Modules & VBA :: Filtering Results In List Box

Apr 21, 2014

I am using a form in which i am filtering the results in the list box based on the textbox value. I am dynamically switching 3 row sources for the list box.

My Need is that the results produced in the listbox should get filtered again when typing in the second text box i.e based o the country name.

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Modules & VBA :: Goto Record Without Filtering Results

Dec 5, 2013

Is there a way to search for a term within a form and goto a record that matches that term assuming there was only one matching result (Unique ID, for example).

But NOT filter the results so that user can still navigate as usual after the search has been carried out.

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Help With Filtering Results

Mar 6, 2007

I've created a database to keep track of all our Microsoft licences for the company.
Just to make sure we're fully licenced, to allocate where needed, and to help reallocate when we replace a pc.

I have 2 tables, 1 hardware (listing PC ID,location etc.) and 1 software (listing software type, software licences, and to which PC ID allocated).

What i'm trying to do is filter the pc's missing either an Office licence or a Windows licence or both, so i can base a report on the results.

I've tried but can't quite get it to work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Filtering Within Search Results

May 26, 2006

Whats the best way to filter search results?

I'll do my best to explain my problem:

I made a form that lets users search for records in a database and displays them in another form. In that form I've made 3 buttons to let users narrow down the results to show only certain items within the search results.

Now, 2 of the buttons show specific items and the third one toggles the form to display all the records. So lets say I'm filtering records by whether or not they contain the words "car" and "truck." If a record has "car" but not truck and I click the button to sort by "truck" then the search result goes blank, which is ok. But if I click "car" or "show all" to display everything again then the search result stays blank.

This doesn't happen with records that contain both "car" and "truck."

For every button I have something like this: DoCmd.OpenForm "AdminSearchResults", , "SOW", "VendName = '" & VendName & "'", , , "'VendName'"

I know my explanation may suck, but if anyone can help me, that would be great, lol

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General :: Filtering Results Outside Of Standard Deviation

Oct 16, 2014

I am trying to create a query that filters results only outside of 1 standard deviation of the mean. Is there an option for this in the criteria spot? I'm fairly new to Access and I'm not sure if I can reference a particular cell in the criteria.

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Filtering Crosstab Query And Display Results

Dec 19, 2014

I have a crosstab query. There is a field for row headings that specifies QUARTER (Q1,Q2, Q3,Q4) and another field for row headings that specifies YEAR(2015,2016,...etc)

I want to be able to have the user input the criteria in to a box and filter the crosstab query to then display the filtered results.

Right now on my column headings I have MONTH.

When I try to reference the form in the criteria, I always get the error

"The Microsoft Database Engine does not recognize ..... as a valid field name or expression"

Does this mean that you can not filter crosstab queries?

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Forms :: Combo Boxes Filtering Results Into A Subform

May 30, 2013

I have these 3 combo boxes filtering results into a subform.

Private Sub Combo5_AfterUpdate()
If Len(Nz(Combo5, "")) > 0 Then
FindRFQsubform.Form.Filter = "[RFQ Title] = '" & Combo5 & "'"
FindRFQsubform.Form.FilterOn = True


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Queries :: Filtering Data - Results Need To Be In Specific Order

May 21, 2013

I'm taking my first database class and I'm working on a hospital project in which I need to determine which pair (one doctor and one nurse) has a decremental performance as weeks go on.

I have an "r" and "s" queries.

These are the fields:


I would like to find what pair had a "Good" result in week 1, "Average" in week 2, and "Bad" in week 3. My problem is that the results need to be in this specific order.

The professor told us to use a formula and I got the solution after building 6 queries that involved union, difference, and cartesian.

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Filtering A Subform Using A List Box

Jan 8, 2006

I've finally figured out how to populate my list box with radio buttons (3 companys listed on the radio buttons, you click one and employees for that particular company populates the list box). Now I'm trying to figure out how to click on an employee in that box and have their contact information populate the subform that holds that info.

After trying unsuccesfully with VB, I considered using a macro that would open the subform where the Last Name = the Last Name clicked in the list box, but I couldn't figure that out (couldn't figure out what the name would be for the selection in the list box) but I would prefer the subform be there permanantly in "add" mode untill a selection is made in the list box.

I'm code ignorant and rely on google and what books I have for reference / copy-past.....any ideas?

