Modules & VBA :: Running Total With Criteria Using UDF

Aug 5, 2015

I have determined the solution to my problem lies outside of normal SQL queries and I need to create a UDF.

Here is the problem. I need to create a running total based on the sum of two fields [PTS_ISSUED] & [PTS_REDUCED] with one restriction. The total can never be less than 0. If it is less than zero, the totals reset with [PTS_ISSUED] as the new starting point.

I've attached an excel spreadsheet. Column"C" contains the formula logic I am trying to replicate into access.

I will be honest, writing the UDF is beyond my current knowledge but once I see it I am able to understand it and implement it.

I believe the solution needs to store the running total into a variable, make the necessary comparisons and determine if its okay to add the [PTS_ISSUED and [PTS_REDUCED] to the stored total of the previous calculations then advance. I just have no clue in how to go about writing it.

This calculation needs to be presented in Access because the results will drive several other functions within the database.

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Modules & VBA :: Running Total Based On Set Criteria

Oct 30, 2013

I have a query I am trying to build currently which creates a running total based on set criteria. I essentially have three columns (All times are in minutes). The visit ID, the duration of a visit and the time difference between the current and previous visit. e.g.

ID Duration Difference
1 30 0
2 45 10
3 15 20
4 60 10
5 15 10

What I would like to achieve is the following:

ID Duration Difference running total
1 30 0 30
2 45 10 85
3 15 20 15
4 60 10 85
5 15 10 110

So a line will have the calculation of the current time + the difference between the current and previous visit if the difference is below 20. I have the following:

Public Function Cont20(MyVal As Long, MyDif As Long) As Long
Static OldValue As Long
Dim NewValue As Long
If MyDif >= 20 Then
NewValue = MyVal
OldValue = 0


Which I put as Cont20([Duration],[Difference])

The problem seems to be on the return aspect, its not calculating correctly. I had the formula in Excel which worked great, but this is proving troublesome. As a note the Excel formula was such that it would add the previous running total and then add the current duration and current diff. e.g. In cell A7 the formula would be A6+B7+C7 and so on.

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Queries :: Self-Referencing Running Total Used To Calculate Next Total In A Query

Jul 23, 2015

I am trying to create a query that has a self referencing running total based on the values (point totals) of itself (running total of values in the running total column that have already been calculated for all previous records) plus the total of new points being added in the current record, less the total of points being removed in the current record. This running total can never go below 0, if it does, the running total should restart at zero and add in only new points and begin the process again with the next records

I am able to do this in Excel in less than two seconds so I know there has to be a way to port this into a query. I've attached an excel example of what I am exactly trying to do

If it takes multiple queries to complete the required output I am ok with it. In my previous outtakes I have had up to 8 queries but just couldn't seem to do it..

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Running Balance As Opposed To Running Total

Mar 14, 2005

Can anyone tell me how to get a running balance on a report. I know how to create a running total, by setting the "running sum" property of a text box to "Over all".

I can't however see how I can adapt this to give a running balance (as in a bank statement for example). Attempts to do so end up in failure!!

Many thanks in advance.

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Modules & VBA :: Total Based On Combination Of Criteria - Compound If Statement

Aug 15, 2013

I'm trying to get a total based a combination of criteria. Here's my issue:

If ([Vendor Billed Amount] > 650 $ and $ [Excess Fee Approved] = "Yes") then
[Payment to Vendor] = [Vendor Billed Amount]
If ([Vendor Billed Amount] < 650 $ and $ [Excess Fee Approved] <> "Yes") then
[Payment to Vendor] = [Vendor Billed Amount]

I think I'm missing an argument with the nested If statement.

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Running Total

Dec 4, 2007

Ahhhh this is doing my nugget in!!! I have a simple table with 4 fields
ID (unique number)
DATE (date)
CAPACITY (number of SKU we can hold)
ORDERS (number of SKU on order)
the data looks like this

1 01/01/2007 250000 250000
2 02/01/2007 250000 300000
3 03/01/2007 250000 300000
4 04/01/2007 250000 300000

So looking at the above table we can see that we have more orders than capacity in our factory, however they require to see this in graph form, so what I need is for each ID a running total of the CAPACITY and ORDERS so over a given date range i would produce a graph to find the "pinch points" where we could see if the capacity is less than the orders we have over time.

so my new table would be:

1 01/01/2007 250000 250000 250000 250000
2 02/01/2007 250000 300000 500000 550000
3 03/01/2007 250000 300000 750000 850000
4 04/01/2007 250000 300000 1000000 1150000

etc. which i would create my graph from. Ive looked at Dsum and some other methods but cant get my head around it so any help will be much appreciated.
Thanks Steve.

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Running Total

Dec 27, 2004


I'm trying to create a database to keep track of invoices .
on work that was there any sample database that I could take a look at.Or can anyone help me on this I'm trying to capture price on parts + price on labor = total the order form in the tradewinds database looks good but don't know where the code is for calulations? can anyone help me out?



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Running Total

Mar 28, 2006

Im having a problem doing a running total on my form.
I want the result to be displayed in a text box, with the figures being collected from a column of figures.

