Modules & VBA :: Replace Values In One Table Based On 2nd Table

Jan 12, 2015

I have a table (tblConversions) that I'm using as a base for replacing values in a different table. tblConversions is set up as such and is made up of nearly 100 records:

1 Ashaway ASH
2 Barrington BAR
3 Bristol BRI
4 Jesse Smith BUR

Another table (tblSysItemLoc) has nearly 1,000 records with a field for Location Names such as Ashaway New Books, Ashaway Fiction, Ashaway Non-Fiction, Barrington DVDs, Barrington Reference, etc. Other fields in this table are just statistics.

What I need to do is loop through tblConversions, and find in tblSysItemLoc where the Location field Starts With the value from tblConversion.LABEL and replace the Entire field with the CODE. For example, from tblSysItemLoc "Ashaway New Books" gets changed to "ASH", "Barrington Reference" gets changed to "BAR", etc.

I feel like I need a loop inside of a loop, but I'm not sure where to begin. Loops are not my specialty.

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Using Boolean 'and' To Update A Table Based On Values In A Link Table

Feb 24, 2008

The attached Access XP file demonstrates my problem. I've included a form to make testing easier.

Each record in the Projects table has one or more linked entries in the Keywordlink table, showing keywords that apply to that record. Each record in Projects has a Yes/No 'Utility' field.

A third table, Keywords, supplies the keywords that the user can apply to records in Projects, using the subform on the main form. The Keywords table also includes a True/False 'Utility' field. I have set this to True for for the first three keywords.

I need a query, a series of queries or some VB code that updates Projects_Utility for all records to True if and only if the record's linked entries in Keywordlink include all of the keywords for which Keywords_Utility is True (a boolean 'and', as opposed to an 'or'). Otherwise, Projects_Utility must be set to False.

In the attached file, with the current settings in the Keyword table, the 'GetSelectedProjects' query should then produce single-row listings for ClientA and ClientF.

I'd appreciate any help you can give me on this. I'm not a programmer, but I can manage a bit of VB code if I have to.

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Adding New Records To Table Based On Values In Another Table?

Aug 19, 2015

I'm developing a database for the hospital I work in. One purpose of this is to keep track of patients with temporary invasive devices (there are many types such as urinary catheters, ventilators, etc.), specifically how many days each patient has a device for. Each device is associated with one patient only, but one patient may have many devices. Here's how the associated tables are set up:

1. tblPatients - PatientID (PK), LastName, FirstName, DOB,...
2. tblLocations - LocationID (PK), LocationLabel,....
3. tblDevices - DeviceID (PK), DeviceType, Device, DeviceDesc
4. tblDeviceUse - DeviceUseID (PK), DeviceID (FK), PatientID (FK), LocationID (FK) (where in the hospital was device inserted, e.g., operating room, bedside, etc.), DeviceStartDate, DeviceEndDate
5. tblDeviceDailyLog - DeviceLogID (PK), DeviceUseID (FK), DeviceDate, PatientLocID (FK) (area in the hospital that patient is in)

All primary keys except for PatientID & LocationID are Autonumbers; and the tables are linked appropriately.

Whenever an entry is made into tblDeviceUse, I want there to be new records to be automatically generated in tblDeviceDailyLog for each date between the Start and End Dates. For example, patient A123 had a urinary catheter from 1/1/2000 to 1/10/2000 that was inserted while the patient was in the ICU, but the patient was moved to the Medical Ward on 1/7/2000. So tblDeviceDailyLog should have 10 new records associated with this device, one for each calendar day, with the appropriate location for each day.

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Queries :: Calculation Based On Values Selected In Table By Looking Up Corresponding Values In Other Tables

Aug 29, 2014

I'm using Access 2010. I need to calculate a score based on values selected in a table by looking up corresponding values in other tables. I have a "Project" form to create new entries into the Project table (see Table 1). When I create a new project record, I will select values for the Payback and Need fields by selecting options from a list. The Payback list is pointed at Table 2 and the Need list is pointed at Table 3. In the below example, I created the "ABC" project and selected "1 year" for the Payback field and "Repair" for the Need field. Pretty simple.

Now that I have the "ABC" project loaded to my Project table, I'd like to create a report that will show a "score" for this project. The score should be calculated as follows: Payback Impact + Need Impact. In this example, the score should be 30 (Payback Impact of 20 + Need Impact of 10).

