Need Expert Advice On My Current Database.

Nov 1, 2004

please see post #4

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Some (expert) Advice Needed Please (linking Field With String In Other Field

Oct 3, 2005


I hope someone can help me, I have a database compiled from different sources which means that information in fields that need to be linked are written differently, meaning that I can't just simply make a relationship between them.

The two tables I would like to link are,
Table 1 has the fields OCCUPATION and AMOUNT and contains over 740,000 records.
Table 2 has the fields COMPANY_NAME and TICKER and has 500 records.

I need to find a way for all COMPANY_NAME fields in table 2 to be cross-referenced with the OCCUPATION field, so if COMPANY_NAME is part of the string in the OCCUPATION field then the TICKER (of that company) can be attached to the record in table 1 (specifically to AMOUNT).

The problem is that the OCCUPATION field is not written in a standard form and can include either only the occupation, only the company name, or both in either order.

I can make a seperate query for each company by using as criteria "like "*[COMPANY_NAME]*", but then I would have to do this 500 times!!! Is there a way to automate this?

The final purpose is to link the AMOUNT to TICKER so as to find the sum of all the amount associated with a company.

I really hope you can help, I have little programming knowledge and it will save me the time of making 500 seperate queries. The final use is for my thesis studying private contributions in the american elections.

Thanks in advance (I hope),


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Need Advice On Database Structure

Nov 17, 2005

Hi ,
I am developing an access application that will be used by our Marketing Dept to create BRIEFS for our AD agencies.

The Brief has the following structure

1. Option1
1.1 A1
1.2 A2
1.3 A3
1.3.1 AA1
1.3.2 AA2
1.4 A4

2. Option2
2.1 B1
2.2 B2
2.2.1 BB1
2.2.2 BB2
2.3 B3
2.3.1 BB3

3. Option3


The users will be basically selecting from a list of Categories,Sub Categories and Sub-Sub Categories.

I am a bit confused as to what kind of Database Structure should I use for this kind of requirement.

Right now I have a table tblBRIEF that conatins the basic information about the BRIEF like
Project Name
Company Name
Responsible etc etc

My question is , where and how should I store the selections made by the user for each of the Categories , subcategories and su-sub categories.

Should I have a table for each of the Categories and Subcategories and have a relation with the BRIEF table ???

You advice will be apprecaited?

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Need Advice On Understanding A 3rd Party Database

Jan 9, 2006

I have to create reports from an Access database used in a commercial application. The backend uses Access but the front end does not.

The vendor does not document the data or provide any support for that. The database has over one hundred tables and thousands of fields.

I'm thinking I'll create small transactions in the application and then study the database to see what has changed. But this seems overwhelming considering how many tables and fields there are. So I'm looking for advice on how to approach this.

I have a FoxPro background but I'm new to Access.

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Advice On Updating Someone Else's Access Database!

Mar 15, 2007

Hi, im currently working on a database which is for someone else. Whe it is handed over to them, they will no doubt want some changes done every so oftern eg new reports, changes to forms etc.

What is the best way to do this? The database holds a lot of data, so I dont think its feasible for them to send it to me via email everytime they need something changed!

Ive noticed a few posts here about splitting the database into a front/back end. If this was done, would they just have to send me the front end; this would probably be a smaller file ye?

If this is going to be the best way round the problem; how easy is it to split a database which is basically already made?


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Advice On Updating Someone Else's Access Database!

Mar 15, 2007

Hi, im currently working on a database which is for someone else. Whe it is handed over to them, they will no doubt want some changes done every so oftern eg new reports, changes to forms etc.

What is the best way to do this? The database holds a lot of data, so I dont think its feasible for them to send it to me via email everytime they need something changed!

Ive noticed a few posts here about splitting the database into a front/back end. If this was done, would they just have to send me the front end; this would probably be a smaller file ye?

If this is going to be the best way round the problem; how easy is it to split a database which is basically already made?