Any help is appreciated

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How To Maintain A Running Total

Sep 11, 2005

My friends, please help me figure this out. I am new to MS-ACCESS. I am trying to create a simple Leave system for my office. When a user requests a leave, the number of hours will be added to a table. I have created a form for this purpose. What I would then like to happen is, the next field in the Table is the sum of hours requested thus far. So that field would be Requested + Total requested Thus far. I can do it easily in Excel but I can't figure out how to do that in ACCESS. It is a very simple database and I can mail you my sample if you are interested. Thanks in advance.


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Running Total In Query

Mar 12, 2007

Does anyon ehave any experience of running totals in an access query.
I'm reporting the data through excel not access reports so need a query not a report solution..

I have a table which looks:

RegionCategoryTypeDesc Period_IDPeriod_YTDPeriodTotal
CanadaEventsWSOP Team67Budget15000
CanadaEventsWSOP Team78Budget0
CanadaEventsWSOP Team89Budget0
CanadaEventsWSOP Team910Budget0
CanadaEventsWSOP Team1011Budget0
CanadaEventsWSOP Team1112Budget0
CanadaEventsWSOP Team1213Budget0

What I would like is to have an additional column which keeps a monthly summary of spend based on running total month 1to 12. All items have months 1 - 12 and are ordered in that fashion.

Any helpo really appreciated.


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Percentage And Running Total

Feb 26, 2007

Hi guys

I am making a query that calculates how much costs i have per job. I'd like to create a function in the query that can calculate how big a percentage each job is. (need total for every job/ total for all jobs) but so far i haven't been succesful in this.

Anyone who could help me?



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Trouble Getting A Running Total

Mar 2, 2007

I have a table called Team Standing that includes [TEAM] [PLAYER] [GAME DATE] [POINTS]. From this table I have a query that provides for each game date and team a count of the players, [GAME DATE] [TEAM] [PLAYER COUNT]. [PLAYER COUNT] is calculated using the total COUNT .

What I would like to add is a cumulative running total over the game dates. For example.


2007/01/05 --- 1 ------- 11 -------------- 11
2007/01/12 --- 1 ------- 8 -------------- 19
2007/01/19 --- 1 ------- 14 --------------- 33

I am having trouble figuring out how to get a cumulative running total. I have tried a number of different sub-queries and selects but I can’t seem to get something that works.

Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.


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Running Total Query

Aug 22, 2007


Am trying to create a query for a chart where I can total the employees over time but am having real trouble creating a running total from the "Total" field within a query but cannot seem to get it at all.

TotalStartDateLeftDate RunningTotal

Here is my current SQL query:

SELECT Sum([CountOfStartDate]-[CountOfLeftDate]) AS Total, Atest1.StartDate, Atest1.LeftDate, Sum([CountOfStartDate]-[CountOfLeftDate]) AS RunningTotal
FROM Atest1
GROUP BY Atest1.StartDate, Atest1.LeftDate;

Can anyone help please?

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Running Total Per Employee

Sep 16, 2007

I've been tasked to create a report that shows the date an employee hit a loss of $200.00 or greater for the company. Each day they work, they will either have an overage or a shortage in their till fund. They start out each day with a set amount of money in their till and at the end of the day they are expected to turn in that same amount; the tills are used for making change. If they are short, and the amount is fairly large, hence the $200.00 mark, then it becomes an issue that needs investigating.

I need to total these amounts up and when the total hits a negative $200.00 or greater, I need to display the date it occurred and then display the amount the company would have saved if the employee had been either terminated or transferred to a non-revenue department.

Getting the "saved" amount should not be a problem once I figure out how to get the above indicated loss amount.

Any ideas?


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Running Total For Grants

Oct 10, 2007

Hello, I am new so if I am posting in the wrong board, please feel free to move this.

My question is as follows:

I have several tables set up to track the grants my office adminsters. These include Project Information, and Payments. I am attempting to keep a running total (in each funding source) that shows up in the Payments form. I am not sure how to build the query for this.

Grant A has the following funding:
$20,000 -Capital Projects FY04
$50,000-Federal Funds FY06

The following payments have been made (each payment would be a seperate record:
$1,000- Cap FY04
$2,000- Fed FY06
$4,000-Cap FY04
$8,000-Fed FY06

PS-I am really not that great with VB so if you could explain it as if I were 5 that would be great

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Query With A Running Total

Mar 10, 2008

This should be easy! Right?

I have a series of dates with events that occured on those dates. Some events were extended, others were not how do I get a running total, cumulative total, for all records in the RunTotal column?

Opened DateOpen IssuesCountOfExtendedNotExtRunTotal
5/21/2007 1 10 1
8/6/2007 1 10 2
10/8/2007 1 10 3
11/1/2007 1 10 4
11/8/2007 1 01 5
12/5/2007 1 0 1 6

Thanks for your help.

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About Dsum Or Running Total.

Apr 22, 2008


i'm working on a report about firm's personal. i have to calculate a column as running total. But i could not.
Please help me.
i am sending my file.

best regards.

