Opinion On Job Description

Apr 2, 2008

I was contacted today by a staffing agency and was told that I looked like a good fit for a Data Analyst position. The agency and wanted some more information about my resume and wanted me to email them my references. Next step I would assume would be an interview.

I did want to post the responsibilities of the job and see if other DBAs thought it looked like entry level work. The only thing I know about the company is that they are automotive and pay is under 40K. I have been trying to break into IT for the past few months and this looks like a great opportunity. :) I appreciate your comments.

Scope of Work:

Provide analysis support for the following: reduction of engine warranty costs, improvement of field reliability, identification of root causes, and development of new data systems. Position also monitors and reports effectiveness of actions taken.

Perform data analyses in support of problem-solving teams and management decisions, to include identification of root causes, determination of population(s) affected, failure rate estimates and projections, and estimated warranty impact.

Play a supporting role in the development of new custom-built data systems aimed at informational support of warranty analysis and reducing the time and cost of doing business.

Maintain SQL Server and Access databases of supporting information for reliability analysis to include: warranty claim information, failure modes, product improvements.

Support maintenance of custom warranty analysis software (RAS); includes troubleshooting data issues, updating information tables, and checking validity of system data.
Other Projects as assigned.

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Best Methods- Need Opinion Or Two

Nov 10, 2006


If I just want to display a relationship between two tables or more with a form and a subform, and I don't want the users to edit/delete/add the data - just view it. What is the best way - queries, bound forms etc? I created a form with a subform, but then ran into problems because I don't want them to be updated, only viewed.

Thank you !!!

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Need An Opinion For Best Way To Display Data

Jul 9, 2006

I have a table that contains 4 columns: index (w/ auto generating number), timestamp, current user, and notes. The notes column is a Memo data type and is used to capture free-form notes typed into a text box.

I would like to display all notes typed by a specific user and do it in a single control, preferably a text box. This way someone can look back over time and review all the notes they typed / added to this table. Is it possible to display multiple rows from a table in a single text box or do I need to use a list box?

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Opinion On Design Idea/possibility

Aug 23, 2007

Hello Everyone

I am looking to build and Overtime tracking form and have been pondering on the design of it. Here is my idea and not sure how I should go about doing it (straight forms and tables or queries). I would like to select my employees in a combobox and have their information autofill the remaining fields and/or add new ones. Additionally have fields that I can input any overtime occurred which would be stored in a seperate table but displayed in a sub-form in datasheet view. These fields that were just filled out with the overtime information would clear everytime the add record button is hit.

I know that sounds like alot and sure I can muddle my way through that part of it, the big question I have is do I need a seperate table for every employees overtime? Or is there code/query that can select the records of the selected employee and display the information that pertains just to them?

Has anyone come across or posess a sample database similar to this? If not can someone point me in the right direction for example code and tutorials?

I look forward to hearing from everyone on this.

Thank You


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Opinion Needed On Table Structure

Nov 16, 2004

Hi everyone,

Could someone please share their opinion with me on the following:

I have a database with a Table which stores People's details, e.g. ID, Name, Surname, ...., etc (e.g. tblPeople) .

Now I have people filling out a questionnaire, of which the results I want to save in an Access table. Each person will fill out this questionnaire only once. The number of fields I will need to accomodate the answers to questions asked, is around 120. For example, an answer to Question1 will appear in a field called Q1.
I know that the limit for fields in a table are 255, and my total fields in tblPeople so far are about 20.

Should I keep Q1 and all other fields in the same table as tblPeople, or create another table to hold all answers and create a one-to-one relationship between tblPeople and tblQuestions&Answers ?

Can someone give me a tip, in particular if this will cause performance problems?

I appreciate your effort for reading this.

Kind Regards,


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Need Opinion On Table Structure For Bowling Db

Apr 20, 2006

I have attached a word doc showing my table relationships. I would like an opinion on as to whether it is normalized correctly. It is for a bowling league that has 10 teams and 50 bowlers. The team names, lane assignments will change every year and the bowlers will be on a different team from season to season.
Also the tblScores is set the way it is because some bowlers will show up late or injure themselves so because of the awards that are handed out at the end of the year for high scores, perfect attendance etc. this is how I thought it would work best.
I wanted to make sure before I put all the bells and whistles in. Thanks in advance.


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Opinion Poll ~ Compact/Repair On Server

Aug 9, 2005

I realize that this issue has likely been beaten to death in past threads; my recent participation in one brought this issue to light.