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Filtering A Subform Using A List Box

Jan 8, 2006

I've finally figured out how to populate my list box with radio buttons (3 companys listed on the radio buttons, you click one and employees for that particular company populates the list box). Now I'm trying to figure out how to click on an employee in that box and have their contact information populate the subform that holds that info.

After trying unsuccesfully with VB, I considered using a macro that would open the subform where the Last Name = the Last Name clicked in the list box, but I couldn't figure that out (couldn't figure out what the name would be for the selection in the list box) but I would prefer the subform be there permanantly in "add" mode untill a selection is made in the list box.

I'm code ignorant and rely on google and what books I have for reference / copy-past.....any ideas?

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Forms :: Filtering A List Box?

Jun 15, 2013

I have a list box which gets it's data from a query. I would like to filter this query to show only those rows matching a value displayed on the form.

The form displays data from a table and has a text box named PIDLocal.

The query returns a list of PID values and some text SELECT PID, Country, RefCode FROM Query1 The PIDs are integers.

I want the list box to contain only those rows where PID = PIDLocal.

I have tried setting the criteria in the row source query to PID = [Forms]![Show_Details]![PIDLocal], but nothing is returned. If I 'hard-code' a value (eg PID=247) I get the desired result.

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List Box Of Reports - Filtering Result

Feb 22, 2007

I use the call back function to generate my list of reports in a list box.

I chose to use this method as it seems like an easy way to do what I want, and to a certain extent understand how it works.

What I would really like to be able to do, is have it filter the list of reports.

For example, some reports are for me working behind the scenes, and also so many are subreports that go in to the main report so dont need listing.

I would like to have a report names 'Clients Full Report', 'Clients Medication Report' etc on the list (I dont mind changing report names as I think that will be the key to making it work) So many of my sub reports have client in its name, so if a report could be named '1Clients Main Report' and the code looks for the number 1 and removes the 1 from the list so it displays Clients Main Report on the list.

So its just a way to make the list box only include specific reports based on a number.

Any suggestions?

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Need Help On Filtering Records Using Combo Or List Box

Feb 18, 2006

Hi, I need help on my search command. I am hoping to be able to use a combo box or a list box coming from a table as my criteria to use to filter records from a form and present it a subform/subreport upon clicking the command button. Ideally I should have a form wherein I will have a either a combo box or list box for my criteria, a subform/subreport, and a command button. When I select a particular item on the combo box or list box and I click the command button, the subform/subreport would show me records matching only the particular criteria I selected.

I tried using several approach but it's not working, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Please help me, I am just learning how to do this all by myself.

First Approach:
I tried using a list box to list all the countries I have available from the country table and a command button so when I select a country from the list box and click on the command button I will be able to show on a datasheet view only records matching the country criteria.
This is the code I used:
__________________________________________________ _______________
Private Sub Preview_Click()

DoCmd.OpenForm "qrysumcountry subform", , "Country", "Country = [List4]"

End Sub
__________________________________________________ _______________
But everytime I click on the command button Preview, I am always asked to enter parmeter value then when I type the country that's when it shows the record in forms format matching the criteria country but when I dont type anything and click ok, it just shows a blank form and indicates it's filtered but no record is showing. But I click cancel, it shows a Run-time error '2501'. why does it still have to make me type the parameter if I have selected it on the list box already?

Second Approach:
On the form: I used a combo box, a subform/subreport and a command button. On the combo box I have to show different countries available on my country table. on the subform/subreport I have used my a form created from a query. I want to select from the combo box a particular country and used it as my criteria to filter the records I have on my subform when I click on the search command button. I tried following the sample given by gromit but it doesn't want to work on my database.

This is the code I followed:
__________________________________________________ _______________
Private Sub btnClear_Click()
Dim intIndex As Integer
Me.cmbCountry = 0

End Sub

Private Sub btnsearch_Click()
Me.frmqrybyCountry1.Form.RecordSource = "SELECT * FROM qrybycountry" & BuildFilter


End Sub

Private Function BuildFilter() As Variant
Dim varWhere As Variant

varWhere = Null ' Main filter

'Check if there is a filter to return...
If IsNull(varWhere) Then
varWhere = ""
varWhere = "WHERE " & varWhere

' strip off last "AND" in the filter
If Right(varWhere, 5) = " AND " Then
varWhere = Left(varWhere, Len(varWhere) - 5)
End If
End If

BuildFilter = varWhere

End Function
__________________________________________________ _______________
After selecting on the combo box and click on the command button it just shows all record. It doesn't seem like it is reading what I selected from the combo box as my criteria to filter the records. What could be I be doing wrong? Honestly, I dont understand what is happening to the code here especially the BuildFilter function.

