Numbering Records

May 11, 2005

Hi I obviously have a table with records in it sorted in assending order. What I need is to know how to make it add into one of the table fields the number it is in the table. IE

Name Time Position Number
Mr Jones - 12:30 - 1
Mr Evans - 12:45 - 2

So if i added 12:35 it would change mr evans position number to 3 and make the new record position number 2.

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Numbering Records In Query

Aug 11, 2005

Hello, I have a question. I don't really know much about access, but I am really comforatable with SQL (DB2 and MySQL Programmer). Anyways, I was wondering if there is any way to do the following in SQL.

I have a Students Table that holds the names of students, an applications table that holds different applications, and an offers table that holds offers for the different applications.

The relationships for the tables are :
One Student Has Many Applications, One Application has Many Offers

IE: One Application can have up to three offers attached to it. I have the following query running to get all of the offers for all students in a specified term:

SELECT DISTINCT Offers.tblStudentProgCodeFK, Names.StudentID, Names.FName, Names.LName, (Offers.Code), tblPrograms.ProgName, Names.[Country Of Birth], Offers.[OCAS Number]
FROM qryApplications_Offers AS Offers, [Names], tblPrograms, (SELECT DISTINCT StartingDate, EndingDate FROM StartDates WHERE Term LIKE "*"+[Forms]![frmSelector]![Term]+"*") AS B
WHERE (Names.StudentID = Offers.StudentID AND (tblPrograms.ProgCode = Offers.Code OR Offers.Code=0) )
(Offers.StartDate BETWEEN B.StartingDate AND B.EndingDate);

What I was wondering is if there is any way to add a field in the output that would number the selections. Right now it returns a table like:

tblFK StdID Code
34440 20394 0112
34440 20394 0123
34440 20394 0234
34234 25847 0100
47364 34857 0111
47364 34857 0311

I would like to do something like this:

tblFK StdID Code Choice
34440 20394 0112 0
34440 20394 0123 1
34440 20394 0234 2
34234 25847 0100 0
47364 34857 0111 0
47364 34857 0311 1

Where the choice column would count the choice for that student. Is this even possible? There is no choice number in the Applications or Offers table so I would need to do this in the query....

Any help would be appreciated

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Numbering The Subform's Records

Mar 23, 2006

Dear All,

Maybe my question is not too difficult.

I have a form-subform structure and my aim is to number certain records of the subform. These records would contain value: 1,2,...
And when changing the record on the main form, the subform's record should have the values 1,2,... again.
(These values are shown on the bottom of the subform, where we can step the subform's record.)

If I use an autonumber field, the numbering goes continously.

Please help me!

Thanks you in advance.


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Sequentially Numbering The Records In A Query

Jan 27, 2006

I need to add a column to a sorted query which effectively numbers from 1 to N. It is intended as a ranking field for later statistical analysis.

I can do this manually by saving the query as a table, then introducing a new autonumber field.

However, I need to do this automatically, as this is just one query out of many in a large and complex setup. Is it possible to add an autonumber field to a query?

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Modules & VBA :: Numbering Of Records Within Groups

Jul 4, 2013

I have a table with two fields like this:

F1 F2
110 1
110 1
111 1
111 1
111 1
112 1
112 1

I need to change the number in F2 like this

F1 F2
110 1
110 2
111 1
111 2
111 3
112 1
112 2

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Numbering Records Automatically In Report

Oct 16, 2013

I would like to know how to code a report to add row numbering automatically?

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Queries :: Numbering Records By Group In A Query

Jun 2, 2013

I have a database with numerous nutrient lab values per food item and zero to 20 tests per food item; some 600 food items

I want to select the last 5 tests per food item which should be no problem using the "TOP " type statement.

After I have the "TOP 5" record I would like to create another field to number each record automatically with in the query so I can run a cross tab query to display these records 1 thru 5.

Is that possible?

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Table With Several Records - Automate Numbering In Form

Feb 8, 2013

I have a table with 3500 records with following fields : Id_number, Num , Name , Address,.

This table used for store customer data .

My job is print 10 record randomly by customer arrival . I made this by use num field and put number manually, example I put 1 ,2 , 3 .... Till 10 , so for print i made criteria , I put 1 and 10 . Problem is because more and more customer is coming , I got confuse to put number manually . are there any way to get it automatic ?

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General :: Auto Numbering Records In Continuous Form

Oct 15, 2012

If I want to arrange records sequentially in a report I would do the following:

From the Toolbox (Access 1 - 2003) or the Controls group of the Design ribbon (Access 2007 and later), add a text box for displaying the number.

Select the text box, and in the Properties Window, set these properties:

Control Source =1 Running Sum Over Group...

How can I sequentially arrange records on a continuous form?

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Tables :: Adding 1000 Semi Blank Records With Sequential Numbering

May 21, 2013

I've received a database that is a digitized population register from the 19th century. All adults have been entered into the database, but all children are missing.

Every person has a unique number that corresponds with the original source (this variable is called 'no', this is not the autonumber primary key thing). Instead of searching in the original source which numbers are still missing, I would like to add the missing numbers (with no additional information, because I still need to type that in).

For example, the table now looks like this:

no - name_last - name_first - occupation etc

1 Smith Henry baker
2 Smith Mary
5 Williams John butcher
6 and so on

So 3 and 4 are missing.

How can I add these missing numbers automatically?

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Feb 25, 2008


I have one main table containing most data, that table stores data which is identifies by a unique ID (currently 1-96000), there is also an issue number, I need another numbering system per issue (so you could have issue 166, record 26), any ideas?

