Online Entry To DB - Views On Flat File (CSV)

Feb 13, 2007

Hi Guys,

Does anyone have any experience of writing to an Access database via Web.

Do you think it is feasible, for an online entry form, to have 'customers' input their details or wahtever, then this info is sent to some sort of flat file?CSV is it called?

Then the admin can check these, then import to DB quite easily?

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Relational Structure To Flat Excel File?

Jul 17, 2007

Hope someone can help with this.

Basically we have an Access database with a main table, and several linked tables, joined on a unique ID.

For example :

tblFeatures :



So each feature can have many categories in a one-to-many relationship.

What I have a requirement to do is to pull that out as a flat file in Excel, ie

FeatureID, FeatureName, Category1, Category2

What's the best way to go about this?


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General :: Programmatically Importing Flat File Comma Delimited To Access Database

Feb 4, 2013

I have one Access Database and i want to import the flat file coming from Cisco Phone Logs, its a comma delimited that contains the column names in the first row, and in the second row, its the data type, then the succeeding rows contains the data of the logs which are in Comma separated values, I want to put it to my created table programmatically,I used Docmd.TransferText but this will not let me define the row which i wanted to start at row 3.

DoCmd.TransferText acImportDelim, , "tblImportTextFiles", Me.txt_SelectedDirectory & "/" & Me.lst_FilesInDirectory, -1

Attached is the text file i received from Cisco Call Log Applications.

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Which View Do You Use - Flat Or Threaded?

May 16, 2005

How have you set up this forum? To view as a threaded view or as a flat list?

Poll is attached.

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Joining Flat Tables

May 7, 2014

simple join my Main Data Compiling Table and Secondary Table Delete from Main Data table (Located Under main Content Tables). Basically I want it to run like a flat data table which I cannot do because I have too many fields. I want ability to further expand it in the future.Somehow I need a one to one relationship with Referential Integrity enforced with cascade Update Related fields and Cascade Delete Related fields. Problem lies in it tries to create a one too many relationship.Both Main1ID and Main2ID are AutoNumber with Main One being primary key.

I have created a tabbed Navigation Form to show what is currently happening the first Tab is from Client Demographic Form generated by fields from Main Data Compiling Table and Second from Floral Information Form generated by fields from Secondary Table Delete From Main Data Table.

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Importing Flat Spreadsheet Into Normalized DB

Nov 29, 2004

So I’ve been assigned to develop a database in Access which will house information on students who are participating in an internship program sponsored by my employer. I was given a spreadsheet with roughly 40 columns, so it is pretty detailed info about the students. For example personal student info (DOB, email, phone, etc), as well as school, major, year rank, school address, permanent address, etc.

Importing this given table is easy, just by using the import wizard. However I am faced with a challenge. The info I have is up to date at this point however in years to come there will be a need to import new student info. The only way my employer wants that to be done is by taking the new excel spreadsheet and importing that data into the already created database. Now this wouldn't be a problem if the DB is one flat, non-normalized, table because the columns would line up. However I feel that the DB needs to be normalized because of the vast amount of data that is repetitive, such as State or Major.

Is there a way to import an excel sheet into an existing normalized access database? Or even a way to automate it so that the excel columns would be broken up into the separate corresponding normalized tables?


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Concatenate Text From Flat TXT Files

Jun 15, 2007

I receive reports formatted as a .txt (flat) file.
Problem: I have to develop a process to manage the .txt files so the data can be separated into its own fields. The layout of the output is as follows:

Date Time User Status Customer Name ID#

06/04/07 15:51 MRF C PTRSNEEO,TBYET L 01234567
Closed By:MRF acvd per xx adv xx of prices on her xxxx XYZASSX
90/90ds &2.15 UTZXLPIES EX CCC 100XX 90/09ds &2.15
TYERLXP 0.125XX (TPSDTRM) 90/90ds &2.15 MNTYIMPS
90/90ds &2.15 XYZCNITSASLS TTT 20XX n/s gave # to
call back mrf

1) The layout of the flat .txt file does not allow it to be parsed vertically.
I.e. Vertically: Date and Time overlap the Secondary User information.
The User initials are not aligned. Customer Name is directly over the documentation text and of a different string length.

When I try to "cut" the data by the main sections into columns (Date / Time / User / Status / Customer Name / ID#) to import into Access the text in the documentation fields is "cut" into those sections as well.

I want to be able to reconstruct the text sections that are split apart into a single "cell" that can be exported to Excel or used within Access.