Please help me, I would really want to figure this problem out. Thank you so much.

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Filtering A Form Based Off A List Box?

Mar 24, 2005

how do i filter a form based off what you select in a list box?


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Forms :: Filtering (All) From Combo Box Value List?

Jul 19, 2013

I have a combo box on a form which has a row source type of Value List in which I've manually typed in 2 entries: Owned, Leased.

I have a query which filters on the results of the combobox, and works fine for when I select either option Owned or Leased.

Is there an easy way to filter all (both Owned & Leased)? I've tried leaving the combobox blank, and tried entering a * in the value list, but they both return no results.


SELECT Assets.*
FROM Assets
WHERE (((Assets.Possession)=[Forms]![Home]![Combo56]));

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Filtering A ComboBox List Based On A Table Value?

Nov 12, 2014

My database is centered on a main form where users select pieces of information from ComboBoxes (primarily) and submit.

The first part of the form, they must choose from a list of our clients, which is a table with with roughly 5000 rows.

Later on in the form, they must choose a contact person from that client. While Client's may have several contact names (which need to be stored in a table), only one name is necessary for the form portion.

How can I make this Contact Person ComboBox only load names attached to the specific Client selected above?

As it stands right now, the Client List has its own table (along with additional information), and Contact Name is a separate Table with a look up field of Client List.

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Forms :: List Filtering Based On Current Record

Dec 2, 2014

I currently have a form that only shows data based on a specific record id. I have placed a list into that form though that has multiple record ID's listed ( It's a log). How do I get a List to Filter to just the Record ID that corresponds to the current form Record.

What I have are as follows:

A form that has client information : Address, phone numbers, Etc.

On that form I have Pages. one of the pages contains a List.

That List however contains information from multiple clients based on Point of Contact ( Call Log)

What I want is a way to narrow the List to only show those that corresponds to the Current Client Record.

Is this possible? If my approach is wrong, which is a better way?

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Forms :: Three Linked Tables - Filtering A Filtered List

Mar 21, 2013

I have three linked tables [Regulator], [RuleBook] and [Rules] (each has a corresponding form for data entry).

In the "Rules" form, when you select name of the regulator, the rule books dropdown down is filtered to show only the rulebooks for that regulator. the code I use is:

Private Sub Regulator_Change()
Me.[Rule Book].RowSource = "SELECT [ID],[Rule Book],[Short Code],[Regulator],[RegName],[Short Form],[Active] FROM" & _
" [RuleBook] WHERE Regulator = " & _
Me.[ShortReg] = Me.Regulator.Column(3)
End Sub

Basically, if I select the FSA as the regulator, The Rule Books drop down is filtered to only show the FSA Rule Books. If I pick OFT, I get the OFT list etc. This all works fine.

In the [RuleBook] table, each entry has a yes/no tick box called "Active".

The reason for this being that the regulators change their rule books quite regularly, but from an audit perspective, I can't delete or overwrite the old ones once they are no longer valid.

What I want to do, is further filter the rule book list to those where Active=True so that when I select FSA, I can only choose from their current rule books and not the ones that are no longer relevant.

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Forms :: Filtering List Box Using A Date Rage And Combo Selection

Jan 5, 2014

I am using this code to filter a List Box based on a Date range and a Combo Box selection:

Private Sub Combo139_AfterUpdate()
Dim StrgSQL As String
StrgSQL = "SELECT [User Name], [Date Of Request], [Description of Problem], Status, Sub_Job FROM QRY_SearchAll " & _
"WHERE [Date of request] BETWEEN #" & CDate(Me.txtStartDate) & _
"# AND #" & CDate(Me.txtEndDate) & "#;"
StrgSQL = StrgSQL & " WHERE Sub_Job = Combo139"
Me.SearchResults.RowSource = StrgSQL
End Sub

However, It is not working. when I click the Combo box the List Box comes up blank.

