Modules & VBA :: Listbox To Open PDF File?

Aug 1, 2013

I have a query that opens a listbox in a form. In the listbox I want to add a doubleclick event that opens a pdf document with the selected record in it. The record is in column 1 of the listbox.

I can't use the FollowHyperlink method of the colecction application due the record in the column is a Key. I am not sure if FollowHyperlink method can be used in a listbox

I have been checking codes in the web and I found this:

Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long
ShellExecute Me.hwnd, "open", "D:SebDesktopGA-BDpdf est.pdf, "", "", 4"

However, I don't know how to organize the code in a logic way in Sub End Sub. Neither I don't know if the code is for the doubleclic event in the list box or a Module. If is for a module I don't know how to write the code in it.

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Modules & VBA :: File Open Dialog Does Not Allow Selection Of All File Types

Oct 4, 2013

I recently upgraded a DB from 2003 to 2013 and ran into the following problem.

I have a button that opens a file dialog box and allows the user to upload a file to a predetermined location (and store the address as a hyperlink). I borrowed this code from someone else on here and modified it slightly.

In any case, the button still works, but now when it opens it doesn't have an option for "All files" under file types. So I can upload MS Office files, text files, etc., but not PDF files which are by far the most common types my users upload.

Here's my code and a screenshot is attached.

Private Sub Command35_Click()
Dim dd As Integer
Dim fileDump As FileDialog
Set fileDump = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
dd = fileDump.Show

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Writing Code To Open Query After User Selected Fields To Include From ListBox

Jan 14, 2014

Access 2007-10
Listbox created: List62 (I know I need to rename it, but for now)
Multi-select: Extended
Row Source Type: Field List
Row Source: qryFieldList
Open Query: qrySelectedFields (I added primary key to first column, just to have at least one destination field).

Goal: to select multiple fields within listbox, click on command button to open query "qrySelectedFields" with selected fields from list box.This is the code I have on the command_click:

Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strSQL As String
If Me.List62.ItemsSelected.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "Please select one or more fields.", vbExclamation, "Healthcare REIT"
End If


It does absolutely nothing - doesn't add the fields to "qrySelectedFields", doesn't open the query, notta.

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Modules & VBA :: MS Access To Open Outlook (MSG) File

Oct 20, 2014

when I open a .msg file using

dim x as long
x = Shell("""C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice15Outlook.exe"" /f ""D:mymessage.msg""")

how to access the fields "To", "CC", "Subject", "Date", "Body text", etc ?

My problem: I have a lot of files .msg (about 1000) and I want to put them in a single file (preferably in txt).

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Modules & VBA :: Open Doc File By A Button From Access

Nov 18, 2014

I want to open different .doc files by a button from access.

I want that the vba code checks where the current access database is located. In which folder the the current access database is.

In this file folder i have a folder called documents.

In this folder i have the .doc files.

Right now i have the following code.

Public Function getPath(ByVal iPath As String)
Dim fso As Object
Dim drive As String
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
drive = fso.GetDriveName(CurrentDb.Name)

[Code] .....

The access database is in the folder Z:BUS MMM CGrimmMasterarbeitDatenbank

I would like to have something like

spath = getpath("documentswissen.doc")

How can i do that?

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Modules & VBA :: Open File Browser In Access?

Oct 8, 2013

From access I'm calling a code in excel. My code in excel pops up a browser that allows the user to select what files they'd like to import. For various reasons I have to import data through excel, not directly to Access which is why the browser appears in excel instead of access. Essentially the user will select a word file which is imported into access through excel.

I'd like this browser to appear in access instead of excel though. If I move my browser from excel to access is there any way to have my code in excel reference the file selected in access? Or is there some way for this browser to appear without the user having to select the excel icon in the task bar? I essentially want the user to only see and interact with access, but because my browser is in excel this isn't possible right now.

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Modules & VBA :: Code To Search For TIF File And Then Open It

Aug 15, 2013

How to write some code that will search a known drive and folder structure for a tif file and on finding it, open that tif file.