Can I get a general feeling from participants concerning the dangers involved in the practice of compacting and repairing databases on a server? I greatly respect the advice I get from these forums, and those who give it, however there seems to be some disagreement between people on this issue.

If there is a danger of loosing records, why does this occur? Are there versions of Access where these problems are solved? Do you think that frequency of use, or volume of data have anything to do with the risks?

Thank you all!


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Need Your Opinion - Store/retrieve Word And Excel Files In Access 2003

Sep 4, 2007

Folks I need your help; just wanted to get your opinions here.

I work in a small engineering group and we have lots of reference documents in word and excel which we typically use for any projects. Currently, all these files are stored in Lotus Notes database. Unfortunately, they are pulling the plug on Notes license starting this fall. Therefore, I have been asked to see if there is a way we can store these files in Access as a repository and query the database whenever we need some information.

In order to avoid the database size getting too big, my thought was to store the .xls/.doc files as an “OLE object” data type, keep the files in local hard drive and create a link in a form to give the user to retrieve the information.

Do any of you have any suggestion on what is the best way to handle this?

Your input is highly appreciated.


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Help Designating A Description To A Value...

Dec 11, 2006

I have a scheduling unit that associates a number to a particular name.

In this example Break=66 and Lunch=76.

What I would like to do is setup something that will tell me "which break". Like "Break 1" and "Break 2"

Here is what I have to work with:

Emp# ID# Code StartMin Desc
6666 5555 66 870 Break
6666 5555 76 1005 Lunch
6666 5555 66 1150 Break

I tried this thinking it might designate it based on the StartMin:

Desc: IIf([Code]=66 And First([StMin]),"Break 1",IIf([Code]=66 And Last([StMin]),"Break 2","Lunch"))

However this still just shows each as "Break 1". Any ideas would be great. Thanks.

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Appending To End Of Line Description

Feb 16, 2007

I am wondering if it is possible to use a wildcard in an update query. I would like to add text (the same word) to the end of the line item description where the starting text values are different.

want to add Quantum

beginning value is:Trendsetter II -> new output value would be "Trendsetter II Quantum"

Lotem 800 -> Lotem 800 Quantum
8up -> 8up Quantum

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Connect Rate With Description.

Feb 10, 2005

I was wondering if it would be possible to type in a description eg.(Days, nights, O.T.,ect.) and have excell automatically insert the rate I specify into another cell.

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Link Item ID And Description

Nov 19, 2012

I am new to access and I am trying to build an inventory management in access.

I have a table with all the inventory and has the following form:

Item ID - Description - Quantity

Item Id is used and in other tables (which are linked to basic inventory table), and I want to add and the column "description".

But I would like when I am typing item Id to autoshow the description. Is it possible?

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Description Of Form Building Tools?

May 31, 2006

Could someone please give me a link or place to find a descreption of all the "More Tools" that you can use when building a form. If I had a list I could pick what is best for my database and explain things better to management...thanks.

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Option Button Description Table

Nov 13, 2007

Option Button Description table

I would like to create a table containing description value of my option button group.

This is my description table:
1Lenke 1
2Lenke 2
3Lenke 3
4Lenke 4
5Lenke 5
6Lenke 6

And this is my table containing selected option from the form:

How can I associate description with the selected options?

Many thanks,


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Fetching A Reports Description Property

Jul 5, 2005

I have list box of reports in a form and when selected i want to write the reports description propterty to a textbox.

I modified an example i found posted someplace (can't recall where) and it worked great - just like this (see below).

Then I put it into another database (exact same tables, form and and queries) and if there is a description in the query property it will always give me the error "Type mismatch".

The only difference I can see is that the working example db had the following References selected:
Visual Basic For Applications
Microsoft Access 9.0 Object Library
Microsoft DAO 3.6 Oject Library
... in that order.

My database where it is not working has selected:
Visual Basic For Applications
Microsoft Access 9.0 Object Library
OLE Automation
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Library
Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library

Is there a better way to fetch this property?
Or is there a setting I need to change - keeping in mind that changing these settings may cause the rest of my db to fail now...

Thanks A lot for any help you can give.

