Multiple Practice Groups For One Person

May 27, 2005


I'm creating a simple relational database of all the attorneys our company work with. I'd like to have three tables: "Law Firms" (firm name & other info), "Attorneys" (what firm, personal info, and what practice groups s/he is involved in), and lastly "Practice Areas" (all different practice areas with codes).

Now, my issue is that people are usually involved in multiple practice areas. Thus, I can't just put a code for one practice area in "Attorneys" table, but I can't put multiple codes in either in one field (right?) because it'd mess up the relations.

What I'd like to accomplish is for people to be able to go to our intranet and, using a form (?), select a law firm and a practice group and get a list of attorneys.

Does anyone know of a good way to solve this? It doesn't have to be pretty, since the DB isn't going to be huge (2000-2500 records).

Thank you!

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Best Practice: Multiple Values

Feb 25, 2008

Hi All,

I'm a relative newbie to Access - I am wondering the best way to solve a problem. I am the admin for a database used to track projects and the quality control process. With this process we must keep up with the review of another database, the pieces of information entered which are erroneous and when the individual responsible corrects the data. To date, the errors have been manually typed into a memo field which is then pushed out to the end user in a report. The errors are very consistent and I want to create functionality that will allow me to select the errors (there are approximately 50 standard errors) from a list or using a button or whatever is wisest. Basically, I would love some best practice opinion here as I am totally stymied at this point.

Any advice for a weary admin?

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Multiple Tables Per Person (student)

Nov 13, 2006


I have a DB for students.
I'm making notes each time we've had a chat.
Is there a possibillity to make a relationsship between 2 tables so I can make multiple records for one person? (or any other way)
For ex. 03-04-06 there were a couple of things I wrote down.
and 03-06-06 there were some other things I wrote down about the same person.
and then I will be able to backtrack this information
How do I do this.


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Query Results Multiple Records For One Person

Aug 3, 2005

I enter personnel data into a table through a form. The same person may have multiple records in the table. With each record there are yes/no boxes to be checked if that person is verified at a certain station. Let's say PERSON A has six records in the table. Let's say on one of those records he has StaPrimary yes/no box checked (or true).
I need a query to do the following: My query is to find out if any person listed in the table does not have any StaPrimary yes/no boxes checked. My dilemma is when I do the query if Person A has six records and one of the records has the StaPrimary yes/no box checked his name will still show up in the query because he has other recrods with the StaPrimary yes/no box not checked. I want to check all of each persons records in the table and if they have one StaPrimary yes/no box checked I do not want there name to show up in the query. How do I do that?

Thanks for your help

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Multiple Work Areas In One Person Record

May 24, 2013

I have a volunteers database but some of the volunteers are working at multiple sites - how do I achieve this in access - they are appearing as multiple records at the moment

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How To Split Up One Column With Multiple Rows Related To One Person Into A Query

Jul 1, 2013

I have an Access Database and I want to split up one column into multiple columns. The one column has multiple rows that relate to one person, so for instance I have the following:I am taking information from both tables and I want to create a query but I need to separate out the mother, father, and guardian with the names attached

So from the Child table :

Joe Smith Address Phone

The query that I created is from two tables, the child table and the family table: ( I used the dashes just for it to be easier to read)

------Child Table/PrimaryKey --------Family Table---------------------

First Name--- Last Name--- First Name--- Last Name--- Relationship
Joe ----------------Smith ----------Jane --------Doe-------------Mother
Joe ----------------Smith ----------John---------Smith---------- Father

So in this scenario I need to get the name of the second parent in another column....meaning have all the parents appear on the same line for this child, and each child there after..

So I need it to look like this:

------Child Table/PrimaryKey --------Family Table---------------------

First Name------ Last Name------ First Name------ Last Name------ Relationship------ 2First Name------2Last Name------2Relationship
Joe----------------Smith------------ Jane-------------- Doe------------- Mother-----------John---------------- Smith------------ Father

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QueryTop X Records In Multiple Groups

Jan 26, 2006


Can anyone help with this .

Is it possible to create a query that will display the top x (say 10) records for each code in a set?

