Moving New Table To Back-end And Relink It

Jul 25, 2013

I created my database a few months ago and split the database into a front and back end. I recently added a new table on the front end. How can I move this table to the back end and re-link it?

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How To Auto Relink Front End And Back End When Moved

Jun 29, 2015

I am new to using access and have customized a project management database for a friend's company. I need a way to auto relink the front end and back end databases when moved in the same folder. I am currently using Access 2013 and have already tried using the code on this site: [URL]...... Does this code not work for Access 2013 or am I adding it incorrectly.

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Moving Back End To A Different Location

Jan 3, 2005

There is probably an easy answer to this but I can't find an exact answer searching.

I have an Access 2000 database with the back end stored in a separate location. If I want to move the back end data file to a different location on the computer, how do I change the link (file path)?

The only way I can figure out is to delete all of the old links and relink them from their new location.

Isn't there somewhere that you can just change the path name to the entire back end in one easy step?

Thanks for any help.

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Moving Split Database Back End To Sql Server

Jan 8, 2015

So the database I have right now is split, with the back end on our server. Everything has been going great, however there are several second time delays when loading large forms, queries, etc. I've heard that moving the back end to an sql server is the way to go for speed.All forms and queries are on front end of database. Tables are located on the back end which is sitting on the server.

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Select Specific Table To Relink

Jun 21, 2005

I'm trying to use code to relink the the table but that is not the only table that is linked in the DB. The other linked tables are in other databases so I want to select specific tables to relink as the others may not need it. I alway will want to select the path.

here is an example of the code I'm using I got it from one of the other users here.

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Linked Table Manager Doesn't Relink ODBC Tables.

Sep 15, 2006


The scenario. Two PC's, one older than the other, both running Windows 2000 (SP4) and Office 2000 (SP3). I use Access as a front end to a MySQL database, connections are made using ODBC.
I recently altered the structure of a table and attempted to re-link the table in access using the Linked Table Manager on the new PC. All that happened was the hourglass came on and never went away. I tried to do this on the old PC and it worked fine first time.

Any ideas why I can't get it to work on my new PC? It's quite important as I won't have the old PC with me much longer :-(



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Forms :: Main Form Jumps Back To 1st Record When Moving To Next Record In Subform?

Mar 24, 2015

When I add a record in the subform and then move to the next record whilst still in the subform, the main form jumps back to its first record? I then have to move back to the right record in the main form to update the next record in the subform.

I want to move to the next record in the subform without affecting the main form.

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Auto Relink To Current Folder

Jan 20, 2007

I've searched the forums for days and I can't find exactly what I need to know, even though this is a very common topic, so if it's already been answered, I apologize.

My problem is simple. I have a database that tracks clients for me. I have a front end and back end in the same folder. Under normal circumstances, the static links that Access uses are fine. I just link from the front end to the back end and all is well.

But some other users of the database will need to track multiple people's clients. So instead of putting the database in c:database, I may need to have a copy in c:database, c:database2, c:database3, etc.

So what I need is a (hopefully) simple way to get Access to look for the backend in the current directory, no matter what that directory might be. It may be on a network drive, or the c: drive, or any of a dozen various subdirectories. And the users who will be using the database may be very computer illiterate, so I don't want to have any user intervention required.

And so that I'm not any more confused than I already am by any code you might offer up, the name of the database frontend is tracking.mdb and the backend is tracking_be.mdb

Any ideas? Thanks in advance. You'll make my week if you can figure this out with me.

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Forms :: Relink All Tables From Another Database In Same Folder

Jun 20, 2015

I want to re link all my tables from other database which location is same folder.

If a user open db1.mdb it automatically re link all tables from db1_be.mdb every time. If not exist db1_be.mdb in current folder it'll show a message.

folder name : test


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Moving Entries From One Table To Another

Jun 12, 2006

So I have 2 tables, the first is for "open" orders (where entries get edited changed and deleted), and the Second is for "finished" orders (where once an order is completed it should move from the open orders table to the finshed one where it will no change and will remain for futre reference)

I need help with the transfering part of this problem. I would ideally like to make a form that allows you to pull up the info for the open order then edit it to finally add the finished order to the other table. Im not sure where to start on this one.

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Moving Data From One Table To Another

Aug 21, 2006

Hi there,

I have a simple database with a form that displays the contents of a table called Products. I want to be able to delete items from Products but these should be move into ProductsArchive table and I will then create a seperate form to view Products that have now been removed but were once currently live if that makes sense?

I would like to write some code that on the form when the user clicks on the delete button it will just move the data relating to that record into the ProductsArchive table.