2) Also, some records have 1 line of text, others 2...up to 8. Each individual line of text ends up in its own cell. How can I "code" Access to read to the end of the last line of text (last cell) of the record and then concatenate the text in those cells into one continuous string of text in a single cell?

At the end of each record in the report there is a space separating the records.

I realize this is long and complicated, but am lost and the volume of this type of work is increasing. Requests to IS to change the output of the system reports is low priority so I am stuck. Thank you for any help you may provide.

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Queries :: How To Make Hierarchical Structure For Flat Table

Jun 23, 2013

I have 5 tables with below design

Table 1 : Docid (pk),DocNo

Table 2: Transid (pk),Transmittal No

Table 3: Docid (fk to table1),TransID(fk to table2)

Table 4: TransmittatoConID(PK), TransmittaltoCon

Table 5: Docid(fk to table 3),transID(FK to table3), TransmittatoConID(PK)
�combine fields�

I have made a query from top tables that returns the below data

DocNo TransmittalNo TransmittaltoCon

Doc-0001 tt-0002 con-0005

Doc-0005 tt-0002 con-0003

Doc-0001 tt-0002 con-0007

Now I like to make a query with adding new fields (parent) , (position) that shows

hierarchical structure of the fields

level 1 is (Doc No) level 2 is (Transmittal No) and level 3 is (TransmittaltoCon) ,


1 0 0 DOC-0001 2 1 0 TT-0002 3 0 1 DOC-0005 4 1 1 CON-0007 5 3 0 TT-0002 6 5 0 CON-0003

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Forms :: Data Entry Form To Add New Records To Access Database File

Sep 30, 2013

I have a data entry form to add new records to an Access database file called Claims. An auto-incrementing sequence number (SeqNbr) needs to be kept PER YEAR. If the user enters a date the sequence number pertaining to the year of this date needs to be incremented. The first record within a new year of course takes value 1.Records can be added at random for different years.

A simple SQL-statement can be made to determine the new sequence number:SELECT max(Claims.SeqNbr) + 1 from Claims where year(this.value) = year(Claims.EventDate)...this.value meaning the value of the date control in which the user entered the date.I need to return the new sequence number to another field on the form in which also the COMPANY CODE, YYYY and MM from the EventDate, the new sequence number and the USER INITIALS are concatenated.

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Creating Views In Access?

May 11, 2006

hello :)

how can i create a view in access? is it possible using any of the wizards or can i even use the sql coding feature??

is it possible to grant views to users???

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Convert Querys To Views

Nov 2, 2007

Is there a tool that converts Access querys (jet syntax) to sql views and procedures (sql server syntx)?


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Saving Different Datasheet Views

Sep 29, 2005

Hi, can someone tell me if there is a way to save several different datasheet views? I have a large database with many fields. I use forms for data entry, but to view the data I use the table datasheet (so I can see multiple records at a glance). But every time I have to manually move, freeze, and hide columns to get the view I want!! Is there a way to save several different datasheet layouts that I can access the view I want with one click? because I am tired of freezing/hiding columns every single time.

Many thanks

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Forms :: Converting Old Flat Buttons To Newer Rounded Style

Aug 15, 2013

I have Access db's that were originally created in Access 2003, I have upgraded them no problem to accdb and am using them in Access 2010.

When I create a new form and add a button it is rounded/shaded/white/blue etc - looks good.

When I add a button to an existing form, or reformat the existing form buttons (back colour Accent 1, Lighter 40%, Use Theme Yes etc) it remains an old style button (unrounded, solid colour etc).

How to convert old style buttons to new style buttons ..

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Create VIEWS For Access Tables

Jan 20, 2005

Hi Pals,
Is it possible to create VIEWS for access Tables....
If its possible... How its pls ? :confused:

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Creating Views To A MS-Access Table

May 9, 2006

Hi all,

I write a program which is querying some data from a MS-Access database.
The problem here is, that the tablenames contain characters like "/" or "-" and I
do not want to change these names, because I think that the database
structure will be damaged.
To solve this problem I thought of creating a view to the table. I tried creating
this with a SQL statement, but that did not work.
Is there any other possibilty to create a view on a MS-Access table?


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Linking To SQL Server 2000 Views?

Jun 8, 2006

In Access can I link to a SQL Server view? I am currently linking to the
SQL Server tables in my database and don't have any views. But if I can link to views I could give the workgroup permissions in Access to the views, not to the primary tables. This would provide some added security from the user who bypasses my switchboard forms and goes to modify the Access tables directly.