The record set that I have includes a country id and some quantity information. In short the record looks something like

Country Code (approx 30)
Service Code (approx 20)

What I would like to do is to aggregate all instances of a service at country level and provide a sum of the service count. Then, I am only interested in the top x services (biggest quantity) and am looking for query output along the lines of

Country1, Service Ranked 1 , Qty
Country1, Service Ranked 2 , Qty
Country1, Service Ranked 10 , Qty
Country2, Service Ranked 1 , Qty
Country2, Service Ranked 2 , Qty
Country2, Service Ranked 10 , Qty

down to CountryX, Service Ranked 10, Qty

Can anyone help me here, I have tried top x etc. to no avail

As always, any help would be greatly appreciated


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Having Individual Records, In Multiple Groups

Jul 14, 2006

i am making a contacts database. I have a table to hold the names and addresses of 700 people. I have another table holding the names of the mailing groups those 700 people can be in. One person can be in multiple mailing groups.

i made another table, and i typed in all the people and the multipe groups they were in. For example, a there would be seven records for a person if they belonged to seven groups

then i made a query relating that table to the addresses table. I want to be able to open forms to show an individual group, and cycle through the people in that group only.

i can do this, but access wont let me edit any of the records.

is there somthing wrong with my relationships? how do i tell accesss to allow records be in multiple groups?

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Top 3 Records For Multiple Groups (District)

Jun 27, 2012

I have a table with the following structure. I am attempting to do this in design view.

Region....District....WH....Product....Aged Inventory $

There are thousands of records, unique by the Prod WH combination, across 5 districts. What I want is to pull the (highest) Top 3 Aged Inv$ values (Prod WH) for Each district.

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Finding Groups Of Numbers From Multiple Records

Jan 2, 2008

I have a database with around 5083 records and I am trying to find the three most common numbers called in any one record such as 5 22 and 39 has been called together 50 times

Here is the structure # 1 through 5 is a number between 1 and 39 but never duplicated in same record

Record 1 |draw#|Date|#1|#2|#3|#4|#5|
Record 2 |draw#|Date|#1|#2|#3|#4|#5|
Record 3 |draw#|Date|#1|#2|#3|#4|#5|
Record 4 |draw#|Date|#1|#2|#3|#4|#5|
Record 5 |draw#|Date|#1|#2|#3|#4|#5|
Record 6 |draw#|Date|#1|#2|#3|#4|#5|
Record 7 |draw#|Date|#1|#2|#3|#4|#5|
and so on for 5083 records


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Multiple Combo Boxes In Form To Choose Groups Of Records

Feb 16, 2005

I am wondering if it is possible to have several combo "boxes" in one form. The form is based on one table. In the table there are several fields which use a look-up (combo) drop down box to choose from: Type, Description, Manufacturer and Location.

In the form I want a combo box for Type, to bring up specific records in a subform, then I want a combo box for Description to bring up another set of records (within that Type of equipment) and a third combo box for Location to bring up all equipment within that location.

When I have tried to set this up - it changes some of the data in the in the subform - which changes it in the underlying table. If it set the form to open in New Record, then nothing shows up in the drop down box. Is there some If, THen code I could use to make it look first in the Type, then in the Description field, then close those out and look for the set of records that match in the location field?

Does that make sense?

I know how to manipulate in MSAccess templates, etc., but I don't know much about the underlying codes.

Thanks for any help!!!

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Queries :: Insert Multiple Groups Of Text Fields In Table

Feb 17, 2015

I am trying to do is to make a for loop to insert multiple text fields in on table.

Depending on the counter (Zaehler) it should insert that representing text field. for example if Zeahler is 1 it should input whatever is inside the text field KVP_Kfm1 if its 2 then it should input the textfield KVP_Kfm2 and so on. here is the code that I'm trying to work but sadly it wont.I believe that the mistake is that my syntax is wrong but i cant figure out what is right.