Can anyone help?

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Moving Fields To New Table

Feb 21, 2007

Hey guys,

I'm trying to move a group of fields to a new table. I want the data to follow it. Is there an easy way to do this?

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Moving A Record From One Table To Another

Oct 24, 2005

I have a database of assets.

For example a computer will have an asset .

This database will show the asset, where it is, what it is and who its with .
It will display this on a form.

When this asset gets given to someone else i want a button on the form which displays the assets current data to be clicked and for that info to be moved from the asset current table into the asset history table.

any idea what vb code would do this?

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Moving A Record From One Table To Another

Oct 24, 2005

Database is an asset register.

I have a table called assetcurrent

It displays the asset and where it is, who its with and what it is.

I want a button on the form which when clicked will move the record from the table assetcurrent into another table called asset history.

Any ideas?

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Moving Records In The Same Table?

May 22, 2006

Hello there,

Is it possible somehow to move a record in the same table, to different row (in the form)? Or in other words, is it possible manualy adjust the position of records (rows) in a report?

I have a continuous form, where rows are filled with data (e.g. 10 rows ).Then i have report , which looks the same as form (rows, and their order). But sometimes user wants to move certain position (row) up or down, to be it on top or bottom or two places above, or below etc, of row there any easy way to do it? Like some button press, where you could swap position with next record (next row) .....

Or just delete (everything) and fill again from beginning the way he wants...


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Moving Fields From One Table To Another

Mar 28, 2015

I am currently working on updating a database that I created four years ago for a commission record

there are the tables

table 1:

product ID
Carrier Code
State Available

table 2:

Product ID
Product name
Street Comp
GA Comp

After refreshing my creation, I realized that Product name and sub-name from table 2 should be going to table 1.. How can I move those two fields from table 2 to table 1 without mess up the data?

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Shuffle Two Fields Of A Db Differently! But Retain Ability To Relink Them

Feb 4, 2007

in a Dbthere are 2 fields which contain 'matching' data. (there are other columns too)
A Genesis
B Exodus
C leviticus
D Numbers
E Deutronomy

I want to shuffle both columns so they are both randomly mixed up
B Numbers
A Exodus
C Detronomy
E Leviticus
D Genesis

How do I do it?
I have explored the random function but that randomises the records but keeps each record intact.

I then want to print these two columns to a report which numbers each line - easy enough once I have the query BUT I want to print an 'answer page ' at the end of the report which will look like this:-

1 B Numbers (5)
2 A Exodus (1)
3 C Detronomy (4)
4 E Leviticus (3)
5 D Genesis (2)

I thought of appending a unique ID string to each pair and only displaying the first part of the string e.g
A@1 Genesis@1
etc and I can do this but maybe there is a simpler way.
Lastly supposing I would want to keep the order of column one and only shuffle column two?
Thanks for any advice!

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Moving Records To Another Table Then Delete

Mar 15, 2007

OK guys, ive done some searching and saw some stuff on this, but everytime I try something I get a INVALID SQL error message. So Im hoping you guys can help out cause Im lost right now.

I have a 2 tables, Training and Schedule. Training contains all the employees training records. Schedule is meant to be a temp table where the supervisors can enter the training and then once completed, can check the COMPLETED checkbox and hit the LOAD TO TRAINING RECORD command button and it moves ONLY the files for that trainee (a combo box) with a completed checkmark to the training table.

Ive tried this code sooooooooo many ways and its giving me a headache. My original way didnt work at all (had a lot of Do..Loop and With Statements, and then someone posted something about Archiving which is the code Ive gone off of now). Any help you guys can off would be awesome!

Heres what I got:

Private Sub cmdLoad_Click()

On Error GoTo Err_Load_Record_Click


Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Load_Record_Click

End Sub

Sub UploadHistory()

Dim DB As Database
Dim WS As Workspace 'Current workspace (for transaction).
Dim strSql As String 'Sql Code.
Dim strMsg As String 'MsgBox message.
Dim bInTrans As Boolean 'Flag that transaction is active.