Function ReportDescription(ReportName As Variant) As String
On Error GoTo Err_ReportDescription
Dim db As Database
Dim con As Container
Dim doc As Document
Dim prp As Property
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set con = db.Containers("Reports")
Set doc = con.Documents(ReportName)
Set prp = doc.Properties("description")

ReportDescription = prp.Value
Exit Function

If Err.Number = 3270 Then
ReportDescription = "There is no description for this Report"
Resume Exit_ReportDescription
MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_ReportDescription
End If
End Function

Private Sub lstReports_Click()
Me!txtReportDesc = ReportDescription("rpt" & Me!lstReports)
'Me!txtReportDesc = ReportDescription(Me!lstReports)
End Sub

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Forms :: How To Add Description Of A Field In Form

Jul 7, 2014

I am new to Access but I worked with data and database before (but not with Access...). I am currenty trying to set up a database where multiple users will have to enter the data.

What I am struggling with is how to customize the form. I would like to make the form as easy as possible so that other users can easily enter the data. For example, how can I add the Description of the field in the form? Suppose the FieldName is Country, the Data Type numeric and the description is "List countries the study was conducted in" how can I make sure this appears in the form?I have used textbox under Form>Format but it does not seem to work: the textbox remains empty!

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Tables :: Combo Box - How To Get Description To Appear In The Table

Sep 9, 2013

I have a combo box in a form that is used to populate one of the columns in a table. How do I get the description to appear in the table instead of the primary key?

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Update TxtBox With Combobox Description And Not ID?

Jun 7, 2014

I have a form that has a combobox and a field text. If i select any value in combobox i want to update the txtBox but not with the ID of the selection. I need to get the description of the combobox selection which is essentially the Column 2.

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Queries :: Display Field Description In Query

Dec 18, 2013

Basically, some clever soul has used coded fieldnames but then added a description telling you what the field contains, and I need to return this description.

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General :: Combo Box Not Return Description To Table

Feb 20, 2015

My combo boxes are not returning the actual combo box values back to my table, instead in the table it is displaying the combo box data list number i.e 1,2,3,1,5,1 etc where it should be displaying a property address.

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Forms :: Unable To Select Description Field

Mar 19, 2015

I have a split form, populated with my DVD movies, with the datasheet on the left. On the right I have 3 fields. Title Movie Type and Movie Description. All are enabled. But, today I was unable to select the Description field. I would click in it but the cursor would not enter to field. I needed to select another field and the then I was able to select Description. I was able to select the field programmatically. I needed to find a form from a backup and replace it.

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Tables :: Using Access Table Description Attribute

Feb 18, 2013

I am using Access 2010. I have many tables that are downloaded from SAP into Access.

Within each table structure are the following standard Access attributes: Field Name Data Type Description

When I create a query I add the Field Name from the table nothing earth shattering here. But, in addition or instead of Field Name, I want to use the Description attribute. Mostly because the SAP field names are acromyms in German and are useless to the untrained eye. Please see attachment as an example.

Is there a way either using VBA or some special SQL language in any query I write to show me the Description instead of or in addition to the Field Name?

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Queries :: Return Description Value Relating To PO Table Value

Feb 10, 2014

I have 3 tables joined as attached and Im trying to use the PO from the PO_Detail table to display the Description from the Material_Req Table. The two values are linked as the description in the Material_Req Table is for the PO in the PO_Detail table but I just cant get the results to show this.

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General :: Access Object Property Description

Dec 14, 2012

I'm working on a query that lists all the queries in an Access database, and I would like the query to show the object description which is displayed when you right-click an object and display the object's properties. For queries, this is a text box just below the query name in the properties window.

So far, all I have is:

SELECT ID, Name FROM mSysObjects;

I would like to have something like:

SELECT ID, Name, Description FROM mSysObjects;

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Adding A Prefix To Existing Description In Project Table

Apr 17, 2012

How to add a prefix to an existing description in a project table, generated from the project number. Here's a sample of my data:

01200000 Completed Projects
01601530 Steele Sub

I would like the Descriptions to read:
01200000 MO-20 Completed Projects
01601530 MO-60 Steele Sub

The state, "MO," comes from the first two digits "01" and the coop, "60," comes from the second two digits. I have a table of a thousand or so projects in an Access database that I need to amend the descriptions of to include these prefixes. Is there a simple way to do this in Access or in Excel without writing code?

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Status Bar Not Showing Field Description When Add Or Edit Data?

Apr 26, 2013

When editing a record in Access 2003, the status bar would show the value of each field's description from the table design grid. Is there a way to get Access 2010 to do the same?

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