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Modules & VBA :: Restrict Value In Lookup Field To Only Include Values From Table B Not In Table A?

Feb 2, 2014

I have a database that has 2 tables. Table A and Table B. Table A is my primary table. On this table I have 2 fields. The first field is a LOOKUP Field that looks up information from Table B and displays my selection in the field on Table A. Then using DLOOKUP I automatically input the information in the Second Field on Table A based upon the selection from the First Field.

This is working mostly correctly. However, the problem is, when I click on the next record in the table, it automatically changes the Second Field on that record to the same value as the record before it and continues this trend each time I click on another record. This occurs without me making a selection in the first field. If I make a selection in the first field it does change the Second Field to the Correct Value, but then the next Record has the same issue.

How do I go about fixing this so it doesn't change the value with the change of the record. Only change if I change that particular field within that 1 record?is there a way to restrict the Value's in my lookup field to only include the Values from Table B that aren't already in Table A?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Replace Some Values From Another Query

Dec 6, 2013

I would like to replace missing TRP information from Query LF with average TRP information coming from Query LF_Average.

Somehow it doesn't work.

Public Sub Replace()
Dim strSQL7 As String
Dim qdf7 As QueryDef

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Replace Values By DSUM

Dec 16, 2013

I want to replace some values in a TNS_QUERY with DSUM. The error message tells me I have to use an updateable table.

How can I avoid to create a query and replace the values directly in the original table TNS? I just group on the original table.

Public Sub TNS_QUERY()
Dim strSQL As String
Dim x As Double
Dim qdf As QueryDef
strSQL = "SELECT TNS.[Division],TNS.[Customer_Split],SUM([TOTAL_NET_SALES])

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Add Rows To Table Based On Record Count Of Another Table

Mar 10, 2015

I am trying to assign teams to players. I have an import table with all of the players information listed. What I want to do is determine the count of players in a given city. For every 9 players I want to add a new record to the Team table and assign the team number (auto incremented for each team created). Then I want to add the players to the Players table with the Team Number that was created.

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Modules & VBA :: Update Column In Table Based On Another Table

Apr 24, 2015

I'm trying to use VBA to update a new column in a table with info I already have in another table.The table I want to update is an inventory details table, it has around 25,000 records. I added a column called "UnitCost", of course the column is empty for all 25,000 records so I would like to fill it easily using DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE" feature.

I use that through-out the program however I'm unable to connect the dots for this one.What it needs to do is update "UnitCost" in "InventoryDetails" from "Products" where "InventoryDetails.ProductNumber" = "Products.ProductNumber"

The "Products" table has all the different unit cost, it just need to be placed in the "InventoryDetails" table for every record. Of course product1 needs products1 unit cost and product2 needs products2 unit cost, etc.

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Adding Value In Table Based On Values In Two Other Fields

Dec 3, 2007

Hello: Is there (simple) way that I can populate a field based on the values of two other fields? For example, in a list of new employees, if a new employee starts on Nov 30 and works in the Administration Department, his human resources contact is Mary. If a new employee starts on Nov 30 and works in Sales, his contact would be Fred. I hope this is clear! Many thanks!

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Grabbing Values From A Table Based On Form Entry

Jan 5, 2006

In my database I have 4 tables for a small painting and decorating business.

These are:
tblCustomers, tblOrders, tblStock, tblPayments.

I have a form based on tblOrders to add new orders when they come in from customers.

In this form there are 3 important fields: "CustomerID" (Lookup to tblCustomers), "StockID" (Lookup to tblStock) and Quantity (Entered by user).

However, I want a calculated field that will be worked out automatically when the user is entering these details. The calculated field should go to tblStock and grab the "Cost" field.

However the main problem is specifying what price it will grab from the table. I want it to get the "Cost" where "StockID" = (the stock ID selected in the lookup). I then want to multiply the price by the quantity which the user has entered.

The control source should be worded something like:
= ([tblStock]![Cost] where [StockID] = StockID)*Quantity

but that isn't valid.

Could anyone point me to a piece of VBA or some way to get around my problem?
Many thanks for any help,

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Queries :: Sum Table Values Based On Combo Box Selection?

