Nth Smallest Price By Row

May 15, 2007

I am in need of some assistance. I've been looking on here for an answer, but can only find solution that would give me a by column lowest price, and I need to compare the prices by row. What I have is a table of vendor prices for part numbers we sell. What I want to do is compare all the prices the vendors for each part number and return the lowest and 2nd lowest fields in a query. Here is an example...

Part # vendor 1 vendor 2 vendor 3 Lowest Vendor Price Low Vendor #
10526 .75 .97 .67 .67 3
10527 .60 .82 .85 .60 1

Thanks for any ideas....

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Queries :: Item Without Price Or Duplicate Price

Jul 29, 2013

I have a table called Books, in that table there is 4 columns ChapterName, Auther, ITEM, Price.

Each book has a item number, and each book has a few records with the same data, just the first column is different where its the ChapterName, each book has a price, but only once, meaning in the first record of each book it will be a price in the column price

Now I want a Query where i can get which book dont have a price at all, and which book has more than once a price, how can i do that?

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Select Smallest Value

Oct 24, 2005

I am a beginner at Access and have tried to search here for help regarding a calculated text field.

I have a problem with a form where I want the smallest of previous values to appear in a text field. I have tried to use the expression builder and iif statements in the control source of the calculated field but I cant make it work. I want to calculate the smallest value for every record, not the smallest value in all records.

Hope someone can help...
Thanks, Sofia.

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Modules & VBA :: Achieve Smallest Possible Number From Among The Largest

Oct 4, 2014

I need to find best combination using Loop to count "NumerOfSheets" To achieve smallest possible number from among the largest. Taking into account additional blocks to allocate. My table before running code looks like

ID Oder Quantity Blocks NumberOfSheets
1 A 350 2
2 B 200 1
3 C 100 1

At the beginning I was using code (I had no additional blocks):

Dim recIn As Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tbl1;"
Set recIn = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
While Not recIn.EOF

[Code] ....

It worked! But now I have new field in my main form "Forms!frmGlowny!FreeBlocks" Where I keep number of blocks to allocate (additional blocks which I can allocate in the column "Blocks"). This filed is count by another code. What is important now, this is positive integer (usually no more than 20). I need find best way to allocate my free blocks. What is best way? - The largest number from "NumerOfSheets" should be as small as possible.

Suppose that this example Forms!frmGlowny!FreeBlocks = 1 (so it's very simple example). So Let's find where I should allocate my 1 free block (I need do it by hand, because I don't have a code:/).

Combination 1

ID Oder Quantity Blocks NumberOfSheets
1 A 350 3 117
2 B 200 1 200
3 C 100 1 100

Combination 2

ID Oder Quantity Blocks NumberOfSheets
1 A 350 2 175
2 B 200 2 100
3 C 100 1 100

Combination 3

ID Oder Quantity Blocks NumberOfSheets
1 A 350 2 175
2 B 200 1 200
3 C 100 2 50

The smallest possible number from among the largest is in the combination No. 2 (because the largest = 175 so it is smallest from all largest numbers of combinations), so now I know that my 1 free block should be added to B order to column "Block". It's very simple example because I have only A;B;C oders and 1 block to allocate. But When I will have e.g orders: A;B;C;D;E;F;G;H and 14 blocks to allocate count by hand will be terrible...

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Whats Your Price?

Jan 2, 2006

After being a member on this site for a while now I would like to get some opinions on "cost of application development" I know the forum covers a wide geographic area and the members cover a wide spectrum of degrees of expertise on Access and application development. So the question is this..What would your rates be and how would you determine your charges for developing Access applications for a business?PS... Please include your location if not in your profile.

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2 Price Fields

Jul 9, 2007


I have a problem which hope will have a simple solution, which has been
driving me mad all day

I have a client who has two prices for the same service depending on speed
of turnaround
These prices are entered into the Client table seperately using the CDetails form.
I then wish to use this information using a combo box for selection within
another form called SDetails.However I can only get the combo box within
SDetails to put one of the two prices rather than either of the two choices,
because of the bound column within the combo.
The combo when pulled down looks something like this

Price 1 Price 2 Client Name

I would prefer for

Price 1
Price 2

so that I have the choice of the price I want to choose.

Having spent time and many brain cells, I have ground myself to a stop.
HELP!!!!!! if only for the sake of my sanity

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Price Lookup

Oct 13, 2007

I am creating a db that handles orders.

My problem is that the products being sold are so at different prices depending on the customer. (e.g I am selling 100 burgers to Mcdonalds for £50 whereas to Burger King I am selling them for £35).

Therefore I have split my 'Products' table into two. A 'Products' table which contains the product name and category. And a second 'Prices' table which contains the Product name, Customer and the price.

I have setup a relationship between the two tables based on product name

How to I go about looking up the different prices depending on which customer I have placed an order for?

can it be done in a table or do I need to create a query to sort it all out.