The known drive/folder structure is as follows:


or it could have the full path as follows:

prdfs01QUESTIONSCustomerSatisfactionStdDGImag es

and then there are the following folders which contain any number of tif images:


I would like to have a button in a form that the end user clicks and they then enter the name of the tif file they are looking for and on pressing enter the file is searched for and if found it is automatically opened up for them to see, if it is not found then a message "File Not Found" is displayed.

I Believe that I will need something like this:


Dim FS As FileSystemObject
Dim filenum As Integer
Dim tmp As String
Dim Folder As Folder
Dim subFolder As Folder
Dim File As File

[Code] .....

It's when I get to this point that I've got stuck, I don't know how to structure the code required to do the search and on finding the tif file open it.

An example tif file I might search for is: 0H214_2CJ0001905.tif.

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Modules & VBA :: Open A File In Msofiledialog And Show As Selected?

Dec 8, 2014

What I want to do is... open a file dialog from VBA "This of cause is no problem" the file dialog is opened from a double click function of a textbox holding a link to a picture, what i want to happen is... when the explorer opens I want it to show only the picture that was linked in the textbox.

Example "C:markPhotosPicture 085.jpg"

the code i have so far is as follows...

Private Sub FilePathLbl_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)

Dim fFile As String
Dim fd As Office.FileDialog
Dim retVal As Variant
Set fd = Application.FileDialog(MsoFileDialogType.msoFileDialogFilePicker)

[Code] ....

It opens in the correct folder but it shows all the pictures in that folder.

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Modules & VBA :: Creating A Batch File To Open Up Another Database

Mar 11, 2015

I want to create a batch file that will be used in a RunApp macro command to open up another database.

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Modules & VBA :: Initial Folder Of Open File Dialog

Apr 27, 2015

I am trying to display an open file dialog window so that the user can pick up a file. I wish the window to show a specific folder. How can I do this? The code I am using is below. The parameter InitialFileName has no effect on the outcome.

Function GetFileName(strPath As String, imtype As String) As String
On Error GoTo Err_GetFileName
Dim Dlg As FileDialog
Dim sfl As FileDialogSelectedItems
Dim sflitem As Variant
Set Dlg = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)

[Code] .....

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Modules & VBA :: Closing Already Open Excel File From Access

May 25, 2015

I want to delete an excel file from within access vba. Problem is that if the file is open, it obviously cannot be deleted. so I need to check to see if that specific excel workbook is open and if it is, I want to close it before I can delete it.

All of the answers here involve creating an excel object and opening it before closing it. If I do that all that happens is a second instance of the workbook opens then closes leaving the originally open workbook still open.

Sub xx()
Dim XLapp As New Excel.Application
Dim ObjXL As Excel.Workbook
Set ObjXL = XLapp.Workbooks.Open("C:dropboxexcelimport.xlsx ")
ObjXL.Application.Visible = True

[Code] .....

The above code demonstrates my problem, if the import.xlsx file is already open then the code just opens another instance of this workbook and then closes it again leaving the original workbook open and as such cannot be deleted.

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Modules & VBA :: Email Hyperlink / Attachment To Open Access File?

May 15, 2015

I have created an action log database that sends an email when a new action is entered. I would like to launch the database using a hyperlink in the email, but can't seem to get it to work. All users have a copy of the front end on their desktop, so whatever I add to the email needs to launch the front end for any user signed on to their own desktop.

This is what I have and it sends a hyperlink but I click it, I get an error saying it can't find the file. I don't know how to word the path name for any user?

With obMsg
.subject = "New action request for " & team
.To = people


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Modules & VBA :: Searching Subfolders To Open Files Using File Names

May 19, 2015

I am using Access 2010 with Win-7.Shared, split database with several users.Database Purpose:PM Procedure for Medical Equipment..To be able for the user to copy the file name of 1 or more technical manuals and paste into a table used for a subform on the procedure parent form.Users can then open the related files stored in a common directory that are related to the procedure when later reviewing the procedure .

