Modules & VBA :: Search Table With Attributes - Extracting HTML Values

Oct 3, 2013

I have a table in msaccess which i would like to use as a search term to search values in another table. What i wanted to do is search the table with attributes and save all found attributes to a new table with its primary id.

Id ---- Search_keyword
1 ----- Size - S
2 ----- Size - M
3 ----- Size - L
4 ----- Size - XL

Table to be searched

Id ----- Attributes
1 ----- <select name="attribute" id="attribute"><option value="Size - M">Size - M</option><option value="Size - L">Size - L</option></select>
2 ----- <select name="attribute" id="attribute"><option value="Size - S">Size - S</option><option value="Size - M">Size - M</option><option value="Size - L">Size - L</option></select>

Saved table results
Id ---- Attributes_found
1 ---- Size - M
1 ---- Size - L
2 ---- Size - S
2 ---- Size - M
2 ---- Size - L

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Modules & VBA :: Wildcard Search Of Combobox - Lookup Values In Table Column

Nov 19, 2014

I have a form which has a combobox called Task_Ref which looks up values in a table column.

I would like to be able to set the tickbox value of tickbox called P1 to True if the combobox contains the word "test", each entry on the combobox selection may vary such as:-

Test number 1
Yesterdays Test

As long as the word "Test" appears I would like the above to happen?

I was thinking of something along the lines of:-

If InStr(Task_Ref.Value, "Test") > 0 Then
P1.Value = True
P1.Value = False
End If
End Sub

But this hasn't worked

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Storing Attributes Derived From Other Attributes

Nov 2, 2004

I want to create an attribute called "order_line_price", which is basically the quantity field * the cost per product.

I have written the following SQL query which works fine:

SELECT Order_line.order_number, Order_line.product_number, product_name, quantity, (quantity*price) AS [Order line price]
FROM (Order_line INNER JOIN Product ON Order_line.product_number=Product.product_number) INNER JOIN Price_band ON Product.price_band=Price_band.price_band;

I can create a table from this query, and all is ok. However, I want to store the value of each order_line_price next in its appropriate row in my Order_line table. I cant do this no matter what I try. I know that what im trying to do is store a derived coloumn, however I need to do it, because I have an attribute elsewhere which is the SUM(order_line_price), which I want to limit by specifying the order_number for which to add the order_line_prices up for.

So basically, how can I store a derived column like that? I guess I need to set something up in the default value property and lock the coloumn or something?

Ive posted here before, and havent had replys. So if your reading this and dont know the answer, but do know the link to a forum or chat room with speedier replies, please post the link.


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Modules & VBA :: How To Import Multiple-table Html File

Jan 16, 2014

I need to import a html file automatically BUT my file has many tables in it, when I am doing the importation it asks about which table I want to import, the thing is that I always want every tables. The number of tables is variable. VBA code so it can have a looping which says to import every table in my HTML file?

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Modules & VBA :: Pass Data Field Value To HTML Table

Feb 16, 2015

I have code that will create an email and prepare it for sending.It will create a table inside the email and fill it in with some text and underscore characters to be replaced by data from the database. So far the data has to be done manually. I would like to know if it is possible to use the values from some fields inside the select record in the current form. So, if Me.Status would be "New" it should pass this to the table in the email.So far I have the below code:

Private Sub Command280_Click() 'send email with table
Dim objItem As Object
Dim oMail As Outlook.MailItem
Set oMail = objItem
Dim oApp As Object


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Modules & VBA :: Remove HTML Text From Make Table

Mar 15, 2014

I need to remove html text from a make table in access 2007. My table name is "Bad Actors Comments Column" and the column where the html text resides is "FirstOfADD_TEXT. VBA code to remove the html text?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Adjust File Attributes

Jul 9, 2013

Below is code to adjust file attributes.

Public Shared Sub Main()
Dim path As String = "c: empMyTest.txt"
' Create the file if it exists.
If File.Exists(path) = False Then

[Code] .....

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Access Table, Fileds And Attributes's Names

Jun 30, 2005


Recently I have started working for one of the company where I have to deal with one of the access file. this file has lots of tables containing many fields.

My question is

How can I get all the tables name, their fields and attributes in Microsoft Word file. I have tried opening table > design view and copy text but it doesn't work. also tries coping table and paste in in word file but it takes ages

any suggestion will be helpful

Thank you

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General :: Extracting Values From PDF And Write To Access Database

Feb 4, 2014

I am trying to extract some values from a PDF (attached) and write them to an Access database. I am unsure of the approach, especially extracting values from the file.

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Modules & VBA :: Grabbing Values From Search List Box

Jun 30, 2014

I was able to create a very user-friendly pop-up search form : {URL] .....

I would like to take it a step further... Now, I would like to grab the selected record ID from within one of the list box columns and use it in my SQL statement (to copy the record into a new one). Is there any way to reference a highlighted record value within a list box recordset directly and/or any workarounds?