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Double Clicking Query List Box Results

Oct 18, 2006


Does anyone know how I can set up the following?

I have a form with a list box in it which is populated by the data from a query.
What I would like is that when a user clicks on one line of data so that the line goes black and the text goes white, I would like the code that when double clicked, will take you to a form with the record displaying the same data as the one that was in the list box.

E.g. The list box would be a work queue of outstanding post items to action and when a record is double clicked on, it takes you to another form but shows all of the data for that record as opposed to just the data in the list box query result.

Many thanks

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Query Results Include Number List

Jun 9, 2004

Hi all. Firts time here.

Got a access database containg sports data. Need to display number list with query result exampl.

Name BA
John Doe .299
Jane Doe .230

Desired Result

1 John Doe .299
2. Jane Doe .230
Need help. Thanks

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General :: How To Show The Searching Results In List Box

Apr 2, 2014

i create a form and i want do do the searching in it so i but a button and combo box and the list box to show the results and the searching is from query

my form name is form2 and the button name is search and the combobox name is combo212

how can i show the total in the charts in access like i create a chart for students and years so every year i know how many student in and i want to know how to sum all the student in all the years ans show it in the chart?

i create a tow search combobox and button the question is how can i siprait the searching from the tow combobox like i search for the interest in the first combobox and the seacond one is for the years but i want to search for the interest in all years i tray it but it sis not work with me so how i can do it

how can i add data to the combobox without going to the table ?

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Forms :: Passing Query Results To List Box

Sep 27, 2013

I got a database that has a multitab control. In the first tab there is the data and second one is a search tool. It contains a field where to type the text to be searched and a listbox where the results should show up.So far I only managed to create the query and link it to the field (textbox) where the user puts the search word. I just have no clue how to display the results on the listbox once the text is entered and the button pressed.

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Forms :: Selecting Record Results Out Of A List Box In Form - Access 2010

Nov 13, 2013

I am relearning Access and having a little difficulty. I am creating a Access database that links tables from an I series system which I have done trouble free. In the database I have pulled up for example a patient demographic file (hospital). I have form frmSearch that prompts the user to enter the medical record number OR they can search by name. I have a query that takes that information then loads a 2nd form to display the query results in a list box. I would like to be able to click on one of the results from the 2nd form to then load another form that will display all of the patient information that was selected.How do you set this up so that with the results shown, I can click on one of them and it will load that patient into another form pulling the rest of his or her information from the table file?

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Modules & VBA :: Filtering Using Multiple Checkboxes?

May 2, 2014

I'm having a rough time finding information regarding filtering using multiple check boxes that are not part of an option group. I have 4 "sets" of check boxes that can each have multiple selections made.

For example I have:

12 check boxes for each month
6 check boxes for a selection of years
6 check boxes for order types
5 check boxes for order company

I have written code that successfully creates a string depending on what boxes are checked that looks like this.

[Ship month] = "1" OR [Ship month] = "2" OR [Ship month] = "5" AND [Ship Year] = "2013" OR [Ship Year] = "2014" AND [OrderType] = "SO" OR [OrderType] = "SM" AND [Order Company] = "10430" OR [Order Company] = "10440"

The problem is that it does not filter correctly. After playing around with it I found that as long as the entire is using all AND operators or all OR operaters it works fine, but as soon as I mix them it doesn't work.

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Modules & VBA :: Date Filtering Through Excel

Jan 27, 2014

I have an Excel workbook which I use to extract data from an Access database using VBA. A requirement has popped up to show things from the last week. Unfortunately, I can't just use a Date()-7 query in Access as the start point might be different, so it needs to be based on seven days prior to a date field in Excel.

So, I have a cell in Excel with a date, in this case "16/01/2014". I want to then use that date in my query to say "greater than 8 days prior to to this date". The field is formatted as a date and the variable (DatafileDate) taken from this field and passed to the function is a Date. In my Select query I then have this line to select the top 5 marked as UK accounts in this case:

SearchText = "SELECT TOP 5 * FROM `" & TableName & "` WHERE `" & TableName & "`.`Account`='UK' AND `" AND `" & TableName & "`.`Close Date` > #" & DatafileDate & "#"

#" & DatafileDate & "#" -8

Should mention that the TableName stuff is so the name of the table can be set elsewhere. "Close Date" is the column in my Access query I need to filter on.

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