Problem:File path on the common drive for our group remains static Syspro_5VOL1BIOMEDCOMMONEquipment (Service Manual).The subfolders are not static.There is an unlimited number of sub folders by vendor, model, or make.The subfolders sometimes get renamed as vendors change ownership.The file itself usually does not get renamed.New subfolders get added as needed.Everyone in our group has access to this area of the server.

Question:Is there a way in VBA that when a user opens the procedure record form and dbl-clicks the name of the file in the subform, Access can start at the parent folder and keep searching through all the subfolders until it finds the file?I cannot depend on people in my group to be able to correctly update hyperlinks so I need a way people with no Access knowledge can even use even if its a little slow.

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Modules & VBA :: Open Specific Powerpoint File That Matches A Selection On Access Form

May 27, 2015

We have an access database which has a form that has a list box that details particular records. See attach "list box".

What I would like to do is double click on the record and this would look in a powerpoint folder (see attach "path") and open the presentation if there is a match to the value in Listbox Column 5 i.e. Tool Number.

I can get it to open the presentation if I include the tool number in the path but I cannot seem to be able to get it to compare the values and only open if there is a match.

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Backup Current Access File Using Vba While The File Is Open

Jul 11, 2007

I have a button in the form of the current access file. What I want to do is when the user click on the button,
triggered the vba to backup current access file. But since the file is currently open, is this possible? If yes, may I know how to do it with vba?

I have tried two methods but failed:
1) Use copytofile method, but I get permission denied due to file open;
2) Use dbengine.compactdatabase method, but it also has problem if the file is open.

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Open Text File Using Only First 7 Characters Of File Name

Nov 7, 2013

I need to open and process the data from a text file on the network.

The first 7 characters of the file name will be the same every day.

The rest of the file name will change from day to day.

There will only be one file in the folder that has those first 7 characters.

There are a total of about 120 text files in the folder every day - give or take - including the one I need to open and read.

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Open Form From Listbox

Aug 15, 2005

I have a list box on a form with 10 items to
choose from. When a item is chosen I want
a form to open (OnOpen or OnLoad Event ??)
with a recordsource depending on one of the
10 items chosen in the list box.
The recordsource is an sql statement which
will change/depend on the item selected
The 10 items refer to 10 different tables.

Thanks for your help

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Open Form Based On Value From A Listbox

May 19, 2006

Hello !

I am a newbie in access and would appreciate if someone could help me with a delicate problem i have

I have listbox in formA named "Liste1", this listbox contains a departmentvalue (unique) in the first column shown in the listbox.

What i want to do is open a new form (frmStructureDetails) by doubleclicking on the listbox, and i want the new form to load with filter on that department. Btw the departmentvalue is textformatted.

The result i get is a dialoguebox opening and not seeming to recognize which value to use, if i fill inn the value i clicked on the form loads with the correct data.

What am i doing wrong:

Private Sub Liste1_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo Err_SearchList_DblClick
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset

DoCmd.OpenForm "frm_StructureDetails", , , "[Department] = " & Me.Liste1

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_SearchList_DblClick

End Sub

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General :: Open Save File Dialog - Select File From Text Box And Save To Selected Location

Aug 8, 2013

I need code for save dialog file ,and select the file from textbox and save it to the selected location.i have only this code and i dont know what else i can do with this because it just opens the save file dialog !

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Open New Form Based On Listbox Selection

Oct 25, 2005

I have a form which has a listbox listing all the letters a student has had sent home. Basically i want to be able to click on a letter in the list box and for a popup form to open with the record details. However it just brings up a blank record.

The list box has a unique field called standardletterID.

the code behind the button to filter was just used through the wizard to open the popup form is:

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frmstandardletterspopup"

stLinkCriteria = "[StandardLetterID]=" & Me![List0]
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

but it doesnt seem to be working :(

I thought this would be easy but no matter how much i destroy my database trying to do it its not playing ball!