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Reduction Of A Database Size - Implications + Advice

Jul 14, 2006

Hi there

I want to know if anyone has taken a large database (e.g 400,000 records) and had to take a subsection of this so to reduce size. (E.g you randomly would like to take 20,000 records). I need to reduce a database size for a test situation but would like to know what I should consider when reducing the size in this way.

Do I take the base database structure – table organisation with fields linkages etc and load data in?

I have some help in this task but would like to know of any advice that could be provided.

Many thanks

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Payroll Database- Advice Needed On Relationships/normalisation

Aug 22, 2006

I would like to get your advice on my table setup and relationships for this payroll project. The company is an engineering company with Projects (or construction sites) around the world.

The 'Candidates' are current or potential employees and contractors. There are three main pay categories:

All shift workers doing a particular job on a particular project are paid the same rates e.g. all welders on a particular project or site in England are paid the same as each other. For that reason I want to link the pay rates with the job description for these workers. This avoides creating 50 records for 50 welders on the site in England to say that they make £10 an hour normal time (or whatever it is) etc.

2. Contract
Contract workers usually get paid a flat rate per hour. As these are negociated on an individual basis I would need to have this information linked to each individuals job (M_CandidateJobDetails).

3. Salary
Again this information needs to be input for each individuals job.

For the contract and salary people the pay frequency can vary (weekly, bi-weekly or monthly). So can the currency they are paid in. I haven't got as far as the currency issue yet.

The reason for the one-to-many relationship between M_JobClassifaction and M_CandidateJobDetails is that many candidates can have the same type of job e.g. there can be many employees that in the job classifaction of 'Electrician'. For many of the jobs at managerial level e.g. 'site manager' there will only be one.

I will have a table with the hours worked by each person per week. I can use this for those on shift work or contract to calculate what they will be paid.

One of the main reasons for this database is so that the company can print reports to see what is paid out in payroll for each site and in total (in euros). These will be gross figures and I don't need to take expenses, vacations, bonuses or taxes into account. They other thing we will need to be able to do is assign candidates to vacant positions and change them from one position to another - possibly between different projects.

So basically does anyone have any comments on the relationships, normalisation or anything else. Is this the best way to do it?

I've attached a screenshot of the relationships.

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Before I Start - Advice/criticism On Small Charity Database (re)design Please?

Aug 8, 2007

I was going to say before I screw it up, but that would have made the title too long.

I've read some forum history and done some searches and can't see that a similar query has come up previously - but if anyone can point me at previous relevant threads then that would be much appreciated. I've looked at some of the design theory threads, but am not really sure whether I've applied some of the good stuff in there effectively - and have put this query here as it's specific to my database rather than a 'general principles' thing.

I am hoping that some kind person/people might be able to pick holes in my planned database revamp as I may not have seen some of the pitfalls - thank you.

Background: I am the first and sole employee of a grant-making trust and set up our (still relatively small) database early on - wish I could have waited, but before my database everything was paper-based and impossible to manage. The data is all on the database, but an exponential growth in number of enquiries/applications over the last year means that it can't be easily manipulated in a way that meets our needs because of my short-sighted (OK, poor owing to inexperience in job) initial design in some areas.

What it's supposed to do: In brief, the way our organisation works is that we get a phone call or a letter or sometimes an entire application from a charity or community group, decide what to do with it and have to manage the funding contract (regular reviews, grant instalments) if the application is successful.

I think existing data is reasonably normalised (certainly at least equivalent to normalisation in the structure below) so migration shouldn't be a problem, but if anyone spots any normalisation or naming convention issues then please do point them out - I'm an Access amateur, but would like to get it as right as I can (this time). Small letters indicate linked tables, numbers indicate 'footnotes'.