I know one would be to grab the ID and insert it into the text box, just don't know what the coding references would be for this.

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General :: Create A Forum That Changes Values In A HTML Template

Jul 8, 2014

I Am working on a Access database that will build a excel spread sheet, that will be uploaded to Ebay via file exchange. I am looking to build a forum that will edit parts of a Html text in a column, such as the size and color.

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Modules & VBA :: Extracting A Field From Recordset?

Nov 11, 2014

Is there a possibility to use a shorter code for extracting one field from one record, than opening a recordset, getting the field, closing it and setting the recset to "Nothing" again? I'm doing this multiple times in my code and it seems a bit too much for what it's supposed to do.

sql = "SELECT tblAdFlgDaten.* FROM tblAdFlgDaten WHERE (((tblAdFlgDaten.AuftrID)=" & ABAuftrID & _
") And ((tblAdFlgDaten.Schritt)=2))"
Set RSnap = dbase.OpenRecordset(sql, dbOpenSnapshot)
If IsNull(RSnap.Fields(2)) Then
End If
Set RSnap = Nothing

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Modules & VBA :: Extracting Data From PDF Form

Aug 7, 2014

I am trying to extract information from a fillable PDF form that my company has created. Rightfully so, they have completely locked down all options, so I am not able to convert the file in Adobe Reader to a text file. I've seen options to extract information using VBA code with Adobe Acrobat; however, I do not have a license for the program. Is there any VBA code that uses Adobe Reader to extract information and put it in an Access database?

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Extracting Data From Linked Db2 Table Using Access Make Table Query

Aug 29, 2006

I am extracting data from linked db2 table using access make table query. First I create a select query and can view the linked db2 data, but when I change to a make table query I get an error message, "invalid argument", when I run the make table query. There is no selection critera specified. Has anyone had this happen? and Do you know a solution?

Thanks for your support

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Modules & VBA :: Extracting XML Data From Multiple Folders

Jul 1, 2015

I have over 500 folders that contain XML files in each folder. I need to go through each folder and append the data from the XML files into my database.

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Extracting Data From A Table As String

Nov 15, 2005

I need to be able to extract individual fields from a table as strings in order to then send this data to my EPOS printer (which will accept only strings to print) I have created the table with a query so the question could equally be how can i output strings as query results. Im using Access97 HELP!!
I have tried to set up a ADODB.Connection but either Access 97 wont accept it or i've got the coding wrong

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Extracting Data From One Field In A Table To Another--Help!!!

Jun 27, 2006

Hi Guys,

I have a table called "tblEmployees" with the following fields:
EmployeeNo (Primary key)
DOB etc

I have another couple of tables:

"tblLetter1" with the following fields:
EmployeeNo (Primary key)

"tblLetter2" with the following fields:
EmployeeNo (Primary key)

I want to be able to put the data from 'Letter1Dated' field (from the "tblLetter1" table) into the 'Letter1Dated' Field in the "tblEmployees" table.
Likewise, I want to be able to put the data from 'Letter2Dated' field (from the "tblLetter2" table) into the 'Letter2Dated' Field in the "tblEmployees" table.

All three tables have the same primary key (EmployeeNo), which makes it even more difficult to do this!
I understand this may sound abit confusing so i apologise for this.

I would really appreciate it if anyone could point me in the right direction please.

Thanks alot.

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Extracting Data From A Field In A Table.

Jan 29, 2007

when I have created my table I have created a field called name that stored both last and first name. Right now I need to extract the the last name from the the field name and store it in another field "lastName". Any ways to do that?

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Modules & VBA :: Parse HTML Using DOM Without Browser

Jan 27, 2014

If I have an XML file, I can load it into an XML document and parse it.

For an HTML file, I have been unable to find similar parsing methods - that is, using DOM and not involving a browser (other than simply treating the file as text). I'd prefer to avoid the browser control because it is different for a number of different Access versions, so the only option remaining that I see is to run Internet Explorer with visibility off.

Can one parse HTML using the DOM without a browser?

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Modules & VBA :: Restrict Value In Lookup Field To Only Include Values From Table B Not In Table A?

Feb 2, 2014

I have a database that has 2 tables. Table A and Table B. Table A is my primary table. On this table I have 2 fields. The first field is a LOOKUP Field that looks up information from Table B and displays my selection in the field on Table A. Then using DLOOKUP I automatically input the information in the Second Field on Table A based upon the selection from the First Field.

This is working mostly correctly. However, the problem is, when I click on the next record in the table, it automatically changes the Second Field on that record to the same value as the record before it and continues this trend each time I click on another record. This occurs without me making a selection in the first field. If I make a selection in the first field it does change the Second Field to the Correct Value, but then the next Record has the same issue.

How do I go about fixing this so it doesn't change the value with the change of the record. Only change if I change that particular field within that 1 record?is there a way to restrict the Value's in my lookup field to only include the Values from Table B that aren't already in Table A?