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Double Click Open Record On Listbox

Mar 2, 2006

i will show you my list box code. i would like to make it possible for my user to double click on an item in the list and it opens that record in my 'zEnquiry' form (which has the correct named fields to display the data already)

i had some double click code but i deleted it, and now ive forgotten which post i found it in.

here is the code for my listbox

Private Sub QuickSearch_AfterUpdate()

Me.RecordsetClone.FindFirst "[Enq_Forname] = '" & Me![QuickSearch] & "'"
If Not Me.RecordsetClone.NoMatch Then
Me.Bookmark = Me.RecordsetClone.Bookmark
MsgBox "Could not locate [" & Me![QuickSearch] & "]"
End If

End Sub

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Open Form/record With Listbox Selection

Sep 26, 2006


Need help on a list box issue. Solution is probably real simple, just can't see it with my bleary eyes.

I have a form (INSTLKP) with only a list box (List6) based on a table ((tblPersData) with fields PersdataID; SSN; Last; First; MI) on it. When I open the form up, the listbox does display all records associated withthe table. I would like to doubleclick on a desired SSN in the list box and have that record open up in a form (Perssub1) in edit mode.

And that is where the rub is... I have the following code in the On doubleclick event of List6

Private Sub List6_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)

DoCmd.OpenForm "Perssub1", , , "[PersDataID]= " & Me.List6, , acWindowNormal

End Sub

All it does it just open a blank Perssub1 form. Any ideas on what I'm missing?

:confused: Hawg1

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Open Form To Selected Record From Listbox

Dec 13, 2006

Yet another question.

I have a listbox on a form that show all Files for a particular volunteer. I have an "Edit File" button below the listbox to be able to edit that particular file. Is there a way about opening that form to that specific record without using a query?


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Forms :: ListBox DblClick To Update Open Form

Feb 5, 2014

I have 2 forms: frmExcEntry and frmItemSearch. frmExcEntry is a data entry form where the associate enters PO#, Item#, Qty, etc. frmItemSearch is a popup form that is used to narrow the search of the Item# from frmExcEntry. Right now, when the associate types the Item# (either PartNo or FactNo)in the txtItemNo control on frmExcEntry, frmItemSearch opens (frmExcEntry remains open) with all potential item #'s associated with the text entered in [txtItemNo]...(there could be multiple FactNo in our inventory system but PartNo is unique and the bound field for the control). frmItemSearch uses an unbound textbox (txtSearch) that populates with the text from frmExcEntry on txtSearch_GotFocus and queries a listbox with the list of possible PartNo to select. I want the associate to be able to double-click the accurate PartNo from the list box which will then update the value initially typed in txtItemNo and copy the PartNo over txtItemNo in the currently open frmExcEntry.

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Pick Listbox Item To Open Specific Record?

May 19, 2012

i have a list box that fills based on the following code.....

Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "SELECT Products from [Client ProdVend] " & _
"Where Client_Account_Name = '" & Me.Client_Account_Name & "'"
Me.List91.RowSource = strSQL
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "SELECT Products from [Client ProdVend] " & _
"Where Client_Account_Name = '" & Me.Client_Account_Name & "'"
Me.List91.RowSource = strSQL

There is another field in the [Client ProdVend] table called ID. I want to be able to select a product in the listbox, but have that selection open up a form based on the ID field associated with that product. Right now i use this.

DoCmd.OpenForm "ProductDetailsEditor", , , "Products='" & Me.List91 & "' AND Client_Account_Name='" & Me.Client_Account_Name & "'"

The Problem is if there are multiple products with the same name, instead of going to the specific instance of the product(cased on the ID) just opens all of the products with that name up, starting with the first one.....

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Accessing A File Location In Listbox Column

Jan 23, 2006

i have a url file location to a pdf file on the 3rd column of a listbox.

is there anyway of opening the file from a button, refering to the the highlighted record row 3rd column pdf file location

i know that me.lstBox.column(2) gets me to the column but not the code to open the pdf file for the highlighted record

any help would be appreciated

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