For Zaehler = 0 To (Forms!frmCMP!txtAuslaufjahr - Forms!frmCMP!txtAnlaufjahr)
SQL = "INSERT INTO tblLifecycle_Projektion(ID_Berichtstand, KVP_Kfm, KV P_technisch, AeJ, MoPf, skAe, MiBst, Sonstige_Effekte, " & _
"KVP_technisch_FTR, KVP_Kfm_FTR, AeJ_FTR, MoPf_FTR, sk Ae_FTR, Sonstige_Effekte_FTR, Jahr) VALUES " & _

[Code] ....

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Good Practice Or Bad?

Mar 9, 2006

A developer where I am contracted to constructs his If statements like this:
If Day(Now()) <> 1 Then DoCmd.OpenQuery "qry_06c_Get_CurMon_Rebates"

Instead of like this:
If Day(Now()) <> 1 Then
DoCmd.OpenQuery "qry_06c_Get_CurMon_Rebates"
End If

All on one line and no end if needed. I didn't even know that would work.
Is this good or bad practice from a coding standpoint? Any Pitfalls?

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Best Practice For Charts?

Jan 3, 2007

Deal All

I've got some simple charts to do in Access. They are working fine - except for the Legends.

The problem is that my table (on which the charts are based) is fed by Combo boxes which populate the table with codes, rather than a descriptor.

For example, the combo box on the input form displays two columns

5 | Excellent
4 | Very Good
3 | Average
2 | Not good
1 | Poor
0 | Don't know

..but populates the table only with the numbers 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0.

Consequently, the legend in my graph only displays the numbers - when I would really like the Words.

What's the best way round this?


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How To Create A Template For A Medical Practice

Oct 26, 2012

I am just wondering if theres a way I can create a customise database for my workplace. We are looking at replacing the old record cards that sit on the desk that records each clients visit and the price they paid. We do use MYOB for all our accounting etc but we are wondering if there is a way that we can create a database that enables us to record the date and price paid for each visit for every individual client?

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Is Trimming Field Size Where Suitable Good Practice?

Jun 6, 2007

If I have a DB with several tables containing thousands of records, and most of those records only ever need say 8 characters, does anyone know if changing the field size from default 255 chars to 8 chars will actually benefits the the DB?

Potential benefits I'm thinking may occur are reduced filesize and maybe some speed?

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Best Practice To Handle Poor Data Quality In Relationships?

Jul 21, 2007

I'm attempting to normalize an enormous table with order data, but I'm running into some problems. The table currently contains many duplicates, of which also included the actual order information (yikes!), but I managed to normalize it almost all the way down. It appears that different accounts can be used on orders, and these order numbers are being recycled for some reason months down the line (don't ask my why they're reusing them for future orders because I have no idea either, they should be creating new order numbers). Of course, the Order number is the primary key in my table as it should be. I guess the same thing can occur with the sales rep. Anyway, I'm struggling to find the "best practice way" to deal with this situation. I'm almost tempted to create an intermediary "transaction table" or something like that between the main general order information (which at this point will basically be the Order Number and Customer ID only), then include a table with the account information and sales rep info, then have that link to the Order Detail with the products, quantity, order number and various dates for those order numbers. Order maybe it should be a separate, related table, but not between the general order information and the order details? Can anyone tell me if I'm on the right track for this situation? It was a total curveball that the rep and account information could be different on these orders.

Option 1:
Order (Order #, Customer) -> Transaction Information (Order #, Account Type, Sales Person) -> Order Details (dates, products, quantities, etc)

Option 2:
Order (Order #, Customer)---> Transaction Information (Order #, Account
| Type, Sales Person)
|-> Order Details (dates, products, quantities, etc)

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Computer Disposal Best Practice: Table To Store Retired Hardware?

Jun 27, 2007

Hi guys. I have been working on a database to store network information, computers, software etc......

I have a table (tblComputers). I allocate computers to users on the network.

My question. When they come to the end of their shelf life I have the option to delete them from the database. However once deleted I will have no record of them. So I thought......would it be better to create a seperate table and move them there, or add an additional check box within tblComputers 'Retired' then add some code to prevent allocation?

Advice warmly received as always.

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Can More Than One Person Be Using....

Mar 25, 2008

I've set up a database and set up User-Level security for each user.

While they are entering data, can I go in and change some items in design view?


