template) max 1 to 1 and 1/2 pages long.

the word doc needs to be named from the recordset but for now assume 12345.doc and the next one will be 12346.doc etc (I have a unique number system - available from tables /query .

i can either make the word doc in code or use a template (template would be better) recordset could have 20-30 in it each time i run it - but to be run every week

second half is how to email this out. i had in mind a email system

email to .
file attach = this folder where the docs are store and attach 12345

in a loop

so either

create word file - email word file in a loop each time or create all the word files and then send them individual

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Modules & VBA :: Naming Range To Export Data To Access Table?

Dec 15, 2014

I am trying to write code in an excel worksheet to try to export excel data to a table in access.

The range in which the data is situated in excel varies. So the range address varies with the data. After a lot of searching I wrote the following code which works for a range which is fixed. The code is the following:

Dim acc As New Access.Application
Range(Range("b22"), Range("b22").End(xlDown)).Select
ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="ghazla", RefersTo:=Selection
acc.OpenCurrentDatabase "D:PayRollFactoryJasminePayroll.accdb"
acc.DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet _

[Code] .....

As one can see from the first two lines of code I am trying to first delineate the range and then to name it. The intent is to name the range "ghazla" and so to cater for the fact that the extent of data varies.

The code works with the fixed range ="Sheet2$B140". However what I need to do is to adjust the code so that I can insert "ghazla" as the range name so that this can vary.

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Modules & VBA :: Printing Some Documents Jump Up Queue

Jan 14, 2015

I am working on a project in which we have to print word documents of each policy so if the policystatus is "Live" then we have to print a document with header(barcode) on it. If the policystatus is "Cancelled" then print off a different sheet. The following code is written that works fine but the only thing is the print order is not right. documents jump up the queue. The documents spooled last get printed off first sometimes. Any other alternator to write the following code so that sheets prints off in order:

Public LivePol As Variant
Public CancelPol As Variant
Sub GetDataFromDataBase()
LivePol = 0
CancelPol = 0
Dim myDataBase As Database


If we can write the code in a way so that printing sheets come up in the order.

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Modules & VBA :: Hide Navigation Pane And Documents Tabs

May 27, 2014

I'm wondering if it is possible to create a module to hide the navigation pane and document tabs? I know this is possible via the Access Current Database options however I'd prefer this to be done via an Auto Exec that runs the sub. (i already have it for the ribbon)...

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Modules & VBA :: How To Execute Free Text Search In Linked Documents

Apr 10, 2014

I have a table which lists all documents that refer to a certain entity. the table contains the file names and paths. I would like the user to be able to search for text inside these documents.Can I use Windows Search for that by using code? Is there any other way?

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Modules & VBA :: Universal Short File Path To Documents Folder?

May 27, 2014

I have the code below and I want it to open a file from my documents folder. The only problem is that every computers path is different to this folder. Any easy way to work around and open a file in My Documents without the full path?

I want to eliminate the part of the path in red and make it universal because computers will have a different number.

Operating System: Windows 7

Code below:

Public Function AddITARPicOffloadAnalysis()
Dim xlApp As Object
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
With xlApp
Dim wb As Object
Dim ws As Object
Dim Lastrow As Long

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Create Multiple Word Documents From ListBox MultiSelect?

Jul 31, 2013

I created a form with a ListBox and a Command Button. The users selects the values in the listbox and then click the button to create word documents. I've written VBA code to accomplish this. But it's not working properly. It opens multiple word documents but all for the same one.

Private Sub Command6_Click()
Dim appWord As Object
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strPathToTemplateFile As String
Dim strPathToProspectiveFile As String
Dim strPreferredFileName As String
For Each varItem In Me.List0.ItemsSelected


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Modules & VBA :: Adding Mail Documents To Lotus Notes Collection

Oct 13, 2013

I receive mails through LN and loop through a certain folder, reading DeliveredDate, Body, Subject and writing those items into an Access-table.This works fine, before I go for the loop I put the doc in another folder and remove the current doc from the folder.

Call LNDoc.PutInFolder("SMSBackup", False)
Call LNDoc.RemoveFromFolder("SMSResponse")
Set LNDoc = LNView.GetNextDocument(LNDoc)

Without any error, without anything abnormal in the mails the code exits after a few loops, sometime after more or sometime after less read mails.The problem ist the RemoveFromFolder, not the PutInFolder function.

So to avoid this behavoir, I changed my code to finish the loop without
Call LNDoc.PutInFolder("SMSBackup", False)
Call LNDoc.RemoveFromFolder("SMSResponse")

and added after the loop a NotesCollection which should do ALL at once.But this part of the code does nothing at all (allthough found on the web).