ProjID (primary key)
ProjName (a)
Organisation (b)
ProjSource (c)
ProjStatus (d)
ProjResponse (Lookup: Letter, E-mail, No response*) (1)
ProjReasonDecline (e)
ProjNote (description)

(a) tblProjEvent
PEvID (primary key)
ProjEvent (g)
ProjEvDesc - additional detail - e.g. who involved, topic if not obvious from event field.
ProjEvActWho - who is responsible if future action
ProjEvActDue - due date
ProjEvActComp - checkbox
ProjEvNote (NB not to duplicate description - more for 'additional notes arising from completed action' or sensitivities that may need to be considered and kept separate from regular reporting)

(b) tblOrganisation
Details not listed for brevity, but split one field per line of address/detail, org name as primary key - existing table can be migrated as is (2). Includes suppliers, networking orgs. (f)

(c) tblProjSourceLup
How they heard about us - list of sources for speed/consistency of data entry.

(d) tblProjStatusLup
What it says on the tin - where we're at right now with a project. History/status changes recorded in tblProjAction.

(e) tblProjReasonDecline
List of common reasons for speed/consistency of data entry

(f) tblOrgContacts
OrgContact ID (primary key)
Names/personal details of organisational contacts, split one field per item (firstname, lastname, jobtitle, etc).

(g) tblProjEventLup
Letter, Funding contract, review meeting, report, telecon, Board review, etc. May be a future action.

Accounts functions:
Payments in/out linked to organisation with a lookup table for account types (in, out, grant, donation, expenses etc etc). Works fine and can be migrated as is (2)

The current arrangement of relationships has the organisation as the focus - I'm looking to make the project the focus, which seems to make sense as each project is unique - whereas we may get several project applications from the same organisation - and the existing structure makes it impossible to sort these out :o.


1) Vast number of applications that fall into the "arrive, get read, get binned" category make this duplication worthwhile - most applications won't make it into the Project Event table. Apart from the "Greetings in the name of the Lord"/419 e-mails, they do all need recording somehow so we can spot any trends and correct misinformation - save hard-working fundraisers wasting their time*.

2) Of course data validation will be necessary, but in most tables we're talking hundreds or thousands of records only, not tens of thousands so should not be that onerous. Especially as I've been the only person using the database, so there are hopefully not too many inconsistencies!

This post is too long already, but if I've been uselessly unclear in explaining anything or anyone wants any more before they want to comment on efficacy of structure please let me know. All feedback appreciated (as I said, I work alone, so really looking for idea-bouncing to check I can see the wood as well as the trees as much as anything - thanks).

*As charity is always a sensitive area and some of you may be involved with voluntary work, an OT comment: 'No response' might seem rude - but if an organisation is -clearly- excluded by the criteria on our website, or that very same person (or a large charity who should be able to manage its information effectively) has previously been told that they are ineligible by reason of their location, size or type then they have had their response already. I could spend all day every day writing 'No' letters - I'd rather be doing something more positive with my time (like checking out/meeting with organisations that are potentially eligible so they get their answer - and in some cases money ASAP). Not R-ing TFM (aka grant guidelines) apparently applies to fundraisers as much as any other profession :rolleyes:

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Looking For Access Expert

Dec 6, 2007


Does anyone know of a listing or a publication/website where I can place an ad for an expert to develop an Access database? We need someone to do this work for our organization.


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Need Expert Opinions

Jan 9, 2008

I work for a property management compnay and they have put me in charge of coming up with a way to go some what paperless. What they are wanting is a way to enter a work order for a particular client (i.e description of work to be done for maintenance). This would then need to be printed in a report to be faxed over to the workers. This info would then need to be pulled out and placed into an invoice where, where items could be entered such as items bought ets.

My company is willing to spend thousands for software, but I think it is insane. to do so.

I was thinking that surely this could be done in access. I have an understanding of how access works (forms, reports, tables, etc.) but I have never designed one like this.

It does not have to be complex and it does not have to have a lot of formulas, I was thinking that the total could be placed in field when the invoice info is entered. Only really calculation would be adding the total of the items.