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Trouble Extracting Field From Table Based On 2 Criteria

Jun 30, 2005

Hi all,
Been pulling my hair out about this for a while, so i hope someone's feeling kind:

I'm using the BHRefPrefix to build part of a reference number. The Principal and Site exist on a separate form, and i need to use both as criteria in order for the correct BHRefPrefix to be returned.

I sort of get it working using two joins, but it doesn't let me add any new records. I've tried straight queries, queries with DLookup expressions, and i just can't get what i need.


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Extracting Data From Multiple Queries To A Table/excel

Apr 24, 2008

I am an access (2003) amateur, willing to generate an excel file or table from the data from many queries. Moreover, some fields in those queries having different names but same data type, should be filled in the same columns in the new excel/table. Should I use Macro/SQL?:(

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Modules & VBA :: How To Center Logo In HTML Code

Jul 22, 2015

I'm try to centre a logo image in the middle of email but I having issue doing it doesn't seem to matter what I try I can't seem to get it to do what I want . The code below works but doesn't centre the image

Dim txtLogoURL As String 'this is for your logo
txtLogoURL = "C:UsersDellPicturesoie_transparent.png"
strHTML = strHTML & "<p>"
strHTML = strHTML & "<a href=""""><img border=""0"" src=" _
& txtLogoURL & "' align='Centre' width =200" & " alt=""testing"" /></a>"

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Modules & VBA :: How To Limit Display Of Any Image In HTML

Sep 27, 2013

I have a module like this:


Public Function DisplayImage(ctlBrowserControl As Control, _
strImagePath As Variant)
On Error GoTo Err_DisplayImage
Dim strDatabasePath As String
Dim intSlashLocation As Integer


This works perfectly to display the image I'd like through WebBrowser control I put onto the form....HOWEVER --and here's my question--the image size is not bound to the size bounds of the control size itself.So if my control is 2 inches by 2 inches and the image is 16 inches by 16 inches, then the image doesn't fully show within the control.

I'd like to get the control to show the whole image (sized down as appropiate, or sized up as appropriate) such that the whole image is contained within the control.I know how to limit the display of any image in HTML.

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Modules & VBA :: HTML Field Names On A Webpage

Dec 31, 2013

I am using Access 2007 to update a page on an external website (amongst other things) from an Access form using VBA, but that page has recently changed. I have dealt with most of the issues around this, but there is still a problem that I cannot see how to resolve. Previously all the fields on the page were uniquely named, and so I was able to assign values from my form to them using


But now there appear to be identically named fields on the webpage and I cannot see how to differentiate between them in my code. I have attached a text file with the two relevant sections, containing the HTML for the two relevant sections on that page only (the code for the whole page runs to 8000+ lines and I can add the lot if really necessary) and as you will see the names for things like runs (name="result[][runs]") and wickets ("result[][wickets]") are the same in both sections. So how do I tell one from the other in my code?

Currently I have the following:

With objIE
.Visible = True
'1st innings - new HTML field names but duplicated on the webpage
.Document.all.Item("result[][runs]").value = nz(Me![runs_for#])
.Document.all.Item("result[][wickets]").value = nz(Me![wickets_for#])

[Code] .....

How can I differentiate between the HTML field names in the attached file as simply as possible in my code above?

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Modules & VBA :: HTML In Rich Text Field

Oct 21, 2014

I'm trying to output some logging to a form with a Rich text textbox

This is what the form is displaying:
14:16:32: check OK: 500<10000andS235='s460'>
14:16:32: check OK: 500<10000andS235='s355'>
14:16:32: check failed:too short 500<1000231231 >
14:16:32: Ready ...

There is some coloring in the text but I'm not display that here (copy/paste of the textbox)

This is the HTML behind it (? txtbox in imm.window):
14:16:32: <font color=black>check OK: 500<10000andS235='s460'</font><br />14:16:32: <font color=black>check OK: 500<10000andS235='s355'</font><br />14:16:32: <font color=red><strong>check failed:too short 500<1000231231 </strong></font><br />14:16:32: <font color=green><strong>Ready ... </strong></font><br />

The problem is in the red > that are added to each line. I have no clue where they are coming from, in fact: they are NOT in the HTML.When I display this piece of HTML in IE I don't get the red > behind each line.I have tried to use <p> of <div> instead of <br/> but that makes no difference

Forms!frm_Calculationlog.txtmsg = Forms!frm_Calculationlog.txtmsg & "<div>" & _
Format(Now(), "hh:nn:ss") & ": " & _
IIf(strColor <> "", "<font color=" & strColor & ">", "") & IIf(booBold, "<strong>", "") & strMessage & _
IIf(booBold, "</strong>", "") & IIf(strColor <> "", "</font></div>", "")

I can assure you that the > is NOT in the strMessage ... f.e. this is the ouput of strMessage on the first line: 500 <10000 and 'S235' ='s460'

strColor is a string in which I can set a color ("red", "blue")
booBold is a boolean with which I can set text to bold

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