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Adding Price History

Sep 11, 2005

ok i didnt know what section to put this in so i put it here. what i wanna do is add a price change history to my database. for example is the price of an item is changed in my database i want to be able to see what the previous price was and when it was last changed, either in forms of reports doesnt matter i just need somewhere to view this info. problem is i have no idea where to start.

any help provided is muchly appreciated thanks.

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How To Create A Price List

Jan 18, 2005

Hi all,

Before I start, please know that I am what you call a newbie to a certain extent even though I created in the last 3 years a very complex and efficient database for my business.

This is going to be hard to explain, but I'll try.

The time came to stop creating the Price List in Excel and copy and paste in Access.(mainly to make it easy for other person to maintain and understand)

I know more or less the tables that will need to be created.

My problem is how to store calculated fields in a table (I know I really shouldn't, but how else can I accomplish this), since all the costs and selling prices are the result of complex formulas.

If this information is not enough to understand my question please let me know.

Thank you for any help.

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Tables For Price List?

Jan 22, 2005

Hi all,

I started a new thread, because it is a new subject even though is related to my Price List thread, I hope is OK.

If someone can please take a look at my attached Excel Price List (particulary the factors sheet) and give me an opinion of how my tables should be created.

I cleaned the Price List was too big to attach and it will be easier to be understood, in its entirety is kind of all over the place, exactly why I need to make simpler in Access for another user to update if I am not around.

I am below including what I think the tables should include, but not sure exactly how they should be, please be reminded that I am un unexperienced newbie.






TaxID ------Do I need This?





Thanks for any help,

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Date To Price Relationship Help

Nov 2, 2005

I am building a database in Access which I would like to eventually link to my website in order to sell hotel bookings online. I believe I have set all the fields up properly but when it comes time to set the price I'm lost. Each hotel has about 3-5 different prices throughout the year depending on the date. How can I design a table(s) to accommodate this? Any help is appreciated.

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Extended Price Subform

Feb 5, 2005

I am stuck for a calculation expression for 'extended price' which can be seen in the attached screenshot.

I want to times item price by quantity and deduct the discount.

Thanks. :)

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Two Field For The Price Of One Combo

Sep 5, 2005

I have a combo box which looks up vessel names, it stores the Vessel ID in a field [Vessel ID]. This all works fine, no problem, easy. However as part of the vessel details I also need to know the service the vessel is providing “transhipment” or “direct”. If it is a “transhipment” service I need to show a second Combo box with the on carriage vessels. That’s also easy, I just hide the second combo box and only show it depending on the service status of the vessel.

Now I figure I just need to have a field [Vessel Status] which is updated after the first combo box is updated and then depending on the value show or hide the additional combo box. The problem I’m having is updating the [Vessel Status] field once the first combo box has been update.

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Look Up Price From Another Table On Form

Jun 13, 2006

Ok, having a very beginer problem here (I Think)

Here are my relevant tables:
I have a table called Items which has itemCode (primary key), itemDescription, and price.
I have a table called bidItems which has bidCode (primary key), itemCode (primarykey), and some other info
I have a table called Bids witch has a bidCode (primary key), and a bidDescription

Here is a form that I use to enter data into these tables and (want) to view prices and totals:
I made a form based on the Bid table with a continuose subform based on the bidItems table, with combo boxes that lets you select Items by itemDescription (then it stores itemCode automatically with the correct bidCode)

What I can't figure out how to do is get each item's price to automatically display on the form (remember price is in Items table, not bidItems). I've tried a number of things that havn't worked out.... any ideas. Then, ideally I would like the form to display the total of all the item prices. (if you have a pointer on that as well it would be much appreciated)


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Discount Price Query

May 27, 2006

For an assignment I am required to do the following:

Quote: Use an expression (in field name of design view by using the build button) to create a new field (in Design View of a Query) called "Discount Price" in table "Stock" which is a 25% discount for all stock items from the new inflated price in query B (use expression builder if needed and create it the field name of a query; it will not appear in the table if you try to open the table).

So sorry to bug again. Any ideas or processes on how to go about this would be welcomed

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Last Price Of Month Query?

Apr 1, 2015

We have this database:

It has Symbol on the first column, Date (daily on trading days) on the second and Close on the third.

We want a query that shows the last CLOSE of the month for each symbol and sum the volume of the month.

The query table would be like this:

Date (last date of the month)
Close (last date of the month)
Volume (sum of whole month)

Here's the sample file:


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Obtaining Latest Price Data

Jul 23, 2007


I have a table containing the following fields;

ProductID (UniqueID)

Each day some, but not all, of the products in this table have their prices updated.

When I write a query how can I ensure that the latest price is recalled ?

Any tips greatfully received.

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Price Calculation In Access Like Excel

Dec 11, 2007

Hi all,

Help me solved my problem with price calculation in Access.