Anyway is this something that can be done relatively easily by someone with my experience, or is this to complex.

Thank You for your time

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Not An Access Expert

Feb 17, 2008

I am an inexperienced user, part of my job is to up date data files daily, have been doing so for 7 months. Problem arose when I accidentally deleted a link and required IT assistance trying to locate where it had gone--
that's when we discovered that I was not updating the company-wide server but a separate shortcut that a previous (and briefly employed individual had created).

Now IT and I tried a few tricks to combine or join the data I had entered (this could be history of up to 2000 assets), but have not figured out just how.

I have backed up my data on a thumb drive to prevent loss in case of my hard drive accidentally failing or crashing due to weather, now I need advice on how to put that data into the main Access data base--w/o having to do it all manually again.

Does anyone know how to do this?

I would greatly appreciate your help!

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Need Expert Help In Access - Excel

Oct 19, 2005

I have a situation. In completing our Annual Report for our Accrediting body for my school, it requires us to complete a 'Completion and Placement Chart'. This chart was provided to us in Excel. The problem was that we needed a system to automaticaly update this chart as the year progressed so we can visually see our completion and placement rates. With this, I created an Excel sheet with the Completion and Placement Charts and made it so it can be updated as I entered a students information in.

Although it does calculate the data properly, the process is extremely ugly. It is terrible in appearance, function, and by all means, far from user friendly (I understand it, but it takes some explaining to do for someone else). This Workbook that I created houses almost all the information I need with the exception of it being entirely unsafe and far from being secure and data entry is a nightmare.

So, this brought me to Access. I created a database for this purpose (first time using access as well). It works like a dream in storing all the data that I need and keeping it safe. I needed to have a 'Placement Tracking Document' for each student outlining the students information for the accrediting body. This was done wonderfuly in Access and could not be accomplished through Excel (that I know of). However, I NEED to have Access tally all the information in the 'Completion and Placement Charts' like the Excel Workbook does. I need to keep the exact format of the 'Completion and Placement Chart' because it is a standard form in Excel and I can not steer away from it.

How can I get my DB in Access to comunicate with the 'Completion and Placement Charts' and have it automatically tally like my workbook???

I have attached some screen shots of my database and the entire Excel Workbook (Its edited because of confidential data) so you can understand a little of the chaos.

I rarely used Excel and never used Access until now. It took me nine months to create what I have because I was learning as I went. The books that I purchased to help me out do not touch this subject nearly enough (Access Cookbook, Access for Dummies and VB & VBA in a nutshell).

My point is, any help or direction in where to get thorough information on how to acomplish this is more then welcome. Any comments on what I have as well is more then welcome (negative or positive).

Thank you thank you thank you thank you in advance!

Oh, and use the buttons in the Excel Workbook to navigate.

John D :confused:

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Need Expert Advise On Normalization

Jun 19, 2005

The question is whether or not to normalize the fields "Place of Birth/Place of Death" in my 100'000 records famous people data base. So far, 15'000 different birth places are deployed. Only 3'000 of them are used more then once, that is to say from 2 to a maximum of 1000 times (New York City). 12'000 birth places are therefor used only once up to now. So, a table of 15'000 places would need a 3-digit (all characters used) or even a 5-digit (numbers only used) identification. In the latter case the ident would often be longer than the returned value (Wien, Oslo, Rom, it's in german, you know). Furthermore, instead of just entering a birth place like "Novodny Chomarowsky" I had to search the table of places whether or not the entry has been used yet. Please supply strong pro-normalization-arguments.

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Soliciting Expert Guidance

Jun 20, 2006

Good Morning,
I am new to Access and I welcome expert guidance on the relationships of my database. The database will be used to track employee training and although I've enjoyed limited success so far I'm hoping that eventually I'll get it right.

The database has to do just a few things so it doesn't have to be very complicated. It basically has to store employee, training event, and completed training event information. The attachment shows the tables and their relationships.