With LNCollection
.PutAllInFolder "SMSBackup", False
.RemoveAllFromFolder "SMSResponse"
End With

The complete code looks like this:

Set objNotes = GetObject("", "Notes.NotesSession")
Set LNdb = objNotes.GetDatabase("myServer", "MyNSF")
If Not LNdb.IsOpen Then LNdb.OpenDatabase
If Not (LNdb Is Nothing) Then
Set LNView = LNdb.GetView("SMSResponse")


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Modules & VBA :: Search For All Picture Files In Documents And Copy To A Folder On Desktop

Mar 28, 2014

I've been trying to search for all picture files in my documents and copy them to a folder on the desktop. I found this and it work great for searching however I'm having trouble getting the copy to work. [URL] ....

Dim colFiles As New Collection
RecursiveDir colFiles, "C:Photos", "*.jpg", True
Dim vFile As Variant
For Each vFile In colFiles
Debug.Print vFile
Next vFile


I replaced the debug.print vfile with my copy function. I've tried copyfile but it needs to specify the destination with the file name. I tried using the FSO filecopy method and can't get it to work (keep getting a compile error "Expected =") I feel the hard part is done and this part should be simple.

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Modules & VBA :: Search CSV To Find Specific Statement / Text On Specific Line?

Jul 8, 2015

how to read a specific line in a CSV file (using VBA), to see if the phrase "There are no records available." is present.

If it is present, then I'm going to do a debug.print stating that there are no records to load - and then the script will move on to the next file. If the phrase isn't present, then I'm going to upload the file to Access, parse the information, and then upload it to a CRM. (I already have the latter portion of the code up and running....I just need to account for the first part, where I can determine if the file has data or not).

The structure of the file never changes. The first row is composed of eight column headers (Post Date, Card Number, Card Type, Auth Date, Batch Date, Reference Number, Reason, Amount) and (if) the phrase "There are no records available." is present, it will show up on the second row, in the first column (under Post Date).

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Autofill From With Specific Condition Check

Jan 14, 2014

I want to Autofill one of the field in my form, by checking specific conditions in my database. Example of which is as below:

1. Date of Maintenance :
2. Loom No. :
3. Component Replaced :
4. Component Type :
5. Latest date for same component replacement :

I want to autofill the Sr. No. 5 in the form itself by checking database, and if Sr. No.2=Sr No.3=Sr. 4, then latest date should be autofill in Sr. No. 5

Say, A component was replaced in a Loom on 01/01/2013 & again after six month same component is replaced on 01/06/2013 so while filling up the form, In sr. no. 5 latest date 01/01/2013 of replacement of same component in same loom should be pulled from data base.

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Naming Conventions

Mar 25, 2006


I try to use common naming conventions wherever possible.
Every now and then I come across what should be common but I can't find a standard method to use.

It not really a huge problem, but as this is the General forum I thought I'd ask.

Does anyone have a good link with a long list of conventions?

Are all good places to look.

Does anyone have a standard way to name a table which permenantly resides in the client but the data is very much temporary.

I use these tables a lot and was just interested.

No matter if there isn't one, just seems a good idea to open up a discussion for anyone else who wastes time like I do on the name of objects etc. rather than doing the work:-)

Any and all ideas on the subject most welcome.

Cheers, I hope this becomes a useful thread.

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Naming Conventions

Jul 24, 2007

Following on from entries in a previous post (see ) I wondered what people considered to sensible naming conventions.

For example should a table be called "Order Details", "Order_Details", "OrderDetails" or "tblOrderDetails".

Should variables in VBA be given a prefix which indicates their type eg strString or intInteger etc.

Lets have your views.

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Naming Conventions

Apr 15, 2005

When I started using Access excel had been my closest app. to a database.

My first attempts to build a database failed because I tried to build the database like sets of excel sheets.

Any ways I then discovered Normalization, that helped a lot.
Now I am wondering about naming rules.

I have seen a few examples like:

Is there one standard or method or is this just user preference?

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Naming Conventions (possible Sticky)

Jan 25, 2008

Not only do a lot of people not format code (nothing a copy/paste dump of 300 lines with no spacing), they use control names like textbox1, combo47, and form12. It drives me bonkers. This is in part from Expert One-on-One Microsoft Access Application Development. Please read it and understand it. (The book isn't bad either.) Reagrdless of whether or not you agree with it, the point here is that you use some sort of naming convention, even if it's not this one as variants exist. Without it, maintaining your code is exponentially harder, and asking for help in here without some sort of standard convention is far less likely to get a response.That is all. :)Leszynski Naming Conventions (

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