May 20, 2014

I am trying to write a query that gets all the telephone hours from a worker done under supervision in a town (qry_svhoursbytown). I have a table that has the workers details, including town (Crisis_support_workers), then another table that has what hours each worker has done (Supervision_Hours). The town is selected from a combo box on the form (frmSearch), under the heading �total hours by location�.

I try and select Bathurst then press recalculate results and in the text box next to supervision hours, it says 66, but if you look in the Supervision_Hours table, there is only 11 hours for the workers that are in Bathurst.

In the query, I have the sum total of the hours field in the Supervision_Hours table, the Town field from the Crisis_support_workers table with the total selected as Where and in that criteria I have [forms]![frmSearch]![ComboTown], then I just have the town field displayed.

What do I need to change to get it to sum correctly?

I have attached the database below so people can take a look.

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Forms :: Open Form Based On Table Values?

Sep 8, 2014

I have a table with the fields Thermometer_ID (primary key) and CalibrationType (combo box list with the options of InHouse or SendOut)

I want the user to click on a button and have an input box to input the thermometer_id. Then if the CalibrationType is InHouse open form Verification and if it's SendOut open form Thermometers.

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Forms :: How To Get Values From Another Table Based On Drop Down List

Aug 6, 2014

In my form's table (tblMain), I've got a lookup field (drop-down list) that lists the primary key field from a different table (tblDiff). tblDiff includes 3 more fields. In my form for tblMain, I want to include 3 more textboxes that get filled up with these 3 fields from tblDiff when the corresponding primary key is selected in the drop-down box.

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General :: UPDATE Field In Table Based On DISTINCT Values

Mar 12, 2013

Below is a sample of the table with the data. I manually added the 1 and 0 to the hc_Year field. However, I would like to create an Update query that will add a 1 to the hc_Year if its the first instance of PIDM & regsYear and add a 0 to the records that are not the first instance.

PIDM | regsYear | hc_Year
52 | 2009 | 1
52 | 2010 | 1
201 | 2007 | 1
201 | 2007 | 0
201 | 2007 | 0
201 | 2008 | 1

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Tables :: Limiting Table Input Based On Variable Values

Feb 7, 2014

I'm quite new to Access and am just working on a little practice database where I keep track of sales of a product.
Basically I have a table keeping track of the different types of products, a table keeping track of customers, a table for orders and one for replenishments of stock. I have a query that calculates the stock of each type of product based on replenishments and sales.

Now I want to make sure that a customer can't order any more than there is in stock. I know you can restrict what's entered into a table with a validation rule but that's only for static restrictions. After searching the internet for an answer I've pretty much learned that I can't really make this restriction directly in the table, correct? But then how can I achieve this? Do I have to restrict the amount through a form somehow?

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General :: Set Up Values In Table Based On Starting Year And Length Of Period

Jun 12, 2014

I have a table period with three columns

ID, Period_Start_Year, Period_End_Year

I could have many periods in a future. What i want is to allow users to insert just first start year and lenght of period and table will be automatically updated based on these two values.

So user will insert Period_Start_Year and Length of Period, for example 2010 and 2 and table should be>

ID Period_Start_Year Period_End_Year
1 2010 2011
2 2012 2013
3 2014 2015

While i am writing this i realised that user have to specify also ending year, i do not want to have infinity.. I am thinking about form and update query but can't get it...

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Tables :: Converting Excel Table For Lookup Of Values Based On Row And Column Headers

Sep 3, 2014

how data is best structured in Access.I have a table of values (for instance: weight) and I need to be able to look up a weight based on the column header (age) and row header (height).How is this sort of data best structured and accessed in Access?

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Modules & VBA :: Add Values To Related Table?

Mar 27, 2014

I have two related tables. (related with AcqID)

tblAcq and tblAcqDetail
In tblAcq I have information about the delivery and in tblAcqDetail delivered articles, price and quantity.
[AcqID] ; [Contractor]; [TransportCosts]; [CustomDuties]; [SumWithoutVAT]; [LimSUM](this total cost of shipment Goods+other cost)


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Modules & VBA :: Inserting Values Into Table With SQL

Sep 12, 2014

I'm trying to insert a set of values into a table using SQL.