The are basically two types of training that the database needs to store. The first is training that applies to everyone and the other is training that only applies to certain job specialties. These types of training are identified by the ProjectMandatoryCode and the JobCode respectively.

The ProjectMandatoryCode is a default value that is automatically entered everytime a new employee is entered into the database (EmployeeInfo table) and it is also a default value when a training event is entered into the (TrainingEventInfo table) that applies to everyone. The employee JobCode is a selection when a new employee is entered into the EmployeeInfo table.

When the user wants to enter a training event that is job specific, they are able to select a JobCode from a combo box/option group and this code is written to the record. Selecting one button from the option group writes a default value (ProjectMandatoryCode) to the TrainingEventInfo table while selecting the other button enables the combo box so that a specific JobCode can be entered against the event.

Everything works fine except... so far I've been unable to produce a report that lists every training event that pertains to the employee whether it be ProjectMandatoryCode or JobCode related. I can query and produce completed events or a list of what events are required but nothing that is complete. Ideally, I should be able to produce a complete training plan for the employee which shows all necessary events and where the employee has completed the task I should be able to show the DateCompleted.

This failure has led me to doubt my table relationships since all my efforts at various query joins have failed. Is there anyone who could enlighten me so that I could learn from this, complete this task, and apply this new knowledge to future databases? To the person with the answer, thank you in advance for your assistance. Respectfully,
Dale Gagnon

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Simple Order By Stmt Need Expert Answer

Mar 14, 2005

I have a very simple SQL stmt

Select * from MyTbl order by MyID

The error: "Syntax error in ORDER BY clause"

If I remove the order by clause, it works. Now, I have been programming for 30 years and for the life of me, I cannot figure this one out. It is my first use of 'order by' on this ISP so I am assuming there is a server thing? Can anyone suggest to me what this might be? Thank you very much.

-Extremely Frustrated (Ken)

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SQL Expert Help Needed- Getting Complex Joins To Work In Access

Jun 28, 2006

I am trying to execute the SQL below (tested in other programs, works fine) but access is giving me the "join expression not supported" error. How can this query be used in MS Access? I have tried breaking some of the joins clauses into separate queries, but I can't get it to work and it is making things much more complicated. Also note that moving the join conditions to the where clause could impact performance (this is a very large DB) Could I execute this via code somehow? Thanks.

SELECT lp.loan_id, lp.days_delinquent, lp.current_balance, pc.product_name
FROM mtgwl.loan_payment lp
inner join mtgwl.deal_loan_relation dlr on
and lp.time_out='9999-12-31-'
and lp.as_of_date='2006-04-30'
and dlr.time_out='9999-12-31-'
and dlr.type='DEAL'

inner join mtgwl.deal_loan_relation pdr
on dlr.deal_id=pdr.loan_id
and pdr.time_out='9999-12-31-'
and pdr.type='PRODUCT'

inner join mtgwl.product_control pc
on pc.product_id=pdr.deal_id
and pc.time_out='9999-12-31-'
and pc.product_name='GSAMP 2003 AHL'

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SQL Expert Help Needed- Getting Complex Joins To Work In Access

Jun 28, 2006

I am trying to execute the SQL below (tested in other programs, works fine) but access is giving me the "join expression not supported" error. How can this query be used in MS Access? I have tried breaking some of the joins clauses into separate queries, but I can't get it to work and it is making things much more complicated. Also note that moving the join conditions to the where clause could impact performance (this is a very large DB) Could I execute this via code somehow? Thanks.