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Running Total In Forms

Oct 23, 2005

I have a form that calculates number of hours each month. So a little box for Jan, Feb, etc.

At the bottom I have another field that sums it up. Well Im using just basic + to add the fields and it only works where there is something in each box.

I can't go through and put zeros in for everyone since a 0 and a blank mean two different things. I tried Dsum and just now after searching the forum, I tried nz.

Am I overlooking a real nice function that would assume a blank entry in the sum is a zero? or perhaps some trick I could try? Also, is there anyway to store the calculated total in the associated table, so I can query it later? It already has its own specific field that up until now was hand calculated and entered the monthly hours.

Thanks in advance

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Running Total Question???

Oct 31, 2006

I have a form that has a "Quanity" field on it as well as a "# Times Printed" field.

I'd like to have the "# Times Printed" be a running total of the "Quantity" field where everytime a "Quantity" is entered, it updates the "# Times Printed"

I've played around with a few idea's but haven't had much luck.

Scott :)

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Running Time Total

Oct 13, 2004

I am trying to put together this report where I can see how many hours the printers were running in a month's time. The sum property for this is working up until it reaches 24 hours then it starts all over again. How can I get it to keep adding hours when it gets to 24?

For example: 20:35 + 6:25 = 3:00


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Running Balance Or Total ???

Jan 11, 2008


I have created a table from importing the data from an Excel spreadsheet. Then I created a simple query using the wizard and adding all the fields that the table had into the new query.

Here is the problem...

I created a couple of expressions using the expression builder for a couple of the fields and I am stuck on how to create an expression for a running balance column.

For example: I have a QTY column (not calculated), a Price 1 column (not calculated), another Price 2 column (calculated with an "If" expression used to look-up a code in one column and if it meets the criteria then it would return a different price than what is in the Price1 column, and a Subtotal column. I need a Balance column (which would start with, for example, $10.00 and then deduct the subtotal amount.

QTY Price1 Price2 Subtotal Balance
- - - - $10.00
1 1.00 - 1.00 $9.00
2 1.00 2.00 $7.00
1 - 2.00 2.00 $5.00

I need very detailed, but very simple directions and fast. I have tried DSum (doesn't work) and every expression I could think of. I need this done in the query I started or in a new query. I don't have Access on this computer, so please sent directions versus a sample database.

Please Help...

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Reports :: Running Total For Each Day?

Jan 27, 2014

what I think is a running total for each day. I have a form that collects data several times in the day. I want a report to show a total for each day and subtotals for each column and grand totals. I can add the dates and used a running total to the report but the report will show all the entries made for the day not a single total for the day. (I hope I said the correctly.) This needs to be done for all columns. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I've attached what I have so far.

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How To Create A Running Total

Apr 10, 2013

I have a table -EVENTS that contains the core event data like the date, location and attendance.

Then I have a separate table that links to the event's KEY and is used to store the events results. Player name (pulled from member table), finish position and points. Players are awarded points for where they finish a game. I want those points to be added to The members overall point total.

how I add these points to a total and where do you think I should store the running total? Should it always be calculated in a query or stored in a field?

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Removing Duplicates While Keeping A Running Total

May 10, 2005

High everyone I've had a look around the FAQ's and other threads but haven't been able to find what I'm looking for.

I have a table that contains two fields, one being 'part number' and the other being 'quantity'. Unfortunately there are multiple duplicate 'part numbers'. I am looking at keeping only one instance of the duplicate 'part numbers' but at the same time I want to add the 'quantities' together to keep a running total.

For example:

Part Number Quantity
a1 1
a2 2
a3 2
a1 1
a2 1
a1 4
a1 1

Part Number Quantity
a1 7
a2 3
a3 2

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Creating A Running Total Calculated Field

Feb 17, 2006

I have a query, and I want a field that shows the current balance as of that transaction, eg:__________________________________________________ _______|__Transaction ID__|__Type_______|__Amount__|__Balance__||__1______________|__Deposit_____|__£10______|__£1 0_______||__2______________|__Deposit_____|__£30______|__£4 0_______||__3______________|__Withdrawal__|__£15______|__£2 5_______|So far, I have this:SELECT [Transaction ID], [Type], [Amount], (SELECT Sum([Amount]) FROM tblTransactions AS tblTransactions2 WHERE tblTransactions2.[Transaction ID] <= tblTransactions.[Transaction ID]) AS BalanceFROM tblTransactionsWHERE [Account ID]=1;Although this does not look at the 'Type' field; it just adds the amounts; regardless of it being a deposit or withdrawal. I'm really not sure how to add this.Thanks in advance.

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Need A Running Total And When 2000 Is Reached I Need It Set Back To 0

Dec 27, 2007

here is the info needed table name is employee time and fields are employee name, date, total hours.
i need a running total until 2000 hours are reached and then i need it reset to 0. also any hours over the 2000 need to be added to the 0 in other words if on a wednesday the employee reaches 2006 then i need to start at 6 instead of 0 otherwise if it is exactly 2000 i need it go to 0. can anyone please help.

thanks and GOD bless,

Mark Lane

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