Please kindly view below excel file.


I like to do formula price calculation in Access like my sample excel file. How many table should I create & How to build query? Whenever exchange rate change or MarkUp price rate change, I only want to type once & it will affect the whole access.

I have tried so many ways in Access but it doesn’t work like my sample excel file.

Please Help me!!

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Assign A Cost/price Value Toodrop Down Box

Jan 17, 2008

Hi all,

Might be in the wrong place but didnt know it it needed to be in query, form or vb sorry admin.

I need help, what i need is a way of assigning a price too a drop down menu.

Basically its a Form with a number of drop down menus where you can select different varibles colour, finish for a certain product, but theres no method to generate a total cost of selecting different variables.

Do you know of a soloution becuase ive exhausted my capacity!!


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Import Stockquote/ticker Price ....

Sep 15, 2005

how to import stockquote/ticker price directly into a access table, also
if with throu excel or an excel interfcae?

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Newby Link Price Fields

Feb 20, 2006

So I have a table "InventoryTracker", with one field lookup set to list (drop down) and the source is another table "inventory", field "Item". This works good and all the items that I enter in the "inventory" table are available from the "InventoryTracker" table. Both "inventory" and "InventoryTracker" have a field called price.

Heres what I want to have happen.
When I select a item from the drop down list menue in "InventoryTracker" it automatically fills in the "InventoryTracker" price based on the price from the "inventory" table (for the item with the same name, the one I just selected). This has to be fairly straitforward, I can do it in excell, but not acess.

Can anyone help a newby out?:rolleyes:

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Price Based On Latest Date

Oct 28, 2004

Hi guys

I am trying to create a simple database to keep track of computer components that I order for custom PCs. The data is fairly basic Quantity, Description, Stock Code, Delivery Status, Cost, Cost+VAT, Date Delivered. The list is currently 500+ rows of data. I simply cut and paste this info directly from my online invoices.

What I want is to be able find the the last price paid for an item (often the same items have different prices week by week) Eventually I would like to be able to create a rough quote using the latest prices (plus mark up) and also view a price history.

I would also like to include a few pictures as URL links to the suppliers website ????

At present the data is in Excel and linked to a single table in Access (but this can be changed). I realise that I have to group the records somehow but cannot get it to work. At present it lists every record either in date order or product order.

The stock code should not change, but product descriptions do. So any links to pics would be based on stock codes

Someone please tell me how to display the full list of products but only the latest price/date

If you think the current format is rubbish then feel free to suggest an alternative. I much prefer Excel but have never really got to grips with Access (used to be a vba programmer with Excel). To link to pictures and hide data that customers might see Access seems the obvious choice. So I try again!!!!!



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Calculating Quantity * Price In Table PLEASE HELP

Oct 11, 2006

I am having trouble calculating a field in a table and on a form.
I have the following Tables
CUSTOMER: Customer No, Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Discount, Phone, Fax, Contact Person.
ORDER: Customer No, Order No, Order-Date, Delivery-Date.
ORDER LINE: Order No, Product No, Quantity Ordered,
PRODUCT: Product No, Description, Price, Product Image.

I need to calculate the line-item cost and need it to update every time the user enters a new Quantity ordered on the ORDER LINE form.
I know its (Quantity Ordered*Price)-(Price*Discount) and I did this is a query and it worked but I need it to update in the form and update in the table not the query. I have tried everything (Macros, Queries, and Formulas) and I just can not get it to work.
Does anyone know how to do this?

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Queries :: Price Not Rounding Up Correctly?

Aug 22, 2013

I seem to be having some trouble with my unit price. Its not round up correctly.

I currently have this :

Extended Price: CCur(Nz([Quantity]+[QuantityToFollow],0)*[UnitPrice]*(1-[Discount]))

Which comes to £45.74, but the actually price should be £45.72. Its some how rounding up. I think. My current unit price is £7.62 however Access seems to think it is £7.6241.

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Modules & VBA :: Find Price For Given Month?

Aug 20, 2014

I have a table of upcoming price increases by item / valid from date

Item Price ValidFrom
1234 10 01/01/2014
1234 20 01/06/2014
3456 15 01/01/2014
3456 25 01/06/2014
3456 35 01/01/2015

I also have a table of upcoming sales

Item Month Qty Price
1234 Feb 14 20 ????
1234 July 14 30 ????
3456 Sept 14 25 ????

How do I calculate the correct price in a query

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How To Add All Time Max Price Calculated Field

Sep 2, 2014

Say we have a table like the following, with hundreds of symbols:



and we need to add the ALLTIMEMAX column. This is the MAX CLOSE price for the symbol on SYMBOL till the date on DATE.I think that if we can take the first CLOSE for each symbol, then for the following date wed just need to check if the new CLOSE is bigger than the previous. If it is, use it and if not, just keep the old one.

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