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Apr 27, 2006

Is it possible to do the following?

I have a column with a heading EventNo.
The Event number must be 06-00000 The first 2 digits is the year.

In the Input Mast I have - 00/-00000 and the Default value set as 06-00000

How can I set it up so it can go to 07-00000,08-00000 and so on for next years? The Event number must start at 00001 every year.

It will be impossible to change the default value every year.

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Numbering 00001

Mar 13, 2006

Is there a way I can number records like 00001 , 00002 ...... 00100 .. . .. ..

I want to alot batch nombers to production lots . so the batch number should look like 000001 and not just 1.

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Numbering In A Query

May 5, 2006

I want to distribute certain materials (found in a query) to several warehouse locations in a sequential order.

So the first found material needs to be put in warehouse location 001,
the second found material needs to be put in warehouse location 002,

How can I number the lines in a query?

I don’t want to run a create-table-query with an auto number field because the warehouse locations are limited and every time the query runs the numbering has to start at 001.

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Sequential Numbering

Apr 3, 2007

Shall be grateful for clarifications for these two :

1. I have two fields - TheYear (set to take the current year) and another for sequential numbering. In fact I created this to replace the autonumber field. As suggested by a member I created a Generate button with the criteria as under

Private Sub Generate_Click()
If IsNull(Me![NumFld]) Then
Me![NumFld] = Format(Nz(DMax("[NumFld]", "[DiaryTable]", "[TheYear]='" & Year(Date) & "'"), 0) + 1, "00000")
End If
Me![NumFld] = Format([NumFld], "00000")

End Sub

It works fine. and when the year is changed, the numbering starts from 1 again. My question is how do I make it to auto generate the number so that the user doesnt have to click the Generate button everytime to get the number. Suggestions please.

2. Is it possible to change this sequential numbering midway i.e. to start from a different number and increment by one?

Grateful for help

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Auto Numbering....

Aug 2, 2007

We have a part numbering system that is currently like this, 11Y22 where 22 increments by one until it gets to 99 where it then goes back to 0, once it goes to 0 the letter increments to Z in this case, now once the last three characters get to Z99, then the 11 gets incremented eg, 11Z99 will become 12A00. Hope that is clear :)

My question is, can this system be implemented into the auto numbering in Access?:confused:

Thanks in advance


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Auto Numbering.....again

Aug 3, 2007

Is it possible to start auto numbering from a number other than 0? Say 2000 for example.

Thanks in advance


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Row (record) Numbering

May 28, 2005

Hi there
I'm sure that this must be easy, so go gently on an old codger!
I have a query for which I wish to add another field containing a running total of the number of records produced by the query (after all sorting etc.).

In other words, if my query produces n records, that new field would contain the value 1 in the first record, 2 in the next and so on to n.

Any ideas would be much appreciated

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Numbering Groups

Jan 8, 2008

I have created a work order application, and the process is that it takes total number ordered of an item, divides it by a factor, and then prints x number of work orders, example qty ordered 300 = 5 work orders, 4@72 and 1@12, my question is, now I want to appended the work order number with a count number, example wo555-1, wo555-2 and so on, grouping on the work order number, so each work order start again at 1. I am stumped, can anyone help.

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About Auto-Numbering

Feb 2, 2005

can I make a field that can auto-number which the format that I want??

As I know that there is two format for auto-number
but I don't like them

I want to number my own format


XXX is the category number that would be selected in the form connecting to table
YYYYMM is the date year and month
ZZZZ is another auto numbering

Can I do so

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Numbering In An Query

Aug 30, 2004

I would like to create an expression that would number each item in sequential order in a query .
I cannot use autonumber on the table because I am pulling it from SQL and do not have clearance to change the actual tables.
I have been searching through this forum for the last 2 hours and have not come across anything similar to this, so I hope I'm not covering a topic that has already been covered.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


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Auto Numbering

Sep 28, 2004

How do I get a auto Number to start a 1001?


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Automatic Numbering

Oct 13, 2004

Hi I am a newbie on here!!!!! Anyways, now that I got that out of the way.... I need help on my Access Database. Hopefully this isn't a stupid question..... I would like to have one of my cells in my form to automatically count from 1000-9999 when I go to the next form. when it hits 9999, I need it to start over, but not delete any of the previous entries that I have in there. Anyone willing to help me out?

Greatly Appreciated, I am sure I will have more questions!!!

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Numbering Invoices

Jul 11, 2006

I have a report that produces invoices and gets its data from a multi-table based query. The query has multiple lines for each customer and the report groups and totals them. How can I have the invoices numbered sequentially? Any help please?

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Sequential Numbering With A Difference!

Oct 12, 2005

I have an existing table with a field labelled Job Number (17 Job Numbers). Each month I import a new table and match each record via another field (serial number). For each new record, one or many, I want to attach a sequential Job Number. In this example the new job numbers need to start at 18 then 19 etc. How is this possible? I am fairly new to Access so please be gentle!. Cheers

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Numbering Starting At 4000

Feb 20, 2007

I have a form to enter RMA data. I need to start my numbering at 4000 without using an autonumber. The ID field is text and cannot be changed. The Customer_Order table is a linked table. A letter is going to be added infront of the ID depending what the user chooses from a combobox. The letter(R,A,C) signifies what type of transaction it is. Here is an example -


Currently there are about 100,000 records in the database but none with an ID between 4000 and 10000. The majority of the records have a letter preceeding the number. Any ideas on how to start numbering at 4000?

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