Multi-Value Field Does Not Submit Selection On OK

Sep 2, 2014

I know many are opposed to multi-valued fields, but in this case it works out nicely for my purposes.. I pick a couple things from a table to put into a field in a separate table via multi-value lookup, and when I hit ok, nothing happens. Literally. Tried the enter button, tried a mess of different keyboard mashing, and nothing. URL....

Row Source:
SELECT [Cage Codes].[CageCode], [Cage Codes].[Company], [Cage Codes].[Division] FROM [Cage Codes] ORDER BY [CageCode];

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Form Should Only Submit If Number Of Entries In Table Field Is Less Than 3?

May 29, 2014

I have a form (called User_Input)with 2 text boxes, 5 combo boxes and a Submit button, which is bound to a table (called Submssion table) i.e the form submits its entries into the table called Submission.

I want the submit button on the form to work based on this condition:

1. Check current submission of four fields (corresponding to entries from 4 out of the 5 combo boxes on the form) in the table and confirm if the current selection on the form already occurs in the table up to two times. If this is the case, the Message Box should pop up on the form informing user to make another selection as maximum number of entries for that particular selection is already in the Submission table.

2. The checks for the four fields will be done simultaneously as the selection will be done together on the same form.

3. However, if the entries on the Submission table is not up to 2, the entries should be saved to the table and Messagebox should display "Thank you for your Submission"

I need to use Macros for this being a web database which will be published using Sharepoint and VB is incompatible with the web database.

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Multi-Option Selection Problem

Oct 7, 2005

I have a form with 12 questions for the user to select either yes or no for each of the questions. I was hoping to having Option Buttons or Check boxes for each of the questions and the user could very simply click on the questions to answer as a "Yes".

I guess my problem is that I don't know how to best setup the table to capture their selections.

Any ideas would sure be appreciated.


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Forms :: Multi-selection List Box In A Form

Jun 21, 2013

I've created a database to track training courses. I'm having issues with selecting multiple trainers. I set up my table to lookup a "List" on the trainer column. I've entered 2 records into my form and it displays 6 records. See attach image.

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Multi Selection Box User Submitted Values?

Sep 27, 2013

I'm currently having a problem with a multi selection box not taking user submitted values. I'm not sure if this is a limitation or just me missing something. I'll try to post enough pictures so you get the idea as uploading the entire file might not be possible. The box itself holds phase(s) with the default values being the most common. My main goal is to give the user the ability when he opens the combo box drop down to see his options, and if none of them fit his/her needs then give them the ability to input their own.

The Phase(s) default value are held in the "Multi-selection box" table

The Phase(s) information or whatever is selected while filling out the form goes to the "sub Table Information" table

The Phase(s) combo box itself is under the "Phase(s) & Effects" Form (subform) with "BSTS" being the main form

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How Do I Submit An Mdb For Help With A Problem?

Apr 19, 2006

How do I submit a zipped mdb for help solving a problem? Is there a file size limitation?


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Can I Submit An Mdb File For Help On A Problem?

Apr 19, 2006

I have a label that I use to display certain information that will not refresh for new, but existing, records. I have prepaired/reduced an zipped Access 2003 mdb file. Would it be possible to submit this file for review in order to locate the refresh problem? The size of the file is 598KB; what is the size limitations?


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My Users -- Submit Button

Dec 18, 2007

Hey all, I'm in a pickle and hopefully you guys could help me out. My users are old and scared. They require things made in a familiar fashion which slows people in the know, but it's what makes them work well.My most recent request from them requires me to make a "Submit" button for one of the forms that way they "know" the data is in the table. However, I know of no way to hold data cached until a button is pressed.Is there a way to do such a thing? Cache data until a button is pressed? To the best of my very limited knowledge, data entry takes effect immediately.

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Add Data To Table On Submit

Jul 7, 2006

Hello everyone!

Before i forget: Sorry about my three identical posts before :-(

Here is the thing:
I've attached a picture of one of my forms (on a very early stage). I want to save the inputs into a table1 containing all the coworkers. I want to write the value 'X' into the column selected in the drop-down menu. But only at the coworkers whose numbers are entered into the textboxes 1-6.

How is that done???