SELECT lp.loan_id, lp.days_delinquent, lp.current_balance, pc.product_name
FROM mtgwl.loan_payment lp
inner join mtgwl.deal_loan_relation dlr on
and lp.time_out='9999-12-31-'
and lp.as_of_date='2006-04-30'
and dlr.time_out='9999-12-31-'
and dlr.type='DEAL'

inner join mtgwl.deal_loan_relation pdr
on dlr.deal_id=pdr.loan_id
and pdr.time_out='9999-12-31-'
and pdr.type='PRODUCT'

inner join mtgwl.product_control pc
on pc.product_id=pdr.deal_id
and pc.time_out='9999-12-31-'
and pc.product_name='GSAMP 2003 AHL'

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Pathname For Current Database

Jan 8, 2006

I maintain an Access 97 database system with a number of front ends and two different back ends (for security reasons). The structure is replicated in different directories as there are training, development and back-up copies as well as the live system. I want the menu page to display the name of the front end that is opened and the path and name of the two back ends, referenced from the current database (front end). To do this, I want to read the directory for the current database as opposed to the current directory which may be different. I can't find this in any VBA reference for MS Access 97; although I used to use the equivalent in Excel using the Get function - as I remember it.

Any help?


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Opening The Current Database

Jul 10, 2007

I am creating an order processing system and am using 2 tables


The OrderHeader table includes the number of orderlines on the order.

I want to ensure that when a user completes the order lines they don't up in a line number greater than the number of lines and want to programatically get the number of lines from the order header table.

The form links to the ID of the order header table by using a combo box, which works fine and I can even display the number of order lines in the combo box.

I don't know how to use an ADODB recordset to query the current database.

I can't use something like :
objConnection.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=c:filesdatabase.mdb"

which i see all over the place, because I don't know where on the PC this will be running on it will be stored.

There must be a simple way to find out a value from a field within a recordset of the current application database?

Any ideas?

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Query For Current Database Path

Apr 27, 2007

I used to know how to get the path for the current database by running a query. I forgot how to do it. I am using Access 2003. I have tried querying the msystem tables without success. I have searched forums and the web without success. Anyone? Thanks!:)

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Syntax For Updating Table In Another Database From Current Db.

May 10, 2006

I'm having difficulties creating a sql statement which updates data in another Access database from a current database.

I'm able to do an insert and delete statement just perfectly, but not an Update. :confused:

For example, here is a dummy sample (which does not work):

Update tbl_test1 IN '\C:Tempabc.mdb', tbl_test2
set tbl_test1.Name = tbl_test2.Name
Where tbl_test1.ID = tbl_test2.ID

I tried a couple of variations, however, I keep getting an error.
Also, I don't want to create a database link (due to the sheer complexity of my project, which I'll spare you the details..)

Does anyone know how to do this? I searched the forums and came up with zilch! =(.. Help??!

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Login Screen Coding On Current Database

Aug 5, 2013

I am currently looking for coding on my current database's login screen. It functions correctly but i want to be able to add a user lock out feature to prevent people from constantly trying to hack users passwords...

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Modules & VBA :: Linking External Tables To Current Database?

Mar 16, 2015

I was wondering if it was possible to link random external tables to the Active Database through VBA. I would like to run the code that would open up a dialog box that would let the user select the database as well as the tables within that database that the user can select to link to. I am able to select the database and but not able to select the actual tables. The tables will be random so I can't make a constant statement for a specific database.

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Forms :: Export Current Record In Form To Another Database?

Apr 24, 2013

Currently, I have a database situation in which I am working in one database with data. If this data does not belong in this database I need to be able to take specific fields from the record and insert it into either a new table in a different database I have, or have it copied to a blank form that would accept it.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Create New Lock File Within Current Database

Apr 7, 2015

What I'd like to do is have an "export button", where the OnClick event, exports a single table into a new accde file. This would allow the end users to zip this file up and send it to me.

Because of all sorts of stupidity, I have no network capability and must send data back and forth via email.

I have digressed to a replication table that needs to be uploaded, once data is entered by the users...

Because the files can get relatively large (for emailing purposes), I am trying to figure out how I can get just one table from them vs. sending the whole application file back to me... It's pretty vital that they not be able to edit the table because that could really mess up the process.

So any way to create a new lock file from within the current Db?

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