Here's my code:

DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tblAuditTrail([DateTime], [UserName], [RecordID], [Action], [FieldName], [OldValue], [NewValue])VALUES (" & Now() & ", " & User & ", & Me.CSM & ", " & 'EDIT' & ", " & 'Location' & ", " & Me.txtTranFrom & ", " & Me.txtTranTo & ");"

However, this returns a compile error.

I reference User as Environ("USERNAME") earlier in the code. Everything else pulls from the current table ("tblInventory").

I'm lost, since I've never attempted to use SQL in VBA.

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Modules & VBA :: Getting Values From A Table Via DLookup

Aug 15, 2013

I'm pretty familiar with getting values from a table via Dlookup. What I want to do is almost the reverse if possible? I'm declaring a variable as follows:

Dim Ref as string
Ref = [lead_id]

This is from a form.What I'd like to be able to do is go to the table [list], reference the lead ID in the table via the variable then change the field [status] to "INCALL".Can this be done in a similar way to Dlookup?

UPDATE - here is the code I am trying to use

Dim ref As String
ref = [lead_id]
Dim MySQL As String
MySQL = "UPDATE vicidial_list SET"
MySQL = MySQL & "vicidial_list.status = 'INCALL' "
MySQL = MySQL & "WHERE (((vicidial_list.status)= Ref))"

Which gives me an update clause error

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Modules & VBA :: Clearing Values From Excel Table

Nov 25, 2014

I'm trying to set up code to clear values from an excel sheet. I need to leave the header row in place, and clear data from the sheet. Here's what I have:


Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Sub ClearSignUsedXL()
Dim wb As Object

[Code] ....

This has been alternately throwing me a 438 Object doesn't support this method error and a 1004 Application or Object defined error as I've tried variations on Range, Row, Delete, Select etc.

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Modules & VBA :: Putting Values Into Temporary Table?

Jun 28, 2013

I'm trying to put values into a temporary table for the user to view the work behind a returned calculated value.

Here is my code:


Sub SearchPartNumber_Entered()
Dim txtPartNumber As Variant
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim rstt As Recordset
Dim u As Variant


How do I put all values under all 'u' 's into one table?

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Modules & VBA :: Copying From One Table To Another Where Values Don't Match

Jul 23, 2013

I have two tables. TableA and TableB They both have the same columns.

I need a query that will look at the diferences between TableA.Column1 and TableB.Column1 and copy whatever TableB.Column1 is missing from TableA.Column1

So I want it to copy over the entire record based on what TableA.Column1 has the TableB.Column1 does not have.

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Modules & VBA :: Assign Values To A Table Through Code?

Jun 24, 2015

I have a table (tblPrinterSelection) with three fields: Autonumber, DocType, PrinterSel

There are three types of values for "DocType"; "Document", "LargeLabel", "SmallLabel"

I want to assign a "PrinterSel" to each type of "Doctype", which basically means that the user selects the type of document and then the printer in a form that has the code below and then I need the code to automatically update the table.

Dim PrintSel As String
Dim DocType As String
'Assign a value to the printer selected variable
PrintSel = Me.lblPrinterSelected.Caption
If IsNull(Me.frmDocType) Then
MsgBox "No document type selected."


What i am looking for is code that would pick the value for "DocType" and "PrintSel" assigned here and add them to the table so that I can use that info later.

I am only looking to have three rows in that table so if the "DocType" does not exist then a new row is created but if it does, only the value of "PrintSel" is updated.

I should end up with something like this:

1 Document Epson
2 LargeLabel HP
3 SmallLabel Canon

How can I do this?

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Modules & VBA :: Returning Values Into A Query Or A Table

Jun 18, 2013

what I am trying to do with pretty much create a search query through code. So what's happening exactly is that the user enters a part number and expects to get 2 values: total orders and total items associated with the part number he/she entered. I have 3 tables and 2 of them are related. So I began my creating a query relating table 2 and table 3. I cannot include table 1 in the query.

1) Part Number is input by user
2) Search that Part Number into Table1
3) Take returned Parent Values associated with Part Number and store in Array
4) Modify Array values
5) Search Array values using a For Each loop into the query
6) Take the returned values found in query associated with each parent that was retrieved from the part number (user input) and return that through a table or query.
7) Also return the total rows in a specific column (Order Numbers)

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