// JR

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Form Not Refreshing After Submit

Jul 31, 2006


I have a form, that has some text fields and a couple calendars for the user to select the dates from.

What I would like to happen is, after the user enteres the data, and they hit submit. I want the form to go back to a new entry, but it's not quite doing this.

The data they type in dissapears after submit, but the calendars seem to hold whatever date they used. And when they try and enter another entry, they can't select the same date as before. They have to hit a different date first, before it allows them to re-enter the same day.

Anyone know why? Is there a way to make the form refresh, or reload after they hit submit? So it will allow them to enter something for the same day?


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Form And SUBMIT Button

Dec 7, 2004

I have a form which is used in the Data Entry mode. I have a button on it called SUBMIT which closes the form. Of course in actual fact, as soon as data is entered on the form, it goes into the relevant tables, even if the form is closed without using the SUBMIT button.

I want the SUBMIT button to actually work like a submit button, so that no data entered in the form is actually entered into the underlying queries or tables UNLESS the SUBMIT button is clicked. Is it possible to do this?

Alternatively, if there could be a MACRO or something so that if the form is closed in any other way, the data just entered is deleted.

Any help appreciated.


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Dissalow Update Until Click Submit

Mar 30, 2005

I have a simple data entry form...when the user enters in something and tabs to the next field, it automatically adds the data into that field. Is it possible to dissalow or turn this automatic update off? I ultimately want the user to complete the whole form, then click submit. At that point in time and only then will the data be updated into the table....(the submit button simply goes to a new record to add)

Or, same thing, when they tab down to the last field, and then tab to the first again (rolls over to new record)


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How Do I Use Submit Button To Add Details To A Table?

Jan 10, 2006

Hi everyone, I am new to this so bear with me.

I currently have a form with textboxes and 2 combo boxes. I have a submit button at the bottom of the page and would like this to take all the infomation from the form and add to a master table.

I was hoping to be able to create a pop up message to say "This item has been added to the database"

Can anyone help point me in the right direction?

Many Thanks!

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How Do I Use Submit Button To Add Details To A Table?

Jan 10, 2006

Hi everyone, I am new to this so bear with me.

I currently have a form with textboxes and 2 combo boxes. I have a submit button at the bottom of the page and would like this to take all the infomation from the form and add to a master table.

I was hoping to be able to create a pop up message to say "This item has been added to the database"

Can anyone help point me in the right direction?

Many Thanks!

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Tables :: Auto Populating A Field Based On Selection Of Other Field

Jun 27, 2014

I (will have) a form which a user fills in to enter new data.

I have two fields,

"Branch" and "Branch ID" (Branch ID will not be on the form, just in the table)

Branch will be fed by a combo box with seven choices. I would like it so that when "Branch" is populated it autopopulates Branch ID with a code which relates to the branch, so for example

Braintree BRA
Colchester COL

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Forms :: Limit Form Field Selection Depending On Another Field

Feb 5, 2014

I am creating a training database and first I have tables in relationship to the courses:

Course ID (Primary Key)
Course Title

Instructors (lookup field allowing multiple instructors to be selected, meaning they are skilled to teach the course)

Instructor ID (Primary Key
Last Name
First Name
Full Name (Caluclated to put Last Name, First Name)


What I am trying to do on a form to create a new event is once the user selects the Course from the Course ID combo box, then I need the Instructor combo box to only display the instructors who are skilled to teach the course which are selected in the tbl_Courses.

I can get all Instructor ID's, but not the names and the class that has multiple instructors show on one line.Should I have not put the Instructors field in the tbl_Courses? Do I need another table for instructor skills or something?

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Forms :: Do Not Save Record If User Does Not Submit

Mar 19, 2013

I am working on a form and I only want the information to be inserted into the database if the user clicks the button at the bottom. In other words, if the user is filling out the form and then closes the form, I do not want that record saved.

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Forms :: Submit Form Without Null Values?

Jul 18, 2013

I'm trying to build an expression where the form can only be saved if the field supervisor approval is not null.

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Generate Information From One Form To Another By Hitting Submit Button?