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Totals By Person

Aug 25, 2005

I have a table where 4 different people enter their amount of work sheets they complete each day via a form. Each person could have a different total each day. Example:


Each person will have a entry for each work day of the month.

I am creating a query that needs to show each persons total for a month. I know how to get the month but how can I total each persons page count all together and then separately? Example:

All four combined total page count

AJ Page count individually
CH page count individually
MH page count individually
Ca page count individually

Thanks for all help

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Tracking Person's Work?

Oct 18, 2005

I'm undecided in what I should to to track what an employee does for the day. Currently employees have a 5X7 index card which is printed out fields and they fill it in by hand and turn it in.

Instead of the employees doing this I want to record all of this information in the database.

These are the fields that I will include:
EmployeeName, Book, WorkType, WorkEffort, StartPage, EndPage, StartTime, EndTime, TotalPgsWorked, Comments.

Should I bound all of these fields to the tblWorkLog or should a create unbound fields and create an append query which will add these fields to the table.

I don't want the users to enter their own start time and end time as they might not record it accurately.

Should the time be recorded this way: Have the user open the form, when the form opens that will record the start time. Have the user have the form remained open until the end of the day or when he or she finishes through out the day. When the form is closed that will record the end time.

What is an alternative of doing that though? Have the user open the form record all the info and have the startime recorded. Exit out of the database, when they finish their work, open the database go back to that record and record the end time?

My problem here would be there is no uniqe ID. The user can work on a Book for a week, and can also work on multiple books on the same day. How would they know which record to open.

I'm uncertain how to lay this out and begin it any insight will be greatly appreciated.

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Calculate A Person's Age Not Working.

Oct 11, 2006

Hi all ,
I am trying to calculate a person’s age.
Went to Customer Form
Have a field called cust_birthday ( date/time ) ( 99;00;00;>LL;0; )
Have a field called cust_age ( Number )

Went to Madules / New / then add this code,

Public Function Age(dteDOB As Date, Optional SpecDate As Variant) As Integer
Dim dteBase As Date, cust_age As Date, cust_birthday As Integer
If IsMissing(SpecDate) Then
dteBase = Date
dteBase = SpecDate
End If
cust_birthday = DateDiff("yyyy", dteDOB, dteBase)
cust_age = DateSerial(Year(dteBase), Month(dteDOB), Day(dteDOB))
Age = cust_birthday + (dteBase < cust_age)
End Function

Not Working get no return. Can someone help me. Thank You if you can….


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Forms :: Only One Person In A Field

Sep 26, 2013

I have a form where one person wil insert a new record and click on a button that will display his login name and date she/he inserted the new record. A second person will later check if everything was entered correctly and this person will also press a button that will insert his login name and date in a field.The thing is that the same person can't do the quality check and insert the new record. So if in the field "PersonPassQA" is filled in and the person will do the same in "PersonQA", she/he should get a warning and the field should stay empty. This is the code I use to pass the PersonPassQA:

Private Sub Command24_Click()
'Date pass to QA and person passing to QA
Me.[DatePassedQA] = Date
Me.[PersonPassQA] = Environ("Username")
End Sub


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Person Link To Adres, Howto?

Sep 1, 2005

Hello all,

I'm new here so hello everybody.

Ok, I'm pretty new to Access '97 and so I have a problem already.
I want to make an adres database. I want to make the adres central and link the persons to that adres, so that i can have multiple persons on the same adres. I created an adres table and a person table, but how do I link the person to the adres???

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Allowing A Database To Be Opened By More Than One Person

Apr 9, 2008

How can i have multiple people entering data into a database, also there is an excel file that imports the info every few min, if i have that open i cannot enter data into the database. theres going to about 4-5 users plus the excel file.

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Queries :: Concatenate Person Name And Initials

Aug 21, 2013

How to concatenate a number of fields from a table into a query.

The fields are:


Note that there will be varying combinations: some people will have a Prefix, Firstname then surname (no middle initials), so I would want to display "Mr Joe Bloggs". But others could have no Prefix but two middle initials, so "Joe P J Bloggs".

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