Set DB = CurrentDb()
Set WS = DBEngine(0)
bInTrans = True
Set DB = WS(0)

On Error GoTo Err_UploadHistory

'Execute the add.
strSql = "INSERT INTO [Training] " _
& "(TaskNumber, Date, Hours, TrainerLast, TraineeLast, Qualified) " _
& "SELECT " & "Schedule.Task, Schedule.Date, Schedule.Hours, Schedule.Trainer, " _
& "Schedule.Trainee, Schedule.Qualified FROM [Schedule] " _
& "WHERE (((Schedule.Trainee) = " & Me.TraineeCombo & " AND (Schedule.Completed)= 1));"

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL strSql
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

'Execute the delete.
strSql = "DELETE FROM [Schedule] WHERE Trainee = " & Me.TraineeCombo & " AND Completed = 1;"

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL strSql
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

'Get user confirmation to commit the change.
strMsg = "Upload " & DB.RecordsAffected & " record(s) from " & Me.TraineeCombo & "?"
If MsgBox(strMsg, vbOKCancel + vbQuestion, "Confirm") = vbOK Then
bInTrans = False
End If

'Clean up
On Error Resume Next
Set DB = Nothing
If bInTrans Then 'Rollback if the transaction is active.
End If
Set WS = Nothing
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Upload failed: Error " & Err.Number
Resume Exit_UploadHistory

End Sub

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Newbie Help!!! Moving Record To Another Table....

Jan 10, 2005

Quick Scenrio:

I have a current employee's table and Retired/Resigned table, when an employee either retires, resigns or gets fired, i want to be able by the click of a switch or check box of some sort to move that record to the retired table. Your input is greatly apprectiated....


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Tables :: Moving Records From One Table To Another

Jan 16, 2014

I have to move records from one table to another.

When we lose a client I need to take them out of my current table and put them in my dropped table.

I don't want to lose my summary info and I want the dropped client to keep it's ID Number which is an identifier.

Seems I can't just copy it from one table to another and then go back and delete it from the Current.

Seems I can't cut from Current and paste into Dropped.

In a perfect world it would be great if my boss could just check a box in Current Table and the record moved to Dropped all by itself!

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Inserting Or Moving A Record To A Different Position In The Table

Oct 14, 2005

With a table in open view can a record be moved to a different position, i'm using access 2003. Also is there any way to sort besides ascending or descending?
I've got a lot of tables to make and if I forget a single column/field and have to add it later (like I have done all ready numerious times) I'm almost having to recreate the table again in order to have the field fit in the correct spot in the table. These tables are bound to combo boxes so its important every thing is grouped for easy choosing.

Thanks--All help will be very appreciated

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Tables :: Moving Data From One Table To The Other Via Yes / No Boxes?

Jul 5, 2013

I have two tables;

Sold Parts

Now what I am trying to get to happen is using a YES/NO box, Say i have a "part" in the parts table when i click the YES/NO box, to have the tick to say it has been sold, I want that line to move to the Sold Parts table. is this even possible?

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General :: Moving Record From One Table To Another Using Inputbox

Jun 20, 2014

I am trying to get a record from tbl_new_accounts to tbl_closed_accounts, based on the number entered in a input box.

Dim StoreNumber As String
StoreNumber = InputBox("Please Enter The Store Number", "")
CurrentDb.Execute ("INSERT INTO Tbl_Closed_Accounts SELECT Tbl_New_Accounts.* From Tbl_New_Accounts WHERE (((Tbl_New_Accounts.Fld_Store_Number)=" & StoreNumber & "));")

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Moving Records From One Table To A New Table?

Apr 10, 2012

1st - Table one, holds around 10,000 recordes, names and phone numbers and basic address information

2nd - Table two which holds all out customer details eg full name and case details and is used by an admin team

What I was hoping to do was have one form designed from table one and when the agent changes a status it moves the record from table one to table two.

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Relink Database With Common File Dialog In Access 2007 W/Password Protection

Jan 9, 2008

All -

Just as the title describes, I can't seem to find a solution to be able to link the front-end to the back-end tables through the common file dialog when the backend is an accdb file that is password encrypted.

See the example attached. Here it should work just fine per the Article at :

I've found it works fine without a password encrypted back-end but not with a password encrypted back-end.

Anyone have any ideas? It would be nice to use this feature in Access as well as automating the relinking.


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Modules & VBA :: Relink Multiple BE Files / Locations Depending On User Windows Login

Mar 20, 2014


At this point, FE db has 4 linked tables, 3 are located in FileBE1, and the 4th is located in FileBE2.

The production BE is located on a server, the test (when working remotely) is on a local computer that is not able to connect to the server. Also, the test BE files (but not the table names) have different names than the production.

I have the idea of creating a table in the Front End that contains a list of users, filename and location (server or local drive).

Upon startup, how could I set up the vba to check the links and if they need to be changed will go and change them without the user having to click on link table manager or be prompted for names and path.

For now, I envision three rows in the table, one for the test user, one for local user and a default UNC for everyone else. (or would it be six rows since there are two files that need link checking and relinking).

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