Dec 14, 2011

I have been creating an inventory control system for my small business. I am looking for a code that will generate to another form. So for example if I take out 4 aprons from the first row by hitting the '-1' button 4 times leaving 46 in total how do I generate the information from one form to another by hitting that submit button.

My other form shows Product ID, Date Taken, Product Description, Employee who has taken it, Amount Taken, and Total left in inventory. I need the correct information to show accordingly in the Inventory control form.

I am attaching screen shots ....

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Multi-field Index

Dec 29, 2005

I am trying to set a multiple field index on a table. I would like to use 3 fields. One is a text field, the other two are date fields. The text field and one date field will always have a value. The other date field can either have a value or no value. The index will work if I only use the text field and date field that always have values. If I try to add the third field, it will not find a duplicate record. Can I not include a field that may have a null value?

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Multi Field Validation

May 25, 2005

Found some great code, else where that perhaps someone else can use.

Each required fields tag property - change to required
Dim blnContinue As Boolean
Dim ctl As Control
blnContinue = True
For Each ctl In Me.Controls
If ctl.Tag = "Required" Then
If IsNull(ctl) Then
MsgBox "Required Information Missing", vbCritical + vbOKOnly + vbDefaultButton1, "You must fill in the x xx xxx xxxx fields"
Cancel = True
Exit For
End If
End If
Next ctl
Set ctl = Nothing
End Sub

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Default Value For Multi-value Field

Aug 12, 2014

I have created a multivalue field based off of URL... I am getting my values from a different table from within the database. My issue is that I tried to create a default value for the lookup field but it made another selection within the lookup field.


Reference Table Values are:

Name 1
Name 2

Field referencing table with my defined default value:
Name 1
Name 2
Name 1

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Multi Record/Query/Multi Table/Going Crazy Issues

Sep 7, 2007

I have spent the last couple of days trying to figure out how to make this work.

I have three tables.




On the main form I use subforms to link tblIncidentDetails and tblPersonnel to tblIntakeMain. Both subforms can, and do, have many entries. This all works fine. What is not working is the search form I am using.

I am using Gromits most excellent Search Form. The problem is when I create a query, qSearch, to bring together the three tables I get a multiple records which makes the searches very confusing and near useless. Is there anyway around this? Is there something I am missing? Is there another search method I could use that would work in a similar way as Gromits? Please help before the Prozac runs out and I lose my mind--what little it left.

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Multi-table, Multi-criteria: Avoid Repeating Records

Apr 10, 2008

Hi everyone. Apologies if this has come up before, but the search terms I've tried here and on google keep turning up the wrong information.

At work I manage a large database with many tables. It stores data for participants in a research study. Each table stores the data for a different test, so one participant may have multiple records. Primary keys for these tables are defined by a combination of the participant and date of test fields. (Everything is dependent upon a table that stores the static info for participants, so the database is normalized.)

I want to be able to make a table that lists target participants and dates, and then create a query that looks at this table and pulls all the available data from various tables for those individuals that was recorded within one year of the target dates.

I've successfully made queries that meet these criteria while pulling data from only one table. The problem I'm having is that when I try to pull from multiple tables, each with it's own date field that needs to be used as a criterion, I end up excluding almost all the data, because most of the target participants do not have all the requested data within the target dates.

I've tried being inclusive with my criteria (using ORs), but then I end up with tons of data that I don't want and I need to filter through it, which defeats the purpose of the query.

Any advice on handling this issue, or do I basically just need to create a separate query for each table?

I'm sorry if this is too vague, but it's illegal for me to upload any of my own dataset. I could probably come up with an example if it's helpful, though.


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Access Query Multi Field Help?

Sep 7, 2006

I have a database... 1 table...40 fields..

I currently have a query set up as a basic a LIKE search for each field and I have to do 40 each time..

Is there a way of being able to do 1 query and have it search all 40 fields?

So my field headings are
Part No
Album name
and so on...

I since some of the albums are compliations I require to search all the fields...

Any ideas?

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Tables :: Multi-field Unique Key

Feb 8, 2015

I have 4 fields in a table that when combined must be unique.I know you can setup multiple fields as a combined key, but I don't really need these to be the key (I will auto number a unique key). I just need to make sure the same combination of codes is not entered twice.Do I set this up as multiple key fields anyway?

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