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Removing Built In Form Views

Jan 25, 2005

I am trying to remove the built in form views from access 97. Is it possible to remove the navigational functions of the form while in view mode (ie first record, previous record, search, next record, and last record)? There is also an arrow bar that has no functionality to it placed at the left side of my forms that I would like to get rid of. Is this possible? Thanks for your help!

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Forms :: Two Split Views On The Same Form?

Jan 16, 2015

Is it possible (haven't found a way yet) to have two "split subforms" on a parent form side-by-side? When I try the multiple rows portion of the split view I created as a subform doesn't appear?

Want to have a form when I have search/filter/select record for table 1 (on the left) and table 2 (on the right) with a means in between to create a relationship which has a few parameters.

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ADP Creates Views And Functions Instead Of Stored Procedures

Mar 16, 2007

Just been upsizing an Access DB. It seems to create views and functions for normal select statements and stored procedures are only created for insert or update statements.
As fas as a recent DBA told me, he said that views should be used sparingly as they are not very efficient. Is this the case?

I also don't see why you would create a function when you could use a stored procedure to so the same SELECT statement(s)?

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Forms :: Lock Out Design And Layout Views

Dec 11, 2013

I developed a database for a group and i want to be able to prevent anyone from mucking things up.

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Access Report Views A New Column The Same As A New Page?

Jun 22, 2015

I have run a query that reports the following information. I am using Access 2007

Model (Text)
Start Time (Time)
Step (1-5)

I have a report that is grouped by step and I have Force new page selected for this group. So the idea is that each page will show the models and start times for each step on separate pages.

Since the width of what I am showing is not very wide I want two columns so that when there is too much data the data will just continue in the next column rather than create a new page. This way all the information for each step will be contained on one page.

I am running into problems when there isn't enough data for a given step to fill up the entire first column. Access is placing the next data set (Step #2 for example) in the next column rather than on its own page. Does access view a new column as a new page? I thought that selecting "Force new page" for my group would force a new physical page and not just dump the next data set into the next column.

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Tables :: Connected Views Deliver Incorrect Data

Mar 26, 2014

Front end access 2010, back end SQl-server 2008 R2.I have all talbes and views connected to the server and due to incorrect results I found out, that the views from the server deliver incorrect data.Of course I refreshed the views in the access front end I even deleted them and connected them for new, but the incorrect data, even a different field sequence (!) a certain field there can be two different values: 1 and 2.

If opening the view I can only see 1, on the server the view shows 1 and 2, in the records, whatever is the value.This is not a calulated field.When checking this in a query in access I can select on value 2 (although I cannot see it!!) and I get the correct records but in the field itself the values still show as 1 !!

Same with other values in other fields. When I take the same SQL from the view in a stored procedure and execute is from access I get the correct data!!On both, view and sp I have the same permissions on the server!why views show incorrect data?

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Online Training

Apr 7, 2008

Have any of you ever used some really good online training? I really need to get good with ASP.NET, VB.NET, ADO.NET and SQL 2007 Server ect. I want to do some self pased online training, anyone used a really good service for this?

Thanks you!

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Access Db Online

Sep 24, 2004


I have created a database to track applicants’ eligibility process. Mainly, a Head of Household will call or apply in person for a medical assistance for self or for child #1, child #2 etc. I created two tables tblHeadHouseHold and tblApplicants with a (one-to-many relationships) and, a main form (frmHeadHouseHold) and a subfrom (sfrmApplicants). So far, the database works fine and just recently, I was approached first, to make this database available online, so that applicants can go to a given center (clinic) to fill in the application, and we then pull the application from the office. Second, to add a new field (source of Application) where applicants learn about our program (Friend, School, Doctor, Advertisement, other) to create a ‘Source Report’, how many from friend, how many from school, from Advertisement etc.

I’m using access 2003 and would like to know:
1. What I need to make the existing db available online
2. Given the type of report I need to generate for ‘Source of Application’ shall I use check box, drop downs,
or a lookup table?

Thank you in advance,

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Online Tutorials

Nov 10, 2005

Hey guys,

I was wondering if there are any online tutorials you know of on the subjects of table relationships and normalisation?

Any help would be great


The Yetiboy

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Publishing Your Results Online

Dec 18, 2005

Hello. This is my first post so be kind!

Im currently working on a project which involves taking customers data via MS ACCESS and storing it in a database. Which has in iternet connection. I would like stored data to be available online.

Which would be the best way to go about this?


Just a little confused.

Also had a quick browse round the forum and looks like i might be spending a lot of time here:D

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